Lessi tempo fa questo studio sull'assunzione prima dell'allenamento di questo integratore, che ne pensate?
Findings in a study conducted by the Faculty of Sport and Health Science, Ritsumeikan University in Shiga, in Japan, showed that a single dose of Alpha-GPC increases growth hormone secretion and hepatic fat oxidation, with associated increases in choline levels in young adults [5]. Another study showed an elevation of growth hormone secretion via Alpha-GPC over a 120 minute time period. The figure below illustrates Alpha-GPC's effects upon GH [4].
Findings in a study conducted by the Faculty of Sport and Health Science, Ritsumeikan University in Shiga, in Japan, showed that a single dose of Alpha-GPC increases growth hormone secretion and hepatic fat oxidation, with associated increases in choline levels in young adults [5]. Another study showed an elevation of growth hormone secretion via Alpha-GPC over a 120 minute time period. The figure below illustrates Alpha-GPC's effects upon GH [4].