Ragazzi oggi è guerra............
vogliamo parlare di proteine..................se ribecco lo studio atleti che facevano weight tranining pesante.......avevano bisogno di piu di 2 pro per kg...........
Eagle stai diventando il mio idolo...............e cmq dato che voglio mettere povlere alle fiamme e fare incaxxare ct che stimo molto..........
Effect of weight loss plans on body composition and diet duration.
Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, PO Box 26901-CHB 469, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, OK 73190, USA.
Are low carbohydrate high protein (LCHP) diets more effective in promoting loss of weight and body fat and can individuals stay on an Atkins-like diet more easily than on a conventional weight loss diet? A pre-test/post-test randomized group design composed of three cohorts was utilized to test 1) a LCHP ketogenic diet; 2) the Zone diet; and 3) a conventional hypocaloric diabetic exchange diet that supplied < 10%, 40%, and 50% of calories from carbohydrate, respectively. Body composition was measured before and after the intervention treatment period with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Mean weight loss was 5.1 kg for those who completed the 12-week program. There were no significant differences in total weight, fat, or lean body mass loss when compared by diet group. Attrition was substantial for all plans at 43%, 60%, and 36% for LCHP, Zone and conventional diets, respectively.
PMID: 12043107 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
ps:quindi la restrizion calorica è cio che fa dimagrire.....la qnt di carbo centra poco..........eppure sono in cheto....................uazuazuaz
ps2:che caxxo di materia devo studiare per capire gluconeogensi, metabolismo fegato ??? biochimica o fisiologia ??? in italiano che libri buoni ci sono ???......se riesco dopo economia studio e vado a fare il ricercatore me sto a intrippa ahahahhah
vogliamo parlare di proteine..................se ribecco lo studio atleti che facevano weight tranining pesante.......avevano bisogno di piu di 2 pro per kg...........
Eagle stai diventando il mio idolo...............e cmq dato che voglio mettere povlere alle fiamme e fare incaxxare ct che stimo molto..........
Effect of weight loss plans on body composition and diet duration.
Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, PO Box 26901-CHB 469, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, OK 73190, USA.
Are low carbohydrate high protein (LCHP) diets more effective in promoting loss of weight and body fat and can individuals stay on an Atkins-like diet more easily than on a conventional weight loss diet? A pre-test/post-test randomized group design composed of three cohorts was utilized to test 1) a LCHP ketogenic diet; 2) the Zone diet; and 3) a conventional hypocaloric diabetic exchange diet that supplied < 10%, 40%, and 50% of calories from carbohydrate, respectively. Body composition was measured before and after the intervention treatment period with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Mean weight loss was 5.1 kg for those who completed the 12-week program. There were no significant differences in total weight, fat, or lean body mass loss when compared by diet group. Attrition was substantial for all plans at 43%, 60%, and 36% for LCHP, Zone and conventional diets, respectively.
PMID: 12043107 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
ps:quindi la restrizion calorica è cio che fa dimagrire.....la qnt di carbo centra poco..........eppure sono in cheto....................uazuazuaz
ps2:che caxxo di materia devo studiare per capire gluconeogensi, metabolismo fegato ??? biochimica o fisiologia ??? in italiano che libri buoni ci sono ???......se riesco dopo economia studio e vado a fare il ricercatore me sto a intrippa ahahahhah