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  • Nuvola Rossa
    Bodyweb Member
    • Apr 2004
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    Per Guru.

    Volevo la tua opinione su questo prodotto, nonche' sulla presunta inattivita' orale dell' r-ala "normale".

    nn si può linkare siti di vendita , cmq incollo direttamente dalla pagina del link x rimediare al mio edit


    In order to fully understand what makes Glucophase XR such a great supplement, we need to give a brief history about its ingredients and their uses. We will also help to educate you about similar products that are currently available

    The main ingredient in Glucophase XR is K-R-Ala. It is a form of Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA), which has been called the ?ideal antioxidant?. It is one of the most potent, free radical scavengers known to man. It protects cell membranes by boosting and recycling inactive antioxidants into active antioxidants. This activation boosts the free radical fighting action of popular antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, and NAC. Alpha-lipoic acid is known to reverse Syndrome X or Insulin Resistance Syndrome. It does this by improving insulin response and sensitivity, which also helps you burn fat, build lean muscle, and keep blood sugar levels even. This is very important in low-carb/ketogenic diets. The R form of ALA has been shown to increase ATP production which results in strength gains in human muscle tissue and an increase in energy. It also has been shown to raise serum glutathione levels in blood plasma by over 100%. Glutathione is a super antioxidant that kills cancer causing toxins such as MTBE and cyandine and helps to reduce inflammation. Raising glutathione levels fights inflammation caused by cancer, HIV, and polycystic ovary syndrome by reducing the cytokine production that causes abnormal cell death and wasting. (1)


    ALA is made up of two enantiomers, S and R. The S part is of no use to us because it has been found to inhibit ATP production in muscle tissue. The R part gives us all of the beneficial effects, including increasing ATP production, lowering oxidative stress, improving metabolic activity and cellular metabolism. Unfortunately, the R form is extremely sensitive and becomes unstable when there are even the smallest changes in light, air, moisture, and temperature. These changes cause it to decay and polymerize into a sticky, rubbery, or glue like substance which is useless in the human body within hours of ingestion. R-ALA is so unstable that is needs to be shipped in dry ice and stored in a cool and dry place at all times. This instability renders the R-ALA orally inactive. Another problem associated with R-ALA is that it is a waxy material that has a tendency to trap high amounts of residual toxic chemicals and waste from manufacturing, including the carcinogenic solvents dichloromethane, ethylene dichloride, MTBE, acetonitrile, cyclohexane, toluene, methanol and ethyl acetate.


    Glucophase XR uses K-R-ALA. Adding Potassium (K) to the R-ALA keeps it stable even in the most extreme temperatures. Stabilizing it keeps it from decaying and polymerizing into a useless substance. Due to rigorous testing and the refinement of R-ALA processing techniques, Designer Supplements can guarantee that Glucophase XR will be free of toxic solvent residues.


    Glucophase XR contains K-R-ALA (the most orally effective form of R-ALA), D-Biotin(Vitamin H), Quercetin and its analogs Q3D and Q4D.

    The K-R-ALA makes Glucophase XR a powerful insulin mimetic which can reduce carb related obesity or insulin resistance in muscle cells. It has also been shown to increase activity in dead human beta cells (cells that produce insulin), improve insulin sensitivity and increases fatty acid oxidation (fat loss). Insulin is the most anabolic hormone in the human body, but it has its drawbacks. If your body doesn?t have enough insulin it can cause muscle wasting however, an abundance of insulin causes fat gain, especially in problem areas like the lower stomach, love handles, hips and butt.

    We have added Quercetin and its analogs Q3D and Q4D which have been shown to increase the body?s use of carbohydrates by shuttling them into the muscle tissue and preventing the excess from reaching fat cells. (2)

    D-Biotin or Vitamin H has been shown to increase cAMP which in turn causes fatty acid oxidation and an increase in energy. D-Biotin also activates human insulin peptide 3, which plays a major role in the development of new muscle tissue. (3) It also helps to enhance ATP synthesis. (4)

    D-Biotin is the most effective and therefore most expensive analog of Biotin. (Ten times more expensive.)

    Glucophase XR is the first in a series of new Post Ban Era (PBE) products that Designer Supplements is developing to be used by men and women, not only to burn fat and build lean muscle, but to improve overall health.

    1. Human pharmacokinetics of ALA chaper 22 Packer et al.. basel hong kong 1997 pp337-360

    dose-proportionality of oral thioctic acid coincidence of assessment via pooled plasma individual data, briethaupt-grogler k niebch g et al.. eur j pharm sci 1999 apr 8 (1) 57-65

    2. Cermak r landgraf s, wolffram s "quercetin glucosides inhibit glucose uptake into brush boarder membrane vesicles of porcine jejunum," BR J nutr 2004 jun;91(6):849-55

    3. fu p, layfield et al "Synthesis, conformation, receptor binding and biological activities of monbiotinylated human insulin-like peptide-3," j pept res. 2004 feb;63(2):91-8

    4. Sone H, Sasaki et al "biotin enhances ATP synthesis in panceatic islets of the rat, resulting in reinforcement of glucose-induced insulin secreation," Biochem Biophys Res commun 2004 feb 2004 13;314(3):824-9

    for any R&D questions about this product contact ricensured by Drugo
    Glucophase XR (GXR) Dosing<o ="">></o>>

    <o ="">></o>>

    For gaining lean muscle:
    Take 1-2 caps in the a.m. with a decent amount (60-80) of simple carbs and around 50-75gms of protein. This will cause an insulin spike from the carbs that normally would only be able to get a small amount of the protein into the muscle; the rest would go into the fat. However, being more sensitive to insulin (from the k-r-ala) and having the muscle tissue primed for the aminos and glucose (from the Q3D, Q4D and d-biotin) you?ll shuttle the nutrients into muscle cells instead. Basically you are using GXR as you would use insulin. Now post workout, I would take 2-3 caps with a min. 60gms of simple crabs along with 75gms whey protein, this will cause even more to go into the muscle tissue because you have already primed the environment from working out, you?re just going to make the system work to YOUR advantage for once, instead of having everything go into some muscle stores and the rest in fat. That is all I would use for gaining mass, unless you are an extremely lean person/true hard gainer, I may use 1 cap with each meal just to get the extra protein in the muscles. But I don?t think most will need that much.

    Now for fat loss
    :<o ="">></o>>

    You should be following some type of a lowered carb diet, you would want to use it for the exact opposite as gaining mass, you would want to clear sugar from the blood so that the body will use fat stores for energy. So before bed takes 1 cap, which will lower blood sugar while you sleep, then when you get up in the am you takes 1 cap, 30 min before doing aerobics, you should be in a quasi-state of ketosis, which will cause some serious fat burning. Then after aerobics eat your normal diet throughout the day, if you have a meal that is higher in carbs take 1 cap 30min. before you eat to keep her blood sugar levels stable and low (the key to fat loss). Then when you workout, if you do weight training, I would take 1 cap, 10 min before working out, this way by the time you are halfway through your workout, you should have some slight fat burning as well as a better pump even though you are on lowered carbs. Have your post workout shake, just use simple carbs with protein, 20-30gms of carbs is just enough to get you through the rest of the night. This will keep your blood sugar low and stable throughout the day, providing you with specific times of ketosis for fat burning.

    The main difference between the two different ways of cycling is that with bulking you will be adding more carbs to your meals, now that you can make full use of ATP stores and for fat loss you will be depleting carbs. If you were going to do a full Atkins diet you would take 2 caps, every 4-5 hours, for a max of 8 caps during one day so you can get into ketosis much faster. Then the only other time I would use GXR while in ketosis is if I was eating something with Net Carbs, like a Subway wrap.
    Last edited by Drugo84; 24-11-2004, 15:46:24.
    Il Grande Spirito creo' sia l'indiano che l'uomo bianco. Io penso che creo' prima l'indiano.
    Egli mi creo' in questa terra, ed essa mi appartiene... L'uomo bianco, invece, fu creato al di la delle grandi acque, e la sua terra e' al di la. Da quando i bianchi hanno attraversato il mare, io ho dato loro spazio, ed ora c'e' tutta gente bianca attorno a me.
    Non mi e' rimasto altro che un pezzetto di terra, e il Grande Spirito mi ha detto che devo tenerlo.
  • Sergio
    • May 1999
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    L'utente da lei chiamato non è al momento raggiungibile, provi più tardi. Se vuole prema 5, ma non serve a nulla

    Lo ho sentito e mi ha detto che gli è saltato il PC.


    • Guru
      Personal Petting Trainer
      • Jun 2000
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      Rieccomi, con mezzi di fortuna ma ci sono

      Riguardo il nuovo ala, devo capire come si possa creare una molecola col potassio e come questo possa poi agire nell'organismo.
      Ammenochè non parla di semplice aggiunta di potassio al prodotto, come addizionamento, non come legame.


      • Sergio
        • May 1999
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        Heii... allora il 5 funziona


        • Nuvola Rossa
          Bodyweb Member
          • Apr 2004
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          Uhm, studiati bene la cosa e poi se ti va facci sapere ;-)

          Il Grande Spirito creo' sia l'indiano che l'uomo bianco. Io penso che creo' prima l'indiano.
          Egli mi creo' in questa terra, ed essa mi appartiene... L'uomo bianco, invece, fu creato al di la delle grandi acque, e la sua terra e' al di la. Da quando i bianchi hanno attraversato il mare, io ho dato loro spazio, ed ora c'e' tutta gente bianca attorno a me.
          Non mi e' rimasto altro che un pezzetto di terra, e il Grande Spirito mi ha detto che devo tenerlo.


          • Guru
            Personal Petting Trainer
            • Jun 2000
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            Ok, ma se non so cosa contiene, come faccio?

            A leggere sembra che sia R-ala con aggiunta di potassio.
            I composti che possono venir fuori dalla reazione tra r-ala e potassio(in varie forme) sono diversi.
            Bisogna nche sapere che tipo di potassio hano usato per creare questa fantomatica molecola, che alla fine potrebbe diventare un sale, sempre ch eesista.
            Notare che in riferimento c'è una semplice email, quindi a me sa di qualcuno, senza nessuna competenza, che vuol vendere il suo r-ala.

            Mandami il link via email così posso capire se su quel sito c'è altro materiale utile a capire se sia o meno ua fesseria.



            • Drugo84
              Gentiluomo di Fortuna
              • Jun 2003
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              Originariamente Scritto da Guru
              Notare che in riferimento c'è una semplice email, quindi a me sa di qualcuno, senza nessuna competenza, che vuol vendere il suo r-ala.
              ooops , mi era sfuggita, la faccio sparire subito
              endorfino dipendente

              #BodyWeb Forum's Rules


              • Nuvola Rossa
                Bodyweb Member
                • Apr 2004
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                Io avevo linkato direttamente la pagina della designer supplements, che produce sto glucophase....

                Cmq ti mando il link via mail.
                Il Grande Spirito creo' sia l'indiano che l'uomo bianco. Io penso che creo' prima l'indiano.
                Egli mi creo' in questa terra, ed essa mi appartiene... L'uomo bianco, invece, fu creato al di la delle grandi acque, e la sua terra e' al di la. Da quando i bianchi hanno attraversato il mare, io ho dato loro spazio, ed ora c'e' tutta gente bianca attorno a me.
                Non mi e' rimasto altro che un pezzetto di terra, e il Grande Spirito mi ha detto che devo tenerlo.


                • Guru
                  Personal Petting Trainer
                  • Jun 2000
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                  Anche nel link non ci sono elementi.

