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  • mr oat
    ¤Water Coconut Moderator¤
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    Seasoning a high carb food with cinnamon can help lessen its impact on your blood sugar levels. Cinnamon slows the rate at which the stomach empties after meals, reducing the rise in blood sugar after eating. Researchers measured how quickly the stomach emptied after 14 healthy subjects ate 300 grams (1.2 cups) of rice pudding alone or seasoned with 6 grams (1.2 teaspoons) of cinnamon. Adding cinnamon to the rice pudding lowered the gastric emptying rate from 37% to 34.5% and significantly lessened the rise in blood sugar levels after eating. Am J Clin Nutr. 2 007 Jun;85(6):1552-6.
    Cinnamon may also significantly help people with type 2 diabetes improve their ability to respond to insulin, thus normalizing their blood sugar levels. Both test tube and animal studies have shown that compounds in cinnamon not only stimulate insulin receptors, but also inhibit an enzyme that inactivates them, thus significantly increasing cells' ability to use glucose. Studies to confirm cinnamon's beneficial actions in humans are currently underway
    with the most recent report coming from researchers from the US Agricultural Research Service, who have shown that less than half a teaspoon per day of cinnamon reduces blood sugar levels in persons with type 2 diabetes. Their study included 60 Pakistani volunteers with type 2 diabetes who were not taking insulin. Subjects were divided into six groups. For 40 days, groups 1, 2 and 3 were given 1, 3, or 6 grams per day of cinnamon while groups 4, 5 and 6 received placebo capsules. Even the lowest amount of cinnamon, 1 gram per day (approximately ? to ? teaspoon), produced an approximately 20% drop in blood sugar; cholesterol and triglycerides were lowered as well. When daily cinnamon was stopped, blood sugar levels began to increase.
    Test tube, animal and human studies have all recently investigated cinnamon's ability to improve insulin activity, and thus our cells' ability to absorb and use glucose from the blood.

    On going in vitro or test tube research conducted by Richard Anderson and his colleagues at the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center is providing new understanding of the mechanisms through which cinnamon enhances insulin activity. In their latest paper, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Anderson et al. characterize the insulin-enhancing complexes in cinnamon-a collection of catechin/epicatechin oligomers that increase the body's insulin-dependent ability to use glucose roughly 20-fold.. Some scientists had been concerned about potentially toxic effects of regularly consuming cinnamon. This new research shows that the potentially toxic compounds in cinnamon bark are found primarily in the lipid (fat) soluble fractions and are present only at very low levels in water soluble cinnamon extracts, which are the ones with the insulin-enhancing compounds.

    A recent animal study demonstrating cinnamon's beneficial effects on insulin activity appeared in the December 2003 issue of Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. In this study, when rats were given a daily dose of cinnamon (300 mg per kilogram of body weight) for a 3 week period, their skeletal muscle was able to absorb 17% more blood sugar per minute compared to that of control rats, which had not received cinnamon, an increase researchers attributed to cinnamon's enhancement of the muscle cells' insulin-signaling pathway. In humans with type 2 diabetes, consuming as little as 1 gram of cinnamon per day was found to reduce blood sugar, triglycerides, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and total cholesterol, in a study published in the December 2003 issue of Diabetes Care. The placebo-controlled study evaluated 60 people with type 2 diabetes (30 men and 30 women ranging in age from 44 to 58 years) who were divided into 6 groups. Groups 1, 2, and 3 were given 1, 3, or 6 grams of cinnamon daily, while groups 4, 5, and 6 received 1, 3 or 6 grams of placebo. After 40 days, all three levels of cinnamon reduced blood sugar levels by 18-29%, triglycerides 23-30%, LDL cholesterol 7-27%, and total cholesterol 12-26%, while no significant changes were seen in those groups receiving placebo. The researchers' conclusion: including cinnamon in the diet of people with type 2 diabetes will reduce risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

    By enhancing insulin signaling, cinnamon can prevent insulin resistance even in animals fed a high-fructose diet! A study published in Hormone Metabolism Research showed that when rats fed a high-fructose diet were also given cinnamon extract, their ability to respond to and utilize glucose (blood sugar) was improved so much that it was the same as that of rats on a normal (control) diet. Cinnamon is so powerful an antioxidant that, when compared to six other antioxidant spices (anise, ginger, licorice, mint, nutmeg and vanilla) and the chemical food preservatives (BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole), BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene), and propyl gallate), cinnamon prevented oxidation more effectively than all the other spices (except mint) and the chemical antioxidants."

    FONTE: pubmed
    Personal Trainer - Istruttore Body Building e Fitness

    Instagram: 85dagochri
  • mr oat
    ¤Water Coconut Moderator¤
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    sei in unione europea e l'inglese è la prima lingua :P
    Personal Trainer - Istruttore Body Building e Fitness

    Instagram: 85dagochri


    • mr oat
      ¤Water Coconut Moderator¤
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      #3 poche parole si...
      Personal Trainer - Istruttore Body Building e Fitness

      Instagram: 85dagochri


      • IceHand
        Bodyweb Advanced
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        Avevo sentito parlare di questa interazione ma non ho mai approfondito
        Il diario di Ghiaccio!

        "Tutti si preoccupano di avere un amico, ma nessuno si preoccupa di esserlo"


        • sm@rt
          Bodyweb Advanced
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          sono tanti 6g di cannella!
          cmq mi pare di capire (forse sbaglio) che si riferisca a persone con diabete di tipo 2, quindi magari anche se può funzionare in linea di principio, su soggetti sani potrebbe esserci una diversa portata dell'effetto. no?
          "so please believe your eyes, a sacrifice, is not what we have in our minds"


          • mr oat
            ¤Water Coconut Moderator¤
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            io la uso sempre da circa 1 anno e mezzo e mi trovo perfettamente...cioè non ho nessun tipo di utilizzerò dai 5 ai 10gr per volta nello shaker con le pro..
            Personal Trainer - Istruttore Body Building e Fitness

            Instagram: 85dagochri


            • luigi_ego
              • Feb 2007
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              ne ho sentito spesso parlare... non ho mai capito però "quanto" è utile questo effetto... sicuramente le differenze saranno minime... IMHO..
              le cose più belle della vita, o sono illegali, o sono immorali..o fanno ingrassare! "George Bernard Shaw"


              • mr oat
                ¤Water Coconut Moderator¤
                • Sep 2008
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                NON STIAMO parlando di miracoli, ma di un ottimizzante seppur minimo..
                Personal Trainer - Istruttore Body Building e Fitness

                Instagram: 85dagochri


                • luigi_ego
                  • Feb 2007
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                  Originariamente Scritto da mr oat Visualizza Messaggio
                  NON STIAMO parlando di miracoli, ma di un ottimizzante seppur minimo..

                  sisi... intendevo dire che rimane sempre una finezza
                  le cose più belle della vita, o sono illegali, o sono immorali..o fanno ingrassare! "George Bernard Shaw"


                  • mr oat
                    ¤Water Coconut Moderator¤
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                    Originariamente Scritto da luigi_ego Visualizza Messaggio

                    sisi... intendevo dire che rimane sempre una finezza
                    la mia risposta non era di carattere aggressivo ..solo che certe volte mi rimangono i caps e alcune parole le scrivo in grande...alla fine ti rispetto sempre brò x quello che dici
                    Personal Trainer - Istruttore Body Building e Fitness

                    Instagram: 85dagochri


                    • menphisdaemon
                      • Mar 2008
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                      Originariamente Scritto da mr oat Visualizza Messaggio
                      This new research shows that the potentially toxic compounds in cinnamon bark are found primarily in the lipid (fat) soluble fractions and are present only at very low levels in water soluble cinnamon extracts, which are the ones with the insulin-enhancing compounds.
                      Non ho ben capito quali siano. Per intenderci la spezia da tavola a quale tipo appartiene? Nel caso dove sono reperibili le forme idro solubili?
                      Originariamente Scritto da mr oat Visualizza Messaggio
                      io la uso sempre da circa 1 anno e mezzo e mi trovo perfettamente...cioè non ho nessun tipo di utilizzerò dai 5 ai 10gr per volta nello shaker con le pro..
                      In che momento della giornata?
                      Se le usi post WO la cosa non è del tutto pacifica poichè, se è vero che viene potenziata la sensibilità insulinica, è altrettanto vero che viene rallentato lo svuotamento gastrico.
                      "You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
                      Joel Marion

                      "It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"


                      "Huge By choice, not by chance."


                      • max_power
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                        Originariamente Scritto da menphisdaemon Visualizza Messaggio
                        Non ho ben capito quali siano. Per intenderci la spezia da tavola a quale tipo appartiene? Nel caso dove sono reperibili le forme idro solubili?

                        In che momento della giornata?
                        Se le usi post WO la cosa non è del tutto pacifica poichè, se è vero che viene potenziata la sensibilità insulinica, è altrettanto vero che viene rallentato lo svuotamento gastrico.
                        Ogni pianta ha le sue frazioni lipidiche, anche minime. Dalle piante si estraggono anche dei principi attivi altamente liposolubili come i terpeni tanto per fare un esempio.
                        Max_power, The Sicilian Rock


                        • menphisdaemon
                          • Mar 2008
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                          Originariamente Scritto da max_power Visualizza Messaggio
                          Ogni pianta ha le sue frazioni lipidiche, anche minime. Dalle piante si estraggono anche dei principi attivi altamente liposolubili come i terpeni tanto per fare un esempio.
                          Si, ok, ma quindi??

                          Credi che quella utile e non "tossica" sia un estratto erboristico probabilmente? Solitamente gli estratti si trovano in soluzione alcoolica però...
                          "You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
                          Joel Marion

                          "It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"


                          "Huge By choice, not by chance."


                          • max_power
                            Low-Carb Moderator
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                            Originariamente Scritto da menphisdaemon Visualizza Messaggio
                            Si, ok, ma quindi??

                            Credi che quella utile e non "tossica" sia un estratto erboristico probabilmente? Solitamente gli estratti si trovano in soluzione alcoolica però...
                            Si, ma le soluzioni alcoliche sono al 65 % (tanto per fare un esempio), quindi alla fine si tratta di una miscela alcol/acqua. Sinceramente non so se vi sia un prodotto contenente estratto di cannella in soluzione idroalcolica, ma se esiste alla fine quanto alcol assumi ? Veramente poco, credimi.
                            Max_power, The Sicilian Rock


                            • menphisdaemon
                              UNDERGROUND BODYBUILDING MILITIA
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                              No bhè, io sono categorico su certe cose...dato che nella cannella "spezia" diciamo saranno presenti queste sostanze (che poi non vengono specificate), io cercherei un estratto solubile in soluzione NON alcolica. Nessuno ne ha trovati?

                              Che io sappia c'era un noto integratore a base di estratto di cannella, ma non l'ho mai provato, quindi non so se contenesse o meno alcool.

                              Proverò a chiedere in erboristeria.
                              "You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
                              Joel Marion

                              "It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"


                              "Huge By choice, not by chance."

