Originally posted by lo zar
Allora eccomi, il maestro è tornato
Scherzi a parte, vi riporterò delle frasi "pescate" direttamente dai documenti, di FACILE COMPRENSIONE don't worry
"Severe calorie restriction, whether from reduced food intake or imposed by excessive exercise, lowers testosterone. While a decrease in calories by 15% does not lower T levels "
"The bad news is that if you are engaging in chronic high volume endurance exercise, even extra calories won't help raise your T levels back to normal "
"is due to an inverse relationship between T and insulin and/or the aromatase enzyme"
"Some research has shown insulin to regulate T in a positive fashion (7), while carbohydrate and protein liquid meals, which elevate insulin, have been shown to decrease Testo in resistance- trained males
"The potential exists that if a ketogenic diet like the Atkins Diet or a cyclical ketogenic diet like the Anabolic Diet or Bodyopus is followed, than urinary excretion of T will be greater during the ketogenic phase of the diet."
". Sure enough, it was found that a high ratio protein diet decreased the reduction of Testo. Reducing the reduction of T could mean a potential decrease in DHT and/or androsterone in the blood.there is sufficient evidence in the literature that when protein intake exceeds carbohydrate intake, T clearance increases by excretion in the urine "
"compared a high protein diet to a high carbohydrate diet. This study has been referenced many times and cited as proof that high protein diets lower total T levels in the blood.
The high protein diet consisted of 44% protein, 35% carbohydrate, and 21% fat and supplied between 2400 and 2500 kilocalories per day (kcals/d). While subjects followed the high protein diet, their total T levels were 28% lower than on the higher CHO diet" Vedete???
"dietary fibers, like pectin from fruit or bran from wheat, and fatty acids, like saturated fatty acids or polyunsaturated fatty acids, can also have an impact on T production "
"FCT means that as the percentage of calories from fat, grams of saturated fat, and grams of monounsaturated fat (MUFA) increased in the diet, there was also a corresponding association with higher T levels."
"Another important finding was that urinary excretion of T was much greater on the high-fat, low-fiber diet .. An increase in the urinary excretion of T combined with an elevation of T levels in the blood may indicate that the net T production is greater "
"is the best type of diet to follow if your only concern is to increase T levels and make more of it available to the body for the purpose of improving lean body mass and/or performance CHO intake must exceed PRO intake by at least 40% to keep the bioactive fraction of T high. Fat intake should be at least 30%, saturated fat needs to be higher than PUFA, and fiber intake needs to be low
55% CHO, 15% PRO and 30% fat
if you wanted to lower your T levelsa diet with more protein, more fiber, a fat intake below 25%, and a P:S ratio of 1 or higher
Allora eccomi, il maestro è tornato
Scherzi a parte, vi riporterò delle frasi "pescate" direttamente dai documenti, di FACILE COMPRENSIONE don't worry
"Severe calorie restriction, whether from reduced food intake or imposed by excessive exercise, lowers testosterone. While a decrease in calories by 15% does not lower T levels "
"The bad news is that if you are engaging in chronic high volume endurance exercise, even extra calories won't help raise your T levels back to normal "
"is due to an inverse relationship between T and insulin and/or the aromatase enzyme"
"Some research has shown insulin to regulate T in a positive fashion (7), while carbohydrate and protein liquid meals, which elevate insulin, have been shown to decrease Testo in resistance- trained males
"The potential exists that if a ketogenic diet like the Atkins Diet or a cyclical ketogenic diet like the Anabolic Diet or Bodyopus is followed, than urinary excretion of T will be greater during the ketogenic phase of the diet."
". Sure enough, it was found that a high ratio protein diet decreased the reduction of Testo. Reducing the reduction of T could mean a potential decrease in DHT and/or androsterone in the blood.there is sufficient evidence in the literature that when protein intake exceeds carbohydrate intake, T clearance increases by excretion in the urine "
"compared a high protein diet to a high carbohydrate diet. This study has been referenced many times and cited as proof that high protein diets lower total T levels in the blood.
The high protein diet consisted of 44% protein, 35% carbohydrate, and 21% fat and supplied between 2400 and 2500 kilocalories per day (kcals/d). While subjects followed the high protein diet, their total T levels were 28% lower than on the higher CHO diet" Vedete???
"dietary fibers, like pectin from fruit or bran from wheat, and fatty acids, like saturated fatty acids or polyunsaturated fatty acids, can also have an impact on T production "
"FCT means that as the percentage of calories from fat, grams of saturated fat, and grams of monounsaturated fat (MUFA) increased in the diet, there was also a corresponding association with higher T levels."
"Another important finding was that urinary excretion of T was much greater on the high-fat, low-fiber diet .. An increase in the urinary excretion of T combined with an elevation of T levels in the blood may indicate that the net T production is greater "
"is the best type of diet to follow if your only concern is to increase T levels and make more of it available to the body for the purpose of improving lean body mass and/or performance CHO intake must exceed PRO intake by at least 40% to keep the bioactive fraction of T high. Fat intake should be at least 30%, saturated fat needs to be higher than PUFA, and fiber intake needs to be low
55% CHO, 15% PRO and 30% fat
if you wanted to lower your T levelsa diet with more protein, more fiber, a fat intake below 25%, and a P:S ratio of 1 or higher
Ma che significa Don't worry???