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karbolyn migliore del vitargo?

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    karbolyn migliore del vitargo?

    Quale è l'indice di osmolarita del Karbolyn ?

    Jeff Golini
    Study completed on June 1st , 2007
    Performing Laboratory
    BioCeutical Research & Development Laboratory
    Montana Division
    2376 Main Street
    Room 14
    Billings, MT 59105
    BRDL Study No.
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    The study was performed to assess the short-term benefits and side effects of Karbo-Lyn in
    human beings when administered an oral dose at prescribe amounts compared to other waxy starch
    and carb products. The study was intended to provide information on the potential health benefits
    and side effects of Karbo-Lyn for athletes. Data from this study may serve as a basis for
    classification and/or labeling of the test article. Data also will serve as validated marketing research
    that presents the case for the effectiveness of Karbo-Lyn. The study was performed by BioCeutical
    Research & Development Laboratory at 2376 Main Street, Room 14, Billings, Montana. The
    protocol was signed by the Study Director on February 1st, 2007. The study was initiated with test
    article administration on May 1st, 2007 and concluded on June 1st, 2007.
    Two Bodybuilders were chosen for the study. Their workouts consisted of heavy training
    5 days per week with cardio three days per week No changes where made to their training
    schedule or diet.
    Week 1: a leading waxy starch was administered at 50 grams mixed in 16 ounces of water
    and taken 1 hour prior to workout.
    Week 2: Maltodextrin was administered at 50 grams mixed in 16 ounces of water and
    taken 1 hour prior to workout.
    Week 3: Karbo-Lyn was administered at 50 grams mixed in 16 ounces of water and taken
    1 hour prior to workout.
    Week 4: Karbo-Lyn was administered at 100 grams mixed in 16 ounces of water and
    taken 1 hour prior to workout.
    Week 1 with leading waxy starch:
    Effectiveness: Athletes did notice a bit of an increase in energy, but nothing that
    increased their endurance, strength or stamina. This increase only lasted for about 7 minutes into
    the workout & died off quickly. No changes in cardio performance were noticed.
    Side Effects: upset stomach
    Week 2 with maltodextrin:
    Effectiveness: Athletes noticed a better response from week 1. Energy levels were
    increased for about the first 15 minutes of the work out but then died off quickly. No cardio
    performance was noticed.
    Side Effects: No side effects
    Week 3 with Karbo-Lyn x 50 grams:
    Effectiveness: Energy levels were very high for about 1 hour before dying off.
    Strength was increased along with endurance and stamina. Athletes were able to do more in the
    1 hour workout then they could in Week 1 & 2. But after 1 hour they were out of gas and cardio
    to follow was difficult.
    Side Effects: No side effects
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    Week 4 with Karbo-Lyn x 100 grams:
    Effectiveness: Energy levels were very high for about 2 hours before dying off.
    Strength was increased along with endurance and stamina. Athletes were able to do more than
    week 3. Enough energy was left over to do cardio at a much greater intensity than could be done
    during week 1-3.
    Side Effects: No side effects
    Karbo-Lyn showed to increase endurance, strength and stamina at levels of 50 grams for
    1 hour and at 100 grams for 2 hours over waxy starch and maltodextrin. Not much
    noticeable changes in energy were noticed in the waxy starch while maltodextrin seemed
    to work for about 15 minutes before dying off.
    Karbo-Lyn is a very effective way of elevating energy levels for 1-2 hours for
    bodybuilders. This would also prove to be effective for endurance athletes by the fact that after
    weight training these athletes had enough energy to do cardio at a high intensity for 30-60
    minutes. Karbo-Lyn did not upset the stomach and showed no side effects.
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