L'OKG cos'è?

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  • maciste
    Bodyweb Member
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    L'OKG cos'è?

    ciao a tutti volevo qualche consiglio sull'OKG che un mio amico mi ha consigliato per aumentare la massa muscolare... cos'è prima di tutto e come va assunto? io attualmente prendo 25+25 g di proteine alla mattina e al pomeriggio come spuntino o dopo il Work Out con 30g di destrosio. poi prendo 5g i creatina alla sera dopo mangiato... grazie mille
  • Body80
    ThiBezzerra Tupperware
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    dovrebbe stimolare il Gh....puoi provarlo ma visti i costi non so se ti conviene.

    Associalo magari ad Arginina, rigorosamente a stomaco vuoto

    THIBEZERRA fan club TEZZERA n.1


    • maciste
      Bodyweb Member
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      beh non costa neanche tantissimo il tipo da dove prendo le proteine me lo fa pagare 35 € a barattolo e questo contiene 120 capsule da 500mg l'una... boh cmq penso che lo proverò grazie


      • Manchester
        Huge and Hard
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        OKG --> Ornitina keto-glutarato.

        la sua funzione te l'ha già spiegata body idem per le sue interazioni con altri integratori (Arginina, lisina HCL, Carnitina HCL, Glutammina)

        tra i 5 elencati è il meno costoso, ma varrebbe a mio avviso la pena, unitlo in sinergia con un buon integratore a base di arginina e lisina HCL
        Insistere è testardaggine. Perseverare è determinazione
        Manchester TRAIN HARD SINCE 1997


        • maciste
          Bodyweb Member
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          ma secondo voi ne vale la pena di provarlo? qualcuno l'ha mai usato? perchè non vorrei spendere 35 € per niente piuttosto mi prendo qualcos'altro che sono sicuro funzioni


          • Sergio
            • May 1999
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            Unito a glutammina combatte il catabolismo, viene usato anche come HMB dei poveri (noi italiani) visto che l'Hmb qui è vietato.
            Tutto sommato io userei la glutammina


            • Body80
              ThiBezzerra Tupperware
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              Originariamente Scritto da Manchester
              OKG --> Ornitina keto-glutarato.

              la sua funzione te l'ha già spiegata body idem per le sue interazioni con altri integratori (Arginina, lisina HCL, Carnitina HCL, Glutammina)

              tra i 5 elencati è il meno costoso, ma varrebbe a mio avviso la pena, unitlo in sinergia con un buon integratore a base di arginina e lisina HCL
              mia curiosità....ome lo useresti??

              THIBEZERRA fan club TEZZERA n.1


              • Sancez
                Bodyweb Advanced
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                allora dicono che sia meglio AKG !
                Manowar: king of Metal


                • Sergio
                  • May 1999
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                  Ornithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate


                  Ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate, abbreviated OKG, also known as ornithine 2-oxoglutarate or ornithine oxoglutarate (OGO), is a salt formed of two molecules of the non-protein amino acid, L-ornithine, and one molecule of the Krebs cycle dicarboxylic acid, alpha-ketoglutarate. OKG has been used both enterally and parenterally in burn, trauma, surgical and chronically malnourished patients. It appears to decrease protein catabolism and/or increase protein synthesis under these conditions. OKG is a popular nutritional supplement for athletes, among others.



                  OKG, under certain conditions, may have immunomodulatory and anticatabolic and/or anabolic actions. OKG is a delivery form of L-glutamine and L-arginine precursors.

                  MECHANISM OF ACTION

                  The actions of OKG can be attributed to the metabolites that the OKG components, L-ornithine and alpha-ketoglutarate, give rise to. These metabolites are L-arginine, L-glutamine, L-proline and polyamines. The metabolism of L-glutamine and L-arginine is altered in trauma, and this alteration is linked to immune dysfunction.

                  One of the major biochemical events that occurs following a burn injury is a fall in intramuscular L-glutamine. This amino acid is released from muscle tissue to meet the increased needs of other cells, in particular immune cells and intestinal cells. L-glutamine is now known to be essential for sustaining the proliferation and activation of immune cells. In the intestine it is essential for maintaining the integrity of the mucosal barrier and its metabolic and immune function. Immune and gastrointestinal dysfunctions occur when de novo L-glutamine synthesis is insufficient to maintain normal function of immune cells and enterocytes. Under these conditions, for example a burn injury, the normally non-essential (meaning the body can make it) L-glutamine becomes a conditionally essential amino acid (meaning the body can't make enough of it). OKG is a delivery form of L-glutamine.

                  L-arginine is also essential for immune cells. It is thought that the role of L-arginine in immunity is mediated by its metabolite nitric oxide. Burn injury and some other traumas affect the status of both L-glutamine and L-arginine in the various tissues of the body, especially muscle, the immune system and the gastrointestinal tract. As in the case of L-glutamine, de novo synthesis of L-arginine during these conditions is probably not sufficient for normal immune and gastrointestinal function, nor for normal protein synthesis. OKG, in addition to being a delivery form of L-glutamine, is also a delivery form of L-arginine or more precisely L-ornithine, which is converted to L-arginine.

                  It is unclear if OKG has immunomodulatory or anticatabolic/anabolic actions under normal conditions.

                  See L-Glutamine and L-Arginine.


                  Following ingestion, OKG is absorbed from the small intestine from whence it is transported to the liver. In the liver, OKG enters various metabolic pathways. L-ornithine is a precursor in the synthesis of L-arginine and polyamines, among others. Alpha-ketoglutarate is metabolized to L-glutamine, among other molecules. OKG not metabolized by the liver is transported via the systemic circulation and distributed to various tissues of the body, including the brain, where it undergoes metabolic reactions similar to those above. Under conditions of trauma or burn injury, OKG may be metabolized in immune cells, enterocytes and muscle tissue to produce L-arginine and L-glutamine.

                  INDICATIONS AND USAGE

                  OKG has demonstrated significant usefulness in the nutritional support of burn and other trauma patients, as well as in chronically malnourished subjects and post-surgery in the elderly. It has been shown to speed wound healing. It has exhibited some immunomodulating effects. Claims that it enhances athletic performance have not been confirmed.

                  RESEARCH SUMMARY

                  OKG has shown significant effects related to nutritional support in burn, trauma, surgical, elderly and chronically malnourished subjects. These effects have been achieved with both enteral and parenteral administration. OKG has been shown, in varying conditions, to decrease muscle protein catabolism and/or increase muscle protein synthesis. It has also been shown to enhance wound healing. Its ability to increase synthesis of L-glutamine and L-arginine may account for these positive effects. In a recent double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 60 severely burned subjects were randomized to receive 20 grams of OKG daily or placebo for 21 days beginning mean four days post-injury. Significant improvement was achieved in the OKG-treated group, compared with controls, as measured by both biological and clinical end points. Previous studies of OKG-treated burn patients have reported shorter hospitalizations and fewer fatalities.

                  No conclusions can yet be drawn from scant, preliminary evidence that OKG may exert some positive effects on immunity. And there is no credible research to support claims that OKG can build muscle in healthy individuals or that it can enhance exercise/athletic performance.



                  OKG is contraindicated in those with deficiency of ornithine-delta-aminotransferase (OAT). This is a genetic disease resulting in gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina and progressive blinding chorioretinal degeneration. It is rare.


                  Pregnant women and nursing mothers should avoid supplemental OKG. OKG supplementation may potentially cause hypoglycemia in starved individuals. Those with eating disorders or those who are on very-low-calorie diets should exercise caution in using OKG.

                  ADVERSE REACTIONS

                  None reported for those using supplemental OKG.


                  There are no typical doses for OKG supplementation. Some athletes use about 2.5 grams before and after exercise, as well as before breakfast and at bedtime.

                  Doses of 20 to 30 grams daily, given enterally, have been used in burn and trauma patients.

                  HOW SUPPLIED

                  Powder — 3.5 mg/teaspoonful


                  Czernichow B, Nsi-Emvo E, Galluser M, et al. Enteral supplementation with ornithine alpha ketoglutarate improves the early adaptive response to resection. Gut. 1997; 40:67-72.

                  De Bandt JP, Coudray-Lucas C, Lioret N, et al. A randomized controlled trial of the influence of the mode of enteral ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate administration in burn patients. J Nutr. 1998; 128:563-569.

                  Dumas F, De Bandt JP, Colomb V, et al. Enteral ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate enhances intestinal adaptation to massive resection in rats. Metabolism. 1998; 47:1366-1371.

                  Donati L, Ziegler F, Pongelli G, Signorini MS. Nutritional and clinical efficacy of ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate in severe burn patients. Clin Nutr. 1999; 18:307-311.

                  Duranton B, Schleiffer R, Gosse F, Raul F. Preventive administration of ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate improves intestinal mucosal repair after transient ischemia in rats. Crit Care Med. 1998; 26:120-125.

                  Jeevanandam M, Holaday NJ, Petersen SR. Ornithine-alpha-ketoglutarate(OKG) supplementation is more effective than its component salts in traumatized rats. J Nutr. 1996; 126:2141-2150.

                  Jeevanandam M, Petersen SR. Substrate fuel kinetics in enterally fed trauma patients supplemented with ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate. Clin Nutr. 1999; 18; 209-217.

                  Le Boucher J, Eurengbiol, Farges MC, et al. Modulation of immune response with ornithine A-ketoglutarate in burn injury: an arginine or glutamine dependency? Nutrition. 1999; 15; 773-777.

                  Le Bricon T, Cynober L, Baracos VE. Ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate limits muscle protein breakdown without stimulating tumor growth in rats bearing Yoshida ascites hepatoma. Metabolism. 1994; 43; 899-905.

                  Le Bricon T, Cynober L. Field CJ, Baracos VE. Supplemental nutrition with ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate in rats with cancer-associated cachexia: surgical treatment of the tumor improves efficacy of nutritional support. Nutr. J 1995; 125:2999-3010. *rp Robinson LE, Bussiere FI, Le Boucher J, et al. Amino acid nutrition and immune function in tumour-bearing rats: a comparison of glutamine-, arginine- and ornithine 2-oxoglutarate-supplemented diets. Clin Sci (Colch). 1999; 97:657-669.

                  Roch-Arveiller M, Fontagne J, Coudray-Lucas C, et al. Ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate counteracts the decrease of liver cytochrome p-450 content in burned rats. Nutrition.1999; 15:379-383.

                  Roch-Arveiller M, Tissat M, Coudray-Lucas C, et al. Immunomodulatory effects of ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate in rats with burn injuries. Arch Surg. 1996; 131:718-723.

                  Varanasi RV, Saltzman JR. Ornithine oxoglutarate therapy improves nutrition status. Nutr Rev. 1996; 53:96-97.


                  • maciste
                    Bodyweb Member
                    • Aug 2005
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                    Originariamente Scritto da Body80
                    mia curiosità....ome lo useresti??
                    Sinceramente non ne ho la più pallida idea prendetemi come un ragzzzo che non sa niente e si vuole informare... boh cmq ho intenzione di provarlo e se lo prendo senza glutammina? ma sinceramente sapete se si ottengono risultati buoni è se è meglio della creatina?


                    • Sancez
                      Bodyweb Advanced
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                      Originariamente Scritto da maciste
                      Sinceramente non ne ho la più pallida idea prendetemi come un ragzzzo che non sa niente e si vuole informare... boh cmq ho intenzione di provarlo e se lo prendo senza glutammina? ma sinceramente sapete se si ottengono risultati buoni è se è meglio della creatina?
                      visto che e una molecola costosetta, il momento migliore per assumeral e subito dopo l'allenamento insieme a gluta e crea sempre ovviamente!
                      Manowar: king of Metal

