Cissus Quadrangolaris Stimola Igf-1 ?

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  • Sergio
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    Cissus Quadrangolaris Stimola Igf-1 ?

    Il supplemento Cissus Quadrangolaris era da tempo noto per il trattamento delle infiammazioni e nella medicina tradizionale nell'osteoporosi, si sono avuti però riscontri a livello scientifico delle sue capacità.

    Growth Horm IGF Res. 2011 Dec;21(6):343-8. Epub 2011 Oct 19.
    Cissus quadrangularis augments IGF system components in human osteoblast like SaOS-2 cells.

    Muthusami S, Ramachandran I, Krishnamoorthy S, Govindan R, Narasimhan S.

    Osteoporosis is a public health problem which is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Growth factors are produced locally in the bone and control cellular events such as induction of bone growth. Signaling through the Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I receptor (IGF-IR) by locally synthesized IGF - I or IGF-II in osteoblast is considered crucial for normal development and for bone remodeling. Traditional use of Cissus quadrangularis (C. quadrangularis) in the treatment of bone disorders have been documented, however its regulatory effects on IGF system components remain largely unknown. The present study is employed to delineate the effects of ethanolic extract of C. quadrangularis on the regulation of IGF system components in human osteoblast like SaOS-2 cells. RT-PCR analysis revealed an increase in the mRNA expression of IGF-I, IGF-II, IGF-IR in cells treated with C. quadrangularis when compared with control cells. The mRNA expression of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) did not differ significantly between control and C.quadrangularis treated cells. Immunoradiometric analysis revealed increased levels of IGF-I, IGF-II and IGFBP-3 in the conditioned medium of C. quadrangularis treated cultures when compared with control. Western blotting analysis revealed increase in protein levels of IGF-IR in cells treated with C. quadrangularis. These results indicate positive regulation of C. quadrangularis on the IGF system components of human osteoblast like SaOS-2 cells.
    Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

    PMID: 22015109 [PubMed - in process]

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    Clin Ter. 2011 Jul-Aug;162(4):307-12.
    Effect of Cissus Quadrangularis Linn on the development of osteopenia induced by ovariectomy in rats.

    Potu BK, Nampurath GK, Rao MS, Bhat KM.

    Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medical Sciences, UCSI University, UCSI heights, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.



    The aim of our study was to see the efficacy of petroleum ether extract of Cissus quadrangularis (CQ) on development of osteopenia in ovariectomy induced Wistar rats.

    The female Wistar rats were ovariectomized or Sham operated. The rats were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium (40 mg/ kg b.w, i.p.), the ovaries were removed bilaterally. Sham-operation was performed in the same manner but only exposing the ovaries (sham operated (SHAM) group). A day later, the ovariectomized rats were randomly divided into four groups of eight animals each. The groups are 1. Sham operated (SHAM), 2. Ovariectomized (OVX), 3. Ovariectomized and treated with 25 mg/kg b.w of raloxifene (OVX+RAL), 4. Ovariectomized and treated with 500 mg/kg b.w of petroleum ether extract of CQ (OVX+CQ). The treatment continued for 30 days. At the end of the treatment, rats in all groups were sacrificed by cervical dislocation. Before sacrifice, blood was collected for the estimation of serum ALP, TRAP, Calcium and hydroxyproline; where as the left femur was used for histomorphometrical analysis.

    The findings assessed on the basis of animal weight, morphology of femur, histomorphometry and biochemical analysis. As compared to SHAM group, OVX group animals showed a significant rise in serum ALP, TRAP and hydroxyproline levels at the end of 1 month following ovariectomy while no significant change was seen in the serum calcium levels. ALP and TRAP levels of OVX + RAL and OVX + CQ groups showed a further increase following administration of raloxifene and Cissus quadrangularis. The serum hydroxyproline content was found to be increased in the OVX + CQ compared to SHAM group. CQ significantly increased the thickness of both cortical (p <0.001) and trabecularbone (p <0.001).This action of CQ is comparable to action of Raloxifene. )These data suggest a strong anti-osteoporotic activity of CQ.

    The results confirm, at least in part, for the use of Cissus quadrangularis in folk medicine to treat osteoporosis.

    PMID: 21912817 [PubMed - in process]

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    Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2009;64(10):993-8.
    Petroleum ether extract of Cissus quadrangularis (Linn.) enhances bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and facilitates osteoblastogenesis.

    Potu BK, Bhat KM, Rao MS, Nampurath GK, Chamallamudi MR, Nayak SR, Muttigi MS.

    Department of Anatomy, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India.



    To evaluate the effects of the petroleum ether extract of Cissus quadrangularis on the proliferation rate of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, the differentiation of marrow mesenchymal stem cells into osteoblasts (osteoblastogenesis) and extracellular matrix calcification. This study also aimed to determine the additive effect of osteogenic media and Cissus quadrangularis on proliferation, differentiation and calcification.

    MSCs were cultured in media with or without Cissus quadrangularis for 4 weeks and were then stained for alkaline phosphatase. Extracellular matrix calcification was confirmed by Von Kossa staining. marrow mesenchymal stem cells cultures in control media and osteogenic media supplemented with Cissus quadrangularis extract (100, 200, 300 microg/mL) were also subjected to a cell proliferation assay (MTT).

    Treatment with 100, 200 or 300 microg/mL petroleum ether extract of Cissus quadrangularis enhanced the differentiation of marrow mesenchymal stem cells into ALP-positive osteoblasts and increased extracellular matrix calcification. Treatment with 300 microg/mL petroleum ether extract of Cissus quadrangularis also enhanced the proliferation rate of the marrow mesenchymal stem cells. Cells grown in osteogenic media containing Cissus quadrangularis exhibited higher proliferation, differentiation and calcification rates than did control cells.

    The results suggest that Cissus quadrangularis stimulates osteoblastogenesis and can be used as preventive/ alternative natural medicine for bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

    PMID: 19841707 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC2763075 Free PMC Article

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  • Sergio
    • May 1999
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    E' incredibile che nessuno abbia commentato questa cosa potrebbe essere uno dei migliori integratori e delle scoperte del momento elo fate passare nel dimenticatoio solo perchè non va di moda?

    Ieri confrontandomi con alcuni atleti professionisti mi è stato detto che anche un famoso medico endocrinologo molto famoso in Italia lo consiglia proprio per questo motivo.


    • roby712
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      lo proverò magari in primavera


      • Big_D
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        interessante Sergio....ora leggo bene bene bene
        Il viaggio non finisce mai, solo i viaggiatori finiscono...


        • Sergio
          • May 1999
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          Si parla di crescita delle staminali del midollo osseo, CRESCITA con la "C" maiuscola, riparazione delle fratture ossee, rimedio all'osteoporosi, per il BB posso solo immaginare cosa implica nella crescita muscolare

          Ricerche mediche, non dicerie.


          • Luigi 87
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            L'hai provato?
            Personal Trainer/Istruttore Fitness & Body Building FIPE/FIPCF

            diario: ???? Road to the Evolution ????


            • Penna84
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              Originariamente Scritto da Sergio Visualizza Messaggio
              Si parla di crescita delle staminali del midollo osseo, CRESCITA con la "C" maiuscola, riparazione delle fratture ossee, rimedio all'osteoporosi, per il BB posso solo immaginare cosa implica nella crescita muscolare

              Ricerche mediche, non dicerie.
              Non ho una grande padronanza dell'inglese, ma....possibili effetti collaterali?


              • Sergio
                • May 1999
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                Originariamente Scritto da penna84 Visualizza Messaggio
                non ho una grande padronanza dell'inglese, ma....possibili effetti collaterali?


                • Sergio
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                  Originariamente Scritto da Luigi 87 Visualizza Messaggio
                  L'hai provato?
                  Lo sto provando, uso regolare, voglio vedere se noto differenze.


                  • hollywoodundead
                    • Oct 2008
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                    interessante,vedrò di documentarmi a solo avessi potuto provarlo un annetto fa,forse mi sarebbe stato parecchio utile


                    • bood
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                      Originariamente Scritto da Sergio Visualizza Messaggio
                      Lo sto provando, uso regolare, voglio vedere se noto differenze.
                      facci sapere
                      building muscles is like marriage ,you can't cheat on it and expect it works

                      muscles are teared in the gym
                      fed in the kitchen
                      built in the bed

                      success trains failure complains


                      • hollywoodundead
                        • Oct 2008
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                        Tu sergio quale stai provando,quello della UspLabs o della Primaforce?


                        • Ruhl
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                          Provato per due mesi, nessun risultato apprezzabile (almeno su di me)


                          • Sergio
                            • May 1999
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                            Originariamente Scritto da hollywoodundead Visualizza Messaggio
                            Tu sergio quale stai provando,quello della UspLabs o della Primaforce?
                            USP Labs.


                            • Sergio
                              • May 1999
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                              Originariamente Scritto da Ruhl Visualizza Messaggio
                              Provato per due mesi, nessun risultato apprezzabile (almeno su di me)
                              Io non ho più mal di schiena, ma ovviamente da li a provare che io abbia guarito la mia degenerazione intravetebrale capisco che ne passi.

                              La scorsa estate ho fatto squat + hack squat (molto leggeri) per un mese o due e sono rimasto quasi bloccato con il mal di schiena per un altro mese
                              Quest'anno : Ieri 400 kg di pressa + Squat 120 kg + Hack Squat 160 kg , sentito nulla....

