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  • MadBebe
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    Qualcuno lo ha provato? Riscontri? E' paragonabile al Tribustanol della Fitness Nutrition?

    Ciao, MadBebe
    tutto ciò che scrivo sono deliri
  • arabafenice
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    Re: Fuzu

    Originally posted by MadBebe
    Qualcuno lo ha provato? Riscontri? E' paragonabile al Tribustanol della Fitness Nutrition?

    Ciao, MadBebe

    non ho riscontri diretti ma dalle board americane ne risulta un ottimo feedback sulla libido ma soprattutto sull'appetito.

    Il fuzu però non è solo tribulus se non ricordo male ma un estratto concentrato dello stesso



    • uraia
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      è il top del tribulus
      "Tutto quello che c'è di divertente nella vita o è immorale, o illegale o fa ingrassare".

      " C'è al mondo una sola cosa peggiore del far parlare di sé: il non far parlare di sé "

      ....dicono che mi servira'..se non uccide... fortifica..

      Originally posted by ultra
      I guerrieri si allenano, i secchi tirano fuori scuse...


      • MadBebe
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        Originally posted by uraia
        è il top del tribulus
        Vai col FUZU allora!

        tutto ciò che scrivo sono deliri


        • uraia
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          Originally posted by MadBebe
          Vai col FUZU allora!

          Qui in Italia la Syntrax,non lo produce +
          "Tutto quello che c'è di divertente nella vita o è immorale, o illegale o fa ingrassare".

          " C'è al mondo una sola cosa peggiore del far parlare di sé: il non far parlare di sé "

          ....dicono che mi servira'..se non uccide... fortifica..

          Originally posted by ultra
          I guerrieri si allenano, i secchi tirano fuori scuse...


          • MadBebe
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            Originally posted by uraia
            Qui in Italia la Syntrax,non lo produce +
            Fammi capire uri, ne è stata vietata la vendita, oppure con gli usa vado tranquillo?

            tutto ciò che scrivo sono deliri


            • uraia
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              Originally posted by MadBebe
              Fammi capire uri, ne è stata vietata la vendita, oppure con gli usa vado tranquillo?

              Per quanto ne so,a me nn lo mandano + ma in usa dovrebbe ancora starci
              "Tutto quello che c'è di divertente nella vita o è immorale, o illegale o fa ingrassare".

              " C'è al mondo una sola cosa peggiore del far parlare di sé: il non far parlare di sé "

              ....dicono che mi servira'..se non uccide... fortifica..

              Originally posted by ultra
              I guerrieri si allenano, i secchi tirano fuori scuse...


              • sajan
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                il fuzu contiene tribulus ,fieno greco e dioscorea....
                avevo un interessante articolo sull HD che parlava del prodotto era di un certo dott.cornelius, il patron della syntrax..
                se lo trovo te lo posto


                • sajan
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                  Ecco l'articoletto di Cornelio.. il patron della syntrax:

                  " Beyond Tribulus:
                  the Truth Uncovered!
                  By Derek Cornelius

                  For those of you that don't know by now, truth is hard to come
                  by in this industry. Sadly, it is clouded and hidden by hype, lies and
                  myths. Because companies and the people that run them are enslaved to the
                  "almighty dollar", integrity is tossed to the wind and replaced by pure and
                  simple dishonesty. This unfortunate situation pervades nearly every aspect
                  of sports nutrition and fitness. From advertisements to articles to the
                  magazines themselves, our industry has fallen and it can't seem to get up!
                  What is the answer you say? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but their
                  just isn't any simple solution. That doesn't mean though that there is
                  nothing we can do. For my part, I have committed to always write and speak
                  the truth even when the information may not be popular or financially
                  rewarding. Your part must consist of critically evaluating everything you
                  hear and read in this industry. Take the advice of an old, wise man I once
                  knew. He said, "Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear." If
                  you heed this warning in regards to this industry you should fair quite
                  well. When you come across hype and lies, my recommendation is to ignore the
                  information and refuse to buy the product. This is greatest power you can
                  wield as a consumer. You might be wondering how this has anything to do with
                  Tribulus-and rightly so-but our good friend Tribulus has experienced a
                  terrible injustice due exactly to what I have described above. In this
                  article, I will elucidate the truth about Tribulus and, in so doing, will
                  expose a whole new beautiful realm.the realm of furostanolic saponins.

                  About a year ago, I received 22 letters in a two-month time span
                  regarding the efficacy of the herb Tribulus (Terrestris) as an ergogenic
                  substance. Tribulus, also known as puncture vine, has been sold in the
                  sports nutrition industry for several years as a means of raising
                  testosterone levels. Until a year ago, this herb never really interested me,
                  as I didn't really believe it to be all that effective. Strangely enough,
                  the 22 letters sparked my interest. Some people experienced no results
                  whatsoever; while others swore that it helped them to some extent in their
                  pursuit of physical fitness. To gain a better understanding, I started
                  vigorously researching this humble herb. The first thing I pursued was the
                  pharmacologically active component or components of our friend Tribulus.
                  Without knowing this crucial information, there could be no way of
                  effectively standardizing this herb. One batch might have high
                  concentrations of the critical compounds and another might have little or
                  none.how would you know? After a little research, I found that the important
                  substances in Tribulus Terrestris are what are known as furostanolic
                  saponins. With this information, I had a starting point to understand and
                  uncover the truth about our herbal friend.

                  The first thing that I accomplished with my newfound knowledge
                  was to examine the various products on the market to see what quantities of
                  these saponins they contained. What I discovered literally shocked me! I
                  didn't find one product that actually standardized the Tribulus to
                  furostanolic saponins. A few products claimed that they contained 40%
                  furostanolic saponins but, upon testing, they were shown to have only
                  negligible amounts of these active ingredients. From all of my research and
                  talking to various manufacturers of Tribulus extract, I found that none of
                  them standardized their product for furostanolic saponins. At best, they
                  standardized the Tribulus simply for saponins. The problem is that Tribulus
                  contains a fairly large proportion of spirostanolic saponins. An even
                  further problem is that many products actually contained 40% saponins but
                  had less than 5% furostanolic saponins. The only two explanations for this
                  phenomenon are that the Tribulus was of extremely poor quality or that the
                  manufacturer simply spiked the product with extremely CHEAP saponins like
                  those found in soy. Why would they do this you say? Well, these
                  manufacturers aren't idiots and they know that it is extremely difficult to
                  accurately test for furostanolic saponins. Furthermore, they know that most
                  U.S. testing labs only test for total saponins via a simple, crude testing
                  method. It is therefore highly probable that many Tribulus Terrestris
                  products currently on the market are nothing more than garbage for their
                  intended purpose. Furostanolic saponins have specific biological properties
                  while other saponins including the spirostanolic type have not been shown to
                  exhibit the same potent effects.

                  Because the manufacturers of Tribulus extract produce such poor
                  quality products, it is no wonder that nearly all of the Tribulus products
                  on the market are extremely under dosed and ineffective. When Tribulus does
                  happen to be effective for someone, it is most likely attributable to an
                  unusually high amount of furostanolic saponins in that particular bottle
                  combined with an unusually sensitive person. The reason I say that the
                  person must be quite sensitive to these furostanolic saponins is that from
                  my research I have not found one product on the market which has enough
                  furostanolic saponins in it to work even marginally effective in a majority
                  of people. Available research demonstrates that a person should consume
                  between 500mg and 1000mg of these special saponins in order to consistently
                  elicit the proper response. To demonstrate the sorry state of affairs
                  regarding this product, let me use the example of one product on the market
                  called Tribex 500 produced by Biotest. The fellows at Biotest claim that
                  they have the most potent Tribulus extract on the market and that their
                  product is the only one that is truly effective. What is interesting is that
                  according to their published information, their Tribex 500 contains only
                  20mg of furostanolic saponins. You do the math--you would have to take 25
                  capsules per day to get the required effect. What is interesting is that in
                  another report on their site, they allude to the fact that you need high
                  dosages of these saponins for a true effect. What is going on? Again, the
                  problem is a dearth of quality extracts. Because these supplement companies
                  are only interested in the almighty dollar, they throw their research into
                  the wind and develop a product that they know is under dosed. Because of all
                  of these problems, I must recommend against buying ANY Tribulus product on
                  the market right now. I am hoping that printing truthful information like
                  this, though, will eventually transform this industry for the better!

                  Are there any solutions to this dilemma? If indeed furostanolic
                  saponins are efficacious compounds, it is a shame that a quality product
                  cannot be easily obtained. Well, good news is forthcoming! I have been
                  working on solving this issue for the last year and have a solution is that
                  is quite amazing. If we are fortunate, there should be several companies
                  that actually produce quality furostanolic saponin products in the near
                  future. I attempted to solve our dilemma with a two-pronged approach.
                  Firstly, I worked with the best extract manufacturers in the world to
                  develop a Tribulus Terrestris product that is standardized for a minimum of
                  40% furostanolic saponins. Secondly, I researched all of the available
                  literature to see if there were any other plants that contained high amounts
                  of these saponins. Not only did I find two other plants, which contained
                  these saponins in high quantities (much higher than in Tribulus), but also I
                  discovered a wealth of research relating to the biological activity of the
                  specific furostanolic saponins in these plants.

                  The first plant that I discovered which is quite interesting is
                  Fenugreek. This herb is rather common and has been used in many cultures for
                  its health-promoting benefits. A marvelous fact is that nearly all of the
                  saponins in this herb are of the furostanolic type. I contacted a few
                  extract manufacturers and was able to quickly develop a product that
                  contained over 75% furostanolic saponins. Now, remember that Biotest claims
                  to have the most potent Tribulus extract and according to their published
                  results it only contains, at most, 20% furostanolic saponins! With a 75%
                  standardized extract, it would be considerably easier to obtain the required
                  500mg to 1000mg per day of furostanolic saponins. While Tribulus has been
                  studied as a method for increasing testosterone, fenugreek has been
                  conclusively shown to have potent appetite-increasing effects. Although
                  different effects have been studied and noted for Tribulus and Fenugreek, I
                  have to wonder if there would truly be any real-world differences in the
                  actions of their furostanolic saponins. Research on the saponins of each
                  plant shows some chemical differences but they appear to be mostly similar
                  in their chemical makeup.

                  Another plant that I stumbled upon in my literature review was a
                  common plant called Dioscorea deltodea. Believe it or not, this plant is
                  actually cultivated for its high concentration of furostanolic saponins.
                  These saponins are extracted and then hydrolyzed into what is known as
                  Diosgenin. You might recognize this compound as the starting material for
                  many steroids. Once I knew that it contained the required compounds, I then
                  began searching for research as to it biological properties. What I found is
                  truly amazing. Russia has not only studied the furostanolic saponins from
                  this plant but has also developed a drug. The specific indications for this
                  drug are as an immunomodulator, an ovulation stimulator, and as an ANABOLIC
                  agent. In one study, the anabolic effects were as strong as a very high
                  dosage of testosterone propionate! Again, I am not convinced that this
                  effect is exclusive to just Dioscorea saponins since the predominant
                  saponins are the same as those contained in Fenugreek and Tribulus. As with
                  the studies done on Tribulus and Fenugreek, the effective dosage of these
                  saponins was on the order of 500mg to 1000mg per day. Fortunately, like
                  Fenugreek, I was able to find a manufacturer that could consistently produce
                  a standardized minimum of 75% furostanolic Dioscorea saponins.

                  Hopefully, this article has given you hope that all is not lost
                  concerning Tribulus. It is truly a crime when dishonest and careless
                  companies and individuals malign the reputation of a truly beneficial
                  product like this. Fortunately, a new era is about to unfold which will not
                  only redeem the reputation of Tribulus but also bring Fenugreek and
                  Dioscorea into their proper glory. Again, never buy a product that will not
                  allow you to obtain at least 500mg of furostanolic saponins per day. As long
                  as you take this minimal amount, you can expect to have some fairly
                  rewarding results-increased testosterone production, increased appetite and
                  increased anabolic potential!"


                  • RAS
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                    oggi ho parlato con il responsabile di syntrax , mi ha detto che Mr. Cornelius (lo scienziato-capo di syntrax) è un tipo molto pignolo , e dopo aver fatto analizzare come di consueto una partita di fuzu , ha notato che la % di saponine presenti nel tribulus da loro utilizzato (che proviene diretamente dalla sofarma , la proprietaria del marchio tribestan) era + bassa di quella riportata dall'etichetta del fuzu , quindi ha ritirato tutto il lotto dal mercato statunitense (e mondiale) il nuovo fuzu assicura , ritornerà sul mercato statunitense i primi di ottobre , tra l'altro la formula è stata cambiata e (dice lui) potenziata !

                    Adriano Marini Official Web Site-Gruppo Escursionistico Montano-Canale YouTube-Canale Facebook


                    • Tachdown
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                      Originally posted by RAS
                      oggi ho parlato con il responsabile di syntrax , mi ha detto che Mr. Cornelius (lo scienziato-capo di syntrax) è un tipo molto pignolo , e dopo aver fatto analizzare come di consueto una partita di fuzu , ha notato che la % di saponine presenti nel tribulus da loro utilizzato (che proviene diretamente dalla sofarma , la proprietaria del marchio tribestan) era + bassa di quella riportata dall'etichetta del fuzu , quindi ha ritirato tutto il lotto dal mercato statunitense (e mondiale) il nuovo fuzu assicura , ritornerà sul mercato statunitense i primi di ottobre , tra l'altro la formula è stata cambiata e (dice lui) potenziata !
                      Secondo il tuo parere questo è uno dei migliori trib...in commercio o c'è altro... anche di marche meno in vista......
                      Adri ma R-ala Canadese è arrivato...
                      "Non può piovere per sempre"
                      Mail: tach@ziplip.com


                      • MadBebe
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                        Originally posted by RAS
                        oggi ho parlato con il responsabile di syntrax , mi ha detto che Mr. Cornelius (lo scienziato-capo di syntrax) è un tipo molto pignolo , e dopo aver fatto analizzare come di consueto una partita di fuzu , ha notato che la % di saponine presenti nel tribulus da loro utilizzato (che proviene diretamente dalla sofarma , la proprietaria del marchio tribestan) era + bassa di quella riportata dall'etichetta del fuzu , quindi ha ritirato tutto il lotto dal mercato statunitense (e mondiale) il nuovo fuzu assicura , ritornerà sul mercato statunitense i primi di ottobre , tra l'altro la formula è stata cambiata e (dice lui) potenziata !
                        Grazie mille Ras.


                        P.S. Quindi il prodotto di oggi statunitense è una brutta fotocopia del prossimo?
                        tutto ciò che scrivo sono deliri

