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  • Davidone
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    Ciao, ke integratori mi consigliate da abbinare a pesi e 1 po d aerobica per smaltire un po di grasso? termogenici (legali), acetyl carnitina? altro??...
    grazie in anticipo.
  • Napalm
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    Se dieta e allenamento (come ovviamente credo ) sono a posto puoi provare dell'acetyl-carnitina
    Originariamente Scritto da paolo79
    max_79 da quando l'ho conosciuto di persona invece mi sta sul ***** perchè è troppo grosso


    • NaturalMan
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      se cuore e tiroide sono ok ..... guaranà, thè verde, fucus ....




      • Monkey
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        Coleus Forskolii, Sida Cordifolia, Citrus Aurantium e Gymnema Sylvestris da assumere subito dopo un dolce (elimina circa il 50% degli zuccheri assunti )...

        Jack, Snatch & Panther.
        Don't forgive my name.


        • NaturalMan
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          Originally posted by Monkey
          Coleus Forskolii, Sida Cordifolia, Gymnema Sylvestris da assumere subito dopo un dolce (elimina circa il 50% degli zuccheri assunti )...
          Prove scientifiche che dimostrano il -50% .... ?


          -LOTTA AL DOPING-


          • Monkey
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            Egregio Sig. Sapientone ...

            Faull J.R.,Halpern B.P: Reduction of Sucrose Preference in The Hamster by Gymnein acid, Physiol.Vol.7 1971.

            Datco G.P.,Long L.J.:Gymneic Acid, the antisaccharin principle of Gymnema Sylvestre leaves,Program abstract,161 st National American Chemical Society Meeting, 1971.

            Serve altro??

            Jack, Snatch & Panther.
            Don't forgive my name.


            • NaturalMan
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              Re: Egregio Sig. Sapientone ...

              Originally posted by Monkey
              Faull J.R.,Halpern B.P: Reduction of Sucrose Preference in The Hamster by Gymnein acid, Physiol.Vol.7 1971.

              Datco G.P.,Long L.J.:Gymneic Acid, the antisaccharin principle of Gymnema Sylvestre leaves,Program abstract,161 st National American Chemical Society Meeting, 1971.

              Serve altro??
              certo magari studi più recenti e su esseri umani non roditori... Hamster...


              -LOTTA AL DOPING-


              • Monkey
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                Egregio Sig. Sapientone II - La vendetta...

                Originally posted by NaturalMan

                certo magari studi più recenti e su esseri umani non roditori... Hamster...


                Rathi A.N.,Visvanatan A.:Studies on protein-bound Polysaccharide Components & Glycosaminoglicans in experimental diabetes - Effect of Gymnema Sylvestre - Indian Journal of experimental biology, Vol. 19 - 1981.

                Kirtikar K.R.,Basu B.D.:Indian Medicinal Plants,vol. III - 1987

                E Questa volta non si tratta di roditori .......

                Jack, Snatch & Panther.
                Don't forgive my name.


                • NaturalMan
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                  posta almeno l'abstract il titolo non mi dice proprio nulla....


                  -LOTTA AL DOPING-


                  • NaturalMan
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                    .....dai ti aiuto io nella ricerca :

                    Bhaskaran, K.; Ahamath, B.K.; Shanmugasundaram, K.R.; Antidiabetic effect of a leaf extract from Gymnema sylvestre in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. V. 30(3): p. 295-305, 1990
                    GS, an extract from the leaves of [G.sylvestre] was administered (400 mg/day) for 18-20 months as a supplement to the conventional oral drugs. During GS supplementation, the patients showed a significant reduction in blood glucose, glycosylated haemoglobin and glycosylated plasma proteins, and conventional drug dosage could be decreased. Five of the 22 type 2 diabetic patients were able to discontinue their conventional drug and maintain their blood glucose homeostasis with GS4 alone. NML, New Delhi.

                    Karnick, A clinical trial of a composite herbal drugs in the treatment of diabetes mellitus (Madhumeha). Aryavaidyan. V. 5(1): p. 36-46, 1991.
                    Twenty patients of various age groups attending OPD were administered with Ayurvedic capsules 450 mg per day, which contained the following herbs viz., [Coccinia indica, Cuminum cyminum, Eugenia jambolana, Gymnema sylvestre, Momordica charantia, Phyllanthus niruri, Swertia chirata] and [Tephrosia purpurea]. Results show that the capsules can be used without any side effects and significant improvement were noticed in the madhumeha patients. NSL, New Delhi.

                    Shanmugasundaram, E.R.B.; Rajeswari, G.; Baskaran, K.; Rajesh Kumar, B.RUse of Gymnema sylvestre leaf extract in the control of blood glucose in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. V. 30(3): p. 281-294, 1990.
                    GS4 a water-soluble extract of the leaves of [G. sylvestre] was administered (400 mg/day) to 27 patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) on insulin therapy. Insulin requirements came down together with fasting blood glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) and glycosylated plasma protein levels. While serum lipids returned to near normal levels with GS4 therapy, glycosylated haemoglobin and glycosylated plasma protein levels remained higher than controls. IDDM patients on insulin therapy only showed no significant reduction in serum lipids, HbA1c or glycosylated plasma proteins when followed up after 10-12 months. GS4 therapy appears to enhance endogenous insulin, possibly by regeneration/revitalization of the residual beta cells in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. NML, New Delhi.

                    Bhardwah, P.K.; Dasgupta, D.J.; Prashar, B.S.; Kaushal, S.S. Effective reduction of LDL cholesterol by indigenous plant product. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. v. 92(3): p. 80-81, 1994.
                    A herbal powder containing guar gum ([Cyamopsis tetragonoloba]), methi ([Trigonella foenum-graecum]), tundika ([Cephalandra indica]) and meshasringi ([Gymnema sylvestre]0 was administered to 30 control and 30 type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus patients for a month. Total serum cholesterol and its fractions eg, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoproteins, very low density lipoproteins and serum triglyceride were determined before and after the trial period. Total and low density lipoprotein cholesterols were reduced significantly after the therapy. There were no significant changes in high density lipoproteins, very low density lipoproteins or triglyceride levels. Side-effects eg, mild flatulence and looseness of bowel were noticed in less than 40 percent cases.

                    Sadhukhan, B.; Roychowdhury, U.; Banerjee, P.; Sen, S. Clinical evaluation of a herbal antidiabetic product.
                    Journal of the Indian Medical Association. v. 92(4): p. 115-117, 1994. Sixty-seven diabetic patients and 12 normal subjects were selected for a clinical study with an indigenous herbal product. The study consisted of 2 phases. In phase 1 study out of 25 diabetics (both insulin dependent and non-insulin dependent) only 11 cases showed lowering of mean high blood sugar level in all samples from ½ an-hour to 2 hours with the test drug containing guar gum [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba] methi, [Trigonella foenum-graecum], tundika [Cephalandra indica], and mesha shringi [Gymnema sylvestre]. But in phase 2 study there was lowering of blood sugar level with the test drug and with 2 of its constituents i.e., guar gum and methi when used separately in 42 non-insulin dependent diabetics. While there was some blood sugar level lowering effect with guar gum and methi when used separately in 12 normal subjects in phase 2 study, but that was not the same observed with the test drug. Efficacy of the product as an adjuvant has been suggested.

                    Anturlikar, S.D.; Gopumadhavan, S.; Chauhan, S.; Mitra, B.L.; Mitra, S.K.Effect of D-400, a herbo-mineral formulation, on blood sugar of normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Probe. V. 34(3): p. 211-221, 1995.
                    Blood sugar levels of normal rats treated with D-400 (main ingredients are:[Gymnema sylvestre, Eugenia jambolana, Tinospora cordiflia, Pterocarpus marsupium] and [Momordica charantia] showed significant reduction (p less than 0.05) as compared to control groups. Hyperglycaemic response to adrenaline was significantly lowered (p less than 0.05) following D-400 treatment. D-400 potentiated the hypoglycaemia following tolbutamide treatment. Blood sugar remained persistently low in tolbutamide plus D-400-treated group after 3 & 4hours. In alloxan-induced diabetic rats a significant lowering of blood and urinary sugar was noticed on day 20, 30 and 40 following treatment with D-400. Liver glycogen depletion was significantly inhibited in the D-400-treated group (p less than 0.025). D-400 has significantly potentiated (p less than 0.025) the hypoglycaemic action of insulin in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.

                    Come puoi vedere esistono pubblicazioni (pseudoscientifiche) sul GS ma le riviste scientifiche hanno un impact factor sotto i valori dello zero ... sono riviste sconosciute ... solo India .... ed i soggetti sono tutti malati diabetici.... insomma se fosse così degno di nota il suo effetto blocca carbo, esisterebbero studi su riviste con un impact factor maggiore, non dico Lancet ma qualche altra rivista decente ... e poi come si comporta nei sogetti sani e negli atleti? insomma dire -50% è solo un'abile mossa pubblicitaria


                    -LOTTA AL DOPING-


                    • Monkey
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                      Ok, lo ammetto ...riesci a tenermi testa ...
                      Complimenti per la tua vasta sapenza in merito a determinati argomenti ...
                      La tua fama è meritata.

                      Jack, Snatch & Panther.
                      Don't forgive my name.


                      • NaturalMan
                        Bodyweb Member
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                        Re: .....Complimenti

                        Originally posted by Monkey
                        Ok, lo ammetto ...riesci a tenermi testa ...
                        Complimenti per la tua vasta sapenza in merito a determinati argomenti ...
                        La tua fama è meritata.

                        nessuna fama amico mio la mia è solo "voglia di conoscere" ... sapere vuol dire potere .... ma nel senso buono per capire in maniera chiara e rendre sempre partecipi gli altri


                        -LOTTA AL DOPING-


                        • Goldrake
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                          Nat rimane sempre uno dei migliori

                          G O L D


