Creatina ed effetti positivi su memoria, concentrazione eccetera

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  • valium
    Bodyweb Advanced
    • Sep 2006
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    Background and aims: Creatine is a supplement used by sportsmen to increase athletic performance by improving energy supply to muscle tissues. It is also an essential brain compound and some hypothesize that it aids cognition by improving energy supply and neuroprotection. The aim of this systematic review is to investigate the effects of oral creatine administration on cognitive function in healthy individuals.
    Methods: A search of multiple electronic databases was performed for the identification of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) examining the cognitive effects of oral creatine supplementation in healthy individuals.
    Results: Six studies (281 individuals) met our inclusion criteria. Generally, there was evidence that short term memory and intelligence/reasoning may be improved by creatine administration. Regarding other cognitive domains, such as long-term memory, spatial memory, memory scanning, attention, executive function, response inhibition, word fluency, reaction time and mental fatigue, the results were conflicting. Performance on cognitive tasks stayed unchanged in young individuals. Vegetarians responded better than meat-eaters in memory tasks but for other cognitive domains no differences were observed.
    Conclusions: Oral creatine administration may improve short-term memory and intelligence/reasoning of healthy individuals but its effect on other cognitive domains remains unclear. Findings suggest potential benefit for aging and stressed individuals. Since creatine is safe, future studies should include larger sample sizes. It is imperative that creatine should be tested on patients with dementias or cognitive impairment.


    • M K K
      finte ferie user
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      bhe magari in soggetti vegetariani/ vegani puo esser eutile anche in quel senso , ma per chi mangia carne non credo serva integrare per avere incrementi cognitivi e roba simile
      Ogni mio intervento e' da considerarsi di stampo satirico e ironico ,cosi come ogni riferimento alla mia e altrui persone e' da intendersi come mai realmente accaduto e di pura fantasia. In nessun caso , il contenuto dei miei interventi su questo forum e' atto all' offesa , denigrazione o all odio verso persone o idee.
      Originariamente Scritto da Bob Terwilliger
      Di solito i buoni propositi di contenersi si sfasciano contro la dura realtà dell'alcolismo.


      • choppy
        Bodyweb Member
        • Jun 2020
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        Originariamente Scritto da ermzenn Visualizza Messaggio
        La caffeina ti potrebbe aiutare in questo caso
        Ovviamente, assumendola, Massimo Boldi non diventerà Leonardo da Vinci
        A me il caffé fa dormire.


        • choppy
          Bodyweb Member
          • Jun 2020
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          Originariamente Scritto da valium Visualizza Messaggio

          Background and aims: Creatine is a supplement used by sportsmen to increase athletic performance by improving energy supply to muscle tissues. It is also an essential brain compound and some hypothesize that it aids cognition by improving energy supply and neuroprotection. The aim of this systematic review is to investigate the effects of oral creatine administration on cognitive function in healthy individuals.
          Methods: A search of multiple electronic databases was performed for the identification of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) examining the cognitive effects of oral creatine supplementation in healthy individuals.
          Results: Six studies (281 individuals) met our inclusion criteria. Generally, there was evidence that short term memory and intelligence/reasoning may be improved by creatine administration. Regarding other cognitive domains, such as long-term memory, spatial memory, memory scanning, attention, executive function, response inhibition, word fluency, reaction time and mental fatigue, the results were conflicting. Performance on cognitive tasks stayed unchanged in young individuals. Vegetarians responded better than meat-eaters in memory tasks but for other cognitive domains no differences were observed.
          Conclusions: Oral creatine administration may improve short-term memory and intelligence/reasoning of healthy individuals but its effect on other cognitive domains remains unclear. Findings suggest potential benefit for aging and stressed individuals. Since creatine is safe, future studies should include larger sample sizes. It is imperative that creatine should be tested on patients with dementias or cognitive impairment.
          Da quello che dice in inglese, sembra positiva.

          Per quanto riguarda i nootropi cosa dico al medico? Voglio diventare più intelligente, mi prescriva o mi consigli un nootropo di libera vendita?


          • choppy
            Bodyweb Member
            • Jun 2020
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            Originariamente Scritto da ermzenn Visualizza Messaggio
            La caffeina ti potrebbe aiutare in questo caso
            Ovviamente, assumendola, Massimo Boldi non diventerà Leonardo da Vinci
            Lui non può perché non vuole e anche perché ormai è vecchio e un pochino ...


            • claudio96
              • Oct 2015
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              Originariamente Scritto da choppy Visualizza Messaggio

              Per quanto riguarda i nootropi cosa dico al medico? Voglio diventare più intelligente, mi prescriva o mi consigli un nootropo di libera vendita?
              il 99% dei medici in ItaGlia manca sa cosa sono i nootropi
              Originariamente Scritto da gaetano90
              gareggiare per esibizionismo natural

              Originariamente Scritto da Magro97
              Odio i tanti pasti perché è un cagare in continuazione.


              • valium
                Bodyweb Advanced
                • Sep 2006
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                Originariamente Scritto da claudio96 Visualizza Messaggio
                il 99% dei medici in ItaGlia manca sa cosa sono i nootropi
                e invece li conoscono, il principio attivo più famoso è il piracetam con il nome commerciale è appunto nootropil. Roba che di norma viene data ad anziani che soffrono di demenza


                • Lukinosnake
                  Raccoglitore di ciliegie
                  • Nov 2011
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                  La creatina puo' avere effetti nootropici, tuttavia nulla di particolare. Ha molto piu' senso se inserita in una formulazione piu' certosina per aumentare la sinergia tra gli ingredienti.

                  In ogni caso i nootropi naturali migliori (senza effetti collaterali) sono senza dubbio estrazioni particolari di piante con proprieta' adattogene. Per citarne alcune: Bacopa, Rhodiola, Lion's Mane.

                  Molti di questi io li uso giornalmente.
                  Il mio diario


                  • a huge, powerful, and overwhelming force.

