"Top 5 Supplement Scams!"
A message from Paul Delia
President, AST Sports Science
1. Myostatin Inhibitors - the newest and probably most outrageous supplement scam. Several companies are pushing this garbage hard. Problem is, it's worthless. Go there >>>
2. Methoxyisoflavone - another scam that has made it's rounds. No science and no results. Go there >>>
3. Ecdysterone - sold in liquid, capsules and even sprinkled in protein powders. No mater how it's served up it still does nothing. Go there >>>
4. Fat-Burning Gels - you rub it on and they rip you off. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just rub some cream on your gut and a few days later the fat is gone and your abs are defined as a washboard? Sorry, it just doesn't work like that. Go there >>>
5. Liquid Creatine - a sure fire way to flush money down the drain. Go there >>>
Look at the companies selling these worthless products. What does that tell you about there integrity? They are lying to you and they are robbing you blind.
A message from Paul Delia
President, AST Sports Science
1. Myostatin Inhibitors - the newest and probably most outrageous supplement scam. Several companies are pushing this garbage hard. Problem is, it's worthless. Go there >>>
2. Methoxyisoflavone - another scam that has made it's rounds. No science and no results. Go there >>>
3. Ecdysterone - sold in liquid, capsules and even sprinkled in protein powders. No mater how it's served up it still does nothing. Go there >>>
4. Fat-Burning Gels - you rub it on and they rip you off. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just rub some cream on your gut and a few days later the fat is gone and your abs are defined as a washboard? Sorry, it just doesn't work like that. Go there >>>
5. Liquid Creatine - a sure fire way to flush money down the drain. Go there >>>
Look at the companies selling these worthless products. What does that tell you about there integrity? They are lying to you and they are robbing you blind.