Originariamente Scritto da zanelike
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Ricarica sporca o pulita?
Vincenzo T | Ouksider | Founder Oukside.com
Originariamente Scritto da spot86 Visualizza Messaggioscusa, forse non ci siamo intesi o ho capito male io, stiamo parlando di ricarica di carboidrati o sbaglio?sigpic
prox gara due torri 2010
allora ritorno al punto precedente: a cosa serve a questo punto la ricarica?
(un'altra cosa, si parla di ciclo ipo o ipercalorico?)--
Vincenzo T | Ouksider | Founder Oukside.com
Originariamente Scritto da spot86 Visualizza Messaggioallora ritorno al punto precedente: a cosa serve a questo punto la ricarica?
(un'altra cosa, si parla di ciclo ipo o ipercalorico?)
ma cmq anche in iper è un discorsso molto difficile..brutto piazzare la discussione sulle ckalsigpic
prox gara due torri 2010
anche in ipo io concordo con Spot
cioè per ragion d'essere la ricarica deve essere + alta in KCAL se poi la si vuole tenere bassa (addirittura + bassa rispetto alla scarica) significa volerne estremizzare gli effetti anche se non so fino a che punto sia efficace come sistema..
quanto alla sporca/pulita..per pulita intendo pulita pulita...ortodossacon grassi <60g...sporca quando superi i 100g fat..
Originariamente Scritto da ANMARYACOS' E' il chupate xd?Originariamente Scritto da vincent_81è una particolare formulazione di the verde con l'aggiunta di enzimi "xd" per la predigestione....Originariamente Scritto da ANMARYAma scherzi o e' vero?se si dove si prende all'auchan o lidl?
Originariamente Scritto da yyvhes Visualizza Messaggioanche in ipo io concordo con Spot
cioè per ragion d'essere la ricarica deve essere + alta in KCAL se poi la si vuole tenere bassa (addirittura + bassa rispetto alla scarica) significa volerne estremizzare gli effetti anche se non so fino a che punto sia efficace come sistema..
quanto alla sporca/pulita..per pulita intendo pulita pulita...ortodossacon grassi <60g...sporca quando superi i 100g fat..
prox gara due torri 2010
Originariamente Scritto da elfe Visualizza Messaggiola verita' secondo me sta nel mezzo...io ho fatto estati intere cosi'...posso dirvi che la ricarica a mio modesto parere, va gestita meta' e meta'.
e' il classico discorso del "goal" ovvero, il mitico freemeal che oltre ad essere uno sprono ad essere costanti nelle restanti ore della ricarica e della scarica, ci permette poi di dar sfogo ad ogni desiderio senza patire piu' di tanto.
in dettaglio
ricarica 36 ore (a me copre un po' a meno che non faccio scarica per 12gg.....in condizioni di 5gg di scarica i carbo li tollero bene fino alle 24 ore...alla fine sono arrivato a sperimentare ricariche di 8 ore che non mi coprivano ma mi facevano stare alla grande..pero' capisco che c'e' gente piu' fortunata di me coi carbo)
scarica lun.ven
dal lunedi al venerdi proteine sempre uguali...(altissime), grassi a piramide...si parte dal lunedi con pochi grassi...martedi 50gr, mercoledi 70gr, giovedi 100, venerdi 40, sabato zero fino al circuito di deplezione (oppure farlo a digiuno al mattino)...finito il totalbody (alte ripetizioni, basso peso 5 giri con esercizi in sequenza senza pausa...no cardio), primo pasto liquido (corredato di k-r-ala e cromo) con 80gr vitargo +50 gr whey...dopo 1 ora e mezza 100gr gallette + marmellata + 50gravena + 200gr bianco d'uovo...poi se ci troviamo a pranzo (nel caso del circuito depletion a digiuno) un bel pranzo semi pulito tipo pasta integrale (io uso kamut,l'adoro)150gr, poco condita (magari pomodoro fresco o simile) + bistecca (o pesce o pollo o che cavolo volete di medio/magro), piu' 1 frutto....pomeriggio 50gr avena + bianco d'uovo + dolcificante (io l'adoro...se usate l'avena della klopp o non mi ricordo come si chiama quella tedesca nella busta celeste e' buonissima!!!) e poi....alla sera GOOOOOOOOOOAAAALLLLL pizza + contorni + gelato + torta + mondezza varia fino a scoppiare.
domenica colazione fette biscottate + marmellata + latte scremato + whey.
spuntino yogurt + cereali.
pranzo LIBERO.
dalla domenica pomeriggio scarica NO FAT.
ripetere da lunedi.
n.b. ad ogni pasto aggiungo kr-ala 400mg (200 se pasto piccolo) + cromo200mcg, e ai pasti "free" aggiungo 4/5 compresse di kilocal + 1 carbone vegetale + prodotti tipo "cheat relief" della bsn....a volte,in casi di strafogate vere e proprie, mi e' capitato di usare alcuni "trucchi" per evitare rilascio di glucosio nel sangue, ma sono altri discorsi che non mi sembra il caso, dato che pur non parlando di doping sono pur sempre farmaci
nel caso il depletion lo si fa sabato pomeriggio (io lo prediligo quando faccio solo 5gg di scarica e mentalmente mi sento piu' "libero" di sgarra'), dal sabnato mattina si continua la scarica 0 fat...tipo solo bianco d'uovo, whey e pollo...poi depletion, e ricaricare solo con 1 pasto liquido (vitargo+whey) poi alle 20, fare 100gr gallette e basta e alla sera via allo sfascio totale (ma considero almeno di mangiare 400gr di carbo in questo pasto a parte le mondezze).
alla domenica mattina di nuovo scarica con 0 fat (e il lunedi invece di 0 fat faccio 50gr)
cosi' e' come ho fatto io dopo anni di tentativi, e mi sono mantenuto sempre asciuttissimo in estate.
eppure vi dico, che sono uno che coi carbo sono veramente SFIGATO!Originariamente Scritto da spot86 Visualizza Messaggioi tempi di scarica, ricarica, e l'intensità di quest'ultima dipendono STRETTAMENTE dalla % di grasso
soggetti sopra il 25-30% di BF potrebbero stare anche mesi interi a digiuno totale.
detto questo, @yyyeehs, per sporco intendi semplicemente un maggior introito di grassi? oppure alimenti "non da BB"?
nel secondo caso, se può interessare, UNA TANTUM non cambia nulla ai termini pratici:
Bray GA et. al. Hormonal Responses to a Fast-Food Meal Compared with Nutritionally Comparable Meals of Different Composition. Ann Nutr Metab. 2007 May 29;51(2):163-171 [Epub ahead of print]
Background: Fast food is consumed in large quantities each day. Whether there are differences in the acute metabolic response to these meals as compared to 'healthy' meals with similar composition is unknown. Design: Three-way crossover. Methods: Six overweight men were given a standard breakfast at 8:00 a.m. on each of 3 occasions, followed by 1 of 3 lunches at noon. The 3 lunches included: (1) a fast-food meal consisting of a burger, French fries and root beer sweetened with high fructose corn syrup; (2) an organic beef meal prepared with organic foods and a root beer containing sucrose, and (3) a turkey meal consisting of a turkey sandwich and granola made with organic foods and an organic orange juice. Glucose, insulin, free fatty acids, ghrelin, leptin, triglycerides, LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol were measured at 30-min intervals over 6 h. Salivary cortisol was measured after lunch. Results: Total fat, protein and energy content were similar in the 3 meals, but the fatty acid content differed. The fast-food meal had more myristic (C14:0), palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0) and trans fatty acids (C18:1) than the other 2 meals. The pattern of nutrient and hormonal response was similar for a given subject to each of the 3 meals. The only statistically significant acute difference observed was a decrease in the AUC of LDL cholesterol after the organic beef meal relative to that for the other two meals. Other metabolic responses were not different. Conclusion: LDL-cholesterol decreased more with the organic beef meal which had lesser amounts of saturated and trans fatty acids than in the fast-food beef meal.
Lyle McDonald’s comments: For a couple of decades, there has been an ongoing argument regarding the issue of 'is a calorie a calorie' in terms of changes on body composition and other parameters. I've addressed this in articles on my website and the newsletter and have made the basic argument that, given identical macronutrient intakes (in terms of protein, carbs, and fats) that there is going to be little difference in terms of bodily response to a given meal.
And that, along with that, the major differences in body weight or composition seen has more to do with the fact that people tend to eat more under certain conditions than others. That is, someone eating a 2000 calorie fast food meal will obviously get a different response than someone eating a 500 or even 1000 calorie clean meal. But at this point, folks end up confounding differences in caloric intake with the quality of the food itself.
In contrast, groups that are obsessed (and I use that word somewhat lightly) with 'eating clean' often make arguments that, somehow, a fast food meal containing an identical amount of protein, carbs and fats as a clean meal containing an identical amount will generate massively different responses (usually in terms of blood glucose and insulin response).
Unfortunately, very little research has examined this in much of a controlled way. Until the paper above came out two weeks ago.
The study's explicit goal was to see if the metabolic response to a fast-food meal would differ to a 'healthy' meal of similar macronutrient and caloric value.
Towards this end six overweight men and two women were recruited to take part in the study although the data in the women was excluded due to the low number and possible gender effects.
Each subject got all three meals on different days with one week in between trials. A standard breakfast was provided at 8am and the test meal was given at exactly 12pm and blood samples were taken every 30 minutes for the first 4 hours and every 60 minutes for the next two hours. Blood glucose, blood lipids, insulin, leptin, ghrelin and free fatty acids were measured.
the test meals consisted of the following (I pasted the list from the PDF but took out the source of each of the ingredients).
Fast food meal: A Big Mac, french fries and root beer sweetened with high fructose corn syrup purchased at the restaurant.
Organic beef meal: this meal used certified organic rangefed ground beef; cheddar cheese; hamburger bun made with unbleached all purpose naturally white flour, non-iodized salt, non-fat powdered milk, natural yeast, canola oil, and granulated sugar; sauce made from canola mayonnaise and organic ketchup; organic lettuce, onion and dill pickles; French fries made from organic potatoes and fried in pure pressed canola oil; and root beer made with cane sugar.
Turkey meal: this consisted of a turkey sandwich made from sliced, roasted free-range turkey breast with no antibiotics or artificial growth stimulants; cheddar cheese; 60% whole wheat bread made with whole wheat and unbleached all-purpose naturally white flours, non-iodized salt, non-fat powdered milk, yeast, vital wheat gluten, canola oil, and granulated sugar; pure pressed canola oil and canola mayonnaise, stone ground mustard; organic lettuce; accompanied by a granola made with Blue Diamond whole natural almonds, Nature's path organic multigrain oatbrain flakes, wholesome sweeteners evaporated cane juice, Spectrum Naturals pure pressed canola oil, clover honey, Sonoma organically grown raisins and dried apples. The beverage was an organic orange juice.
The composition of each meal was as follows
Fast food: 1044 calories, 28.2 grams protein, 53 grams fat, 151 grams carbs
Beef meal: 1154 calories, 28 grams protein, 60.2 grams fat, 163 grams carbs
Turkey meal: 1260 calories, 34 grams protein, 49 grams fat, 170 grams carbs
Note: the meals were similar but not completely identical in composition and I think this is one limitation of the study. It would have been better if they'd made the meals identical in both calorie and macro composition.
The biggest difference between meals had to do with the fatty acid composition: the fast food meal contained twice as much saturated and nearly 8 times as much trans-fatty acids with half of the oleic acid compared to the organic beef meal (which is no surprise).
Interestingly, the fast food meal actually contained more linoleic acid than the organic beef meal. The turkey meal had less saturated fat but similar amounts of linoleic and linolenic acid to the fast food meal, with the lowest amount of trans fats.
So what happened. In terms of the blood glucose and insulin response, no difference was seen between any of the meals and this is true whether the data was presented in terms of percentage or absolute change from baseline. The same held true for the ratio of insulin/glucose, no change was seen between any of the meals. Fatty acids showed slight differences, dropping rapidly and then returning to baseline by 5 hours in the beef meals but 6 hours in the turkey meal. Blood triglyceride levels reached a slightly higher peak in the organic beef and turkey meals compared to the fast food meal but this wasn't significant. Changes in leptin were not significant between groups; ghrelin was suppressed equally after all three meals but rose above baseline 5 hours after the fast-food lunch but returned only to baseline in the other two meals.
The only significant difference found in the study was that LDL cholesterol decreased more after both of the organic meals compared to the fast food meal, HDL and total cholesterol showed no change after any of the meals. This was thought to be due to differences in the fatty acid content of the meals (saturated fat typically having a greater negative impact on blood lipid levels than other types of fat).
However, beyond that, there were no differences seen in the response of blood glucose, insulin, blood fatty acids or anything else measured.
Now, the study does have a few limitations:
1. It was only examining a single meal. It's entirely possible that a diet based completely around fast food would show different effects.
2. The sample size was small: 6 overweight men. It's possible that differences would have shown up with more subjects. Also, would lean individuals respond differently? Perhaps but I doubt it. I would have liked to have seen the data on the female subjects as there are often gender differences in response.
I guess my main take home message of this paper is that, at least on a single meal basis, fast food is not going to destroy anybody's diet. This is something I've long believed in based on basic physiology (people tend to lose sight of the fact that all carbs eventually turn into glucose, that the difference in protein tend to be fairly negligible for the most part) but it's nice to see it verified in a real world setting.
It's not uncommon for the physique obsessed to literally become social pariahs, afraid to eat out because eating out is somehow defined as 'unclean' (nevermind that a grilled chicken breast eaten out is fundamentally no different than a grilled chicken breast eaten anywhere else) and fast food is, of course, the death of any diet.
Except that it's not. Given caloric control, the body's response to a given set of nutrients, with the exception of blood lipids would appear to be more determined by the total caloric and macro content of that meal, not the source.
Originariamente Scritto da zanelike Visualizza Messaggioragazzi in ricarica...nn ci si allena giusto?? a che scopo tenere le stesse pro= diminuizione ckal, poi i fat si tolgono= diminuizione ckal...es se uno normalmente tiene 100 grammi di fat eli toglie sono ben 910 ckal in meno
se ben scarico, 3-400g di chos AGGIUNTIVI ce li devi piazzare IMHO e stiamo a 1200-1600cals
mettici quelle x "VIVERE" (in normo, in modo che nessuno di quei carbo sia utilizzato al di fuori del suo scopo, cioè ricaricare il glicogeno) e arrivi tranquillo a 4500-5000cals e più per i più massosi..--
Vincenzo T | Ouksider | Founder Oukside.com
scusate ma... se tieni un regime decente di 2.000kcal, solo di pro e grassi, in ricarica devi dimezzare pro e calare o azzerare i grassi... per arrivare a 5.000kcal solo di carbo devi alimentarti come un sacco della spazzatura... significa 4000kcal di carboidrati effettivi, e' una quantita' di cibo che puo' causare problemi... secondo me...
non so quanto possano essere redditizzi in termini di massa magra degli sbalzi cosi' forti...
Originariamente Scritto da spot86 Visualizza Messaggioxké priorità dell'organismo in ricarica è ricaricare le scorte di glicogeno
se ben scarico, 3-400g di chos AGGIUNTIVI ce li devi piazzare IMHO e stiamo a 1200-1600cals
mettici quelle x "VIVERE" (in normo, in modo che nessuno di quei carbo sia utilizzato al di fuori del suo scopo, cioè ricaricare il glicogeno) e arrivi tranquillo a 4500-5000cals e più per i più massosi..anzi
) qst 'ultima ha meno ckal che la scarica
prox gara due torri 2010
Originariamente Scritto da zanelike Visualizza Messaggioscusami spot però se tu vai nel mio diario e conteggi sia la scarica che la ricarica...( nn si può ricare all'infinito purtroppoanzi
) qst 'ultima ha meno ckal che la scarica
Originariamente Scritto da DORIAN Visualizza MessaggioDipende dal tipo di preparazione e dalle kcal che si vogliono assumere...cmq le ricariche nn per forza devono essere troppo caloriche...molte volte si gioca solo cn i macroonutrienti senza giocare cn le kcal...sigpic
prox gara due torri 2010
Originariamente Scritto da zanelike Visualizza Messaggioovviamente..e poi per capirci..io sto parlando di ricarica pulita pulita e di regime da def