Alimentazione iperproteica e patologie a lungo termine

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    Originariamente Scritto da GIULIO
    Le proteine non servono a "spingere"
    quando ne hai assunte 2 gr. per chilo di peso al giorno sono più che sufficenti!
    le prot servono per la "costruzione muscolare" specialmente nel periodo che "spingi di più".
    Come dice 0 è per kg di massa magra.
    Allenamento e dieta fanno di te un atleta


    • ct-7b
      Bodyweb Member
      • Jul 2004
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      Sports Nutrition Review Journal. 1(1):45-51, 2004. (
      Sports Nutrition Review Journal©. A National Library of Congress Indexed Journal. ISSN # 1550-2783
      Anssi H. Manninen
      Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu, Finland. Sports Nutrition
      Review Journal. 1(1):45-51, 2004. Address correspondence to
      Received March 1, 2004/Accepted May 9, 2004/Published (online):
      __________________________________________________ ______________________________
      Results of several recent studies show that high-protein, low-carbohydrate weight loss diets indeed
      have their benefits. However, agencies such as the American Heart Association (AHA) have some
      concerns about possible health risks. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the scientific validity
      of AHA Nutrition Committee´s statement on dietary protein and weight reduction (St. Jeor ST et al.
      Circulation 2001;104:1869-1874), which states: “Individuals who follow these [high-protein] diets
      are risk for… potential cardiac, renal, bone, and liver abnormalities overall. Simply stated, there is
      no scientific evidence whatsoever that high-protein intake has adverse effects on liver function.
      Relative to renal function, there are no data in the scientific literature demonstrating that healthy
      kidneys are damaged by the increased demands of protein consumed in quantities 2-3 times above
      the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). In contrast with the earlier hypothesis that highprotein
      intake promotes osteoporosis, some epidemiological studies found a positive association
      between protein intake and bone mineral density. Further, recent studies studies suggest, at least in
      the short term, that RDA for protein (0.8 g/kg) does not support normal calcium homeostasis.
      Finally, a negative correlation has been shown between protein intake and systolic and diastolic
      blood pressures in several epidemiological surveys. In conclusion, there is little if any scientific
      evidence supporting above mentioned statement. Certainly, such public warnings should be based
      on a thorough analysis of the scientific literature, not unsubstantiated fears and misrepresentations.
      For individuals with normal renal function, the risks are minimal and must be balanced against the
      real and established risk of continued obesity. Sports Nutrition Review Journal. 1(1):45-51, 2004
      Key Words: high-protein diets, adverse effects, American Heart Association
      __________________________________________________ ______________________________
      Certainly, living organisms thrive best in the
      milieu and on the diet to which they were
      evolutionarily adopted. From all indications,
      Homo sapiens sapiens (anatomically modern
      humans) has remained biologically
      unchanged during at least the last 50,000
      years.39 It was not until some 10,000 years
      ago that the transition from a roaming hunter
      and gatherer to a stationary farmer began.
      Consequently, our diet has become
      progressively more divergent from those of
      our ancient ancestors. The typical Paleolithic diet
      compared with the average modern American
      diet contained 3 to 4 times more protein.40
      It is implausible that an animal that adapted to a
      high protein diet for 5 million years suddenly in
      10,000 years becomes a predominant
      carbohydrate burner. Indeed, counter to the
      current U.S. Dietary Guidelines which promotes
      diet high in complex carbohydrates, recent
      clinical investigations support the efficacy of
      high-protein diets for weight loss/fat loss, as well
      as for improved insulin sensitivity and blood
      lipid profiles. Thus, the popularity of highprotein
      diets for weigh loss is unquestionable.
      However, there are always some concerns
      about high-protein diets.
      In 2001, the American Heart Association
      (AHA) Nutrition Committee published
      statement on dietary protein and weight
      reduction.2 According to this statement,
      “Individuals who follow these [high-protein]
      diets are risk for… potential cardiac, renal,
      bone, and liver abnormalities overall.
      However, it should be noted that there is little
      if any evidence supporting these contentions.
      Thus, this review deals with the relationship
      between protein intake and renal function,
      bone health, blood pressure, heart disease and
      liver function. Also, effects of very-low
      carbohydrate diet on lean body mass loss are

      Healthy individuals. Despite its role in
      nitrogen excretion, there are presently no data
      in the scientific literature demonstrating the
      healthy kidney will be damaged by the
      increased demands of protein consumed in
      quantities above the Recommended Dietary
      Allowance (RDA). Furthermore, real world
      examples support this contention since kidney
      problems are nonexistent in the bodybuilding
      community in which high-protein intake has
      been the norm for over half a century.3
      Recently, Walser published comprehensive
      review on protein intake and renal function,
      which states: “it is clear that protein
      restriction does not prevent decline in renal
      function with age, and, in fact, is the major
      cause of that decline. A better way to prevent
      the decline would be to increase protein
      intake... there is no reason to restrict protein
      intake in healthy individuals in order to
      protect the kidney.” 4
      The study by Poortmans and Dellalieux
      investigated body-builders and other welltrained
      athletes with high- and mediumprotein
      intake, respectively.5 The athletes
      underwent a 7-day nutrition record analysis as
      well as blood sample and urine collection to
      determine the potential renal consequences of a
      high protein intake. The data revealed that
      despite higher plasma concentration of uric acid
      and calcium, bodybuilders had renal clearances
      of creatinine, urea, and albumin that were within
      the normal range. To conclude, it appears, at
      least in the short term, that protein intake under
      2.8 g/kg does not impair renal function in welltrained
      More recently, Knight et al. determined whether
      protein intake influences the rate of renal
      function change in women over an 11-year
      period.32 1624 women enrolled in the Nurses’
      Health Study who were 42 to 68 years of age in
      1989 and gave blood samples in 1989 and 2000.
      Ninety-eight percent of women were white, and
      1% were African American. In multivariate
      linear regression analyses, high protein intake
      was not significantly associated with change in
      estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in
      women with normal renal function (defined as an
      estimated GFR 80 mL/min per 1.73 m2). Thus,
      the authors concluded that high protein intake
      does not seem to be associated with renal
      function decline in women with normal renal
      function. As pointed out by Lentine and
      Wrone33, the generalizability of these findings is
      limited by sampling characteristics to white midadulthood,
      but this limitation is overshadowed
      by strong internal validity grounded in a large
      sample size, prospective outcomes
      ascertainment, and adjustment for multiple
      Chronic Renal Failure. Historically, dietary
      protein restriction has been recommend as a
      therapeutic approach for delaying the
      progression of chronic renal failure (CRF).
      However, as pointed out by Ikizler,6 it is
      important to reassess the applicability of this
      approach. Indeed, the results of the largest
      randomised clinical trial, The Modification of
      Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD), did not
      demonstrate a benefit of dietary protein
      restriction on progression of renal disease.7
      Further, CRF patients have been shown to
      require a protein intake of 1.4 g/kg/day to
      maintain a positive or neutral nitrogen
      balance during nondialysis days, and even this
      intake may not be adequate for dialysis days.6
      Diabetics. According to American Diabetes
      Association (ADA), there is no evidence to
      suggest that usual protein intake (15-20% of
      total calories) should be modified if renal
      function is normal.8 The long-term effects of
      consuming > 20% of energy as protein on the
      development of nephropathy has not been
      determined, and therefore ADA nutritionists
      felt it may be prudent to avoid protein intakes
      > 20% of total daily energy.8 More recently,
      the metabolic effects of a high-protein diet
      were compared with those of the prototypical
      healthy (control) diet, which is currently
      recommended to persons with type 2
      diabetes.31 The ratio of protein to
      carbohydrate to fat was 30:40:30 in the highprotein
      diet and 15:55:30 in the control diet.
      The high-protein diet resulted in a 40%
      decrease in the mean 24-h integrated glucose
      area response. Further, glycated hemoglobin
      decreased 0.8% and 0.3% after 5 weeks of the
      high-protein and control diets, respectively.
      Finally, fasting triacylglycerol was
      significantly lower after the high-protein diet
      than after the control diet. The authors
      concluded that a high-protein diet lowers
      blood glucose postprandially in persons with
      type 2 diabetes and improves overall glucose
      control. Cleary, longer-term studies are
      necessary to determine the total magnitude of
      response and possible adverse effects.

      Increasing dietary protein increases urine
      calcium excretion such that for each 50 g
      increment of protein consumed, and extra 60
      mg of urinary calcium is excreted. It follows
      that the higher the protein intake, the more
      urine calcium is lost and the more negative
      calcium balance becomes. Since 99% of the
      body´s calcium is found in bone, one would
      hypothesize that high protein induced
      hypercalciuria would results in high bone
      resorption and increased prevalence of
      osteopenia or osteoporotic-related fractures.
      However, the epidemiological and clinical data
      addressing this hypothesis are controversial. In
      fact, some epidemiological studies found a
      positive association between protein intake and
      bone mineral density (BMD).9,37,38 Further, there
      is growing evidence that a low protein diet has a
      detrimental effect on bone. For example,
      Kerstetter et al. reported that in healthy young
      women, acute intakes of a low-protein diet (0.7 g
      protein/kg) decreased urinary calcium excretion
      with accompanied secondary
      hyperparathyroidism.10 The etiology of the
      secondary hyperparathyroidism is due, in part, to
      a significant reduction in intestinal calcium
      absorption during a low protein diet.
      In a recent short-term intervention trial,
      Kerstetter et al. evaluated the effects of graded
      levels of dietary protein (0.7, 0.8, 0.9, and 1.0 g
      protein/kg) on calcium homeostasis.11 Secondary
      hyperparathyroidism developed by day 4 of the
      0.7 and 0.8 g protein/kg diets (due to the
      decreased intestinal calcium absorption), but not
      during the 0.9 or 1.0 g protein/kg diets in eight
      young women. There were no significant
      differences in mean urinary calcium excretion
      over the relatively narrow range of dietary
      protein intakes studied, although the mean value
      with the 0.7-g/kg intake was lower than that with
      the 1.0 g/kg intake by 0.25 mmol (10 mg).
      According to authors of this study, the lack of
      change may be due to the small sample and the
      inherent variability in urinary calcium excretion.
      Similarly, when Giannini et al. restricted dietary
      protein to 0.8 g protein/kg, they observed an
      acute rise in serum parathyroid hormone (PTH)
      in 18 middle-aged hypercalciuric adults.12 Taken
      together, both of studies suggest, at least in the
      short term, that the RDA for protein (0.8 g/kg)
      does not support normal calcium homeostasis.
      Furthermore, dietary protein increases
      circulating IGF-1, a growth factor that is thought
      to play an important role in bone formation.
      Indeed, several studies have examined the
      impact of protein supplementation in patients
      with recent hip fractures. For example, Schurch
      et al. reported that supplementation with 20 g
      protein/day for 6 months increased blood
      IGF-levels and reduced the rate of bone loss
      in the contralateral hip during the year after
      the fracture.28 More recently, the Cochranereview
      assessed the effects of nutritional
      interventions in elderly people recovering
      from hip fracture.41 Seventeen randomised
      trials involving 1266 participants were
      included. According to reviewers, the
      strongest evidence for the effectiveness of
      nutritional supplementation exists for oral
      protein and energy feeds, but the evidence is
      still weak.
      Moreover, many of these early studies that
      demonstrated the calciuric effects of protein
      were limited by low subject numbers,
      methodological errors and the use of high
      doses of purified forms of protein.35 Indeed,
      the recent study Dawson-Hughes et al. did not
      confirm the perception that increased dietary
      protein results in urinary calcium loss.36
      According to Dawson-Hughes et al., “The
      constellation of findings that meat
      supplements containing 55 g/d protein, when
      exchanged for carbohydrate did not
      significantly increase urinary calcium
      excretion and were associated with higher
      levels of serum IGF-I and lower levels of the
      bone resorption marker, N-telopeptide,
      together with a lack of significant correlation
      of urinary N-telopeptide with urinary calcium
      excretion in the high protein group (in
      contrast to the low protein) point to the
      possibility that higher meat intake may
      potentially improve bone mass in many older
      men and women.”
      Finally, the cross-cultural and population
      studies that showed a positive association
      between animal-protein intake and hip
      fracture risk did not consider other lifestyle or
      dietary factors that may protect or increase the
      risk of fracture.35 It is of some interest that the
      author of the most cited paper favoring the
      earlier hypothesis that high-protein intake
      promotes osteoporosis no longer believes that
      protein is harmful to bone.34 In fact, he
      concluded that the balance of the evidence seems
      to indicate the opposite.34

      The AHA Nutrition Committee suggests that
      high-protein intake may increase blood pressure.
      However, there is no scientific evidence
      supporting this contention. In fact, a negative
      correlation has been shown between protein
      intake and systolic and diastolic blood pressures
      in several epidemiological surveys analyzed by
      Obarzanek et al.13 For example,
      • Honolulu Heart Study. In this study of 6,406
      Japanese-American men, a negative
      relationship was observed between systolic
      and diastolic blood pressures and the amount
      protein consumed.14
      • Chinese Study. In this investigation of 2,672
      adults men and women, a negative
      relationship was found between systolic
      pressure and the amount of animal protein
      • MRFIT Study. Based on 11,342 adult men,
      investigators observed a negative relationship
      between systolic blood pressure and the
      amount of total protein consumed.16
      In both normotensive and hypertensive rats,
      increasing the dietary protein level enhances
      both urine and the amount of sodium excreted,
      although the mechanism behind these effects is
      unknown and still speculative.17 Interestingly,
      one study in human volunteers with a family
      history of hypertension has shown that a highprotein
      diet may counteract the adverse effects of
      excessive salt intake.18 For more information on
      protein intake and blood pressure, see the recent
      review by Debry.17

      Recent findings by Hu et al. suggests that
      replacing carbohydrates with protein may be
      associated with a lower risk of ischemic heart
      disease.25 This result is consistent with evidence
      from metabolic studies that replacement of
      dietary carbohydrate with protein has favorable
      effect on plasma lipoprotein and lipid
      concentrations. However, because an increase
      in protein intake from animal products such as
      meats, dairy products, and eggs is often
      accompanied by increases in intakes of
      saturated fat and cholesterol, dietary advice to
      improve public health based on these findings
      should be made with caution.25
      Recent novel approaches have shown that
      glucose and lipid intake may induce an
      increase in the generation of reactive oxygen
      species (ROS) and oxidative stress. For
      example, Mohanty et al. produced evidence
      that all three major macronutrients induce an
      increase in ROS generation.26 However, their
      data also show that different nutrients produce
      distinct patterns of stimulation of ROS
      generation after their intake. Of the three
      nutrients, glucose induced the greatest ROS
      generation, followed in decreasing order by
      fat (cream) and by protein (casein). The
      detriment of oxidative stress is that it may
      damage proteins and lipids, the latter through
      lipid peroxidation. Lipid peroxidation of
      LDL-C particles is an essential step in the
      development of atherosclerosis.27

      AHA Nutrition Committee suggests that highprotein
      intake may have detrimental effects
      on liver function. However, there is no
      scientific evidence whatsoever supporting this
      contention. Protein is needed not only to
      promote liver tissue repair, but also to provide
      lipotropic agents such as methionine and
      choline for the conversion of fats to
      lipoprotein for removal from the liver, thus
      preventing fatty infiltration.20
      Rodents fed very high protein intakes have
      been found to exhibit morphological changes
      in the liver mitochondria, which could be
      pathological. However, Jorda et al. reported
      that the liver responds to the high-protein diet
      by a proliferation of normally functioning
      mitochondria.24 Further, the branched-chain
      amino acids to aromatic amino acids ratio was
      also increased, indicating the absence of hepatic
      failure in these animals. The authors concluded
      that “the increased protein content of diet
      induced rapid increases in several
      characteristics of hepatocytes… The results
      presented here constitute a good example of how
      the hepatocyte adapts to a continuing metabolic
      Further, protein catabolism is increased in liver
      disease and may be exacerbated by inadequate
      protein in the diet.19 Unless there is
      encephalopathy (vide infra), the diet should
      provide high-quality protein in the amount of 1.5
      to 2 g/kg.19 In alcoholic liver disease, a highcalorie,
      high-protein diet has been shown to
      improve hepatic function and reduce mortality.
      In one study, this was achieved by providing a
      regular diet plus supplements of 60 g/day of
      protein and 1600 kcal/day for the first 30 days
      and followed by supplements of 45 g/day of
      protein and 1200 kcal/day for the next 60 days.21
      Finally, the role of protein restriction in patients
      with chronic hepatic encephalopathy (HE) has
      been questioned recently as the efficacy of
      protein withdrawal in patients with HE has never
      been subjected to a controlled trial.29 According
      to Srivastava et al., “the emphasis in the
      nutritional management of patients with HE
      [hepatic encephalopathy] should not be on the
      reduction of protein intake. Instead, the goal
      should be to promote synthesis by making
      available ample amounts of amino acids, while
      instituting other measures to reverse the ongoing

      According to the AHA Nutrition Committee,
      “Some popular high-protein/low-carbohydrate
      diets limit carbohydrates to 10 to 20 g/d, which
      is one fifth of the minimum 100 g/day that is
      necessary to prevent loss of lean muscle tissue.”
      Clearly, this is an incorrect statement since
      catabolism of lean body mass is reduced by
      ketones, which probably explains the
      preservation of lean tissue observed during
      very-low-carbohydrate diets.
      For example, Volek et al. examined the
      effects of 6-week carbohydrate-restricted diet
      on total and regional body composition and
      the relationships with fasting hormones.22
      Twelve healthy normal-weight men switched
      from their habitual diet (48% carbohydrate) to
      a carbohydrate-restricted diet (8%
      carbohydrate) for 6 weeks and 8 men served
      as controls, consuming their normal diet.
      Subjects were encouraged to consume
      adequate dietary energy to maintain body
      mass during intervention.
      Fat mass was significantly decreased (-3.4 kg)
      and lean body mass significantly increased
      (+1.1 kg) at week 6. However, there were no
      significant changes in composition in the
      control group. The Authors concluded that a
      carbohydrate-restricted diet resulted in a
      significant reduction in fat mass and a
      concomitant increase in lean body mass in
      normal-weight men. They hypothesized that
      elevated β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations
      may have played a minor role in preventing
      catabolism of lean tissue but other anabolic
      hormones were likely involved (e.g., growth
      Oddly, the AHA Nutrition Committee ignores
      the fact that energy restriction increases protein
      requirements. It has been know for about a half
      century that inadequate energy intake leads to
      increased protein needs, presumably because
      some of the protein normally used to synthesize
      both functional (enzymatic) and structural
      (tissue) protein is utilized for energy under these
      conditions.1 For example, Butterfield has shown
      that feeding as much as 2 g protein/kg/day to
      men running 5 or 10 miles per day at 65% to
      75% of their VO2max is insufficient to maintain
      nitrogen balance when energy intake is
      inadequate by as little as 100 kcal/day.30 Thus,
      when trying to lose weight, it is important to
      keep protein levels moderately high. The
      reduction in calories needed to lose weight
      should be at the expense of saturated fats and
      carbohydrates, not protein.

      It is clear that the American Heart Association
      Nutrition Committee´s statement on dietary
      protein and weight reduction contains misleading
      and incorrect information. Certainly, such public
      warnings should be based on a thorough analysis
      of the scientific literature, not unsubstantiated
      fears and misrepresentations. For individuals
      with normal renal function, the risks are minimal
      and must be balanced against the real and
      established risk of continued obesity.23

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        Originariamente Scritto da max_power
        Si ma 2gr per chilo di massa magra dovrei farmi panini da 40g di bresaola e bistecche da 100g altro che 220g di pollo..
        Dietacal mi da 180g di proteine totali giornaliere... con cio' significa che ne sto' realmente prendendo quasi 3g per kg totali? e quindi ipotizziamo 3,5g per kg di massa magra? Non e' un po' assurdo dal momento che la dieta me l'avete ritoccata voi e mi avete sempre detto che era ok?
        Last edited by Simon82; 30-08-2005, 17:42:26.


        • Esecutore
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          io ti ho fatto solo notare quello ke ho visto e quello ke so di diete nn me ne intendo molto, posso consigliarti di assumere il piu possibile pro da carni e latte ke solo le migliori
          Originariamente Scritto da Steel
          Non dimenticarlo ! La vita è corta e va vissuta giorno dopo giorno attimo dopo attimo secondo dopo secondo.


          • max_power
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            Originariamente Scritto da Simon82
            Si ma 2gr per chilo di massa magra dovrei farmi panini da 40g di bresaola e bistecche da 100g altro che 220g di pollo..
            Dietacal mi da 180g di proteine totali giornaliere... con cio' significa che ne sto' realmente prendendo quasi 3g per kg totali? e quindi ipotizziamo 3,5g per kg di massa magra? Non e' un po' assurdo dal momento che la dieta me l'avete ritoccata voi e mi avete sempre detto che era ok?
            Infatti chi ti ha detto che devi mettere 220 g di pollo che ti danno in una botta quasi 50 g di proteine, dimmi un po' tu .

            Max_power, The Sicilian Rock


            • max_power
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              Originariamente Scritto da Simon82
              Si ma 2gr per chilo di massa magra dovrei farmi panini da 40g di bresaola e bistecche da 100g altro che 220g di pollo..
              Dietacal mi da 180g di proteine totali giornaliere... con cio' significa che ne sto' realmente prendendo quasi 3g per kg totali? e quindi ipotizziamo 3,5g per kg di massa magra? Non e' un po' assurdo dal momento che la dieta me l'avete ritoccata voi e mi avete sempre detto che era ok?
              Quei 220 g di petto di pollo non te li ho ritoccati io. A chi mi chiede consiglio per la carne, io do loro una quantità compresa fra i 100-150 g massimo. Non dare la colpa a chi ti ha ritoccato la dieta, non siamo responsabili noi della tua salute e oltretutto ne perdiamo un po' di tempo per aggiustarvela (basta guardare un qualsiasi mio intervento di modifica di una dieta). Se vi lamentate così tanto, fatevela voi la dieta, invece di fare a scaricabarile e incolpare chi ve l'ha ritoccata. Se imparaste a lavorare da soli e non chiedere l'aiuto di nessuno, così come ho fatto io ed altri (pochi) qui sul forum, vi sareste fatti una cultura con i controcoglioni.

              Max_power, The Sicilian Rock


              • Simon82
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                Originariamente Scritto da max_power
                Quei 220 g di petto di pollo non te li ho ritoccati io. A chi mi chiede consiglio per la carne, io do loro una quantità compresa fra i 100-150 g massimo. Non dare la colpa a chi ti ha ritoccato la dieta, non siamo responsabili noi della tua salute e oltretutto ne perdiamo un po' di tempo per aggiustarvela (basta guardare un qualsiasi mio intervento di modifica di una dieta). Se vi lamentate così tanto, fatevela voi la dieta, invece di fare a scaricabarile e incolpare chi ve l'ha ritoccata. Se imparaste a lavorare da soli e non chiedere l'aiuto di nessuno, così come ho fatto io ed altri (pochi) qui sul forum, vi sareste fatti una cultura con i controcoglioni.

                Calma, io non ho fatto scaricabarili su nessuno. Ho postato piu' volte la dieta ma non mi era mai stata sollevata la questione dei 220g sono troppi. Semplicemente dal momento che la sera non mangio pasta, 2 etti di carne mi era sempre stata segnalata come una quantita' corretta.
                Il mio era un dubbio che mi e' venuto in base a quello che leggo. Comunque non ti preoccupare, lungi da me affaticarti nel doverti chiedere nuovamente qualcosa.

                Ripeto che non vuole essere una polemica, solo un dubbio rileggendo vecchi thread: In questo quando ho detto 220g di manzo/tacchino/pollo tu mi hai detto che per la cena era ok. Ora magari leggo male io.

                In generale aumenterei un po' la quantità di proteine e anche i carboidrati.

                Colazione: poche proteine. Aumenta la quantità di latte a 500 ml. Aumenta se ci riesci anche un po' la quantità di carboidrati.

                Spuntino: ok al pane, prediligi quello di segale e porta la quantità a 100-120 gr.

                Pranzo: Manca la verdura. Mangia 200 gr d'insalata di lattuga condita con 2-3 cucchiai d'olio extravergine d'oliva

                Spuntino: come metà mattina. Puoi alternare la bresaola con tonno al naturale, arrosto di tacchino, carpaccio di manzo etc..

                Cena: ok eventualmente aggiungi una fonte di grassi da frutta secca

                Pre-nanna: aumenterei la quantità di fiocchi di latte portandola a 200 gr. Togli la frutta secca


                Con questo non sto' certo incolpando nessuno: io i tuoi consigli li ho sempre presi ringraziando e quella cultura che posso dire essermi fatto in parte sicuramente e' anche grazie a te.
                Last edited by Simon82; 31-08-2005, 12:08:44.


                • Simon82
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                  • Simon82
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                    Originariamente Scritto da Simon82
                    Calma, io non ho fatto scaricabarili su nessuno. Ho postato piu' volte la dieta ma non mi era mai stata sollevata la questione dei 220g sono troppi. Semplicemente dal momento che la sera non mangio pasta, 2 etti di carne mi era sempre stata segnalata come una quantita' corretta.
                    Il mio era un dubbio che mi e' venuto in base a quello che leggo. Comunque non ti preoccupare, lungi da me affaticarti nel doverti chiedere nuovamente qualcosa.

                    Ripeto che non vuole essere una polemica, solo un dubbio rileggendo vecchi thread: In questo quando ho detto 220g di manzo/tacchino/pollo tu mi hai detto che per la cena era ok. Ora magari leggo male io.

                    In generale aumenterei un po' la quantità di proteine e anche i carboidrati.

                    Colazione: poche proteine. Aumenta la quantità di latte a 500 ml. Aumenta se ci riesci anche un po' la quantità di carboidrati.

                    Spuntino: ok al pane, prediligi quello di segale e porta la quantità a 100-120 gr.

                    Pranzo: Manca la verdura. Mangia 200 gr d'insalata di lattuga condita con 2-3 cucchiai d'olio extravergine d'oliva

                    Spuntino: come metà mattina. Puoi alternare la bresaola con tonno al naturale, arrosto di tacchino, carpaccio di manzo etc..

                    Cena: ok eventualmente aggiungi una fonte di grassi da frutta secca

                    Pre-nanna: aumenterei la quantità di fiocchi di latte portandola a 200 gr. Togli la frutta secca

                    Con questo non sto' certo incolpando nessuno: io i tuoi consigli li ho sempre presi ringraziando e quella cultura che posso dire essermi fatto in parte sicuramente e' anche grazie a te.
                    Mi quoto per sentire il parere di max.


                    • snaked
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                      a me la vecchia dieta iperproteica m'ha fatto venier tante di quelle carie, fortuna che ora ho rimmediato...


                      • max_power
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                        Ne controllo così tante di diete qua dentro, che non posso rendermi conto di tutti i particolari. Solitamente dai uno sguardo alle diete che modifico, e vedrai che la quantità di carne che consiglio è di 100-150 g non di più.

                        Max_power, The Sicilian Rock


                        • Natural1972
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                          Originariamente Scritto da max_power
                          Ne controllo così tante di diete qua dentro, che non posso rendermi conto di tutti i particolari. Solitamente dai uno sguardo alle diete che modifico, e vedrai che la quantità di carne che consiglio è di 100-150 g non di più.
                          1. Tempo Max, su mia richiesta, mi ha suggerito di mangiare a pranzo oltre a 150 gr di riso bianco + olio e.v e insalata 112 gr di tonno nat incece che 170gr circa come volevo fare io
                          2. Il calcolo delle 2 gr di pro per KG va fatto sul totale degli alimenti ovvero:
                          100 gr di riso + 200 gr di petti di pollo sono in totale 8 + 44 gr di pro non solo 44 gr per cui occhio che pane, pasta e riso (e anche le banane) hanno le loro pro che anche se di basso BV vanno comprese nel totale
                          3. Non mi toccate MAX Power (Simon lo so che non era una critica la tua..)
                          4. Quando qno da un consiglio non si può ricordare a memoria i valori di pro degli alimenti per cui magari in velocità scrive e magari ci possono essere piccoli errori 'fisiologici'

                          Ciao a tutti


                          • Simon82
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                            Originariamente Scritto da Natural1972
                            1. Tempo Max, su mia richiesta, mi ha suggerito di mangiare a pranzo oltre a 150 gr di riso bianco + olio e.v e insalata 112 gr di tonno nat incece che 170gr circa come volevo fare io
                            2. Il calcolo delle 2 gr di pro per KG va fatto sul totale degli alimenti ovvero:
                            100 gr di riso + 200 gr di petti di pollo sono in totale 8 + 44 gr di pro non solo 44 gr per cui occhio che pane, pasta e riso (e anche le banane) hanno le loro pro che anche se di basso BV vanno comprese nel totale
                            3. Non mi toccate MAX Power (Simon lo so che non era una critica la tua..)
                            4. Quando qno da un consiglio non si può ricordare a memoria i valori di pro degli alimenti per cui magari in velocità scrive e magari ci possono essere piccoli errori 'fisiologici'

                            Ciao a tutti
                            Ma infatti la mia non era una critica.. solo volevo vedere se avevo capito male io o avevo preso per buono questa cosa. Comunque in diverse altre diete fatte anche da preparatori avevo gia' visto (e preso come "conferma") quantita' di carni e pesce la sera pari a quella.


                            • Natural1972
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                              Originariamente Scritto da Simon82
                              Ma infatti la mia non era una critica.. solo volevo vedere se avevo capito male io o avevo preso per buono questa cosa. Comunque in diverse altre diete fatte anche da preparatori avevo gia' visto (e preso come "conferma") quantita' di carni e pesce la sera pari a quella.
                              Infatti in genere la sera siccome il pasto è composto quasi sempre da 'secondo' e 'contorno' senza pasta e\o pane puoi salire un pò con carne o pesce per arrivare a 40 gr di proteine circa (che poi è il massimo che un individuo natural possa assimilare). Cque il tuo post è molto interessante e il sovraccarico proteico con i suoi eventuali sides è sempre una grande discussione...



                              • roccia73
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                                Originariamente Scritto da Natural1972
                                1. Tempo Max, su mia richiesta, mi ha suggerito di mangiare a pranzo oltre a 150 gr di riso bianco + olio e.v e insalata 112 gr di tonno nat incece che 170gr circa come volevo fare io
                                2. Il calcolo delle 2 gr di pro per KG va fatto sul totale degli alimenti ovvero:
                                100 gr di riso + 200 gr di petti di pollo sono in totale 8 + 44 gr di pro non solo 44 gr per cui occhio che pane, pasta e riso (e anche le banane) hanno le loro pro che anche se di basso BV vanno comprese nel totale
                                3. Non mi toccate MAX Power (Simon lo so che non era una critica la tua..)
                                4. Quando qno da un consiglio non si può ricordare a memoria i valori di pro degli alimenti per cui magari in velocità scrive e magari ci possono essere piccoli errori 'fisiologici'

                                Ciao a tutti
                                Quoto e sottolineo:
                                generalmente si scrive nel forum nei ritagli di tempo, mentre magari si sta a lavoro o si è impegnati a fare altre 300 cose cul pc (io in questo momento sto scaricando un manuale di analisi transazionale e aggiornandomi sulle ultime ricerche sulla dislessia, pensa un po'... ).

                                scambiare 220 con 120, quindi, è naturale.

                                Mi chiedo però (non lo dico tanto a te Simon, lo dico in generale): se qualcuno del forum vi dice di assumere 800 gr di zucchero prima e dopo l'allenamento, lo fareste?
                                Io prima di rompere i maroni a max per una revisione del mio regime alimentare mi sono fatto la mia bella ricerca in internet e mi sono letto tabelle nutrizionali, diete già esistenti etc.

                                Ora mi posso tranquillamente autogestire.

                                L'autoregolazione è fondamentale per la riuscita, lo dimostrano moltissime ricerche in campo sociocognitivo.
                                Se dipendi, non riesci. E il rischio che corri per la tua vita non è solo la gotta...
                                "io sono calmo ma nella mente ho un virus latente incline ad azioni violente"

