HOT-ROX lo conoscete ??

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  • nIK0
    • Nov 2006
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    HOT-ROX lo conoscete ??

    un amico è stato a miami la scorsa estate ed aveva acquistato una confezione di HOT-ROX un termogenico.
    Non l'ha mai usato e oggi me l'ha rifilato per 20eur e in più m'ha dato una borsa di buste da 10g di pro isolate.
    Guardando gli ingredienti non ci ho capito molto, se qualcuno lo conosce o l'ha testato mi dice qualcosa ???? grazie.

    Hot Rox Diet Pills Exposed - Top Rated Review
    BioTest makes the claim that Hot Rox “made ephedra obsolete”. I guess what they are trying to say that the product they have developed will blow any ephedra based fat burner out of the water. Well, this is a pretty bold claim, and one I will testify that there is now way that this product would have the same effect as an ephedra-based fat burner. None. When combined with aspirin and caffeine, ephedra has been the most proven, powerful and effective fat burner. Since ephedra-based products are banned, BioTest, along with many other companies have sought to replicate the effectiveness of ephedra. Let's take a look at the ingredients in Hot Rox, and see what is in this ephedra killer.
    • Caffeine – A common stimulant/thermogenic found in most fat burners.
    • Acetyl L-tyrosine & 5-HTP – Studies have shown that these supplements may have a mood altering effect.
    • MDX Complex (A7-E, Sclaremax and Guggulsterones) - According to the BioTest website, A7-E may increase the levels of T3 thyroid hormone production. Guggulsterones signal the thyroid to increase hormone secretion that may increase your metabolic rate. Many people don't realize that there are 2 types of guggulsterones used in fat burners, regular and E&Z. The type used in Hot Rox is the regular blend, only about 5% pure. The E&Z blend is 99% pure, which means it is around 20 times as effective as the regular blend. Hot Rox definitely missed the boat on this one. Though no studies have proven that Sclaremax has any weight loss effects, it is claimed that it will also boost thyroid hormone production.
    • Coenzyme B6 – This may aid in the metabolizing of carbohydrates and fats.
    • Niacin – Vitamin B3/Niacin is a vasodilator, which means that it enlarges the blood vessels to increase blood flow throughout the body.
    • Pantothenic Acid – Vitamin B5/Pantothenic acid may help synthesize fatty acids and cholesterol.
    • Thiamin – Vitamin B1/Thiamin play an important role in helping the body convert fat into energy.
    As you can see, Hot Rox contains a lot of ingredients that are not so cutting edge. Nothing that makes me believe for one second that they have found the alternative to ephedra. There are a lot of ingredients that are unproven to do anything. The only proven ingredients are those that you can get in any multi-vitamin. Give me a multi-vitamin that I can chase down with a can a coke and you have something that is just as proven as Hot Rox
    Last edited by nIK0; 11-08-2007, 18:57:59.
  • Broly
    • Dec 2006
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    che figata miami


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        Un mio amico è stato negli Usa, mio cugino ci va la prossima settimana, cosa prendo se vado in Usa....

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