Perdere massa grassa..?

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  • Werth
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    Perdere massa grassa..?

    Salve a tutti ciò che vorrei fare è di eliminare il grasso in evidenza che ho solo sulla pancia e sul petto anche se è poco.. Il miglior modo per poter diminuire massa grassa è quello di fare cardio post workout? Se si alcuni dicevano che facendo degli scatti in ripetizione il grasso si riduce più velocemente.
    Se potete darmi dei chiarimenti o se volete consigliarmi qualcosa di diverso ne sarei grato.
  • Ozn
    • Feb 2010
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    Cardio sicuramente ma soprattutto dieta
    Ti consiglio di controllare la tua alimentazione in sezione
    Quali sono i tuoi dati?
    Originariamente Scritto da centos
    mangio e bevo e faccio schifo

    Per ricorsi amministrativi e legali



    • Hunterboy
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      Quello che conta principalmente è la dieta (ipocalorica) in questo caso, ne stai seguendo una oppure no? Un altra cosa, il dimagrimento localizzato non esiste, purtroppo non siamo noi a decidere dove dimagrire..


      • Werth
        Bodyweb Member
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        Sì seguo una dieta a basso consumo di carbo e proteine abbastanza elevate, ho eliminato quasi del tutto gli zuccheri.
        Se potete linkarmi una dieta ipocalorica adatta a me vi ringrazio.


        • Ozn
          • Feb 2010
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          • La terra delle nocchie
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          Non diamo diete da 0: apri un thread in alimentazione scrivendo in dettaglio come mangi e magari posta una foto, con i tuoi dati
          sei al limite del sotto peso
          Originariamente Scritto da centos
          mangio e bevo e faccio schifo

          Per ricorsi amministrativi e legali



          • Werth
            Bodyweb Member
            • Jan 2015
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            Mi spiego meglio.. non ho un'alta percentuale di massa grassa giusto un pochino, però non mi piace perché nasconde parte degli addominali e pettorali.
            Comunque seguo una dieta varia e sana.


            • brajang
              Bodyweb Advanced
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              come ti hanno detto apri un post nella sezione alimentazione, sei al limite del sottopeso. Sei 1.80x62kg il "grasso" che hai addosso non sta coprendo altro che le ossa :| la dieta è tutt'altro che sana.
              That that don't kill me
              Can only make me stronger!


              • valium
                Bodyweb Advanced
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                C'era un 3d dedicato al grasso localizzato, si parlava di integratori che vanno ad attivare determinati recettori per eliminare il grasso addominale.

                Proprio ieri ho trovato quest'articolo di Lyle Mcdonald:

                Getting Rid of Stubborn Bodyfat- by Lyle McDonald

                Without going into the brutally long and complicated mental computations that led me to this (and I'm still working on the overall scheme), here's my current thoughts on how to approach it.

                First and foremost, this is one of the places where morning/pre-breakfast cardio is probably crucially important.

                An hour or two before cardio, take 200 mg caffeine with 1-3 grams of L-tyrosine

                There are two segments to the cardio:

                - The first segment is for mobilization, to get those stubborn fatty acids out of the fat cell.
                - The second segment is the oxidation part, to burn them off in the muscle.

                For the first segment of the cardio, use a machine that you don't normally use. So if you normally do the treadmill, do the first segment on the stairmaster or bike or something. Just make it different.

                First segment:
                warmup: 3-5 minutes
                go hard: 5-10 minutes. I mean hard, as hard as you can stand for the entire time. This will NOT be fun on lowered blood glucose. I've considered putting intervals here but haven't found the data I need to make up my mind. If you do intervals, go something like 5X1' all out with a 1' break (10' total intervals)

                Rest 5', just sit on your butt, drink water, try not to puke.

                Go to your normal cardio machine. Do at least 30 minutes at moderate/high moderate intensity (below lactate threshold but decent intensity). I'd say 45' maximum here but I'm still making up my mind and looking at data.

                Go home, and wait and hour before having a small protein meal (25-50 grams or so). No dietary fat. 2-3 hours later, go back to normal diet eating. Your daily calories shouldn't be any different than they were already, they are just distributed differently, you only have 100-200 immediately after cardio, and then the rest afterwards.

                I'd do that maybe 3 days per week to start, and see what happens.

                Why this works

                To get stubborn fat mobilized, you have to overcome a fairly severe resistance in terms of both blood flow and lipolysis, this requires very high concentrations of catecholamines (adrenaline/noradrenaline). Sadly, jacking up levels of catecholamines (necessary for mobilization) limits burning in the muscle which is why you follow the high intensity with low intensity.

                Basically, you jack up levels to get the fat mobilized, and then let them fall so that the fatty acid can be burned in the muscle.

                The bigger problem with stubborn fat has to do with:

                - Blood flow to the fat cells: which is typically very low, odds are your butt is cold to the touch compared to other areas of your body
                - It's harder to mobilize: both because of impaired blood flow, and because of adrenoceptor issues.

                Oral yohimbe (0.2 mg/kg) can be effective when used over the long term. Don't take it within 3-4 hours of taking ephedrine, and start with a half-dose to assess tolerance (some people get really freaky responses from it). IF you can find pharmaceutical yohimbine, it's far far better than the herbal version (and most of the herbal versions are crap, the only one I trust is Twinlab Yohimbe Fuel).

                Taking the yohimbe with caffeine prior to morning cardio does seem to help with very stubborn fat.
                Last edited by valium; 12-01-2015, 18:10:20.


                • DyD_1974
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                  sei al limite del sottopeso e vuoi dimagrire ancora????

