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Acido D-Aspartico

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    Visto che si parla di Daa, la forma NMDA ritenete che sia più biodisponibile? ci sono dei vantaggi rispetto al semplice daa?
    Il mio diario:


      se non erro proprio oggi è stato messo in vendita sul sito musclenutrition un prodotto interessante Intimidate della iForce Nutrition che é N-Methyl-D-Aspartic Acid (NMDA)!!!
      1 compressa prima di dormire la sera ...


        Ho approfondito le ricerche su qualche sito americano ma di test mirati esistono solo quello della casa produttrice e uno studio simile a quello riportato nel thread dove l'assunzione di 3gr di DAA al giorno ha portato ad un incremento del testosterone naturale nell'uomo del 33%,ho però trovato un forum dove vengono riportate le esperienza con l'assunzione di DAA negli atleti di aprile ne posto qualcuna:

        My experience :

        250g of DAA

        I was 18-19 years old when i used it, i only used it for just over a month, taking dosages close to the recommended each day, i missed some days though, i noticed some pretty big gains in my biceps i dont know if this was due to me working out correctly and having a really good diet and using supplements and takin whey protein though.

        And as i was 18 so i dont know if my body was going through changes or not but now i am 20 years old, i took a year out of training now i am getting back in to it i have basically 200g left so i have most of it left, now that i have knowledge and im more sensible and know how to workout properly etc, im going to review this product and give my full experience but as with most supplements an amateur cannot give 100% correct reviews, due to the fact that my muscles could grow like this without me taking it, but i will be taking it so i wouldnt know or not and i am also taking supplements with this and placebo effects etc.

        But if im honest when i used it i did feel more pumped up and noticed my biceps felt alot harder and pumped up, as with all these supplements i feel they are over hyped, with lack of proven evidence etc.. i have considered steroid usage and going on one cycle but i decided to do much more research before doing so..

        So share your experiences with D-Aspartic Acid.

        If you dont have any, i am going to review this the best i can so keep locked...
        I've personally used N2BM D-Aspartic Acid twice (3g per day) and i was more than satisfied with my results. I'm 22 years old so i figured i wouldn't even need it but gave it a shot anyways considering it really has no negative side effects.

        First time i used it i was cutting and DAA makes it a lot easier in my opinion to "gain or maintain" lean mass while i still was dropping fat the scale would barely drop but i looked different every week. My aggression was definitely up and my strength was also up along with libido. I only used it for 4 weeks and for the price i would DEFINITELY use it again.

        I also just used it with my Epi PCT and i want to say i was fully recovered within the first week, i really never lost any libido or anything. I actually GAINED into my PCT almost 7Lbs and got leaner.

        Stuff is awesome i give it 10/10 for the price/effectiveness
        Non rimane che provare,anche in america ho trovato soltanto discussioni dispersive quindi penso di fare un ciclio da settembre e cercherò di postare qualcosa


          Stando a queste testimonianze, Intimidate serve poco e niente. Un serving di intimidate ha 30mg di nmda, il tizio nel quote ne prendeva 3g al giorno, cioè una dose 100 volte superiore.


            esperienza personale: ho fatto due mesi a 3 grammi al giorno con quello della tested ed ho notato in questi due mesi,molta piu forza,sonno piu profondo,molta piu aggressivita, workout aggressivi,aumento costante dei carichi,erezioni e spinta sessuale maggiore,e devo dire che ero abbastanza scettico,io l'ho sentito molto, (il resto dell'integrazione era erase 3 caps al di + blue growt 5 caps priuma di dormire)


              Dovrebbe intervenire anche chi ha provato l' Nmda che cmq mi sembra interessante ma non posso esprimere un giudizio obbiettivo in quanto non l'ho provato a settembre inizierò proprio con intimidate.
              Il mio diario:


