Cardio igniter top secret nutrition

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    ¤Water Coconut Moderator¤
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    Cardio igniter top secret nutrition

    volevo mettervi a conoscenza del prodotto, che risulta essere un ottimo prodotto sotto tutti i punti di vista..
    molte persone praticano regolarmente attività aerobica e questo sembra essere un prodotto "dedicato" a questa tipologia di persone...

    Un breve riassunto sul prodotto

    The Cardio Igniter utilizes a novel physiological technique that not only helps increase endurance levels but also supports fat burning. Skeletal muscle relies mainly on carbohydrates and fat oxidation to meet energy needs during exercise. Numerous scientific studies have suggested that increasing the intensity of exercise leads to a faster utilization of carbohydrates. As carbohydrates are used, glycogen is depleted; this glycogen depletion is the limiting factor for the continuation of strenuous exercise.
    Traditionally, athletes have tried to slow down the depletion of glycogen by consuming high amounts of carbohydrates before and/or during strenuous exercise. Although effective, there is another way to improve endurance: utilize fatty acid oxidation as an energy source. Research suggests that enhancing fatty acid oxidation during exercise promotes a reduced rate of glycogen degradation, resulting in an improved endurance capacity.1 Guided by the latest scientific data and research, Cardio Igniter has been designed to promote fatty acid oxidation.
    • Pre-Workout - Cardio Igniter is great to use prior to any high intensity training where you need maximum aerobic capacity such as cross training, HIIT (high intensity interval training) and LISS (low intensity steady state). Cardio Igniter helps prioritize fat as an energy source during exercise and provides both anti-catabolic and anabolic (lean mass potentiating) elements. Burn fat while you work out!
    • Post-Workout, Before Cardio - Many athletes perform resistance training prior to cardio (aerobic activity), while glycogen stores are high and energy levels are strong. Cardio Igniter is an excellent solution post resistance training because it helps to fuel the anabolic window and protect lean mass, while at the same time priming the body for aerobic activity and fat burning. Don't miss the window!
    • Before Stand-Alone Cardio - Help prime your body and mind for maximum fat burning and aerobic intensity with the Cardio Igniter. Never do cardio without it!
    • Before Athletic Activity - Cardio Igniter's ability to help support energy, improve endurance, and enhance mental focus is a huge benefit to anyone performing athletic activities. It is very beneficial for aerobic oriented sports such as crossfit, soccer, basketball and martial arts. Burn fat while you perform!
    File Allegati
    Personal Trainer - Istruttore Body Building e Fitness

    Instagram: 85dagochri
    Bodyweb Advanced
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    Salve, abbiamo verificato ed il prodotto non è purtroppo presente presso i vari distributori. Non sappiamo da cosa dipenda ma non viene purtroppo al momento trattato.
    Lo terremo comunque d'occhio.
    Muscle Nutrition - Staff
    orari: dal Lunedi al Venerdi dalle ore 9.30 alle 18.00

    consigli utili x gli acquisti:
    - un prodotto non è disponibile e vuoi essere avvisato del re-stock ? clicca qui !!!

