Ahi, ahi la buona tazzarella du' caffè.....che danni.

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  • lo zar
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    Ahi, ahi la buona tazzarella du' caffè.....che danni.

    Ho trovato un pò di studi sul caffè/caffeina.......

    Maledizione, nn sono dei migliori

    Well, at the University of Guelph they've been investigating this issue intensively and here's what they found:

    1) Caffeine intake (in all of its forms) decreases whole body glucose disposal (carbohydrate uptake) by 15-30%.

    2) Caffeine intake decreases skeletal muscle glucose disposal by 50%.

    3) When consumed with a standard carbohydrate breakfast, caffeine decreases insulin sensitivity, leading to large increases in blood insulin. But even in the face of this insulin surge, blood glucose doesn't disappear at a normal rate. When the body can't take up carbohydrates properly (as when drinking coffee), it releases loads of insulin to help out. However, the coffee actually prevents the insulin from doing this job and you end up with high insulin and glucose. That, my friends, is the serum profile of the obese, type II diabetic.

    4) Caffeine decreases insulin sensitivity for at least three hours (this is the duration of the longest study they've performed), but the true duration of the effect isn't known. I speculate that it's at least five hours, the half life of caffeine.

    In this case, many people are probably walking around all day with impaired insulin sensitivity. If you're a coffee drinker you should realize that you're living your life like a diabetic except during the times that it could actually be diagnosed. When you go to the doc to see why you're so fat or you feel like crap (if you have any glucose or insulin tolerance problems), what do you have to do? You have to fast overnight and avoid coffee! So 99% of your waking life you're functionally diabetic and that 1% of the time when it really matters and can be diagnosed, you're not. No wonder experts suggest that 50% of North Americans are diabetics who aren't diagnosed as such.

    5) In one study, four groups were used to evaluate the effect of caffeine and glycemic index on insulin sensitivity.

    • The first group got decaf and a low-GI breakfast. They saw a normal blood glucose and insulin response.

    • The second group got decaf and a high-GI breakfast. They saw a bigger insulin and glucose response in the blood.

    • However, when the low GI group got regular coffee with breakfast, their blood profile was worse than that of those who got the high-glycemic breakfast and decaf. Therefore coffee/caffeine can turn a low glycemic meal into a high glycemic meal!

    • Finally, the group that drank coffee and had the high-glycemic meal ended up looking like diabetics.

    6) One interesting hypothesis generated at the seminar was as follows: In terms of insulin sensitivity, caffeine alone is worse than coffee and obviously (as seen above) coffee is worse than nothing. However, some people believe that certain substances in coffee (specific quinides) can actually increase glucose disposal and improve insulin sensitivity. While the quinide content of coffee isn't strong enough to counter the effects of the caffeine, the quinides in decaf coffee may actually increase glucose and insulin tolerance. This hypothesis still needs to be tested and proper doses have yet to be discussed; however, keep your eyes out for this research in the near future.

    So the final word on coffee and caffeine is this — stay the heck away from it! The only way to minimize the damage it causes may be to drink your coffee with a very low carbohydrate meal and eat only low carb meals for the next few hours after your coffee intake. I know, I know, it now sucks to be a coffee drinker! But giving up your java may bring you some great health and physique benefits
  • multipower
    • Dec 2000
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    Altro che il caffé dopo un abbuffata!!



    • Max_79
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      Mamma mia che disastro... per fortuna ne ho sempre bevuti pochissimi.
      La mia media e' di un paio al mese...

      Originariamente Scritto da TheSandman
      Brunetta li ha anticipati spregiandoli, ma altrimenti sarebbe finito all'incontrario.

      .Passate a trovarmi e lasciate un messaggio, thx.



      • Zio
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        io è 7 settimane,quasi 8 che l'ho eliminato TO_TAL_MEN_TE

        Originally posted by buldozer
        "sE QuAlCOSa mI Và sTORtO LO rADdRIzzO A cALCI iN CuLO!"

        -A.D.B.A. Registered-


        • Zio
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          ...in massa per me niente caffè

          Originally posted by buldozer
          "sE QuAlCOSa mI Và sTORtO LO rADdRIzzO A cALCI iN CuLO!"

          -A.D.B.A. Registered-


          • Ippo
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            • zigo zago (Padova)
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            Scusate l'ignoranza.... ma l'ECA? non ha un abotta super di caffeina? e non serve per tirarsi?

            O forse capisco male io?


            Considerate la vostra semenza: fatti non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza (Dante Alighieri, Inferno, Canto 26:118).


            • Steel77
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              bastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa co st'inglese


              • MISTER X
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                Originally posted by Steel77
                bastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa co st'inglese


                • MUSCLEBOY
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                  Sinceramente non credo ci siamo motivo di temere una tazzina di caffe'....che danni mai potra' fare una quantita' cosi' limitata...e poi si tratta di un piccolo piacere che ci rallegra e ci fa stare bene..lo stesso discorso vale per un buon vinello e per tante altre cose....l'importante e' sapersi limitare...

                  Un vino d'oro scorreva nei bicchieri che ci inebrio'...
                  ...l'amore..nei tuoi occhi neri, fuoco in una radura...s'incendio'...


                  • gatsu
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                    sono in metabolica
                    "Per compiere grandi passi non dobbiamo solo agire ma anche sognare,non solo pianificare ma anche credere"

                    Anatole France


                    • Bartolo76
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                      Originally posted by Ippo
                      Scusate l'ignoranza.... ma l'ECA? non ha un abotta super di caffeina? e non serve per tirarsi?

                      O forse capisco male io?




                      • goku77
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                        Originally posted by MUSCLEBOY
                        Sinceramente non credo ci siamo motivo di temere una tazzina di caffe'....che danni mai potra' fare una quantita' cosi' limitata...e poi si tratta di un piccolo piacere che ci rallegra e ci fa stare bene..lo stesso discorso vale per un buon vinello e per tante altre cose....l'importante e' sapersi limitare...
                        Concordo, il giusto è giusto, troppo stroppia e il poco uguale.
                        E comunque basta co st'inglese


                        • gigisik
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                          Re: Ahi, ahi la buona tazzarella du' caffè.....che danni.

                          Originally posted by lo zar
                          Ho trovato un pò di studi sul caffè/caffeina.......

                          Maledizione, nn sono dei migliori

                          Well, at the University of Guelph they've been investigating this issue intensively and here's what they found:

                          1) Caffeine intake (in all of its forms) decreases whole body glucose disposal (carbohydrate uptake) by 15-30%.

                          2) Caffeine intake decreases skeletal muscle glucose disposal by 50%.

                          3) When consumed with a standard carbohydrate breakfast, caffeine decreases insulin sensitivity, leading to large increases in blood insulin. But even in the face of this insulin surge, blood glucose doesn't disappear at a normal rate. When the body can't take up carbohydrates properly (as when drinking coffee), it releases loads of insulin to help out. However, the coffee actually prevents the insulin from doing this job and you end up with high insulin and glucose. That, my friends, is the serum profile of the obese, type II diabetic.

                          4) Caffeine decreases insulin sensitivity for at least three hours (this is the duration of the longest study they've performed), but the true duration of the effect isn't known. I speculate that it's at least five hours, the half life of caffeine.

                          In this case, many people are probably walking around all day with impaired insulin sensitivity. If you're a coffee drinker you should realize that you're living your life like a diabetic except during the times that it could actually be diagnosed. When you go to the doc to see why you're so fat or you feel like crap (if you have any glucose or insulin tolerance problems), what do you have to do? You have to fast overnight and avoid coffee! So 99% of your waking life you're functionally diabetic and that 1% of the time when it really matters and can be diagnosed, you're not. No wonder experts suggest that 50% of North Americans are diabetics who aren't diagnosed as such.

                          5) In one study, four groups were used to evaluate the effect of caffeine and glycemic index on insulin sensitivity.

                          • The first group got decaf and a low-GI breakfast. They saw a normal blood glucose and insulin response.

                          • The second group got decaf and a high-GI breakfast. They saw a bigger insulin and glucose response in the blood.

                          • However, when the low GI group got regular coffee with breakfast, their blood profile was worse than that of those who got the high-glycemic breakfast and decaf. Therefore coffee/caffeine can turn a low glycemic meal into a high glycemic meal!

                          • Finally, the group that drank coffee and had the high-glycemic meal ended up looking like diabetics.

                          6) One interesting hypothesis generated at the seminar was as follows: In terms of insulin sensitivity, caffeine alone is worse than coffee and obviously (as seen above) coffee is worse than nothing. However, some people believe that certain substances in coffee (specific quinides) can actually increase glucose disposal and improve insulin sensitivity. While the quinide content of coffee isn't strong enough to counter the effects of the caffeine, the quinides in decaf coffee may actually increase glucose and insulin tolerance. This hypothesis still needs to be tested and proper doses have yet to be discussed; however, keep your eyes out for this research in the near future.

                          So the final word on coffee and caffeine is this — stay the heck away from it! The only way to minimize the damage it causes may be to drink your coffee with a very low carbohydrate meal and eat only low carb meals for the next few hours after your coffee intake. I know, I know, it now sucks to be a coffee drinker! But giving up your java may bring you some great health and physique benefits

                          zar ho trovato questo post che ritengo possa essere molto interessante,ma.......PER FAVORE..........ne faresti una sintesi in ITALIANO!!!!!!!!
                          "...perche' non esiste gioia piu' grande per l' uomo di quella raggiunta con le proprie forze"


                          • marcolone
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                            Re: Ahi, ahi la buona tazzarella du' caffè.....che danni.


                            universita di guelph.

                            1) la caffeina riduce del 15 - 30 % il glucosio disponibile.

                            2) La caffeina riduce del 50 % la disponibilta' di glucosio nel metabolismo muscolare.

                            3) quando consumata durante la colazione , fa sviluppare insulinoresistenza.. Il glucosio non sparisce a un ritmo normale... e il corpo come risposta a questa impossibilita' a stivarlo nei muscoli, rilascia chili di insu. in pratica evita che l'insulina faccia il suo lavoro. morale? profilo serico di un obeso con diabete di tipo 2 (insulinoresistente)... quindi alto glucosio e alta insulina.

                            4) l'insulinoresistenza persevera per 3 ore, anche se l'emivita della CAF e' 5.

                            chi beve il caffe' e' come se fosse insulinoresistente, con tutti i sintomi che ne derivano: rincoglionimento, abbassamento delle prestazioni fisiche etc.etc.

                            5)uno studio per vedere le iterazioni caffeina - insulinoresistenza.

                            • primo gruppo colazione basso ig e caffe' decaffeinato: risposta insulinica e glicemia nella norma.

                            • secondo gruppo colazione alto ig ig e caffe' decaffeinato: risposta insulinica e glicemia alta come da copione..

                            • gruppo basso ig - caffe' con CAF : risposta peggiore del gruppo con la colazione ad alto ig... come se fosse un pasto a ig ancora piu alto

                            • colazione alto ig - caffeina : disastroso. risposta tipo diabete.

                            6) ipotesi interessante: la caffeina da sola e' peggio del caffe'. infatti il caffe' contiene quinidi, che sebbene abbiano un effetto di insulinosensibilizzazione, sono comunque annullati dalla caffeina. quindi il decaffeinato potrebbe essere addirittura positivo.

                            quindi bla bla lontano dalla caffeina auguri e figli maschi.

                            minchia se sono fantastico.
                            Frase della settimana : "Massy, sei un grande!" "anche tu sei alto!"
                            Voglio farmi Timea Majorova. Ma avrei bisogno di un goldone di titanio.
                            ® Marcolone 2002. all rights reserved.


                            • gigisik
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                              "...perche' non esiste gioia piu' grande per l' uomo di quella raggiunta con le proprie forze"

