gruppi + o - famosi....canzoni epiche o piccole perle

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    ╬ 666 oıuoɯǝp 666 ╬
    • Jul 2003
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    gruppi + o - famosi....canzoni epiche o piccole perle

    Mi piacerebbe creare un 3d nel quale mettere quele canzoni che pur essendo notevoli sono passate inosservate negli anni a causa di gruppi poco conosciuti o distribuiti male...che però meriterebbero di stare nell'olimpo.

    comincio con un mio cavallo di battaglia:

    ---------- Post added at 19:33:06 ---------- Previous post was at 19:32:02 ----------

    1. At The Gallows End

    Sunrise I greet you, the beauty of your light
    so warm and tender was never the night
    In tears I see you, the last time it will be
    so give me your blessing, I'll meet my destiny
    No rest for the Sinner
    Hypnos refused me my sleep
    This was the last night of my life
    with wine I pondered on my deeds
    I drank to the devil with servants
    It's good with a friend where you go
    No one would share my last chalice
    So I drink to the ones that I know

    Ring brother, ring for me
    Ring the bells of hope and faith
    Ring for my damnation
    I am at the gallows end

    With sad emotions, I sing this epitaph
    my swansong, my headstone, the farewell of my heart
    The hills of Tyburn, up where the gallows stand
    only the vultures will come to see me hang

    Behold the sight of my Golgatha
    the gallows enlightened by the moon
    proud of his art are the carpenter
    his creation a tool for my doom

    I am the outcast no winner
    I am the fallen the one
    that lived all his life as a sinner
    The Tempter has called me his son

    Soon it is time the dark has now fled
    and I see the place for my death
    the priest he will pray for my lost soul
    I'm sure he's wasting his time

    A sinner, a fool or a devil
    or just a victim of life
    It's no fun to burn in hell's fire
    but I sure have enjoyed my life

    Ring brother, ring for me
    Ring the bells of hope and faith
    Ring for my damnation
    I am at the gallows end
    Originariamente Scritto da Gandhi
    Ma perché devo subire questi insulti gratuiti da dr.morte e Thebeast ? Bah, non avete altro di meglio da fare ?
    Originariamente Scritto da Gandhi
  • bleedeyes
    Bodyweb Advanced
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    che ne pensi di questa?


    • DR. MORTE
      ╬ 666 oıuoɯǝp 666 ╬
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      ovviamente non solo metal o un genere nello genere....chiaramente io sono un rockettaro metallaro e sono influenzato.

      ---------- Post added at 05:56:14 ---------- Previous post was at 05:54:58 ----------

      ---------- Post added at 05:58:31 ---------- Previous post was at 05:56:14 ----------

      Somewhere in time.

      So what can I tell you
      If life's the length of this play
      Perhaps God gave the answers
      To those with nothing to say

      The years are forgiven
      If God's forgiving and kind
      Perhaps we'll all find the answers
      Somewhere in time
      Somewhere in time

      I've been changing
      All the things I thought I knew
      So long ago
      When I was flying
      Through the years that seem so far away

      In the back of a reason
      In the back of my mind
      Where I've piled up the seasons
      That I've traded for time

      I've been grasping at rainbows
      Hanging on till the end
      But the rain is so real lord
      And the rainbows pretend
      The rainbows pretend

      I've been changing
      All the things I thought I knew
      So long ago
      When I was flying
      Through the years
      That seem so far away


      So after all these one night stands
      You've ended up with heart in hand
      A child alone
      On your own
      Regretful for the things you're not
      And all dreams you haven't got
      Without a home
      A heart of stone
      Lies bleeding

      And for all the roads you followed
      And for all you did not find
      And for all the things you had to leave behind

      I am the way
      I am the light
      I am the dark inside the night
      I hear your hopes
      I feel your dreams
      And in the dark
      I hear your screams
      Don't turn away
      Just take my hand
      And when you make your final stand
      I'll be right there
      I'll never leave
      All I ask of you
      Your childhood eyes were so intense
      While bartering your innocence
      For bits of string
      Grown-up wings
      You needed

      But when you had to add them up
      You found that they were not enough
      To get you in
      Pay for sins repeated

      And for all the years you borrowed
      And for all the tears you cried
      And for all the fears you had to keep inside

      I am the way
      I am the light
      I am the dark inside the night
      I hear your hopes
      I feel your dreams
      And in the dark
      I hear your screams
      Don't turn away
      Just take my hand
      And when you make your final stand
      I'll be right there
      I'll never leave
      And all I ask of you is
      Originariamente Scritto da Gandhi
      Ma perché devo subire questi insulti gratuiti da dr.morte e Thebeast ? Bah, non avete altro di meglio da fare ?
      Originariamente Scritto da Gandhi


      • centos
        Bad Lieutenant
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        solo strumentale
        forse non sconosciuta ma troppo poco conosciuta


        • DR. MORTE
          ╬ 666 oıuoɯǝp 666 ╬
          • Jul 2003
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          Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

          molto conosciuto in dei migliori chitarristi italiani....talentuoso. visto ben 2 concerti e 2 autografi ;-)
          Originariamente Scritto da Gandhi
          Ma perché devo subire questi insulti gratuiti da dr.morte e Thebeast ? Bah, non avete altro di meglio da fare ?
          Originariamente Scritto da Gandhi


          • Harvest
            Bodyweb Advanced
            • Feb 2010
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            Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

            Testo e musiche da far venire i brividi, letteralmente

            How I needed you
            How I grieve, now you're gone
            In my dreams I see you
            I awake so alone

            I know you didn't want to leave
            Your heart yearned to stay
            But the strength I always loved in you
            Finally gave way

            Somehow I knew you would leave me this way
            Somehow I knew you could never never stay
            And in the early morning light
            After a silent peaceful night
            You took my heart away
            And my being

            In my dreams I can see you
            I can tell you how I feel
            In my dreams I can hold you
            And it feels so real

            I still feel the pain
            I still feel your love
            I still feel the pain
            I still feel your love

            And somehow I knew you could never never stay
            And somehow I knew you would leave me
            And in the early morning light
            After a silent peaceful night
            You took my heart away
            oh I wish, I wish you could have stayed
            "Повторение мать учения"



            • bleedeyes
              Bodyweb Advanced
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              • Harvest
                Bodyweb Advanced
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                Originariamente Scritto da bleedeyes Visualizza Messaggio
                Belli! Qualche info in più su questo gruppo? Album da consigliare?
                "Повторение мать учения"



                • DR. MORTE
                  ╬ 666 oıuoɯǝp 666 ╬
                  • Jul 2003
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                  i pezzi di x ray dog sarebbero adatti anche x una routine....
                  Originariamente Scritto da Gandhi
                  Ma perché devo subire questi insulti gratuiti da dr.morte e Thebeast ? Bah, non avete altro di meglio da fare ?
                  Originariamente Scritto da Gandhi


                  • Dorian00
                    secco, ma sarcoplasmatico
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                    gruppo italiano, ci sono loro canzoni più belle ma non si trovano sul tubo:

                    Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

                    e questi:

                    Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

                    Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

                    e i manowar se si parla di epic non possono mancare:

                    Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

                    Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

                    Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.


                    • Rik_the_Dog
                      Il Furiano
                      • Feb 2007
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                      L'assolo di violino è da pelle d'oca

                      Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.


                      • bleedeyes
                        Bodyweb Advanced
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                        Originariamente Scritto da Harvest Visualizza Messaggio
                        Belli! Qualche info in più su questo gruppo? Album da consigliare?
                        Hanno fatto qualcosa come 40 album, direi che gli ultimi sono più che ottimi.

                        agevolo altro gruppo:

                        ascoltatela almeno fino a 1.30 che esplode

                        aggiungo questa

                        Last edited by bleedeyes; 07-05-2011, 17:48:20.


                        • Rik_the_Dog
                          Il Furiano
                          • Feb 2007
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                          Two Steps from Hell li uso anche in allenamento, tanta roba


                          • DR. MORTE
                            ╬ 666 oıuoɯǝp 666 ╬
                            • Jul 2003
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                            • TORINO
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                            Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.


                            ---------- Post added at 18:24:54 ---------- Previous post was at 18:21:20 ----------

                            hendrix fu in lui...

                            ---------- Post added at 18:26:05 ---------- Previous post was at 18:24:54 ----------

                            qui in studio....con un po' di gnocca

                            ---------- Post added 09-05-2011 at 05:29:34 ---------- Previous post was 08-05-2011 at 18:26:05 ----------

                            Originariamente Scritto da Gandhi
                            Ma perché devo subire questi insulti gratuiti da dr.morte e Thebeast ? Bah, non avete altro di meglio da fare ?
                            Originariamente Scritto da Gandhi


                            • all_S_stYle
                              • Mar 2009
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                              Paradise di Stradovarius

