Un amico mi ha consigliato questo integratore, non avendolo mai sentito ho fatto qualche ricerca :
ecco uno studio sui topi :
Chinese Maca Lab Study and Report:
(© 2000, Elsevier Science Inc., the Journal of Urology, volume #55, 2000)
Effects of a Lipidic Extract from Lepidium Meyenii on sexual behavior in Mice and Rats.
Zheng BL, He K, Kim CH, Rogers L, Shao Y, Huang ZY, Lu Y, Yan SJ, Qien LC, Zheng QY. Pure World Botanicals, Inc., South Hackensack, New Jersey, USA.
This study reveals for the first time an aphrodisiac activity of L. Meyenii, an Andean mountain herb.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES: To determine the effect of oral administration of a purified lipidic extract from lepidium meyenii/peruvianum (M-01 M-02) on the number of complete intromissions and mating in normal mice, and on the latent period of erection (LPE) in rats with erectile dysfunction.
METHODS: Mice and rats were randomly divided into several experimental and control groups. A 10% ethanol suspension of M-01 and M-02 was orally administered for 22 days to the experimental groups according to the dosage specified by the experimental design. On day 22, 30 minutes after the dose was administered to the male mice, 2 virgin female mice were placed with 1 male mouse. The number of complete intromissions of each male mouse in 3 hours was recorded. In an assessment of 1 day of mating, each male mouse was cohabited with 5 estrous female mice overnight. The number of sperm-positive females was recorded. The LPE was measured to asses the sexual function in rats with erectile dysfunction. By using a YSD-4G multifunction instrument, an electric pulse at 20 V was applied to stimulate the rat`s penis, and the duration from the start to the stimulus to full erection was measured in seconds as the LPE.
RESULTS: In the normal male mice, the number of complete intromissions during the 3-hour period was 16.33 ± 1.78, 46.67 ± 2.39, and 67.01 ± 2.55 for the control group, M-01 group, and M-02 group, respectively. In the assessment of mating, the number of sperm-positive females increasede from 0.6 ± 0.7 in the control group to 1.5 ± 0.5 in the M-01 experimental group. LPE of male rats with erectile dysfunction was 112 ± 13 seconds with a regular diet (control group). The oral administration of M-01 at a dose of 180 or 1800 mg/kg body weight and M-02 at a dose of 45, 180, 1800 mg/kg body weight reduced the LPE to 54 ± 12 seconds, 54 ± 13 seconds, 71 ± 12 seconds, 73 ± seconds, and 41 ± 13 seconds, respectively. The LPE of the surgical rats treated with M-01 at the lowest dose (45 mg/kg) was 121 ± 12 seconds; thus, the change was not significant.
CONCLUSIONS: Oral administration of M-01 and M-02 enhanced the sexual function of the mice and rats, as evidenced by an increase in the number of complete intromissions and the number of sperm-positive females in normal mice, and decrease in the LPE in male rats with erectile dysfunction.
This study was conducted by: Bo Lin Zheng, Kan he, Calvin Hyungchan Kim, Lingling Rogers, Yu Shao, Zhen yen Huang, Yang lu, Sui jun Yan, Lu cheng Qien, and Qun yi Zheng at the Shenyang Medical College & Liaoning College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shenyang China, and also at the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Beijing, People´s Republic of China.
References: 1. Leon T: The ´Maca´ (Lepidium meyenii): a Little known food plant of Peru. Econ Bot 18: 122-127, 1964. 2. Chacón RC: Estudio fitoquímico de Lepidium meyenii Walp. Thesis, University Nac. Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru, 1961. 3. Zheng BL, Kim CH, He K, et al: A process for the isolation and purification of Lepidium meyenii. Patent pending, 1999. 4. National Clinical Test Procedure, FDA of China, 1998. 5. Hermann M, and Heller J: Andean Roots and Tubers: Ahipa, Arracacha, Maca and Yacom Rome, IPGRI, 1997, pp 175-195. 6. Cobo B: Historia del Nuevo Mundo. Biblioteca de Autores Españoles 81: 430, 1956. 7. Ruiz H: Relación histórica del viaje a los reinos del Peru y Chile, 1777-1778, Madrid Acad. De Ciene Exaetas: Fis y Nat 1: 526, 1952. 8. Pulgar VJ: Las Maca Lepidium sp. Poderoso fecundante vegetal. La voz de Huancayo 24:10, 1964. 9. John T: The anu and the maca. J Ethnobiol 1: 208-212,1981.
Pare che funzioni e sia naturale, normalmente sono molto scettico su questi integratori, penso che funzionini in casi carenziali come l'impotenza ma che difficilmente influiscano positivamente su un organismo sano con normale produzione di testosterone.
Sono tuttavia curioso di provarlo
volevo sentire se qualcuno lo usa e con quali esiti!
ecco uno studio sui topi :
Chinese Maca Lab Study and Report:
(© 2000, Elsevier Science Inc., the Journal of Urology, volume #55, 2000)
Effects of a Lipidic Extract from Lepidium Meyenii on sexual behavior in Mice and Rats.
Zheng BL, He K, Kim CH, Rogers L, Shao Y, Huang ZY, Lu Y, Yan SJ, Qien LC, Zheng QY. Pure World Botanicals, Inc., South Hackensack, New Jersey, USA.
This study reveals for the first time an aphrodisiac activity of L. Meyenii, an Andean mountain herb.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES: To determine the effect of oral administration of a purified lipidic extract from lepidium meyenii/peruvianum (M-01 M-02) on the number of complete intromissions and mating in normal mice, and on the latent period of erection (LPE) in rats with erectile dysfunction.
METHODS: Mice and rats were randomly divided into several experimental and control groups. A 10% ethanol suspension of M-01 and M-02 was orally administered for 22 days to the experimental groups according to the dosage specified by the experimental design. On day 22, 30 minutes after the dose was administered to the male mice, 2 virgin female mice were placed with 1 male mouse. The number of complete intromissions of each male mouse in 3 hours was recorded. In an assessment of 1 day of mating, each male mouse was cohabited with 5 estrous female mice overnight. The number of sperm-positive females was recorded. The LPE was measured to asses the sexual function in rats with erectile dysfunction. By using a YSD-4G multifunction instrument, an electric pulse at 20 V was applied to stimulate the rat`s penis, and the duration from the start to the stimulus to full erection was measured in seconds as the LPE.
RESULTS: In the normal male mice, the number of complete intromissions during the 3-hour period was 16.33 ± 1.78, 46.67 ± 2.39, and 67.01 ± 2.55 for the control group, M-01 group, and M-02 group, respectively. In the assessment of mating, the number of sperm-positive females increasede from 0.6 ± 0.7 in the control group to 1.5 ± 0.5 in the M-01 experimental group. LPE of male rats with erectile dysfunction was 112 ± 13 seconds with a regular diet (control group). The oral administration of M-01 at a dose of 180 or 1800 mg/kg body weight and M-02 at a dose of 45, 180, 1800 mg/kg body weight reduced the LPE to 54 ± 12 seconds, 54 ± 13 seconds, 71 ± 12 seconds, 73 ± seconds, and 41 ± 13 seconds, respectively. The LPE of the surgical rats treated with M-01 at the lowest dose (45 mg/kg) was 121 ± 12 seconds; thus, the change was not significant.
CONCLUSIONS: Oral administration of M-01 and M-02 enhanced the sexual function of the mice and rats, as evidenced by an increase in the number of complete intromissions and the number of sperm-positive females in normal mice, and decrease in the LPE in male rats with erectile dysfunction.
This study was conducted by: Bo Lin Zheng, Kan he, Calvin Hyungchan Kim, Lingling Rogers, Yu Shao, Zhen yen Huang, Yang lu, Sui jun Yan, Lu cheng Qien, and Qun yi Zheng at the Shenyang Medical College & Liaoning College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shenyang China, and also at the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Beijing, People´s Republic of China.
References: 1. Leon T: The ´Maca´ (Lepidium meyenii): a Little known food plant of Peru. Econ Bot 18: 122-127, 1964. 2. Chacón RC: Estudio fitoquímico de Lepidium meyenii Walp. Thesis, University Nac. Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru, 1961. 3. Zheng BL, Kim CH, He K, et al: A process for the isolation and purification of Lepidium meyenii. Patent pending, 1999. 4. National Clinical Test Procedure, FDA of China, 1998. 5. Hermann M, and Heller J: Andean Roots and Tubers: Ahipa, Arracacha, Maca and Yacom Rome, IPGRI, 1997, pp 175-195. 6. Cobo B: Historia del Nuevo Mundo. Biblioteca de Autores Españoles 81: 430, 1956. 7. Ruiz H: Relación histórica del viaje a los reinos del Peru y Chile, 1777-1778, Madrid Acad. De Ciene Exaetas: Fis y Nat 1: 526, 1952. 8. Pulgar VJ: Las Maca Lepidium sp. Poderoso fecundante vegetal. La voz de Huancayo 24:10, 1964. 9. John T: The anu and the maca. J Ethnobiol 1: 208-212,1981.
Pare che funzioni e sia naturale, normalmente sono molto scettico su questi integratori, penso che funzionini in casi carenziali come l'impotenza ma che difficilmente influiscano positivamente su un organismo sano con normale produzione di testosterone.
Sono tuttavia curioso di provarlo
