Copiato da una board USA ... mi pare abbastanza serio e lo incollo qua ...
P.S.Riassunto: la DS sta riformulando il Craze, causa presenza di simil "meta-anfetamine" (+altri "problemi" dovuti a ingredienti prodotte sinteticamente invece che estratti naturalmente). Lasciatelo dove sta. (IMHO)
DS Craze Lawsuit and FDA Action
P.S.Riassunto: la DS sta riformulando il Craze, causa presenza di simil "meta-anfetamine" (+altri "problemi" dovuti a ingredienti prodotte sinteticamente invece che estratti naturalmente). Lasciatelo dove sta. (IMHO)

DS Craze Lawsuit and FDA Action
Stock up boys and girls.
A class action lawsuit claims Craze is not natural and contains amphetamine (analog act), despite labeling claims that it is “safe” and can be used by students for studying. I was told amphetamine is a loose term meaning the ingredient is a designer stimulant related to amphetamine and would fall under the stimulant analog act.
A second lawsuit is being filed in New Jersey on similar grounds this week naming DS, a distributor and several retailers. Additionally WADA is working closely with the FDA office of criminal investigations after several companies submitted their GCMS identification findings to the organization and claimed Craze will further tarnish the industry with what seems poised to become the next designer stimulant nightmare.
What I have been told from a source close to the New Jersey based lawsuit.
A. The compounds in Craze are synthetically made and not an extract. No NDI has been filed for these new dietary ingredients making them illegal to sell under DSHEA without submitting NDI notification. They could qualify as dietary ingredients if the substances present are indeed extracts of an herb or botanical, which they are not. They are synthetically made in a laboratory.
B. The main active is a potent new synthetic designer stimulant possibly related to amphetamine under the analog act.
C. The designer stimulant has a high probability to be poorly researched, no human testing, and possibly dangerous despite the companies continuous promotion that it is safe, natural, DSHEA, and GRAS.
D. The label depicts a safe natural product yet contains a synthetic design stimulant behind the clever natural extract labeling.
E. Legal and government action from the FDA will be immanent.
F. Stuff will hit the fan very soon when the toxicologists and full laboratory findings are released by the companies that have organized the testing.
A class action lawsuit claims Craze is not natural and contains amphetamine (analog act), despite labeling claims that it is “safe” and can be used by students for studying. I was told amphetamine is a loose term meaning the ingredient is a designer stimulant related to amphetamine and would fall under the stimulant analog act.
A second lawsuit is being filed in New Jersey on similar grounds this week naming DS, a distributor and several retailers. Additionally WADA is working closely with the FDA office of criminal investigations after several companies submitted their GCMS identification findings to the organization and claimed Craze will further tarnish the industry with what seems poised to become the next designer stimulant nightmare.
What I have been told from a source close to the New Jersey based lawsuit.
A. The compounds in Craze are synthetically made and not an extract. No NDI has been filed for these new dietary ingredients making them illegal to sell under DSHEA without submitting NDI notification. They could qualify as dietary ingredients if the substances present are indeed extracts of an herb or botanical, which they are not. They are synthetically made in a laboratory.
B. The main active is a potent new synthetic designer stimulant possibly related to amphetamine under the analog act.
C. The designer stimulant has a high probability to be poorly researched, no human testing, and possibly dangerous despite the companies continuous promotion that it is safe, natural, DSHEA, and GRAS.
D. The label depicts a safe natural product yet contains a synthetic design stimulant behind the clever natural extract labeling.
E. Legal and government action from the FDA will be immanent.
F. Stuff will hit the fan very soon when the toxicologists and full laboratory findings are released by the companies that have organized the testing.