x factor ??????

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  • RAS
    Si vis pacem para bellum
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    x factor ??????

    chi conosce questo integratore ?

    è acido arachidonico in caps
    Last edited by RAS; 30-06-2010, 03:09:27.

    Adriano Marini Official Web Site-Gruppo Escursionistico Montano-Canale YouTube-Canale Facebook
  • RAS
    Si vis pacem para bellum
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    ecco quello che riportano quelli della molecolar nutrition

    Bodybuilders have known for ages that red meat is an aggressive muscle and strength builder, offering benefits far beyond its protein content alone. Anyone will tell you that if you want to pack on serious mass, you need red meat - lots of it! X-FactorTM is here to take the anabolic power of red meat to the next level, supplying high levels of red meat's most precious nutrient for muscle growth.

    It is a chemical messenger stored in muscle tissue
    Found in red meat and other animal products
    Released during exercise
    Release triggers protein synthesis

    Released during intense physical exercise
    Converts to prostiglandins, regulating local hormone levels
    Prostiglandins control protein turnover during recovery and growth period

    Key points on activity:
    Studies show inhibiting prostiglandins prevents muscle growth.
    Cortisol, a catabolic hormone inhibits muscle growth by blocking prostiglandin synthesis.
    The body cannot store prostiglandins in muscle tissue – only arachidonic acid

    You would need to eat up to a pound and a half of beef to equal the amount of arachidonic acid in

    Amplifies the volume and productivity of your workouts.
    Dramatically increases protein synthesis (muscle growth).
    Greatly increases the effectiveness of other bodybuilding supplements (prohormones, creatine, protein etc.) by supporting the very core stimulus of growth.
    Extensively researched patent-pending concept. The positive roles arachidonic acid and prostaglandins play in muscle growth are supported with a large body of medical data!

    Non-Steroidal. Safe on Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels

    cosa ne pensate ?

    Adriano Marini Official Web Site-Gruppo Escursionistico Montano-Canale YouTube-Canale Facebook


    • marcolone
      Bodyweb Member
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      a naso ti dico che l'arachidonico e' quello sintetizzato grazie alle prostaglandine per i processi infiammatori se non ricordo male, come segnalatore di danno e di conseguenza dolore; i FANS ne vanno appunto a inibire la sintesi.
      aiuta il senso di sazieta' e un altro paio di cose.
      e' il famoso acido AA di cui sears parla tanto.
      non so cosa dirti in piu, e sinceramente non vedo queste doti taumatugiche descritte.

      imho: *******ta.

      p.s. IL CORTISOLO BLOCCA LE PROSTAGLANDINE? ma in che film ?
      Last edited by marcolone; 13-04-2003, 23:42:54.
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