Myofusion da 908gr prese da musclenutrition a un prezzo abbastanza basso. Gusto vaniglia, sapore stratosferico, fantastico! Senso di sazietà di gran lunga maggiore delle whey. Non posso confrontarlo con altri blend perchè è il primo che provo!
Gaspari MYOFUSION [feedback]
Originariamente Scritto da sebix Visualizza MessaggioRagazzi ma essendo un blend ha senso prenderle Post Wo? perchè devo fare l'ordine e non so se puntare alle solite on o prendere queste...solo che queste sono un blend
Originariamente Scritto da sebix Visualizza MessaggioRagazzi ma essendo un blend ha senso prenderle Post Wo? perchè devo fare l'ordine e non so se puntare alle solite on o prendere queste...solo che queste sono un blend
Originariamente Scritto da Mimmolino Visualizza MessaggioAlcuni studi affermano che un blend post workout stimoli la sintesi proteica, molto di più delle whey.
Scusate OT
Ti posto ciò che mi ha detto oggi mr oat a questo proposito:
"Dovrebbero dare meno problemi di stomaco e comunque permettere un miglior presenza delle caseine non e' messa a sono nuovi studi che affermano che un mix di caseine con le whey O addirittura le sole caseine (vedi studi sotto)e' maggiormente anabolico delle sole whey oppure pro isolate, in quanto permettono unnrilascio graduale nel flusso sanguineo..."
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Metabolism. 2012 Apr 16. [Epub ahead of print]
Casein protein results in higher prandial and exercise induced whole body protein anabolism than whey protein in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
Engelen MP, Rutten EP, De Castro CL, Wouters EF, Schols AM, Deutz NE.
Center for Translational Research in Aging & Longevity. Donald W. Reynolds Institute on Aging. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, USA; Department of Respiratory Medicine, Maastricht University, Nutrition and Toxicology Research Institute Maastricht (NUTRIM), Maastricht, The Netherlands; Department of Surgery, Maastricht University, Nutrition and Toxicology Research Institute Maastricht (NUTRIM), Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Exercise is known to improve physical functioning and health status in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Recently, disturbances in protein turnover and amino acid kinetics have been observed after exercise in COPD. The objective was to investigate which dairy protein is able to positively influence the protein metabolic response to exercise in COPD. 8 COPD patients and 8 healthy subjects performed a cycle test on two days while ingesting casein or whey protein. Whole body protein breakdown (WbPB), synthesis (WbPS), splanchnic amino acid extraction (SPE), and NetWbPS (=WbPS-WbPB) were measured using stable isotope methodology during 20*min of exercise (at 50% peak work load of COPD group). The controls performed a second exercise test at the same relative workload. Exercise was followed by 1*h of recovery. In the healthy group, WbPS, SPE, and NetPS were higher during casein than during whey feeding (P<.01). WbPS and NetPS were higher during exercise, independent of exercise intensity (P<.01). NetPS was higher during casein feeding in COPD due to lower WbPB (P<.05). Higher SPE was found during exercise during casein and whey feeding in COPD (P<.05). Lactate levels during exercise were higher in COPD (P<.05) independent of the protein. Post-exercise, lower NetPS values were found independent of protein type in both groups. Casein resulted in more protein anabolism than whey protein which was maintained during and following exercise in COPD. Optimizing protein intake might be of importance for muscle maintenance during daily physical activities in COPD.
Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
PMID: 22512824 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Originariamente Scritto da ASR1927 Visualizza MessaggioParli dell'accoppiata caseina + whey?
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Originariamente Scritto da Gymrat Visualizza Messaggioma che voi sappiate le probiotic andranno a sostituire le hydrolized?
Originariamente Scritto da Gymrat Visualizza Messaggioè che i valori delle probiotic proprio non mi piacciono
ragazzi ;
stò per fare un ordine ed è incluso un barattolo di myofusion hydrolized .
vorrei kiedere a ki le ha già usate se abbiamo la certezza ke siano prive di ASPARTAME !!!