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    dubito che la ricarica aumenti la sensibilità all'insulina. anzi!
    l'aumento di amp-k porta ad una riduzione della translocazione dei glut.

    una certa dose di DNL, peraltro, è indispensabile per ottenere i benefici della ricarica.



      The carb-up
      With the consumption of a normal carbohydrate adequate diet, muscle
      carbohydrate stores should remain filled. Under normal circumstances, the
      muscles contain approximately 350 grams. With glycogen depletion caused by
      exhaustive exercise followed by a high carbohydrate intake, these levels of
      muscle carbohydrate can be nearly doubled (19).
      Under normal dietary conditions, exercise has been shown to increase
      insulin sensitivity which increases the muscle's ability to accept insulin
      at the receptor level (12) but this increase in insulin sensitivity only
      occurs in the muscles trained. The increase seems related to glycogen
      depletion in the worked muscles. Additionally, following a low
      carbohydrate diet, but not after a high carbohydrate diet, glycogen
      synthase activity (the enzyme which stores dietary carbohydrate in the
      muscle) is increased further (4). So, all of the pieces are in place. By
      combining a high fat diet, exhaustive exercise training (which should be
      performed on Friday prior to beginning the carbohydrate loading period) and
      a high carbohydrate intake, glycogen supercompensation can occur.
      However, while complete super compensation may take three to four days, the
      majority of glycogen storage will occur in the first 24 hours. (19). The
      muscles are capable of storing from 9 grams of carbohydrate per kg of lean
      body mass all the way up to 16 grams of carbs per kg lean body mass. The
      above is nothing that wasn't already known. Endurance athletes looking to
      improve performance used to combine 3 days of exhaustive exercise with a
      carbohydrate restricted diet identical to what was described above to
      accomplish glycogen super compensation to provide greater energy stores for
      their events. What about the rebuilding of muscle that was alluded to
      For every gram of carbohydrate stored in the muscle, assuming adequate
      water intake, 4 grams of water will be stored additionally. With a normal
      mixed diet, muscle carbohydrate stores are roughly 350 grams for a person
      with 65kg of lean body mass (19). At 4 grams of water per gram of
      carbohydrate, this is 1400 grams of water stored in the muscles. With
      super compensation to 16 grams per kg lean body mass, 1040 grams of
      carbohydrate can potentially be stored which would yield 4160 grams of
      water, almost a 3 fold increase.
      Recent research supports the idea that muscle protein anabolism may be
      regulated by cellular hydration state at least in certain
      pathophysiological states like burn trauma. According to this hypothesis,
      cellular dehydration sends a proteolytic (protein breakdown) signal to the
      cell while cellular hydration (and, presumably super hydration as would
      occur with glycogen super compensation) would send a powerful anabolic
      signal to the cell (9,10). Along with this, after 3 days on a high fat
      diet, the insulin response to a standard glucose load is increased compared
      to a high carbohydrate diet (20). Hyperinsulinemia is another stimulus for
      anabolism. (3) So, it seems plausible (although direct research is awaited
      to support or refute this) that glycogen super compensation, along with the
      powerful anabolic signal sent by the almost three fold increase cellular
      hydration could rebuild any muscle lost while following a low carbohydrate,
      ketogenic diet. What is not understood at this time is why endurance
      athletes, performing an identical form of glycogen super compensation do
      not see increases in muscle mass. This suggests that the simple act of
      carbohydrate restriction and protein breakdown followed by carbohydrate
      loading may not independently promote anabolic processes.
      Insistere è testardaggine. Perseverare è determinazione
      Manchester TRAIN HARD SINCE 1997


        articolo di lyle? citare sempre le referenze (sia dell'autore, sia le referenze citate dall'autore. i) 2) etc nn significano nulla, altrimenti!)
        in parte alcune cose che scrive sono condivisibile, ma che c'entra con il io post?


          Originariamente Scritto da duchaine
          articolo di lyle? citare sempre le referenze (sia dell'autore, sia le referenze citate dall'autore. i) 2) etc nn significano nulla, altrimenti!)
          in parte alcune cose che scrive sono condivisibile, ma che c'entra con il io post?
          intanto che c'ero, se qualcuno leggeva il post ed era alle prime armi aveva qualche indicazione in più.

          mi scuso per non aver citato lyle mcdonald, autore dell'articolo.
          Insistere è testardaggine. Perseverare è determinazione
          Manchester TRAIN HARD SINCE 1997

