qualcuno sa le differenze pratiche a riguardo di stimolazione di gh e ossido di azoto?
differenza arginina in forma libera e akg
visto il prezzo dell arginina keto glutarato la vedo come un pessimo acquisto,
la arginina cloridrato costa una fesseria , al momento sto usando la aspartato preworkout vediamo che ne esce fuori....cavalcate a letto a parte......:-))
Pathol Biol (Paris) 1980 Dec; 28(10):639-644
Oral administration effects, with different doses, of arginine aspartate and arginine chlorhydrate upon growth hormone and free fatty acids plasmatic rates in normal fasting children.
Article in French
Elsair J, Poey J, Rochiccioli P, Denine R, Merad R, Benouniche N
With an equivalent arginine base furniture, arginine chlorhydrate (CA) and arginine aspartate (AA) are orally administered, with variable doses, to normal fasting children, to study during 4 hours evolution of plasmatic growth hormone rates (stimulation of endogenous GH secretion) and plasmatic free fatty acids rates (secondary effects on effectors). With CA 5 g (half dose) opr 10 g (total dose, about 500 mg/kg) mean plasmatic GH rates increase is etale and non significant, when compared to normals. With AA 7,35 g (half dose) or 14,70 g (total dose), there is a 2 h GH peak, when compared to initial values and 2 h normal values (p less than 0,05 or p less than 0.01). Area increases with the two doses AA, when compared to normals (p less than 0,01). With the two products, mean 1 h plasmatic FFA rate does not vary or non significantly decreases. 4 h rate increases, when compared to normals, with CA and AA half dose (p less than 0,05) and CA and AA total dose (p less than 0,01).
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