Allora, ho trovato questi studi :
Report 7.
Many nutrients have been shown to increase growth hormone in both young and old subjects. The amino acids Arginine and Ornithine have been used for a number of years to enhance production of growth hormone since they were first popularized by Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw in their book, " Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach."
Report 8.
A synergistic effect also has been shown between Arginine and another amino acid, lysine. According to a 1981 study by Italian researcher A. Isidori, M.D., and his associates at the University of Rome, the combination of 1,200 mg of lysine and 1,200 mg of Arginine in 15 male volunteers between 15 and 20 was 10 times more effective than taking Arginine alone.
Report 9.
Glutamine is the latest amino acid to generate excitement as a GH releaser, thanks to a 1995 study by Tomas C. Welbourne of Louisiana State University College of Medicine in Shreveport. Welbourne showed that a surprising small oral dose two grams of glutamine raised growth hormone levels more than four times, compared with subjects given a placebo. Even more exciting, age did not diminish the response, at least in this study of volunteers ranging from 32 to 64 years of age.
Veloce commento per i non-inglesi : c' è uno studio (addirittura italiani
) che attesta che la supplementazione di arginina combinata con lisina causa un aumento del GH (che a differenza del testo provoca più che altro un aumento del volume del muscolo più che la forza) .
Poi però trovo anche questo :
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 1999 Aug;54(8):M395-9
Oral arginine does not stimulate basal or augment exercise-induced GH
secretion in either young or old adults.
Marcell TJ, Taaffe DR, Hawkins SA, Tarpenning KM, Pyka G, Kohlmeier L,
Wiswell RA, Marcus R
Department of Exercise Science, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, USA.
BACKGROUND: Growth hormone (GH) helps maintain body composition and
metabolism in adults. However, basal and peak GH decline with age. Exercise
produces a physiologic GH response that is subnormal in elderly people.
Arginine (Arg) infusion can augment GH secretion, but the efficacy of oral
Arg to improve GH response to exercise has not been explored. We
investigated whether oral Arg increases GH secretion in young and old people
at rest and during exercise. METHODS: Twenty young (Y: 22.1 +/- 0.9 y; SEM)
and 8 old (O: 68.5 +/- 2.1 y) male and female subjects underwent three
different trials following determination of their one-repetition maximum
strength (1-RM); exercise only (EO; 3 sets, 8-10 reps at 85% of 1-RM; on 12
separate resistive lifts), Arg only (5.0 g), or Arg + exercise. Blood
samples were collected between successive lifts, and GH (ng x ml(-1)) was
determined via RIA. RESULTS: In Y vs O: Basal GH secreted (area under the
curve) was 543.6 +/- 84.0 vs 211.5 +/- 63.0. During EO, values were 986.6
+/- 156.6 and 517.8 +/- 85.5. Both were significantly lower in the older
individuals (p < .05). Oral Arg alone did not result in any increase in GH
secretion at rest (310.8 +/- 73.2 vs 262.9 +/- 141.2). When Arg was
coadministered during exercise, GH release was not affected in either the
young or old and appeared to be blunted in the young compared to the
exercise only trial in the young. CONCLUSION: Based upon these findings, we
concluded that oral Arg does not stimulate GH secretion and may impair GH
release during resistive exercise.
PMID: 10496544, UI: 99424863
E' stato dimostrato, in precedenti sperimentazioni, che l'infusione di
Arginina può aumentare la secrezione di GH, ma la sua efficacia quando
somministrata per via orale non è ancora stata esplorata. In questo
esperimento si è somministrato per via orale l'aminoacido Arginina (nella
quantità di 5 gr. per dose), in un campione composto da soggetti sia giovani
che anziani, e sia in condizioni di riposo che durante l'esercizio con i
NESSUN incremento della secrezione di GH, quando l'Argininia stata
somministrata a riposo.
NESSUN incremento della secrezione di GH, quando l'Arginina è stata
somministrata durante l'esercizio nei soggetti anziani.
INIBIZIONE della secrezione di GH, quando l'Arginina è stata somministrata
durante l'esercizio nei soggetti giovani.
Allora io mi chiedo? Ma ci prendono per il culo?
! Cmq che ne pensate? Anche della glutammina (sulla quale non ho trovato uno studio contrastante, però ho come il sospetto che ci sia
) .
Report 7.
Many nutrients have been shown to increase growth hormone in both young and old subjects. The amino acids Arginine and Ornithine have been used for a number of years to enhance production of growth hormone since they were first popularized by Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw in their book, " Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach."
Report 8.
A synergistic effect also has been shown between Arginine and another amino acid, lysine. According to a 1981 study by Italian researcher A. Isidori, M.D., and his associates at the University of Rome, the combination of 1,200 mg of lysine and 1,200 mg of Arginine in 15 male volunteers between 15 and 20 was 10 times more effective than taking Arginine alone.
Report 9.
Glutamine is the latest amino acid to generate excitement as a GH releaser, thanks to a 1995 study by Tomas C. Welbourne of Louisiana State University College of Medicine in Shreveport. Welbourne showed that a surprising small oral dose two grams of glutamine raised growth hormone levels more than four times, compared with subjects given a placebo. Even more exciting, age did not diminish the response, at least in this study of volunteers ranging from 32 to 64 years of age.
Veloce commento per i non-inglesi : c' è uno studio (addirittura italiani

Poi però trovo anche questo :
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 1999 Aug;54(8):M395-9
Oral arginine does not stimulate basal or augment exercise-induced GH
secretion in either young or old adults.
Marcell TJ, Taaffe DR, Hawkins SA, Tarpenning KM, Pyka G, Kohlmeier L,
Wiswell RA, Marcus R
Department of Exercise Science, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, USA.
BACKGROUND: Growth hormone (GH) helps maintain body composition and
metabolism in adults. However, basal and peak GH decline with age. Exercise
produces a physiologic GH response that is subnormal in elderly people.
Arginine (Arg) infusion can augment GH secretion, but the efficacy of oral
Arg to improve GH response to exercise has not been explored. We
investigated whether oral Arg increases GH secretion in young and old people
at rest and during exercise. METHODS: Twenty young (Y: 22.1 +/- 0.9 y; SEM)
and 8 old (O: 68.5 +/- 2.1 y) male and female subjects underwent three
different trials following determination of their one-repetition maximum
strength (1-RM); exercise only (EO; 3 sets, 8-10 reps at 85% of 1-RM; on 12
separate resistive lifts), Arg only (5.0 g), or Arg + exercise. Blood
samples were collected between successive lifts, and GH (ng x ml(-1)) was
determined via RIA. RESULTS: In Y vs O: Basal GH secreted (area under the
curve) was 543.6 +/- 84.0 vs 211.5 +/- 63.0. During EO, values were 986.6
+/- 156.6 and 517.8 +/- 85.5. Both were significantly lower in the older
individuals (p < .05). Oral Arg alone did not result in any increase in GH
secretion at rest (310.8 +/- 73.2 vs 262.9 +/- 141.2). When Arg was
coadministered during exercise, GH release was not affected in either the
young or old and appeared to be blunted in the young compared to the
exercise only trial in the young. CONCLUSION: Based upon these findings, we
concluded that oral Arg does not stimulate GH secretion and may impair GH
release during resistive exercise.
PMID: 10496544, UI: 99424863
E' stato dimostrato, in precedenti sperimentazioni, che l'infusione di
Arginina può aumentare la secrezione di GH, ma la sua efficacia quando
somministrata per via orale non è ancora stata esplorata. In questo
esperimento si è somministrato per via orale l'aminoacido Arginina (nella
quantità di 5 gr. per dose), in un campione composto da soggetti sia giovani
che anziani, e sia in condizioni di riposo che durante l'esercizio con i
NESSUN incremento della secrezione di GH, quando l'Argininia stata
somministrata a riposo.
NESSUN incremento della secrezione di GH, quando l'Arginina è stata
somministrata durante l'esercizio nei soggetti anziani.
INIBIZIONE della secrezione di GH, quando l'Arginina è stata somministrata
durante l'esercizio nei soggetti giovani.
Allora io mi chiedo? Ma ci prendono per il culo?
