USADA Dietary Supplement High Risk List

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    USADA Dietary Supplement High Risk List

    Girando per il web mi sono imbattuto in questo sito:

    E' il sito dell'agenzia statunitense dell'antidoping. Questa ha condotto dei test su un pò di lotti di alcuni integratori ed ha stilato una lista sui vari contenuti dopanti.
    Dateci un'occhiata, a me è parso interessante.

    Credo di non aver sbagliato sezione, il sito da comunque dei feed su alcuni prodotti.
  • TheFox10
    Bodyweb Advanced
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    Mi appare una form per accettare termini e condizioni, non una lista.. Non puoi riportarla in un quote? Grazie
    DIARIO: Siam tre piccoli porcellin - Diario di M92, Fox e Lenz!


    • Old Manager
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      Originariamente Scritto da TheFox10 Visualizza Messaggio
      Mi appare una form per accettare termini e condizioni, non una lista.. Non puoi riportarla in un quote? Grazie
      Puoi mettere una mail a caso.. La accetta comunque.


      • -Jack-
        Whatever happens, happens
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        ma perchè chiunque voglia leggere il tuo articolo deve loggarsi nel sito? non basta che fai un copia incolla tu?


        • Old Manager
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          Originariamente Scritto da -Jack- Visualizza Messaggio
          ma perchè chiunque voglia leggere il tuo articolo deve loggarsi nel sito? non basta che fai un copia incolla tu?

          Perchè quando inserisci i campi esce lo stesso link, però con la lista! Se faccio copia-incolla ad un altro utente uscirà comunque da compilare i campi!
          Non posso neanche fare uno screen, perchè è troppo lunga e ne servirebbero molti.


          • topscorer
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            USADA Dietary Supplement High Risk List

            Important Warning

            Do not rely solely on this list to make a decision about whether or not to use a particular product. You are responsible for comparing the label to the WADA Prohibited List to determine if the product may contain prohibited substances. You are responsible for evaluating each product and deciding for yourself if the product poses an anti-doping or health risk. Before reviewing the high risk list, you should evaluate any given product against USADA’s list of “Red Flags” that indicates that the product may poses an anti-doping or health risk.


            By publishing these test results, USADA is not making any claim about whether these products will or will not cause a positive anti-doping test.

            The product, batch, and lot tested here may not be a representative example of the entire product run, batch run, or lot of this product. Other bottles in the same batch may contain more or less than what is reported here, and may contain other substances that are prohibited in sport that are not reported here.

            USADA does not make any claim about whether these products are or are not appropriately marketed as dietary supplements.

            Manufacturers change the formulations of their products extremely rapidly and, at the time of listing, a particular brand name of a product may have had a different formulation than that currently on the market.

            This list may contain discontinued products that are no longer sold directly to consumers by the manufacturer but remain available through distributors.

            If a product is NOT listed here, that does NOT mean it is safe to take, or is devoid of prohibited substances.

            Just because a product is on this list, USADA does not make any statement about whether an athlete should or should not take this product. It is up to the athlete to evaluate each dietary supplement product and decide for themselves whether or not to use the product.

            The athlete is strictly responsible for what is in their system, irrespective of how it got there.

            Table 1 - Products that have been tested and shown to contain WADA prohibited substances.

            Table 2 - Products that list WADA prohibited substances on label or in advertising.

            Table 1 - Products that have been tested and shown to contain WADA prohibited substances.

            New products (added September 12, 2013) indicated in blue.

            Product Company Product Label or Advertising Prohibited List Classification Notes/Comments
            3 Test OXO (Lot # PB0079712) Complete Nutrition Label lists a variety of herbals including tribulus terrestris, maca extract, saw palmetto berry, and others. S1. Anabolic Agents and S6. Stimulants Contains dehydroepiandrosterone, progesterone, cathine, epehdrine, methylhexaneamine, octopamine, psuedoephedrine
            Absolute Fuel Extreme Bioscience Insitute Inc. Label lists citrus aurantium, and other herbals S6. Stimulants Lot 13338007 contains methylsynephrine (oxilofrine)
            Adipo-x Axis Labs USADA has found evidence of online advertising listing DMAA as an ingredient. S6. Stimulants Lot 50003615 contains octopamine
            Alphamine (purchased Feb 2013) Physique Enhancing Science Label lists multiple ingredients but does not list methylhexaneamine. S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine Contains methylhexaneamine
            Amphetalean (2013) Lot 112632 045. Beast Sports In 2012 this product listed 1,3-Dimethylamylamine HCL. In July 2013 advertising listed beta-methylphenethylamine, a prohibited stimlulant (DMAA removed from label). It also appears the company has changed it's name to Beast Sports. In 2013 we purchased lot # 112632 045 S6. Stimulants Lot 112632 045 contains amphetamine, N-Methylphenethylamine, beta-Methylphenethylamine
            Anabolic Elite (purchased Feb 2013) BPI Label lists herbals including genetiana lutea, blepharis edulis, cestrus nocturnum, ficus hispida, coffee arabica S1. Anabolic Agents Contains methylclostebol
            Andro-XS (Lot not specified) Sports One Nutrition 4-chloro-17α-methyl-andro-4-ene-3β,17β-diol S1. Anabolic Agents Contains turinabol
            Craze Driven Sports N,N-Dimethyl- B-Phenylethylamine S6. Stimulants Lot 1202487 Contains amphetamine; N-methylphenethylamine, beta-methylphenethylamine, ethylamphetamine
            Decabolen (Lot 0906162) CTD Labs 4-chloro-17α-methyl-andro-4-ene-3β,17β-diol ; 2α17α-dimethyl-5 α-androstan-3-one S1. Anabolic Agents 4-chloro-17α-methyl-andro-4-ene-3β,17β-diol was not detected in the product but methasterone (2α17α-dimethyl-5 α-androstan-3-one) and its isomer
            DecaVol Advanced Muscle Science Norandrostene-3β-Ol-17-one S1. Anabolic Agents Contains progesterone.
            Detonate Gaspari Nutrition Label says it contains Dendrobium extract, B-Phenethylamine and other botanicals. S6. Stimulants Testing reveals Lot 1302389 contains beta-Methylphenethylamine, N-Methylphenethylamine, Ethylamphetamine, and Amphetamine
            Demiurge Antaeus Labs Phenylpiracetam S6. Stimulants Lot AL0801 Contains Methylhexaneamine
            Dexatrim Complete (Dexatrim Max and Lean Extreme) S6. Stimulants Contains octopamine
            DR1 Complete Nutrition S1. Anabolic Agents and S6. Stimulants Lot# PB0079412 contains 4-Androsten-3,6,17-trione, formestane, 4-Androstenedione, drostanolone, 4-Androsten-3ß,17a-diol, 4-Androsten-3a,17ß-diol, cathine, ephedrine, methylephedrine, N-methylphenethylamine, psuedoephedrine.
            Dual Action Grow Tabs (Lot CW-68) IDS S1. Anabolic Agents Contains 1- androstenedione, 4-androstenedione, methandione, turinabol.
            E-911 (Lot #9164) LG Sciences S6. Stimulants contains methylsynephrine, octopamine
            Enpulse Rivalus S6. Stimulants Lot 0081D1B contains ephedrine, methylephedrine, pseudoephedrine, synephrine
            Epiphany D1 DynamicLife Label lists herbals and vitamins and minerals. S6. Stimulants Lot 121234 Contains dimethylamphetamine, beta-Methylphenethylamine, Methylsynephrine (oxilofrine)
            Formadrol Extreme (Lot 09002) LG Sciences 1-Androstene-3α-Ol,17-one S1. Anabolic Agents Contains turinabol
            Green Stinger Schwartz Labs Claims to contain epehedra extract, phenethylamine, and various herbals S6. Stimulants Testing reveals lot# SL13808012 contains amphetamine, beta-Methylphenethylamine, Methylsynephrine, Octopamine
            H-Drol (Lot# 1008029) Competitive Edge Labs 4-chloro-17α-methyl-androst-1,4-diene-3,17β-diol S1. Anabolic Agents Contains 4-androstenedione
            Hemo-Rage Black (Lot# 0F514-0) Nutrex Research S6. Stimulants Contains methylhexaneamine
            HexaGHen (Lot 030072008) Muscle Meds S1. Anabolic Agents Contains 4- andorstenedione, androsterone, boldione, and testosterone.
            Hot SOS (Lot 10060) Geared-Up Nutrition S1. Anabolic Agents Contains epitestosterone, 4- androstendione, boldione, methyltestosterone, progesterone, turinabol, and testosterone.
            H-Roid (purchased Feb 2013) Hardcore Supplements 4-chloro-17α-methyl-androst-1,4-diene-3,17β-diol S1. Anabolic Agents Contains methylclostebol, methyltrienonlone, 5-Androsten-3, 17-dione, methyltestosterone, methandriol, Desoxymethyltestosterone, 4-Androstenedione
            Hydrocyadrine Advanced Nutrient Science S6. Stimulants Lot#810051 contains octopamine
            HydroxyCut Hardcore S6. Stimulants Lot 9451610 contains strychine
            Hyperdrol X2 (Lot 49772) Anabolic Xtreme S1. Anabolic Agents Contains 4-androstenedione, bodione,
            Ignite (Lot#828901) Nutrex Research S6. Stimulants Contains methylsynephrine (oxilofrine)
            Jack3d (Lot# J10581B; K02097B; K07393-C) USP Labs S6. Stimulants Contains methylhexaneamine
            Lipo-6 Black (Lot# 10016680) Nutrex Research S6. Stimulants Contains methylhexaneamine and octopamine
            Lipozene (Amorphophallus konjac) Obesity Research Institute Label lists Amorphophallus konjac S6. Stimulants Lot 419691 contains methylsynephrine (oxilofrine)
            Lipo-6 Black Hers (Lot# 10015791) Nutrex Research S6. Stimulants Contains methyhexaneamine, methylsynephrine (oxilofrine), octopamine
            Mechabol (purchased Feb 2013) Antaeus Labs 4-chloro-17a-methyl-17b-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one S1. Anabolic Agents Methandienone, Methasterone, Methyltestosterone, Oxymesterone, Turinabol-oral, Methylclostebol, Norbolethone, Trenbolone
            NA TREN HGX (Lot# PB00711A12) Complete Nutrition Label lists bovine colostrum and a variety of herbals and amino acids. S1. Anabolic Agents and S6. Stimulants Contains dehydroepiandrosterone, ephedrine, methylhexanamine, pseudoephedrine
            Natodrol (Lot# 1228) LG-Sciences Label lists only herbals such as Tinospora Cordifolia, Cissus Quadrangularis, Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis, Curculigo Orchoides S1. Anabolic Agents contains DHEA, methylclostebol
            Oxan-VR (Lot# PB0078112) Complete Nutrition Ingredients on the label include arginine, carnitine, and a variety of herbals. S1. Anabolic Agents and S6. Stimulants Contains 4-Androstenedione, DHEA, ephedrine, methylhexaneamine, octopamine
            OxyElite Pro (Lot 411006) USP Labs S6. Stimulants Contains methylhexaneamine
            Presurge unleashed (Lot#0260J12) Athletic Edge Nutrition 1,3-Dimethylamylamine HCL (Geranium) S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine Contains methylhexaneamine
            Pro-DMZ (Lot 6-663) War-Pharma 2 alpha, 17 alpha-dimethyl-5 alpha-androstan-17beta-ol-3,3'-azine (Dimethazine) S1. Anabolic Agents Contains 4-Androstenedione, Methasterone, Oxymetholone, 5-Androsten-3, 17-dione
            Reumofan Plus Riger Naturals advertised to contain vitamins, minerals, shark cartilage and herbal ingredients S9. Glucocorticosteroids FDA publicly reported that at least one lot of this product contained glucocorticosteroids (prohibited in competition).
            Spirodex (Lot#1007395) Gaspari Nutrition S6. Stimulants Contains Methylhexaneamine
            Spirodrene (Lot#122209) Engineered Sports Technology S6. Stimulants Contains methylsynephrine
            Stacker 3 (Lot #129819) (none listed) Variety of ingredients including Kola nut, caffeine, green tea extract, chitosan, and others. S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine Contains Methylhexaneamine
            Storm-X Pro (purchased Feb 2013) Excel Sports Nutrition S6. Stimulants 2-Aminoheptane, beta-Methylphenethylamine, Methylhexanamine, Methylsynephrine
            T-911 (Lot 08242) LG Sciences S1. Anabolic Agents Contains 4-androstenedione, androsterone
            TestEVOL (Lot 7346-2) EVOL S1. Anabolic Agents Contains boldione, and turinabol.
            Testoboost (purchased Feb 2013) MD+ S6. Stimulants contains ephedrine
            TestX180 (purchased Feb 2013) Force Factor S1. Anabolic Agents contains DHEA
            Versa-1 (purchased Feb 2013) USP Labs N-(2-hydroxy-2(4-methoxyphenyl)ethyl-3-phenyl-2-propenamide S1. Anabolic Agents contains methylclostebol

            Table 2 - Products that list WADA prohibited substances on label or in advertising.

            New products (added April 18, 2013) indicated in blue.

            Product Company Product Label or Advertising Prohibited List Classification
            1,3 Dimethylamylamine BCS Labs S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            1,3 Dimethylamylamine PrimaForce 1,3 Dimethylamylamine S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            1,4 AD Bold iForce Nutrition 1,4-Androstadiene-3,17-dione S1. Anabolic Agents
            1.M.R. BPI Geranium (whole plant)
            17 Diol Prohormone Sports One Nutrition 2α-3α-epithio-17α-methyl-5α-androstan-17β-ol S1. Anabolic Agents
            1-Andro Iron Mag Labs 1-DHEA S1. Anabolic Agents
            1-Androsterone Rde Advanced Muscle Science 1-Androstene-3β-Ol,17-one
            1-Test Cypionate VPX 17-beta-hydroxy-5alpha-androst-ene-3-one Cypionate Ester S1. Anabolic Agents
            6 Bromo Chaparral Labs 6-bromo-androstan-3,17-dione S1. Anabolic Agents
            711 Stack Prototype Nutrition androst-5-ene-3b,7b,17b-triol, and 11-Ketotestosterone S1. Anabolic Agents
            ACE (Appetite Control Energy) SABA 1,3-dimethylamylamine S6. Stimulants
            AdreN.Olyn Cuts BlackMarket Labs 1,3-dimethylamylamine S6. Stimulants
            AdrenHERlyn BlackMarket Labs 1,3-dimethylamylamine S6. Stimulants
            AdrenN.Olyn Bulk BlackMarket Labs 1,3-dimethylamylamine S6. Stimulants
            AmphetaLean Extreme Beast Sports Nutrition S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Amphetalean Beast Sports Nutrition 1,3-Dimethylamylamine HCL S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            ArimaPro Chaparral Labs Androsta-3,5-diene-7, 17-dione androsta-1,4,6-triene-3,17-dione, S4. Hormone and Metabolic Modulators
            ArimeStage PCT Extreme Performance Group Androst 3, 5-dien-7, 17-dione S1. Anabolic Agents
            ArimiPlex Pro Cycle Labs 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione androsta-1,4,6-triene-3,17-dione, S4. Hormone and Metabolic Modulators
            Benzedrine Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals methylsynephrine oxilofrine
            Black cats Applied Nutriceuticals S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Black Widow Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals ephedra S6. Stimulants
            Bulk Up AndroFactory DHEA S1. Anabolic Agents
            Clear Shot E-Pharm Geranamine S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Code Red MuscleMeds Dimethylamylamine (Geranium whole plant S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Cyborg AMF 13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5 (10) -diene-17-one, Methylstenbolone, 2,17a-dimethyl-5a-androsta-1-en-17b-ol-3-one S1. Anabolic Agents
            Dark Rage Maximum Human Performance EPO Blood Doping Technology
            DecaSARM Rde Advanced Muscle Science 19Nor-Androstene-3b-ol, 17-one S1. Anabolic Agents
            Decavol Rde Advanced Muscle Science 19Nor-Androstene-3b-ol, 17-one S1. Anabolic Agents
            Dexaprine iForce Nutrition 1,3 dimethylpentylamine S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Dexiprine iForce Nutrition 1,3-Dimethylphenylamine probably methylhexaneamine
            Dimethabolin Myopharma 2α,17α-dimethyl-5-androst-17β-ol-3,3-azine S1. Anabolic Agents
            Dimetha-Var EPG (Extreme Performance Group) 17b-hydroxy-2a,17b-dimethyl-5a-androstan-3,3'-azine S1. Anabolic Agents
            Di-Testinal EST 17αmethyl-1,4 etioallochane-3,17-ol; 17 methyl delt-etioallochane decanoate; 6-17 dihydroxyetiocholove-3-ol-propionate S1. Anabolic Agents
            Drostanol 35 AMMO 13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gonan-2,5(10)-diene-17-one; 2a,17a-dimethyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one S1. Anabolic Agents
            D-Stianozol Fast Action 17α- Methyletioallocholan-2-ene-17β-ol S1. Anabolic Agents
            Edge Element Nutrition 2α-3α-epithio-17α-methyl-5α-androstan-17β-ol
            Epi 2A3A (Epistane) Vital Labs 2α-3α-epithio-17α-methyl-5α-androstan-17β-ol
            E-Stane Competitive Edge Labs 2α-3α-epithio-17α-methyl-5α-androstan-17β-ol
            Extreme Shock Advanced Nutrient Science Octapalean TM
            F-10 Advanced Genetics Geranium oil S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Fat Smack Purus Labs 2-amino-4-methylhexane (geranium extract) S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            FlashOver Omega Sports 1,3-dimethlyamylamine S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Gaspari Nutrition Spirodex geranium (maculatum) S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Geranium Extract Nutraplenet 1,3-dimethlyamylamine S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Growth Factor 9 (GF9) Novex Biotech claims to be a groth hormone secretogue (something that causes the release of growth hormone). S4. Hormone and Metabolic Modulators
            Halo Extreme Iron Mag Labs 4-chloro-17β-hydroxy-17α-methyl-androst-1,4-dien-3-one S1. Anabolic Agents
            Halo-Plex HardRock Supplements 4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1,4-diene-3-17b-diol S1. Anabolic Agents
            Halovar Purus Labs 4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1,4-diene-3-17-diol S1. Anabolic Agents
            Heat Accelerated Magnum Geranium Oil Extract S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Hemadrol EST 4-chloro-17α-methyl-androst-1,4-diene-3,17β-diol
            Hemaguno Spectra Force Research 2α-3α-epithio-17α-methyl-5α-androstan-17β-ol
            Hemodrene Nutrabolics Geranium Extract (1,3-dimethylamylamine S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Benzedrine methylsynephrine oxilofrine
            Jungle Warfare ALRI 17α methyl-5α-dehydro-etiocholan-6,4-diene-3-one,17β-ol S1. Anabolic Agents
            Kick Start RX Post Cycle Therapy AMMO Formestane S4. Hormone and Metabolic Modulators
            Lean Fx Athletic Extreme 5-Androstene-3b, 7b, 17b-triol S1. Anabolic Agents
            Lean Xtreme Driven Sports 5α-etioallocholan-3,6,17-trione; Etioallocholen-3b,7b,17b-tiol), 7OH (3b,7b-dihydroxy-5-Etioallocholen-17-one S1. Anabolic Agents
            Lipo Extreme AMMO Ephedra, 1,3-Dimethylamylamine S6. Stimulants
            Mass Drops Advanced Muscle Science 1-Androstene-3b-ol, 17-one and 19-NorAndrostene-3b-ol, 17-one S1. Anabolic Agents
            Mass FX Power Pack (Mass FX + TST Powercell) Athletic Extreme Stigmast-5-en-3b-ol, 25R-Diol [(3b,5a,6a,25R)-spirostan-3,6-diol], [(25R)-6-Oxospirost-5-en-3b-ol S1. Anabolic Agents
            Mass trauma BFN methylstenbolone S1. Anabolic Agents
            Mastavol APS Nutrition 2α,17α -dimethyl-5α-androstan-3-one-17β-ol S1. Anabolic Agents
            Max LMG ALRI 13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gonan-2,5(10)-diene-17-one S1. Anabolic Agents
            Maximize V2 iForce Nutrition 1,3 dimethylpentylamine (geranium oil) S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Mesomor pH APS Nutrition 1,3-Dimethylamylamine S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Methadrol Extreme Iron Mag Labs 2a,17a-dimethyl-17a hydroxy, 5a etiocholan 3-one and 2a,17a-dimethyl-5a-androstan,17b-ol 3,3-azine and 13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5 (10)-dien-17-one S1. Anabolic Agents
            Methanstane EST Nutrition 2α,17α-dimethyl 5α-androsto-3-one; 5α-Etioallocholan(2,3-C)furazan-17β-Tetrahydropyranol Ether
            Methastodrol Rock Hard Supplements 2α, 17α di-methyletiocholan 3-one, 17β-ol S1. Anabolic Agents
            Methoxygen VPX Androstene 3B, 7B, 17B Triol S1. Anabolic Agents
            Methoxy-TRN ALRI 17β-methoxy-trienbolone S1. Anabolic Agents
            Methyl 1-D Legal Sciences 3β -hydroxyetioallocholan-5-ene-17-one
            Methyl Vol EST 2α,17α -dimethyl-5α-androstan-3-one
            Methyl XT EST Methyl-1-Etiocholenolol-Epietiocholanolone
            Methylsurge Black BCS Labs 1,3-Dimethylamylamine S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Morph AMF Halodrol, methylstenbolone S1. Anabolic Agents
            Motivate Anabolic Innovations Geranamine 1,3 Dimethylamylamine S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            M-sten Assault Labs Methylstenbolone 2, 17a-dimethyl-5a-androsta-1-en-17b-ol-3-one S1. Anabolic Agents
            M-Sten RX Iron Mag Labs methylstenbolone S1. Anabolic Agents
            Muscle Spike Muscle Fortress 1,3- dimethylamylamine S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Neurocore MuscleTech Geranium Extract (Geranium robertianum, aerial parts) S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Nitric Blast SNI Geranium Extract S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            NL-Octrain No Limits Lab 1,3-dimethlyamylamine S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Noxipro CTD Labs S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            OrlaTEST Chem33 oral turinabol
            Overdose NRG-X Labs 1,3-dimethlyamylamine S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Overdose Redux NRG-X Labs Geranium maculatum extract [leaves and stems] S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            PCT Double Dragon 6-bromo-androst-1,4-diene-3,17-dione S1. Anabolic Agents
            Phen375 1,3-dimethylamylamine, DHEA S6. Stimulants, and S1. Anabolic Agents
            Phendrene Extreme BCS Labs methylsynephrine S6. Stimulants, oxilofrine
            Phenom Amped BCS Labs 1,3-Dimethylamylamine S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Phera Vol Methyl XT Stack EST 17α-methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17β-ol
            Phera-Mass Kilo Sports 17α-methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17β-ol
            Powerdrol American German Technologies 4-chloro-17α-methyl-androst-1,4-diene-3,17β-diol S1. Anabolic Agents
            Powerdrol Anabolic BCI 2α,17α-dimethyl-5 α-androstan-3-one-17β-ol
            Pro Stano V AMMO 5a-etioallocholan[2,3-c]furazan 17b-tetrahydropyranol ether S1. Anabolic Agents
            PWR iSarotori Diemthylpentylamine (Loquat extract) S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Quake 10.0 SciVation dimethylamine S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            RAGE RV1 Ultra ANC 3,17-keto-etiochol-triene; 6,17-ketoetiocholeva-3-ol-tetrahydropypranol S4. Hormone and Metabolic Modulators
            RAGE VX ANC Geranamine S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Razor Cuts Iron Mag Labs Diuretic claims S5. Duiretics and Other Masking Agents
            RedLine Black On Blue V2 VPX Supra-Amine™ Apple geranium (Pelargoniumodoratissimum) (leaves), methylsynephrine (web advertising) S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine and oxilofrine
            Rezolution LG Sciences 1,3-dimethylamylamine (Geranium flower) S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            S-Drol Fast Action 2α,17α-dimethyl-etiocholan-3-one-17β-ol S1. Anabolic Agents
            Slim Lipo Plus Core Cutter Plus 1,3-dimethylamylamine S6. Stimulants
            Sostanol 250 IDS 17α-methyl-1,4-etioallochane-17β-ol;3,17-dihyroxy-4-chlor-17α-methyletioallcholan-4-ene; 3,17-dihydroxy-17-methyl-d-1,4-etiocholanone; 17-hydroxy-17-methyl-etioallcholan S1. Anabolic Agents
            Spawn Myogenix Estra-4,9-diene-3,17-dione; 2α,3α-epithio-17α-methyletioallocolanl S1. Anabolic Agents
            SSIN Juice BioRhythm Geranium [stem] 13dimethylamylamine S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Stimulant X Anabolic Xtreme 2-amino-4-methylhexane HCL S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Straight EPI Black China Labs 2α-3α-epithio-17α-methyl-5α-androstan-17β-ol S1. Anabolic Agents
            Super DMZ BlackStone Labs 2,17alpha-dimethyl-17beta-hydroxy-5alpha-androst-1-ene-3-one, and 17beta-hydroxy, 2alpha, 17beta-dimethyl-5-alpha-androstan-3-one-azine S1. Anabolic Agents
            Superbolic Intense Nutriceuticals 2α,17α-dimethyl-etiocholan-3-one-17β-ol
            SuperHalo Black China Labs halomethetioallocholane S1. Anabolic Agents
            Swagger Man Geranastim (1,3-dimethylamylamine) S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Testosterone Replenish Mancore DHEA S1. Anabolic Agents
            Testplex 450 Gentech Pharma Labs halodrol, epistane, Max LMG S1. Anabolic Agents
            Thermo Hydroxadrine Nitric Explosion ANSI nium Odoratissimum)(Leaves)[Std. To 1,3 This substance could be octopamine
            Trenabol Blackstone Labs estr-4,9,11-triene-3,17-dione S1. Anabolic Agents
            Trimethyl Extreme 3.15 Extreme Performance Group 2α,17α di-methyl-etiocholan-3-one S1. Anabolic Agents
            Turinavol APS Nutrition 4-chloro-17α-methyl-androst-1,4-diene-3,17β-diol
            Ultradrol Antaeus Labs methylstenbolone S1. Anabolic Agents
            Vazodrol SciTech methylstenbolone, 1-3, Dimeth S1. Anabolic Agents, and S6. Stimulants
            White Lightening APS Nutrition geranium oil extract S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            X-Force Innovative Body Enhancement Methylhexaneamine S6. Stimulants, Methylhexaneamine
            Yellow 25X Extreme Black China Labs Ephedra Ephedrine, S6. Stimulants
            Originariamente Scritto da BLOOD black
            per 1.80 mi mancano 4/5 cm ....


            • paoLo!
              Bodyweb Senior
              • Feb 2008
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              oooohh , ottimo. Ora il problema è ,vista l'ampia gamma di prodotti "censored" , l'imbarazzo della scelta per i prossimi acquisti


              • Danielish
                Bodyweb Senior
                • Mar 2011
                • 7516
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                ahahahaha, ma credo che la maggior parte di essi qui non si trovano con determinate formulazioni


                • xymox
                  THE GUARDIAN
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 16910
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                  • New Center Gym (Pr)
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                  messaggio di moderazione

                  il regolamento del forum vieta categoricamentele discussioni su sostanze non notificate e/o dopanti. Tuttavia la lista qua pubblicata può rivestire notevole interesse per l'utenza di bodyweb e quindi viene spostata in rilievo per poter essere consultata.

