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Riassumo per gli ignoranti e i più pigri
- non è stato trovato alcun aumento dello stress ossidativo in allenamenti eccentrici con i pesi, sia un atleti che in non atleti
- la supplementazione con vitaminca C + la VERA vitamina E (tocoferoli + tocotrienoli) non è servita a un caxxo
J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2007 Oct 3;4(1):9 [Epub ahead of print]
Prior exercise and antioxidant supplementation: effect on oxidative stress and muscle injury.
Bloomer RJ, Falvo MJ, Schilling BK, Smith WA.
BACKGROUND: Both acute bouts of prior exercise (preconditioning) and antioxidant nutrients have been used in an attempt to attenuate muscle injury or oxidative stress in response to resistance exercise. However, most studies have focused on untrained participants rather than on athletes. The purpose of this work was to determine the independent and combined effects of antioxidant supplementation (vitamin C + mixed tocopherols/tocotrienols) and prior eccentric exercise in attenuating markers of skeletal muscle injury and oxidative stress in resistance trained men.
METHODS: Thirty-six men were randomly assigned to: no prior exercise + placebo; no prior exercise + antioxidant; prior exercise + placebo; prior exercise + antioxidant. Markers of muscle/cell injury (muscle performance, muscle soreness, C-reactive protein, and creatine kinase activity), as well as oxidative stress (blood protein carbonyls and peroxides), were measured before and through 48 hours of exercise recovery.
RESULTS: No group by time interactions were noted for any variable (P>0.05). Time main effects were noted for creatine kinase activity, muscle soreness, maximal isometric force and peak velocity (P<0.0001). Protein carbonyls and peroxides were relatively unaffected by exercise.
CONCLUSION: There appears to be no independent or combined effect of a prior bout of eccentric exercise or antioxidant supplementation as used here on markers of muscle injury in resistance trained men. Moreover, eccentric exercise as used in the present study results in minimal blood oxidative stress in resistance trained men. Hence, antioxidant supplementation for the purpose of minimizing blood oxidative stress in relation to eccentric exercise appears unnecessary in this population.

Riassumo per gli ignoranti e i più pigri

- non è stato trovato alcun aumento dello stress ossidativo in allenamenti eccentrici con i pesi, sia un atleti che in non atleti
- la supplementazione con vitaminca C + la VERA vitamina E (tocoferoli + tocotrienoli) non è servita a un caxxo

J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2007 Oct 3;4(1):9 [Epub ahead of print]

Prior exercise and antioxidant supplementation: effect on oxidative stress and muscle injury.
Bloomer RJ, Falvo MJ, Schilling BK, Smith WA.
BACKGROUND: Both acute bouts of prior exercise (preconditioning) and antioxidant nutrients have been used in an attempt to attenuate muscle injury or oxidative stress in response to resistance exercise. However, most studies have focused on untrained participants rather than on athletes. The purpose of this work was to determine the independent and combined effects of antioxidant supplementation (vitamin C + mixed tocopherols/tocotrienols) and prior eccentric exercise in attenuating markers of skeletal muscle injury and oxidative stress in resistance trained men.
METHODS: Thirty-six men were randomly assigned to: no prior exercise + placebo; no prior exercise + antioxidant; prior exercise + placebo; prior exercise + antioxidant. Markers of muscle/cell injury (muscle performance, muscle soreness, C-reactive protein, and creatine kinase activity), as well as oxidative stress (blood protein carbonyls and peroxides), were measured before and through 48 hours of exercise recovery.
RESULTS: No group by time interactions were noted for any variable (P>0.05). Time main effects were noted for creatine kinase activity, muscle soreness, maximal isometric force and peak velocity (P<0.0001). Protein carbonyls and peroxides were relatively unaffected by exercise.
CONCLUSION: There appears to be no independent or combined effect of a prior bout of eccentric exercise or antioxidant supplementation as used here on markers of muscle injury in resistance trained men. Moreover, eccentric exercise as used in the present study results in minimal blood oxidative stress in resistance trained men. Hence, antioxidant supplementation for the purpose of minimizing blood oxidative stress in relation to eccentric exercise appears unnecessary in this population.