Ho cercato, c'è solo gente che dice che lo fa, ma non capisco nè cosa sia nè a cosa serva...
Gonfiore addominale
ho appena trovato qualcosa di utile e già pronto che può delucidarti:
Vacuum Shot :The Forgotten Pose
When you read the word "vacuum" what comes to mind? Odds are that for most people the first image would be of an upright or canister-shaped machine with a hose that is used for sucking up dirt and scaring the cat.
But if you're a bodybuilder of a certain age the image you formulate might very well be that of Frank Zane, arms held above his head with his hands pulled back behind his neck to maximize the effect of a full ribcage flaring out over a wasp waist and seemingly inverted abdominal column. Or it might be that of the late Mike Mentzer who, despite his herculean build, could still suck his abs seemingly all the way back to his spine while holding his arms straight out to his sides in a "crucifix" pose.
There was a time when being able to "vacuum" one's abs was de riguer for competitive bodybuilders. Whether it was employed in a double biceps shot (as Arnold and Ferrigno often did), single biceps (Robby Robinson), or in a side chest pose (Mike Katz, among others), not to mention the vacuum pose itself which was practiced by a host of bodybuilders too numerous to list here.
But today vacuum shots are as rare onstage as the lambchop sideburns which were often sported by the last group of guys to perform it with any regularity. In fact, with the exception of Mr. Olympia stalwart Shawn Ray, who vacuums up his ab column when hitting a double bi, many a recent IFBB competition has come and gone without the audience being treated to a single example of ultimate abdominal control.
So, in light of the shift away from hitting vacuum shots over the last decade or so, the question begs: Why has this pose, always a fan favorite, all but disappeared? To get to the answer we must first look at how a vacuum shot is performed.
The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle at the center of your body and is the principal muscle used in breathing. It sits just below the lungs, behind the rectus abdominus, or abdominal, muscles. When inhaling the diaphragm drops, when exhaling it rises. Its function is independent of, but not dissimilar to that of the ribcage when it pertains to the breathing process.
Chest breathing involves expansion of the ribcage (specifically, relaxation of the serratus muscles lining it laterally) while exhalation is facilitated by a contraction of the muscles surrounding the ribcage.
Now that we know the two primary muscle movements involved in breathing we can begin to appreciate the difficulty of performing a vacuum.
To achieve that "sucked in" look indicative of a well-performed vacuum its practitioner must be able to contradict these two movements. First, air must be expelled from the lungs, forcing the diaphragm up and out of the way of the abdominal wall. Then, while remaining breathless, the ribcage must be expanded to its fullest.
The effect is impressive to say the least. The abdominal wall flattens and pulled back toward the spine making the waist look miniscule. Whatever the chest-to-waist ratio of the pose's practitioner, it looks to be doubled. The cavity formed by the extended ribcage creates a shadow above the waist that appears as if it could provide ample shelter for anyone looking to escape a sudden shower.
Of course performing a vacuum shot and performing one correctly is the difference between a few hours' practice and a few months'. Because holding a vacuum is one thing. Holding a vacuum while flexing every other muscle of the body, a minute into a posing routine, is another entirely.
Which is one reason it is not performed as frequently as the standard double biceps or the most muscular. It's just plain difficult to do. But another reason stems from the shift in bodybuilding standards over the last ten years or so.
Whereas up until the late 80's a trim waistline and well- but not overdeveloped abdominals were considered ideal, today's all-out assault on attaining mass has left such niceties in the gym trash can. Professional competitors consistently sport 35" and higher waistlines and even distended bellies, which they struggle mightily to restrain for individual poses but release like overfilled water balloons during transitions. With the amount of tissue inhabiting their midsections it would be fairly impossible for these competitors to be able to muster enough breath to pull their abs in as described above.
Discussion is frequently overhead in bodybuilding circles of the need for the IFBB and even the NPC to incorporate the arms-overhead vacuum shot into its current series of mandatory poses. But it is mere idle talk at this time and more wishful thinking than not. Because to make the vacuum mandatory would be to make a good number of popular professionals look... less than professional.
And so, for now at least, it seems the vacuum shot will remain a classic pose fondly remembered by a few of bodybuilding's oldtimers as the pose with the funny name that separated the poseurs from the posers.
articolo copiato da IRON AGE, foto prese sempre da Iron Age che a sua volta le ha prese dll'albumm all-star della IFBB
Originariamente Scritto da max_powerBel documento Drugo.
A proposito di gonfiore, mio fratello (28 anni, 1.70 per 60 kg, ha un'ossatura molto sottile) da qualche anno ha la pancia perennemente gonfia e tesa come un tamburo. Lui è convinto che si tratti di qualche chilo di troppo, e di conseguenza ha incrementato la pratica sportiva (jogging, nuoto, ciclismo, aerobica), ma secondo me, invece, si tratta di aria intestinale. In effetti ne fa parecchia, e poi non si spiegherebbe perché resta magro in altre parti del corpo.
So che a casa della sua ragazza mangia piatti piuttosto speziati, è possibile che sia questa la ragione del suo gonfiore?
A parte quando non è a casa, lui mangia così (sono io che gli cucino):
1) prima colazione con caffellatte e all-bran;
2) colazione con una fettina di carne ai ferri (80 grammi) condita con olio crudo accompagnata da abbondante verdura cotta o cruda (in alternativa una minestra di legumi), frutta fresca (di preferenza agrumi), una tazzina di caffè;
3) merenda con una spremuta d'arance rosse e qualche biscotto all'orzo;
4) pranzo con un piatto di pasta (100 grammi) condita con pomodoro fresco, olio crudo e basilico (in alternativa minestra di verdura, ma mai se la mattina ha mangiato misestra di legumi), poi un pezzo di formaggio o un paio di formaggini, oppure un uovo strapazzato, infine frutta fresca.
La sera davanti alla tv sgranocchia uno o due pacchettini di Pavesini. Beve molta acqua durante il giorno e non fuma. Non mi risulta che prende farmaci. Va al bagno una volta al giorno ma da sempre ha problemi di stitichezza in occasione di viaggi o spostamenti.
Originariamente Scritto da Dante DellamorteMa quale flatulenza, parlo di gonfiore e basta
Mi sento, e sono, gonfio sull'addome. Sensazione di pesantezza, ecc. Un po' durante tutto il giorno.
Di solito è accompagnato anche da crampi.
Ritengo, almeno nel mio caso, che la dieta non c'entri niente, ma sia un problema derivante da fattore nervoso, principalmente, caffeina, sigarette.
Efviterei anche alcool (io non ne bevo) e pantaloni troppo stretti in vita. Sembra niente, ma una fibbia di cinta che ti preme mentre guidi o sei seduto alla scrivania può provocare queste conseguenze.sigpic
"Quando il gioco si fa duro i duri cominciano a giocare"
"Le risposte sono dentro di te, peccato che siano tutte sbagliate"
Originariamente Scritto da Dante DellamorteMax, la frutta lontano dai pasti? Me l'hai messa a cena e nello spuntino pomeridiano...
Originariamente Scritto da max_powerInvece degli All-bran consiglio cereali meno ricchi di fibre come i Corn-Flakes per esempio. E mangiare la frutta solo lontano dai pasti.
Originariamente Scritto da Dante DellamorteMax, la frutta lontano dai pasti? Me l'hai messa a cena e nello spuntino pomeridiano...
max_powerMax_power, The Sicilian Rock