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  • adenoidi
    Bodyweb Advanced
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    mi servirebbero degli amminoacidi da prendere dopo l'allenamento.

    Sono indeciso tra aminobolic e amino decanate.

    Il prezzo a dose è più o meno uguale. Mi sembra più completo l'aminobolic, ma più tecnico e funzionante l'amino decanate.

    cosa ne pensate? qualcuno sa dirmi quale dei 2 acquisti si potrà rivelare il migliore?
  • Ventordici
    Bodyweb Advanced
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    io uso i modern BCAA itra wo e solo in questo periodo di definizione ne prendo anche un po post wo, mi trovo bene e sono buoni, ho sentito parlare bene anche dei decanate con rapporto 10:1:1 e glutammina ma forse come rapporto qualità prezzo lasciano a desirerare.. vai di modern


    • paolino87
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      • adenoidi
        Bodyweb Advanced
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        e invece sapete dirmi qualcosa del Nuke? [ultimamente sto apprezzando la muscle warfare...]

        contiene anche stimolanti? allenandomi la sera tardi, non vorrei prendere un prodotto che potenzialmente possa non farmi dormire.


        • adenoidi
          Bodyweb Advanced
          • Jan 2012
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          sui forum americani è pieno di gente che usa come stimolante questa sostanza, contenuta in piccole quantità in alcuni tipi di cioccolato.

          riporto quello che ho letto su uno di questi forum

          "PEA is a naturally occurring substance found in such items as blue-green algae, salami, bologna, and of course, chocolate. In recent years, it has also become an extremely popular ingredient in numerous dietary supplements, ranging from weight loss products to ‘whole health’ products.

          Often dubbed “The love molecule” PEA, is a compound naturally produced by the brain, is responsible for the feeling of experiences associated with pleasure and mental awareness. For example, when one is absorbed by an activity like painting, sculpting, or reading a fascinating book, when the world around seems suspended and nothing can disturb us, when worries vanish and hunger goes away, in such moments PEA is being produced by the brain. Likewise, PEA is released in the brain when one experiences the feelings of love and joy. For this reason, PEA has been coined “The love molecule.” When taken orally, PEA is known to readily cross the blood-brain barrier and become immediately available in the brain.

          In the brain, PEA is believed to act by having a greater affinity for the re-uptake mechanism for dopamine in presynaptic vesicles. Therefore, when present in the brain, PEA is captured into the presynaptic vesicles and occupies the space normally taken by dopamine. This leads to an increase in free-circulating dopamine in the presynaptic terminal and a higher concentration of dopamine diffusing into the synaptic cleft, therefore enhancing dopaminergic transmission.

          This ability to modulate dopaminergic transmission provides PEA with interesting properties in increasing concentration and elevating mood.

          PEA has also been shown to enhance norepinephrine transmission in the brain. Norepinephrine is also involved in the experience of joy. Enhancing norepinephrine transmission in the brain increases the experience of joy and reduces appetite. For example, if an animal is implanted with an electrode in an area of the brain concentrated in norepinephrine, and this electrode is activated by a pedal that the animal has access to, the animal will disregard food and water and will press the pedal relentlessly until exhaustion to elicit an electrical impulse in this area of the brain.

          Finally, PEA also carries another interesting benefit. As mentioned before, PEA is produced by the brain when one is fully absorbed into an activity like painting, sculpting or reading a fascinating book. At such a time, the world seems to disappear around us, and we are no longer hungry. This phenomenon is not an anorectic effect in which hunger completely disappears but happens because our attention is taken away from the feeling of hunger. In this manner, PEA acts as an appetite suppressant. Therefore, through its ability to reduce appetite, PEA is an effective supplement to be taken as part of a comprehensive weight-loss program.

          Recommended dosage is 100mg daily or as directed by a physician. One should never exceed the recommended dose as results will not improve and the possibility for side effects becomes much greater. Do not use if you have high blood pressure, or any other medical or emotional condition. Do not use if you are pregnant, nursing, or may become pregnant. Do not use if you are taking any prescription drugs. Discontinue use at once and seek medical attention if side effects occur. Always consult your doctor before starting any supplement regimen."

          Chi la prova sostiene che non da assuefazione a differenza di altri stimolanti, e, cosa molto importante, aiuta molto la concentrazione, cosa molto interessante per me siccome me ne serve veramente tanta per la mia attività da studente di ingegneria.

          Qualcuno di voi l'ha provata? sa dirmi se ci sono effetti collaterali? le uniche cose che ho trovato cercando "side effects pea" sono faccia rossa dopo l'assunzione di alte dosi, insonnia se presa prima di dormire e aumento della pressione.

          P.s. so che è presente nella forma beta in uno dei prodotti della linea animal (il rage, e pure il cuts se non sbaglio), ma non si sa in che dose (ho chiesto per mail alla animalpak, ma mi han detto che non possono rilasciarmi questa info).


          • xymox
            THE GUARDIAN
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            Cerca di utilizzare un solo thread per le tue curiosità/esigenze..


            • adenoidi
              Bodyweb Advanced
              • Jan 2012
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              si scusa. ok...

