Originariamente Scritto da xymox67
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Stack alpha-t2+erase+animal cuts/lipo6 black
For all the people who claim they saw Zyzz, if he had a shirt on, it wasn't him!
Dipende dalla tua tollerenza nei confronti di queste sostanze, soprattutto la ruwolscina unita ad altri stimolanti può dare fastidio, io sono parecchio resistente stò integrando con oep + a-t2 Con dosaggio di 2+2 due volte al giorno e mi trovo, non lo consiglio però a chi non ha già provato la sua resistenza agli stimolanti quindi vacci cauto
Originariamente Scritto da der1989 Visualizza MessaggioDipende dalla tua tollerenza nei confronti di queste sostanze, soprattutto la ruwolscina unita ad altri stimolanti può dare fastidio, io sono parecchio resistente stò integrando con oep + a-t2 Con dosaggio di 2+2 due volte al giorno e mi trovo, non lo consiglio però a chi non ha già provato la sua resistenza agli stimolanti quindi vacci cauto
Potevi fare A-t2 + caffeina
Oep + Shift ( e avevi prraticamente "composto" l'A-T2 spendendo molto meno! )
Meditate, gente. Medtate...
Originariamente Scritto da feiwong Visualizza MessaggioJehuty che ne pensi di alpha-T2 + Craze considerando che il Craze lo prendo pre wo e l'alpha T2 fine pesi prima del cardio? E ancora alpha T2+stack completo DS -activate,triazole,lean,craze-(lo inizierò da lunedì)?
Devo dirti con tutta sincerità che a me A-t2non ha entusiasmato, in abbinamento ad Erase per 4 settimane. Può essere una questione soggettiva, ovviamente.
A-t2 e CRAZE stanno benissimo insieme e nn vedo alcun tipo di controindicazione.
Lo stack DS che hai riportato è eccezionale, ottimo anche per la ricomposizione corporea. Io farei un ciclo di 6 settimane con lo stack DS e poi nei periodi off userei A-T2.
L'alpha T2 l'ho abbinato a LX e triazole e da lunedì inizierò aggiungendo craze e activate; farò lo stack completo suggerito come da schema Driven Sports per 12 settimane. Devo dire che in queste quasi 2 settimane di t2+lx+triazole ho avuto risultati notevoli naturalmente abbinati a dieta e allenamento come cristo comanda. Cominciano a spuntare anche dei grossi brufoloni, segno questo che il testosterone comincia a rullare.....figuriamoci quando inserirò l'activate. Per qunto mi rigurda il t2 è eccezionale, fa il suo lavoro senza farsi sentire per nulla (parlo di sides) e l'effetto termogenico è notevole; lo uso appena sveglio assieme a Lx e via di cyclette e prima del cardio in fascia post pesi. Davvero un buon prodotto....se abbinato a erase non ti ha entusiasmato provalo con lo stack DS
Originariamente Scritto da Jehuty Visualizza MessaggioIo non riesco a capire taluni abbinamenti. Senza alcuna polemica, ma mi spieghi per quale motivo tu abbia preferto spendere soldi per due integratori che fanno della Rouwolshine il loro punto di forza? Assumere una dose doppia non ha proprio senso e non porta benefici o mglioramenti di alcun tipo.
Potevi fare A-t2 + caffeina
Oep + Shift ( e avevi prraticamente "composto" l'A-T2 spendendo molto meno! )
Meditate, gente. Medtate...
Originariamente Scritto da der1989 Visualizza MessaggioInanzitutto a-t2 contine anche 3,3t2 e higemina, poi se io mi trovo bene ad assure entrambi, visto che l'ho fatto anche l'anno scorso, continuo anche perchè anche l'oep ha altri molti punti di forza oltre la ruwolscina, mi sembra veramente esagerato definire che entrambi i prodotti siano basati solo sulla ruwolscina, oltre oceano se provi a cercare è uno stack molto diffuso che, a chi tollera bene gli stimolanti, come me , da ottimi risultati, comunque, senza offesa, ma io non ho chiesto un parere sul mio stack ma ho solo riportato un esempio su come gli abbinamenti siano soggettivi e c'è chi tollera di più e chi meno, se vai a guardare poi la mia integrazione che ho postato in foto gallery ti accorgerai che ci ho studiato abbastanza su per metterla non è che compro i prodotti a caso e che quindi non mi sembra affatto di aver buttato i soldi, prima di fare uni stack ricerco molto i feed e mi guardo bene gli ingredienti e quindi la doppia ruwolscina era voluta e non a caso, ho già sperimentato varie dosi di ruwolscina e così mi sono trovato bene
So benissimo cosa contiene lA-T2. Beh, parlami un po' dell'Higenamine e dei suoi strabilianti effetti, riportami anche qualche studio.
Dire che non hai problemi ad assumere una dose doppia di Rouwolshine ( alcaloide quasi identico alla Yohimbine ), solo perchè non hai sides e non sei stecchito a terra, non significa nulla
Io continuo a sostenere, con fermezza, che OEP + a-T2 è come aver buttato i soldi nel cesso. Perchè OEP + SHIFT non è altro che uno stack completissimo ( che contiene anche l'A-t2 senza solo higenamine, che non serve veramente ad un *****... ), con Rouwolshine, 3,3'-T2, DMAA, CAFFEINA...
MEDITATE GENTE, MEDITATE...Last edited by Jehuty; 26-04-2012, 21:10:17.
Messaggio di Moderazione
Moderiamo i termini...Personal Trainer/Istruttore Fitness & Body Building FIPE/FIPCF
diario: ???? Road to the Evolution ????
Originariamente Scritto da Luigi 87 Visualizza MessaggioModeriamo i termini...
Originariamente Scritto da Jehuty Visualizza MessaggioSIamo assolutamente nei termini del rispetto ed educazione. I termini sono moderati. Dire di buttare i soldi nel gabinetto è un'opinione, mica un'offesa.
L'assunzione in contempranea di tutti questi cocktail di ultra-stimolanti è vivamente sconsigliata.
Sovradosaggi e miscugli di cardiostimolanti potenti come raw, yoh e higenamina possono dare anche effetti collaterali a lunghissimo termine, che si manifestano nell'arco di mesi, se non anni dopo.
I forum americani non fanno testo (anzi, ne fan fin troppo)nè tantomeno gli yanqui sono divinità in terra.
---------- Post added at 20:48:05 ---------- Previous post was at 20:38:44 ----------
Circa l'Higenamina
[Effects of higenamine on the cardio-circulatory system].
[Article in Chinese]
Zhou SJ, Du GY.
Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100700, China. girljoan@yahoo.com.cn
Higenamine (HG) is a potent cardioactive benzylisoquinoline alkaloid isolated from Aconiti tuber which has long been used as a cardiotonic in traditional Chinese medicine. HG exerts various effects on the cardio-circulatory system inotropic and chronotropic in isolated rat atria. It also relaxes isolated rat aorta. It inhibits epinephrine, ADP or collagen-induced platelet aggregation in platelet rich plasma. HG inhibits LPS-induced nitrate accumulation and the expression of iNOS mRNA in RAW 264.7 cells. HG lowers blood pressure in rats and increases the recovery rates in acute thrombosis model of mice, and lower the weight of thrombus formed in the arterio-venous shunt model of rats. Higenamine also has ameliorative effects in the LPS-induced DIC model.
PMID:15620176 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Positive chronotropic and inotropic effects of higenamine and its enhancing action on the aconitine-induced tachyarrhythmia in isolated murine atria.
Kimura I, Makino M, Takamura Y, Islam MA, Kimura M.
Department of Chemical Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Japan.
Aconitine and higenamine are the components of aconite root. We investigated the cardiac effects of these compounds on murine right and left atria and the interaction of higenamine with aconitine on the rate of spontaneously beating right atria. Higenamine increased the rate (EC50 = 38 nM) and the force of contraction (EC50 = 97 nM), the maximal responses being comparable with those of isoproterenol. The positive chronotropic effect of higenamine was antagonized by propranolol (30-300 nM) and practolol (10 nM-3 microM), but not by butoxamine (1 microM), indicating that it was a beta 1-adrenoceptor-mediated action. The positive chronotropic effect of higenamine was not changed by pretreatment with reserpine (4 mg/kg, i.p., 4 hr). Aconitine (0.16-0.25 microM) induced tachyarrhythmia in right atria was attenuated by quinidine (1 microM), atropine (8.6 microM) and AF-DX 116 (8.6 microM), suggesting that aconitine activates sodium channels and muscarinic receptors. Higenamine (2.5 nM) and dobutamine (1 nM) did not cause chronotropic effects by themselves, but enhanced the aconitine-induced tachyarrhythmia. These results indicate that higenamine is a beta 1-adrenoceptor full agonist in murine atria and that the aconitine-induced tachyarrhythmia is augmented by the beta 1-adrenergic action of higenamine.
PMID:7861670 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Uno lungo, ma molto interessante
Higenamine: summary
Higenamine is a catecholamine-like structure that interacts with the same class of receptors that the fat burners Synephrine and Ephedrine do, the beta-adrenergic receptors.
Due to these reasons, it is being investigated for use as a possible fat burning compound. Historically, the plants that higenamine comes from have been used to treat breathing disorders and cough through these receptors.There is not enough information to determine the 'best' dose for higenamine supplementation.
2.1. Pharmacokinetics
Higenamine Hydrochloride has been studied in humans[5] as IV injection. The AUC through this method was found to be 5.39ng h/mL with a half-life of 0.133 hours, and 9.3% of the injected solution was found in the urine after 8 hours (three doses of 0.2, 4, and 40ng/mL tested).[5] There appear to be large differences in pharmacokinetics between humans and those previously found in rabbits.[6][7]
2.2. Receptor Interactions
The EC^50 value of Higenamine in trachea cells is 47.6±1.8ng/mL when looking at a fragment of 49% higenamine extracted from Nandina.[4] although a molar value of 86.0±3.3 nM was found when looking at Higenamine in isolation.
Synthetic Higenamine appears to have slightly higher EC^50 values in this regard.
The IC^50 value on RAW 264.7 cells (an experimental mouse line of leukocyte immune cells) was 53uM after a 10mg/kg bodyweight I.P injection.[3]
Edit3. Interactions with Fat Metabolism
Higenamine is a beta-adrenergic agonist like Ephedrine and Synephrine.[8][9][10][2][11] Specifically, it acts on the beta(2) subunit mostly, as blocking the beta(1) subunit does not abolish its effects.[8] Studies in other tissues (with higher Beta(1) concentrations) do note some beta(1)adrenergic agonism.[10]
Currently, no studies have investigated the potency of higenamine on adipose tissue (in vitro or in vivo)
Edit4. Interactions with the Cardiovascular System
4.1. Blood flow and heart rate
Higenamine may possess anti-platelet[12] and anti-thrombotic effects in vivo at doses around 50-100mg/kg bodyweight in rats.[13] Similar effects have been noted with analogues found in the Aconitate plant.[14]
In a model of intravascular coagulation in rats, Higenamine shows biological activity at an oral dose of 10-50mg/kg bodyweight.[15][16]
Although Aconitine has been implicated in altering heart rate, in vitro models suggest this does not occur with isolated Higenamine,[10] although it seems to increase the alteration in heart rate when in the form of aconitine. The tachycardia is mediated by beta(1)adrenergic receptors.[10]
4.2. Breathing and asthma
Higenamine, through beta(2)adrenegeric agonism, can induce relaxation of the trachea.[4] One of the fruits higenamine comes from (Nandina; or Nantenjitsu) has been used traditionally to aid in breathing complications and cough.[4] It has also been implicated in reducing acetylcholine-induced tracheal constriction in a dose dependent manner.[9] Nandina is composed of another molecule known to aid asthma (nantenine) and higenamine is seen as causative of the first phase of Nandina's biphasic tracheal relaxation effect (with nantenine being longer-lasting).[17]
When tested in Guinea Pigs, higenamine has shown anti-asthmatic effects in response to histamine.[9]
Edit5. Interactions with Sexuality
Higenamine has been implicated in inhibiting Nitric Oxide production and inducable nitric oxide synthase mRNA expression.[3] Despite this action (which is normally seen as anti-erectile) higenamine appears to induce relaxation and promote erection through beta-adrenergic interactions.[18] The inhibition of NO was seen as an injection of 10mg/kg bodyweight, a large dose.
Edit6. Safety and Toxicity
A study cited in this paper[5] but otherwise inaccessible, from the journal Zhongguo Lin Chuang Yao Li Xue Za Zhi (Y.R Du et al.) suggests that the highest safe/recommended dose in humans is 24mcg/kg bodyweight as higenamine hydrochloride. It showed good tolerance in subjects below this dosage.
editScientific Support & Reference Citations
- Kashiwada Y, et al. Anti-HIV benzylisoquinoline alkaloids and flavonoids from the leaves of Nelumbo nucifera, and structure-activity correlations with related alkaloids. Bioorg Med Chem. (2005)
- Kimura I, et al. Inotropic effects of (+/-)-higenamine and its chemically related components, (+)-R-coclaurine and (+)-S-reticuline, contained in the traditional sino-Japanese medicines "bushi" and "shin-i" in isolated guinea pig papillary muscle. Jpn J Pharmacol. (1989)
- Kang YJ, et al. Inhibition of activation of nuclear factor kappaB is responsible for inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression by higenamine, an active component of aconite root. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. (1999)
- Tsukiyama M, et al. Beta2-adrenoceptor-mediated tracheal relaxation induced by higenamine from Nandina domestica Thunberg. Planta Med. (2009)
- Feng S, Hu P, Jiang J. Determination of higenamine in human plasma and urine using liquid chromatography coupled to positive electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. (2011)
- Lo CF, Chen CM. Determination of higenamine in plasma and urine by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. J Chromatogr B Biomed Appl. (1994)
- Pharmacokinetics of Higenamine in Rabbits
- Liu W, et al. Effects of higenamine on regulation of ion transport in guinea pig distal colon. Jpn J Pharmacol. (2000)
- Bai G, et al. Identification of higenamine in Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata as a beta2-adrenergic receptor agonist1. Acta Pharmacol Sin. (2008)
- Kimura I, et al. Positive chronotropic and inotropic effects of higenamine and its enhancing action on the aconitine-induced tachyarrhythmia in isolated murine atria. Jpn J Pharmacol. (1994)
- Park CW, Chang KC, Lim JK. Effects of higenamine on isolated heart adrenoceptor of rabbit. Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther. (1984)
- Pyo MK, et al. Effects of higenamine and its 1-naphthyl analogs, YS-49 and YS-51, on platelet TXA2 synthesis and aggregation. Thromb Res. (2007)
- Yun-Choi HS, et al. Anti-thrombotic effects of higenamine. Planta Med. (2001)
- Yun-Choi HS, et al. Antithrombotic effects of YS-49 and YS-51--1-naphthylmethyl analogs of higenamine. Thromb Res. (2001)
- Yun-Choi HS, et al. The effects of higenamine on LPS-induced experimental disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in rats. Planta Med. (2002)
- Pyo MK, et al. Enantioselective synthesis of (R)-(+)- and (S)-(-)-higenamine and their analogues with effects on platelet aggregation and experimental animal model of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. (2008)
- Ueki T, et al. Biphasic tracheal relaxation induced by higenamine and nantenine from Nandina domestica Thunberg. J Pharmacol Sci. (2011)
- Kam SC, et al. The relaxation effect and mechanism of action of higenamine in the rat corpus cavernosum. Int J Impot Res. (2011)
Link: http://examine.com/supplements/Higenamine/
Last edited by Ospite; 27-04-2012, 00:52:14.
Originariamente Scritto da LARRY SCOTT Visualizza MessaggioL'assunzione in contempranea di tutti questi cocktail di ultra-stimolanti è vivamente sconsigliata.
Sovradosaggi e miscugli di cardiostimolanti potenti come raw, yoh e higenamina possono dare anche effetti collaterali a lunghissimo termine, che si manifestano nell'arco di mesi, se non anni dopo.
I forum americani non fanno testo (anzi, ne fan fin troppo)nè tantomeno gli yanqui sono divinità in terra.
---------- Post added at 20:48:05 ---------- Previous post was at 20:38:44 ----------
Circa l'Higenamina
[Effects of higenamine on the cardio-circulatory system].
[Article in Chinese]
Zhou SJ, Du GY.
Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100700, China. girljoan@yahoo.com.cn
Higenamine (HG) is a potent cardioactive benzylisoquinoline alkaloid isolated from Aconiti tuber which has long been used as a cardiotonic in traditional Chinese medicine. HG exerts various effects on the cardio-circulatory system inotropic and chronotropic in isolated rat atria. It also relaxes isolated rat aorta. It inhibits epinephrine, ADP or collagen-induced platelet aggregation in platelet rich plasma. HG inhibits LPS-induced nitrate accumulation and the expression of iNOS mRNA in RAW 264.7 cells. HG lowers blood pressure in rats and increases the recovery rates in acute thrombosis model of mice, and lower the weight of thrombus formed in the arterio-venous shunt model of rats. Higenamine also has ameliorative effects in the LPS-induced DIC model.
PMID:15620176 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Positive chronotropic and inotropic effects of higenamine and its enhancing action on the aconitine-induced tachyarrhythmia in isolated murine atria.
Kimura I, Makino M, Takamura Y, Islam MA, Kimura M.
Department of Chemical Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Japan.
Aconitine and higenamine are the components of aconite root. We investigated the cardiac effects of these compounds on murine right and left atria and the interaction of higenamine with aconitine on the rate of spontaneously beating right atria. Higenamine increased the rate (EC50 = 38 nM) and the force of contraction (EC50 = 97 nM), the maximal responses being comparable with those of isoproterenol. The positive chronotropic effect of higenamine was antagonized by propranolol (30-300 nM) and practolol (10 nM-3 microM), but not by butoxamine (1 microM), indicating that it was a beta 1-adrenoceptor-mediated action. The positive chronotropic effect of higenamine was not changed by pretreatment with reserpine (4 mg/kg, i.p., 4 hr). Aconitine (0.16-0.25 microM) induced tachyarrhythmia in right atria was attenuated by quinidine (1 microM), atropine (8.6 microM) and AF-DX 116 (8.6 microM), suggesting that aconitine activates sodium channels and muscarinic receptors. Higenamine (2.5 nM) and dobutamine (1 nM) did not cause chronotropic effects by themselves, but enhanced the aconitine-induced tachyarrhythmia. These results indicate that higenamine is a beta 1-adrenoceptor full agonist in murine atria and that the aconitine-induced tachyarrhythmia is augmented by the beta 1-adrenergic action of higenamine.
PMID:7861670 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Uno lungo, ma molto interessante
Higenamine: summary
Higenamine is a catecholamine-like structure that interacts with the same class of receptors that the fat burners Synephrine and Ephedrine do, the beta-adrenergic receptors.
Due to these reasons, it is being investigated for use as a possible fat burning compound. Historically, the plants that higenamine comes from have been used to treat breathing disorders and cough through these receptors.There is not enough information to determine the 'best' dose for higenamine supplementation.
2.1. Pharmacokinetics
Higenamine Hydrochloride has been studied in humans[5] as IV injection. The AUC through this method was found to be 5.39ng h/mL with a half-life of 0.133 hours, and 9.3% of the injected solution was found in the urine after 8 hours (three doses of 0.2, 4, and 40ng/mL tested).[5] There appear to be large differences in pharmacokinetics between humans and those previously found in rabbits.[6][7]
2.2. Receptor Interactions
The EC^50 value of Higenamine in trachea cells is 47.6±1.8ng/mL when looking at a fragment of 49% higenamine extracted from Nandina.[4] although a molar value of 86.0±3.3 nM was found when looking at Higenamine in isolation.
Synthetic Higenamine appears to have slightly higher EC^50 values in this regard.
The IC^50 value on RAW 264.7 cells (an experimental mouse line of leukocyte immune cells) was 53uM after a 10mg/kg bodyweight I.P injection.[3]
Edit3. Interactions with Fat Metabolism
Higenamine is a beta-adrenergic agonist like Ephedrine and Synephrine.[8][9][10][2][11] Specifically, it acts on the beta(2) subunit mostly, as blocking the beta(1) subunit does not abolish its effects.[8] Studies in other tissues (with higher Beta(1) concentrations) do note some beta(1)adrenergic agonism.[10]
Currently, no studies have investigated the potency of higenamine on adipose tissue (in vitro or in vivo)
Edit4. Interactions with the Cardiovascular System
4.1. Blood flow and heart rate
Higenamine may possess anti-platelet[12] and anti-thrombotic effects in vivo at doses around 50-100mg/kg bodyweight in rats.[13] Similar effects have been noted with analogues found in the Aconitate plant.[14]
In a model of intravascular coagulation in rats, Higenamine shows biological activity at an oral dose of 10-50mg/kg bodyweight.[15][16]
Although Aconitine has been implicated in altering heart rate, in vitro models suggest this does not occur with isolated Higenamine,[10] although it seems to increase the alteration in heart rate when in the form of aconitine. The tachycardia is mediated by beta(1)adrenergic receptors.[10]
4.2. Breathing and asthma
Higenamine, through beta(2)adrenegeric agonism, can induce relaxation of the trachea.[4] One of the fruits higenamine comes from (Nandina; or Nantenjitsu) has been used traditionally to aid in breathing complications and cough.[4] It has also been implicated in reducing acetylcholine-induced tracheal constriction in a dose dependent manner.[9] Nandina is composed of another molecule known to aid asthma (nantenine) and higenamine is seen as causative of the first phase of Nandina's biphasic tracheal relaxation effect (with nantenine being longer-lasting).[17]
When tested in Guinea Pigs, higenamine has shown anti-asthmatic effects in response to histamine.[9]
Edit5. Interactions with Sexuality
Higenamine has been implicated in inhibiting Nitric Oxide production and inducable nitric oxide synthase mRNA expression.[3] Despite this action (which is normally seen as anti-erectile) higenamine appears to induce relaxation and promote erection through beta-adrenergic interactions.[18] The inhibition of NO was seen as an injection of 10mg/kg bodyweight, a large dose.
Edit6. Safety and Toxicity
A study cited in this paper[5] but otherwise inaccessible, from the journal Zhongguo Lin Chuang Yao Li Xue Za Zhi (Y.R Du et al.) suggests that the highest safe/recommended dose in humans is 24mcg/kg bodyweight as higenamine hydrochloride. It showed good tolerance in subjects below this dosage.
editScientific Support & Reference Citations
- Kashiwada Y, et al. Anti-HIV benzylisoquinoline alkaloids and flavonoids from the leaves of Nelumbo nucifera, and structure-activity correlations with related alkaloids. Bioorg Med Chem. (2005)
- Kimura I, et al. Inotropic effects of (+/-)-higenamine and its chemically related components, (+)-R-coclaurine and (+)-S-reticuline, contained in the traditional sino-Japanese medicines "bushi" and "shin-i" in isolated guinea pig papillary muscle. Jpn J Pharmacol. (1989)
- Kang YJ, et al. Inhibition of activation of nuclear factor kappaB is responsible for inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression by higenamine, an active component of aconite root. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. (1999)
- Tsukiyama M, et al. Beta2-adrenoceptor-mediated tracheal relaxation induced by higenamine from Nandina domestica Thunberg. Planta Med. (2009)
- Feng S, Hu P, Jiang J. Determination of higenamine in human plasma and urine using liquid chromatography coupled to positive electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. (2011)
- Lo CF, Chen CM. Determination of higenamine in plasma and urine by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. J Chromatogr B Biomed Appl. (1994)
- Pharmacokinetics of Higenamine in Rabbits
- Liu W, et al. Effects of higenamine on regulation of ion transport in guinea pig distal colon. Jpn J Pharmacol. (2000)
- Bai G, et al. Identification of higenamine in Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata as a beta2-adrenergic receptor agonist1. Acta Pharmacol Sin. (2008)
- Kimura I, et al. Positive chronotropic and inotropic effects of higenamine and its enhancing action on the aconitine-induced tachyarrhythmia in isolated murine atria. Jpn J Pharmacol. (1994)
- Park CW, Chang KC, Lim JK. Effects of higenamine on isolated heart adrenoceptor of rabbit. Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther. (1984)
- Pyo MK, et al. Effects of higenamine and its 1-naphthyl analogs, YS-49 and YS-51, on platelet TXA2 synthesis and aggregation. Thromb Res. (2007)
- Yun-Choi HS, et al. Anti-thrombotic effects of higenamine. Planta Med. (2001)
- Yun-Choi HS, et al. Antithrombotic effects of YS-49 and YS-51--1-naphthylmethyl analogs of higenamine. Thromb Res. (2001)
- Yun-Choi HS, et al. The effects of higenamine on LPS-induced experimental disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in rats. Planta Med. (2002)
- Pyo MK, et al. Enantioselective synthesis of (R)-(+)- and (S)-(-)-higenamine and their analogues with effects on platelet aggregation and experimental animal model of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. (2008)
- Ueki T, et al. Biphasic tracheal relaxation induced by higenamine and nantenine from Nandina domestica Thunberg. J Pharmacol Sci. (2011)
- Kam SC, et al. The relaxation effect and mechanism of action of higenamine in the rat corpus cavernosum. Int J Impot Res. (2011
Originariamente Scritto da Jehuty Visualizza MessaggioLode a te, grande LARRY!!!