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  • HateEternal
    Registered User
    • Dec 2002
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    Qualcuno ne ha già sentito parlare o l'ha già provata?
    Dovrebbe essere una forma di Glutamina che viene assorbita in modo più efficiente dall'organismo.

    Qui c'è la descrizione che ho trovato di un prodotto della SAN basato sulla N-Acetyl-L-Glutamine (NAG):

    What is NAG (N-Acetyl-L-Glutamine)?

    N-Acetyl-L-Glutamine (Aceglutamite or NAG) is known in foreign countries as an anti-ulcer drug that works by forming a protective layer over the lining of the stomach. It accomplishes this by activating a chemical action that serves as an anti-acid buffer while suppressing the secretion of pepsin, a protein-digesting enzyme produced in the stomach.

    More recent clinical research indicates Aceglutamide to be a psycho stimulant while improving memory and the ability to concentrate in persons showing signs of senile dementia. Chemically speaking, N-Acetyl-L-Glutamine is the acetylated version of the most abundant amino acid found in skeletal muscle tissue, which is glutamine. NAG is more stable in water and metabolically efficient at delivering glutamine’s biological effects over conventional Glutamine or Glutamine Peptides. NAG will also play a dominant role in increasing muscle cell volume, glycogen storage, and growth hormone production while simultaneously supporting ones own immune system function. NAG is an extremely versatile compound with a plethora of research that warrants its use in athletes besides of what it is used for in clinical nutrition. The optimal dosage range is in the neighborhood of around 1-5 grams per day taken on an empty stomach.

    Product Highlights:
    1. Support Growth Hormone Production*
    2. Increase Glycogen Storage*
    3. Prolong Your Muscular Pump*
    4. Enhance Cognitive Function*
    5. Stabilize Immune System
    Last edited by Drugo84; 02-04-2006, 11:51:06. Motivo: no commercial link permetted