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  • shuriken
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    ho la possibilità di acquistare questo prodotto:

    chi me lo vende me lo ha decantato come una bomba, io mi fido di lui mi ha sempre consigliato bene, ma di questo prodotto non conosco neanche la marca, ci sono 400000 ingredienti dentro

    Cosa ne dite?
    Last edited by Sean; 04-08-2009, 10:05:35.
  • shuriken
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    INGREDIENTI e altre info trovate in rete:

    <CENTER>Amplify Mental Focus, Performance, Strength, & Training Intensity</CENTER>

    NO-Xplode is the world's first and only pre-workout supplement that produces immediate results in energy, size, strength, pumps, performance, mental focus, and training intensity...You will literally see and feel it working within minutes of taking it!

    NO-Xplode has the unique ability to get you dialed in and pumped up for every single workout by inducing the strongest and most advanced nitric oxide, creatine, and body-mind stimulating surge ever developed in a supplement. No other products can say that! No other products can do that!

    Immediate Muscle And Vascular Enlargement With NO Meta-Fusion!

    NO Meta-Fusion is the core of NO-Xplode. It is the catalyst that makes the entire formula and its amazing body altering and mind enhancing effects possible. NO Meta-Fusion opens the door to vaso-muscular enlargement by immediately ramping up and sustaining Nitric Oxide (NO) levels. NO widens the blood vessel, which in turn accelerates blood flow to the muscle. This sudden blood surge causes mind blowing pumps and a rapid increase in the overall size and shape of your muscles. And it all happens within minutes! The result? Your veins will stick out like a garden hose and your muscles will be jacked up beyond belief. NO Meta-Fusion precision delivers a powerful blend of the new muscle volumizing creatine matrix that only NO-Xplode provides.

    Instant Gratification With The Muscle Volumizing Creatine Matrix : No Bloat, No Stomach Cramps, No Fat Gain - Just Rock-Hard, Swollen Muscles!

    Existing creatine supplements and related products make you wait days, weeks, or even longer to get results. If you're like many, you won't get any results at all. A key problem is that these products don't "train" your muscles to store more creatine. Your muscles can only hold so much creatine. Once they're topped off, the gains come to a screeching halt; and if your muscles are topped off to begin with, you may not respond to these products at all ("non-responder").

    NO-Xplode has eliminated this problem by increasing you body's creatine saturation point. It completely opens up the blood vessels which feed the muscle, allowing the Muscle Volumizing Creatine Matrix to stretch the muscle cell and force it to hold more creatine and other volumizing nutrients. And, what's even more amazing, is that this starts happening within minutes of ingestion.

    Not only does NO-Xplode start producing results you can see and feel almost immediately, but it also doesn't require sugar to make it work. In contrast, other creatine products come loaded with fat promoting sugars. They can cause you to gain fat and appear bloated or "puffy". With NO-Xplode you'll never feel bloated, retain water, or get fat. Plus, your stomach won't have any problems absorbing it, which eliminates painful cramps or stomach discomfort! Now even the toughest creatine "non-responder" will experience intense pumps and pack on rock hard muscle!

    Get Dialed In, Every Single Workout, With The Ener-Tropic Xplosion!

    To get a maximum pump, you've got to connect with your muscles with 100% focus on every set and every rep (the mind-muscle connection). Existing stimulant products give you a general mental "kick" that often leaves you less focused (and more agitated) than you were before.

    NO-Xplode's one-of-a-kind blend of methylxanthine and nootropics (brain stimulating nutrients) energizes your brain and body with the most focused intensity imaginable, within minutes of ingestion . It physically and mentally prepares you for the most growth-stimulating workout possible, and then it carries you through it . You not only feel an improvement in your mood and well being but it actually seems to stimulate the desire to workout.

    Complete Muscle Hydration And Nutrient Saturation With Glycerol Hydrating Polymers And Phospho-Electrolyte Replacers!

    This complex blend is a powerful magnet for water, protein, carbohydrates, creatine, and other muscle building nutrients within the muscle. It not only pulls and traps these nutrients inside the muscle, but also improves there uptake by the cell. This innovative system dramatically enhances the pump, fuels the body for intense training sessions, reduces lactic acid build up, replenishes lost electrolytes, enhances endurance and stamina, and saturates the muscle with nutrients for growth.

    Now You Can Start Seeing and Feeling Rapid Results For All Your Time And Effort!

    Nothing is more frustrating than investing time and effort into training, and then not achieving the result you envisioned. Time is your most valuable asset, start saving yourself from hundreds of hours of "growth-less" workouts. NO-Xplode will not only make your time and effort worth while, it will quickly take your long term goals and make them short term accomplishments. This is the product that they should have handed you when you signed up at the gym. It's like the set of keys that came with your car.

    With NO-Xplode there is no more waiting, hoping, or praying for results. No more workouts where your muscles feel and look flat, or where your mind and your muscles are not synched up. No more leaving the gym feeing like shouldn't have even gone in the first place. Other supplements may have you waiting days, weeks or months with no visible results. In fact, with many products, you may never see results. All that has just changed!

    NO-Xplode begins working within minutes of taking it, it gets you dialed in and pumped for every single workout. No other products can say that. No other products can do that!

    Your perfect workout awaits with NO-Xplode. Take rightful ownership of it today!

    Formulating The Unimaginable!

    If you are looking for something to compare NO-Xplode to...there is nothing! If you are looking for a product that has similar won't find it! If you are going to wait until a knock-off comes out and try will be extremely disappointed! NO-Xplode is truly revolutionary in every aspect. The ingredient profile is mind-blowing ! Many of the ingredients in NO-Xplode are completely unique and relatively unheard of, and to date have never been applied to a product of this magnitude. If you think there is something out there, or that will come along, that will outperform this product - it's not possible! I spent year developing this product and it is more complicated to formulate than imaginable. Most companies are not willing to spend the time or money on trying to develop a product of this caliber. In an effort to protect NO-Xplode from knock-off companies, BSN has filed for various patents to help protect the products integrity. Simply, there has never been a product to date that has even come close to producing the growth, pump, mental focus, and performance factors that NO-Xplode will come to be know for. NO-Xplode is an amazing accomplishment in the history of supplementation.

    Available Flavors: Fruit Punch Freeze, Lemonade Frost, Orange Citrus Ice

    Serving Size: 1 scoop(20.5g) Servings Per Container: 40

    Recommended Use: On Training Days:
    As a dietary supplement, take 2-3 scoops with 8-12 oz. of cold water or any beverage of your choice 30-45 minutes prior to your workout (on an empty stomach). To achieve maximum results, avoid eating a meal or drinking a protein shake within an hour of taking NO-Xplode.

    Recommended Use On Non-Training Days:
    As a dietary supplement, take 1 scoop with 4-8 oz. of cold water or any beverage of your choice (on an empty stomach). To achieve maximum results, avoid eating a meal or drinking a protein shake within an hour of taking NO-Xplode.

    To avoid sleeplessness, do not take within 4 hours of bedtime. Taking NO-Xplode with food or on a full stomach will diminish its effects. Additionally, while taking NO-Xplode it is ideal to keep L-glutamine powder supplementation to 10 grams or under per day. Taking a product that contains ephedrine will also diminish the effects of NO-Xplode. To fully benefit from the vaso-muscular volumizing effects of NO-Xplode it is recommended to take it everyday, and consume 120 oz. of water per day and a diet that is rich in protein and carbohydrates. Every individual's body chemistry and weight will determine how long it takes for NO-Xplode to induce its maximum effects. Many individuals may notice the initial energy, mental focus, and volumizing effects within 5-15 minutes of ingestion. These effects tend to become progressively more pronounced every few minutes thereafter. Others may begin to notice initial signs within 30-45 minutes of ingestion. Again, these effects tend to become progressively more pronounced every few minutes thereafter. NO-Xplode induces its maximum energy and vaso-muscular volumizing effects within 1-5 hours after ingestion.

    Ingredients: NO-Xplode Proprietary Blend: 20,500mg
    (NO-Xplode Contains a patent pending nutrient suspension matrix & Efforsorb Delivery System)

    NO Meta-Fusion (patent pending)
    (L-arginine AKG, Citral-M (citrulline malate), L-citrulline AKG, L-histidine AKG, RC-NOS (rutacarpine 95%), gynostemma pentaphyllum (95% gypenosides), NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)

    Muscle Volumizing Creatine Matrix (patent pending)
    2CM (dicreatine malate), Betapure (trimethylglycine), Glycovol (glycocyamine), GuaniPro (guanidino proplonic acid), Cinnulin PF (aqueous cinnamon extract), keto-isocaproate potassium

    Ener-Tropic Xplosion (patent pending)
    L-tyrosine, taurine, Endurlac (glucuronolactone), l-tyrosine AKG, methylxanthines (caffeine), MCT's (medium chain triglycerides),vinpocetine 99%, vincamine 99%, vinburnine 99%

    Phospho-Electrolyte Replacer
    Calcium phosphate, magnesium oxide, potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate

    Glycerol Hydrating Polymers
    Potassium glycerophosphate, magnesium glycerophosphate, glycerola stearate

    Other Ingredients: Maltodextrine, citric acid, sodium bicarbonate, lemon juice powder, malic acid, potassium citrate, natural and artificial flavors, aspartame, acesulfame potassium, FD&C Red 40, FD&C Blue 1. As a dietary supplement, take 2-3 scoops with 8-12 oz. of cold water or any beverage of your choice 30-45 minutes prior to your workout (on an empty stomach). To achieve maximum results, avoid eating a meal or drinking a protein shake within an hour of taking NO-Xplode.


    • Max_79
      • May 2001
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      Mah, no ho fiducia a prescindere di un prodotto con miliardi di ingredienti.
      Se ce ne sono parecchi, vuol dire che la loro quantita' e' irrisoria.

      Originariamente Scritto da TheSandman
      Brunetta li ha anticipati spregiandoli, ma altrimenti sarebbe finito all'incontrario.

      .Passate a trovarmi e lasciate un messaggio, thx.



      • Napalm
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        Pensavo si trattasse di un prodotto anti-kamikaze
        Originariamente Scritto da paolo79
        max_79 da quando l'ho conosciuto di persona invece mi sta sul ***** perchè è troppo grosso


        • N3kr0s
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          come mai tutti così scettici? ^^
          e dove lo trovi in italia? ho cercato ma online nn c'e' nulla del genere nell'ambito online italiano
          Last edited by N3kr0s; 22-07-2004, 20:59:56.


          • mitch
            Bodyweb Advanced

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            io sto provando l'akg ....di un'altra marca ma credo che quando si parla di marche affidabili come la bsn una vale l'altra.....comunque ero tentato di provarla ma siccome costa un'esagerazione qua da noi avevo lasciato perdere.invece adesso un mio amico inglese me ne ha regalato una scatola,alpha nitrox della usn....
            devo dire che in 10 anni di palestra e' il primo integratore che uso che mi da risultati cosi' notevoli
            gia' dopo 2 giorni il pump di sangue nei muscoli durante l'allenamento e' aumentato un casino ieri ho fatto dorsali e bicipiti e avevo le braccia come 2 palloni...oggi spalle e stessa cosa tanto che mi han chiesto se sto usando steroidi...
            credo che continuero' ad usarla qua in italia la piu' conveniente secondo me e' il n o v della dymatize che ha gli stessi dosaggi di quella della usn 1000 mg di akg a capsula


            • Steel77
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              Originariamente Scritto da Napalm
              Pensavo si trattasse di un prodotto anti-kamikaze


              • shuriken
                Bodyweb Member
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                Originariamente Scritto da N3kr0s
                come mai tutti così scettici? ^^
                e dove lo trovi in italia? ho cercato ma online nn c'e' nulla del genere nell'ambito online italiano
                negozio di integratori della mia città


                • shuriken
                  Bodyweb Member
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                  Originariamente Scritto da mitch
                  io sto provando l'akg ....di un'altra marca ma credo che quando si parla di marche affidabili come la bsn una vale l'altra.....comunque ero tentato di provarla ma siccome costa un'esagerazione qua da noi avevo lasciato perdere.invece adesso un mio amico inglese me ne ha regalato una scatola,alpha nitrox della usn....
                  devo dire che in 10 anni di palestra e' il primo integratore che uso che mi da risultati cosi' notevoli
                  gia' dopo 2 giorni il pump di sangue nei muscoli durante l'allenamento e' aumentato un casino ieri ho fatto dorsali e bicipiti e avevo le braccia come 2 palloni...oggi spalle e stessa cosa tanto che mi han chiesto se sto usando steroidi...
                  credo che continuero' ad usarla qua in italia la piu' conveniente secondo me e' il n o v della dymatize che ha gli stessi dosaggi di quella della usn 1000 mg di akg a capsula
                  è la stessa cosa che mi ha detto chi me lo può vendere, un pompaggio come nessun altro integratore può dare

                  prima di acquistarlo comunque aspetto che qualche mio amico che lo provi mi faccia sapere. più le cose vengono decantate come "eclatanti" e meno mi fido a comprare "a scatola chiusa"
                  Last edited by shuriken; 23-07-2004, 07:02:05.


                  • N3kr0s
                    Bodyweb Advanced
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                    Originariamente Scritto da shuriken
                    negozio di integratori della mia città

                    Eh..nella mia città alla tua risposta si direbbe e cacaci il caz....

                    Nelle info hai scritto "nowhere" = da nessuna parte.
                    E pure se abitassi a Torino , come faccio a comprarla? ASD!
                    Volevo info migliori biscotto X_X!


                    • mitch
                      Bodyweb Advanced

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                      una domanda per i doc
                      sulla confezione c'e' scritto di asumere l'akg a stomaco vuoto
                      ora io al mattino appena alzato la prendo a stomaco vuoto,ma poi durante la giornata mangio sempre ogni 3 ore e quindi nn son praticamente mai a stomaco vuoto
                      e' cosi importante assumerla a stomaco vuoto e se si perche?


                      • stallone88
                        Bodyweb Member
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                        ciao è la prima volta che scrivo in questo forum cmq l akg va assunta a stomaco vuoto per favorirne l assimilazione


                        • jerrygdm
                          Bodyweb Advanced

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                          per quanto riguarda il no-xplode dovrebbe essere vietata la vendita in italia..


                          • WolfITA
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                            Cmq in Italia è vietata la vendita perchè alcuni ingredienti non sono notificati dal ministero della salute.

                            Alleniamo la mente ad ignorare le suppliche del corpo

                            Esercito Italiano - Truppe Alpine


                            • Arciduca
                              Bodyweb Advanced
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                              a dire il vero io il no .xplode l'ho comprato ma poi ho evitato di usarlo per l'arginina e in quel periodo non ne potevo prendere...allora l'ho passato ad un miogrande amico ...posso dire che vedevo che aveva una potenza esplosiva, resistenza, recupero, e crescita volume muscolare evidentissima...
                              l'unico inconveniente che era al gusto di more e...non vi dico la puzza...povero lui che ha dovuto berlo.

