Sconfitta la Muscle Marketing !!!

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  • lupin III
    • Nov 2002
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    Sconfitta la Muscle Marketing !!!

    Degussa BioActives filed a Complaint on February 15, 2002 against Muscle Marketing USA, Inc. asking the federal U.S. district court in Los Angeles, California, to force Muscle Marketing to stop making false claims about powdered creatine, a nutritional supplement that enhances exercise performance. In its Complaint, Degussa BioActives had identified what it regards as scientifically false and deceptive statements and claims made by Muscle Marketing USA about creatine powder.

    Degussa BioActives is pleased to announce that it has been fully successful in the litigation and that Muscle Marketing, its affiliates, and anyone acting in participation with them have been precluded, by court injunction, from making such statements and claims about creatine powder and its stability, safety, and effectiveness.

    An Injunction was entered by the Court on January 13, 2004, providing as follows:

    "In the United States District Court for the Central District of California
    Case no. 02-01390 RGK (Ex)

    Degussa BioActives Sales US, Inc., Formerly Known as Traco Labs, Inc. Plaintiff v. Muscle Marketing USA Inc., et al., Defendants.

    Order for Permanent Injunction

    It is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed that Defendants Muscle Marketing USA, Inc. and Mostafa Omar, their officers, agents, servants, employees, consultants, or commercial affiliates and all those persons in active concert or participation with them (collectively, "MMUSA"), be and they are hereby permanently enjoined and restrained throughout the world from the following:

    Making, publishing, or in any way disseminating, or causing others to do so, statements, articles and/or advertising, including website publications, disparaging, characterizing, commenting on, or referring in any way to creatine powder products, including their safety and efficacy. MMUSA shall make no statements comparing its creatine products, including creatine serum product(s), with any creatine powder products, including without limitation CREAPURETM creatine monohydrate powder marketed by Degussa BioActives U.S., L.L.C., with respect to safety, efficacy, side effects, or in any other respect. MMUSA shall remove from all labeling and marketing copy any comparison of Serum v. Powder, such as that which presently appears on labels of MMUSA’s Creatine Serum products, on other liquid creatine products, and elsewhere.

    MMUSA shall comply with the following:

    MMUSA shall immediately remove all website and MMUSA-created literature relating to this action;
    MMUSA shall cancel and withdraw from publication all prohibited media advertising within 90 days; and

    MMUSA and Mostafa Omar, without admitting any wrongdoing, have agreed to this injunction.
    Dated: Jan 8, 2004
    The Hon R. Gary Klausner
    United States District Judge"

    Degussa BioActives is gratified that the above Injunction was issued with world-wide reach and is binding not only on Muscle Marketing USA and Omar but all those acting in concert or participation with them.

    As a market leader for powdered creatine, under the CREAPURETM brand, Degussa BioActives will not tolerate others making claims about creatine powder or liquid forms of creatine which have been proven to be false by well-accepted studies. Degussa BioActives will continue to protect consumers from deceptive and misleading statements
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  • Guru
    Personal Petting Trainer
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    Ah che bello!
    Però mi dispiacerà non vedere più 15 pagine di pubblicità sulle riviste e dover tornare al Chilly per il bidè



    • MISTER X
      Bodyweb Member
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      era l'ora cavolo!


      • vperman
        Bodyweb Member
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        Dove sono gli estimatori della "creatinina" liquida

        Su.... dite la vostra adesso
        Originariamente Scritto da Vincio
        Scusate il mostruoso off topicche! ma che è il catabolismo.. che gnoranteee che sono

        Originale inviato da Piero Nocerino
        Catabolismo e' quando ti guardi allo specchio e sei una merda..


        • criss
          MARVEL HERO
          • May 2002
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          Originally posted by vperman
          Dove sono gli estimatori della "creatinina" liquida

          Su.... dite la vostra adesso

          io la prima volta che la vidi sono stato tentato a poi meno male che ho lasciato stare
          sigpic...Risin' up, back on the street
          Did my time, took my chances
          Went the distance now I'm back on my feet
          Just a man and his will to survive......


          • vperman
            Bodyweb Member
            • Jun 2002
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            Originally posted by criss
            io la prima volta che la vidi sono stato tentato a poi meno male che ho lasciato stare
            Ehmmmmm io ....... qualche anno fa l'avevo ordinata
            Ma non ho mai ritirato il pacco.........
            Originariamente Scritto da Vincio
            Scusate il mostruoso off topicche! ma che è il catabolismo.. che gnoranteee che sono

            Originale inviato da Piero Nocerino
            Catabolismo e' quando ti guardi allo specchio e sei una merda..


            • criss
              MARVEL HERO
              • May 2002
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              Originally posted by vperman
              Ehmmmmm io ....... qualche anno fa l'avevo ordinata
              Ma non ho mai ritirato il pacco.........

              .. pero il falcone della creatina liquida era bellino
              sigpic...Risin' up, back on the street
              Did my time, took my chances
              Went the distance now I'm back on my feet
              Just a man and his will to survive......


              • Ippo
                Bodyweb Advanced
                • Feb 2002
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                • zigo zago (Padova)
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                Originally posted by Guru
                Ah che bello!
                Però mi dispiacerà non vedere più 15 pagine di pubblicità sulle riviste e dover tornare al Chilly per il bidè

                Considerate la vostra semenza: fatti non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza (Dante Alighieri, Inferno, Canto 26:118).


                • pt
                  Bodyweb Advanced
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                  è da circa un anno che predicavamo contro questi ladri e truffatori di liquidi colorati...................


                  • FIGHT CLUB
                    Bodyweb Member
                    • Dec 2002
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                    LA verità dov'è????

                    Questo è il testo riportato sul sito MM datato 12 GENNAIO 2004:

                    Los Angeles: Degussa Bioactive Sales US, Inc . and Muscle Marketing USA have agreed to settle the litigation between the companies. Judge Klausner of the Central District of California, in Los Angeles dismissed the Degussa claim on November 26, 2003. An injunction may be issued by the court at a later date.

                    Dr. Amir Zeibak , CEO of MMUSA commented, “I am very pleased that this matter has been concluded. Our company has an important mission, to bring the safety and other benefits of stable, liquid creatine to the world. Our strategic plan of global marketing and product innovation can now continue, undistracted by legal issues.”

                    MMUSA , founded in 1995 by Dr. Zeibak with Dr. Mostafa Omar , the scientist who stabilized Vitamin C for cosmetic application, successfully created a line of products incorporating the unique properties of the world's only stable and soluble liquid creatine. Developed by Dr. Omar to be rapidly and efficiently received into the body, MMUSA Creatine Serums are taken under the tongue or absorbed through the mucous membranes of the mouth, a major breakthrough in the creatine category of supplements.

                    Creatine Phosphate Complex ™, the proprietary name of MMUSA's stabilized liquid Creatine, is the company's most closely guarded trade secret. It is strictly exclusive to MMUSA products. The company does not sell material to other manufacturers or serve as a contract manufacturer for other marketing organizations.

                    Due to its highly absorbable and optimally utilized nature, Creatine Serum has become increasingly popular with both power and endurance athletes. Many are passionate advocates; trusting MMUSA's Creatine Serum to be totally side effect free, as well as appreciating that no extra fluid intake or complex dosing schedules (loading) are required.

                    MMUSA products are marketed with the slogan, “Achieve Results. Safely.” Creatine Serums are available in several formulations; each designed as a specialist solution to the training, recovery and competitive needs of male and female athletes of all ages and fitness levels.

                    Dr. Zeibak added, “ We get stronger every day because we lead the industry in innovation: our new Gel Packs , single workout size servings, are now successfully rolling out worldwide. But look to us for more breakthroughs. We're truly just getting started.”


                    • FIGHT CLUB
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                      Muscle Marketing USA Comunicazioni
                      Comunicato circolare

                      12 gennaio 2004

                      Giudice della California respinge il ricorso della Degussa Bioactive

                      Los Angeles: la Degussa Bioactive Sales US, Inc. e la Muscle Marketing USA hanno convenuto di comporre la controversia tra le rispettive aziende. Il giudice Klausner del Distretto Centrale della California, a Los Angeles, ha respinto il ricorso della Degussa in data 26 novembre 2003. La corte si riserva di produrre un’ingiunzione esecutiva.

                      Il Dr. Amir Zeibak, amministratore delegato della MMUSA, ha rilasciato la seguente dichiarazione: «Sono molto soddisfatto del buon esito di questa vicenda. L’obiettivo principale della nostra azienda è quello di divulgare i benefici e l’assoluta sicurezza della creatina liquida e stabile. Il nostro piano strategico di marketing globale e di innovazione prodotto può finalmente proseguire senza intralci di ordine legale.»

                      La MMUSA, fondata nel 1995 dal Dr. Zeibak insieme con il Dr. Mostafa Omar, lo studioso in grado di stabilizzare la vitamina C utilizzata in cosmesi, ha creato una linea di prodotti di successo unici nella loro capacità di sfruttare la creatina liquida e stabile. Elaborati dal Dr. Omar in modo da venire utilizzati rapidamente ed efficacemente dall‘organismo, i Creatine Serum della MMUSA vengono assunti per via sublinguale oppure assorbiti attraverso le mucose del cavo orale, determinando una sostanziale innovazione nel campo degli integratori a base di creatina.

                      Il Creatine Phosphate ComplexÔ, marchio esclusivo per la creatina liquida stabilizzata della MMUSA, è il segreto industriale più tutelato dell’azienda. Può essere utilizzato solo per i prodotti MMUSA. L’azienda non ne cede la licenza di fabbricazione ad altri produttori, né lo produce per conto terzi.

                      Grazie alla sua alta assorbibilità e all’ottimale formula di utilizzo, il Creatine Serum è sempre più diffuso tra gli atleti che praticano sport di potenza e di resistenza. Molti di loro ne sono sostenitori entusiasti; sicuri che il Creatine Serum della MMUSA sia assolutamente privo di effetti collaterali, apprezzano in particolar modo il fatto che non richieda l’assunzione eccessiva di liquidi o dosaggi di carico complicati.

                      La pubblicità dei prodotti MMUSA recita: «Ottieni risultati. In modo sicuro.» I Creatine Serum sono disponibili in diverse formulazioni, ognuna concepita come soluzione mirata agli allenamenti, al recupero e agli obiettivi agonistici di atleti uomini e donne di ogni età e grado di forma fisica.

                      Il Dr. Zeibak ha aggiunto: «Il fatto di essere all’avanguardia nel mercato degli integratori, ci rende ogni giorno più forti. I nostri nuovi Gel Pack, in confezioni monodose mirate ai singoli allenamenti, riscuotono ormai un enorme successo su scala mondiale. Ma aspettatevi ulteriori novità. Questo è solo l’inizio.»


                      • bigpig
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                        • A CASA MIA, a volte un po più giù
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                        era ora,almeno la metteranno di rompere il caz.....con quelle schifezze...
                        blog sul fitness


                        • FIGHT CLUB
                          Bodyweb Member
                          • Dec 2002
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                 problema è a chi credere!!!


                          • lupin III
                            • Nov 2002
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                            inefficacia della creatina liquida

                            <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD>Muscle biopsy study proves MM USA's creatine serum to be ineffective <!-- [img]/bioactives/img/layout/ueberschrift_abschluss.gif[/img] -->
                            </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- Ueberschrift Ende -->
                            <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD width="100%">
                            Muscle biopsy study proves MM USA's creatine serum to be ineffective

                            A study presented at the 2003 Experimental Biology Meeting today in San Diego, California comparing the effect of creatine monohydrate powder to "creatine serum" marketed by Muscle Marketing USA, in side-by-side, placebo controlled tests show that while creatine monohydrate supplementation as offered by Degussa under the Creapure™ brand increases creatine levels in muscles by about 30 percent, the Muscle Marketing USA creatine serum product is totally ineffective, equivalent in performance to the placebos.

                            Consumers should not be misled by the claim stated on MMUSA's creatine serum labels that it contains creatine equivalent to 2.5 g of creatine monohydrate. Accepted analyses by many reputed scientists show that MMUSA's product does not contain any significant amounts of creatine but a degradation product, creatinine, instead . Another earlier study showed that creatine serum had no effect on plasma creatine levels. Muscle biopsies on subjects taking creatine serum according to the instructions on the MMUSA label (1 serving a day for 5 days) showed no effect on muscle creatine. Even a higher dose of creatine serum intake (8 servings a day purportedly providing 20 grams/day of creatine monohydrate equivalent for 5 days - supplementing more than one complete bottle (1 1/3 bottles)) resulted in no significant effect on muscle creatine or ATP levels.

                            This study was designed and supervised by a leading and widely-respected authority in the field, Prof. Richard B. Kreider, of the Exercise & Sport Nutrition Lab at Baylor University, in collaboration with Dr. Darryn Willoughby at Texas Christian University and Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. According to Dr. Kreider. "The best way to determine the potential efficacy of a creatine product is to measure the effect the supplement has on increasing muscle creatine stores. Creatine monohydrate supplementation resulted in a significant increase in muscle Creatine. In contrast, this study clearly indicates that low and high dose ATP Advantage™ Creatine Serum has no effect on muscle creatine or ATP levels, hence Creatine Serum is ineffective in enhancing performance."

                            Any claims that creatine serum produces the desired effects of creatine monohydrate are unfounded. No peer-review articles show that creatine serum in fact increases creatine levels in the blood or muscle. The scientific literature shows the opposite to be true.
                            As the market leader for powdered creatine under the Creapure™ brand, BioActives will not accept any scientifically false claims about creatine powder.

                            BioActives specializes in a wide range of health-promoting ingredients for the food and dietary supplement industry. For detailed information please visit our web site at

                            BioActives is part of Degussa, a multinational corporation consistently aligned to specialty chemicals. With sales of EUR 11.8 billion and a workforce of some 48,000, it is Germany’s third-largest chemical company and the world market leader in specialty chemicals. In fiscal 2002 the corporation generated operating profits (EBIT) of more than EUR 900 million. Degussa’s core strength lies in highly-effective system solutions that are tailored to the requirements of its customers in over 100 countries throughout the world. Degussa’s activities are led by the vision "Everybody benefits from a Degussa product - every day and everywhere

                            Originariamente Scritto da filosofo del '900
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                            • lupin III
                              • Nov 2002
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                              Questo è il link del documento originale emesso dalla corte USA

                              Originariamente Scritto da filosofo del '900
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                              Nè da commerciante nè da moderatore

