Indice glicemico dei principali alimenti

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  • phoenix
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    Originariamente Scritto da quellogrosso Visualizza Messaggio
    ci son cose che a una prima letta mi lascian perplesso e mi fan dubitare dell'indice glicemico ( come di ogni indice del resto ) come capace di orientare le scelte alimentari di un atleta:

    maltodestrine indice 150
    Panino integrale di grano 105 74

    Mars M&Ms (arachidi) 46 32
    Nutella (Ferrero) 46 32

    ok ragazzi, in definizione ( ma anche in massa ) niente + pane, pasta riso ( ancorchè integrali, e non solo di grano ma anche di altri cereali ) ma giù di M&Ms e nutella, volendo mars...

    Può sembrare un paradosso ma spesso l'indice glicemico è un valore molto relativo dato che l'impatto che hanno i carboidrati sull'insulina è correlato anche alla quantità ed alla qualità degli altri alimenti che si ingeriscono con gli zuccheri, ecco perchè il mars (ricco di grassi) ha un indice glicemico inferiore rispetto ad alimenti ritenuti invece salutari.
    Su questo si basa la Zona insieme con la (presunta) perfetta distribuzione dei macronutrienti nel corso della giornata.
    Is a calorie a calorie?
    Nulla dies sine linea


    • simonLA
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      qual è la soglia x considerare un indice alto o basso?


      • DORIAN
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        Originariamente Scritto da simonLA Visualizza Messaggio
        qual è la soglia x considerare un indice alto o basso?
        sopra e sotto i 50.


        • frastaff89
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          Originariamente Scritto da simonLA Visualizza Messaggio
          qual è la soglia x considerare un indice alto o basso?
          inizi a fissarti?
 futuro del bb!


          • pinobit
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            Originariamente Scritto da simonLA Visualizza Messaggio
            qual è la soglia x considerare un indice alto o basso?
            L'idice conta poco... se introduci i carbo con altri macro l'ig si abbassa... devi tenere conto del carico glicemico...


            • simonLA
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              Originariamente Scritto da frastaff89 Visualizza Messaggio
              inizi a fissarti?
              bhe semplice documentazione...


              • muroilmagnifico
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                Originariamente Scritto da Actionmaxne Visualizza Messaggio

                THIS RESARCH IS THE BEST

                Foods that adversely affect blood sugar by elevating insulin levels are "high glycemic" and foods that do not elevate insulin levels are "low glycemic." The American Diabetes Association has been utilizing the glycemic index for the past twelve years in helping control circulating insulin levels in diabetics. Excess insulin levels cause retardation in the rate of wound healing, decreased life span, lethargy, and lipogenesis. Conversely, well-modulated insulin levels result in:

                1. Reduced excess adipose tissue (body fat)
                2. Increased and sustained energy
                3. Increased mental alertness
                4. Reduced serum cholesterol levels
                5. Reduced incidence of high blood pressure
                6. Increased cardiovascular fitness


                LOW GLYCEMIC FOODS

                Since most fast foods and prepared foods are very high glycemic, re- engineering these foods would be extremely beneficial to the diabetic as well as those who carry excess adipose tissue (body fat). Pasta, for example, may be bioengineered to produce either a high glycemic response or a low glycemic response. A high glycemic response would only be desirable in the case of extreme low body fat or prior to certain athletic events in which an insulin surge is desirable. A correctly bioengineered food can effectively modulate blood sugar levels with great precision.

                Control of blood sugar levels also allows for the regulation of Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL), the gatekeeper for fat storage in the fat cell. LPL, dubbed the "Fat Enzyme", is produced by various tissues and is similar to plasminogen. LPL is an important regulator of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism. Adipose tissue LPL allows for the uptake of plasma triglycerides as fat-cell-fuel. Adipose tissue LPL is directly tied to increases in body fat. Insulin is the key regulator of LPL, so insulin increases adipose (fat) tissue LPL activity. Diet induced adipose tissue LPL activity exacerbates plasma triglyceride deposition into adipose tissue. In simple terms, high glycemic foods stimulate fat-storage.

                The benefit of bioengineering food, particularly fast-foods and snack foods, is to transform high glycemic, fattening foods into low glycemic, healthier foods. Caloric-control is old science. Glycemic control is future science. Caloric-control is antiquated because all calories are not created equal. For example, equal calories of bread and pasta have unequal reactions in the human body. Though pasta and bread are composed of the same raw materials, they do not metabolize equally in the body.


                The chemical impact on the body of a food, is described in tracking path of the food from ingestion to excretion and analyze the body's reaction as it moves through the system seen below:

                Food is eaten
                Food is broken down into glucose
                Glucose enters bloodstream (some sugar stored in liver for later access)
                Blood sugar rises
                Pancreas releases insulin
                Glucose leaves bloodstream and enters tissues
                Glucose is used as fuel
                Glucose supply runs out
                Insulin levels drop
                Stored sugar in liver released into bloodstream via glucagon

                When insulin has removed too much glucose from the bloodstream and/or sugar stored in the liver does not leave the liver to provide more glucose, the result is hypoglycemia (low blood sugar ).

                This spiral occurs as a result of:

                1. Reactive hypoglycemia (caused by ingesting high glycemic foods or drinks)
                2. Insufficient food intake at prior meal
                3. Fasting hypoglycemia (intervals of feeding are insufficient)
                4. Fasting hypoglycemia (the more serious type caused by pancreatic tumors or liver disorders)
                5. Inherited hypoglycemia (usually from a diabetic blood relative)


                LOW BLOOD SUGAR

                Normal blood sugar ranges in the 60 to 100 mg/dl blood. When blood sugar drops below 50 mg/dl, adrenaline kicks in and triggers the release of liver-stored-sugars. This attempt by the body to correct low blood sugar results in a variety of strange symptoms which range from lethargy and extreme weakness to panic attacks. This can be commonly observed in any office setting.
                Your mother moves through the transition of a calm, normal and happy state to that of a shaking, paranoid, snapping, sarcastic snarling monster within a short period. This state will abruptly end when they get their sugar-laden cup of coffee, a candy bar or a coke and a bag of chips, which they will wolf down as if they haven't seen food for a year. They then look sheepish and embarrassed by their outbreak. They have no idea why they did it and chalk it up to family insanity. They are really innocent victims of blood sugar gone out of control. You cannot control biochemical outbursts.

                The other side this chemical rollercoaster is well known to women who experience PMS which is almost always accompanied by low blood sugar. "Do I look good in this dress?" "Well, yes honey, you look very good." "What do you mean by that?" "By what, honey?" (as he trembles with fear remembering last month's scene) "You know exactly what I mean!" "All I said was that you look good in that dress." "Yes, but it's the way you said it, dripping with sarcasm!! Why can't you just admit that I look like a fat sow!!" This is followed by crying. You can't win this argument because it is caused by chemicals, not circumstances.

                Symptoms of low blood sugar can occur both post-meals and between- meals. Typical symptoms include lethargy and sleepiness following a meal and irritation and jitteriness between meals. If you do not eat frequently enough, mild shaking and weakness of the limbs can occur. Symptoms can be mild or severe, depending on the individual. Blood sugar in some persons can drop well below 50 mg/dl without symptoms while others can drop to 50-55 mg/dl with severe symptoms.

                It is obvious that individual biochemistry plays a role in the development of blood-sugar-related symptoms. Diabetics can experience hypoglycemia when insulin administration is inadequate or incorrectly timed. Following ingestion of food, liquids or alcohol (which restricts the liver- sugar relationship), excess sugar in the blood of a diabetic can be downloaded too rapidly which causes hypoglycemia.



                Low blood sugar can also cause rampant and uncontrollable eating binges. That is one reason hypoglycemia causes weight and fat gains. The other reason is stimulation of Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL), the fat enzyme. Adipose (fat) tissue LPL plays a major role in fat accumulation. Adipose tissue LPL allows the uptake of plasma triglycerides as storage in fat cells. LPL activity in adipose tissue is regulated by insulin. Stimulate insulin and you stimulate storage of fat. Diabetics with lower plasma insulin levels have normal plasma LPL levels. The combination of sucrose (table sugar) and dietary fat is a particularly fattening duo. The mechanism by which sucrose and dietary fat turn to added body fat can be explained through their interaction with LPL.

                Sucrose + Dietary Fat = Stimulation of LPL = Secretion of chylomicron triglycerides into the blood in large quantities.

                Avoiding the combination of high fat, high sugar foods will greatly reduce excess body fat stores. But the very foods you should avoid are the same foods you will go to the ends of the earth to gobble down. When the body is in a low blood sugar state, its main focus is to get you to eat foods that raise blood sugar - fast. Your body will force you to eat foods that are high glycemic, extremely fattening, and that stimulate appetite - namely sweets, chocolate, chips, sugar-laden soft drinks and crunchy snacks. These foods almost always fit the high fat and high sucrose profile. It is no coincidence. High glycemic (insulinogenic), high fat foods are the foods craved during low blood sugar states.

                High glycemic foods and drinks stimulate LPL which causes enlargement of fat cells - not more fat cells, just fatter fat cells. Body fat is stimulated by pregnancy, heredity, lack of exercise and diet. Reducing consumption of high fat foods and high glycemic foods results in reduction of body fat. How can you avoid eating those tempting combos' of sucrose and fat, like donuts, candy, french fries, Twinkies, and the like? By avoiding blood sugar swings that trigger the cravings.

                Counteracting a low blood sugar episode before it begins will allow you to control food-cravings for junk food. This involves:

                1. Eating every 3-4 hours
                2. Making sure each meal or snack contains both protein and carbohydrates
                3. Avoidance of high glycemic foods, drinks and nutrients
                4. Taking B-Complex (20 mg of each of the B-vitamins in a capsule) with breakfast, lunch and 4 PM snack. Do not take more than 100 mg of B-6 per 24 hours. Do not take one of theB-vitamins without the other B-vitamins in the proper ratios.
                5. Taking a total of 800 mcg of niacin-bound chromium in a capsule, not a tablet (chromium polynicotinate, NOT picolinate) per day divided into 200 mcg doses
                6. Taking a well designed multi-vitamin in a capsule

                potete tradurmi sta cosa che nn c'ho capito nulla???


                • power's gim
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                  come si posta una domanda ??


                  • power's gim
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                    come si posta una domanda?


                    • simonLA
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                      Originariamente Scritto da power's gim Visualizza Messaggio
                      come si posta una domanda?
                      cosa diavolo vuol dire?? non roviniamo questa Discussione con la D maiuscola...


                      • chris85
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                        Salve a tutti io sono nuovo qui e volevo innanzi tutto salutarvi e poi porvi un quesito...i carbo a basso IG sono quelli ke indicano una digestione abbastanza lunga mentre quelli a alto IG sono facilmente assimilabili e ne traggo enegia praticamente subito????é meglio preferire quelli a alto IG piuttosto ke a basso???? Grazie...


                        • nIK0
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                          l'ig riguarda tutti gli alimenti, non solo i carbo. Gli alimenti a ig alto solitamente sono consigliati a colazione e nel post-wo. Più l'ig è alto più velocemente lo zucchero arriva nel sangue. Dipende da cosa devi fare e di conseguenza utilizzerai cibi a basso, medio o alto ig.


                          • chris85
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                            quindi alto IG a colazione e post wo e basso o basso-medio nei pasti principali...ok? e prima e dopo l'allenamento 8 gr di aa vanno bene?


                            • nIK0
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                              aa?? comunque per tutte le altre domande ci sono le sezioni apposite


                              • alfredojet85
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                                cosa mi consigliate di assumere come carbo a colazione, spuntino e pranzo a basso ig??? fette biscottate? riso integrale? pane comune??? l'importante che siano cose abbastanza facili da reperire...

