Troppe proteine?

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  • Tutino
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    Originariamente Scritto da Simona... e basta! Visualizza Messaggio
    Diciamo che questa ozione mi piace di più
    Sostituire le patate cion 50 gr di riso basmati a pranzo al posto delle patate ok!
    Fesa e Bresaola mi sembravano alternate come giorni, ma ok, io lo facevo per un discorso di sodio, ma la quantità è irrilevante!
    Per il resto non sdebitarti, fai delle ricerche sia su google o sul Forum stesso, anche per cominciare a capire quali sono i macronutrienti e come funzionano, anche per cultura tua

    A me piace documentarmi....poi lavorando in un Az. produtrice di Pasta ( come non posso esserlo?

    Ti piace leggere?


    • Tutino
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      Simo, adesso aspettiamo SPOT86?


      • spot86
        Vincenzo Tortora
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        Originariamente Scritto da Simona... e basta! Visualizza Messaggio
        Dieta per Tutino

        WO day
        Latte p.s.alta dig. 250 ml/Caffè/Fiocchi d'avena 40 gr/ Isolate 20Proteine gr/Dolcificante
        Spuntino mattutino
        Pane di segale tipo Wasa 2 fette/Bresaola 50 gr/Mandorle 15 gr
        Pollo, petto 150 gr/Pomodori da insalata 200 gr/Patate 200 gr-->legumi 240g cotti (1 barattolo, in pratica...)/Olio di oliva extrav.10 gr
        Post WO
        Proteine Isolate 30 gr/Gallette di Riso 3-->6
        Manzo o vitello magro 200 gr/Spinaci o Bieta o Cicoria o Broccolo 300 gr/Olio di oliva extrav.20 gr

        REST day
        Latte p.s. alta dig.250 ml/Caffè/Fette biscottate integrali 5/Proteine Isolate 20 gr
        Spuntino mattutino
        Pane integrale 50 gr/Fesa di Tacchino arrosto 70 gr/Mandorle 15 gr
        Tonno o Salmone o Sgombro al naturale 100 gr/Ceci o Lenticchie o Fagioli in scatola 240 gr/Olio di oliva extrav.20 gr
        Merluzzo o pesce bianco 250 gr/Lattuga o Radicchio o Fagiolini 200 gr/Olio di oliva extrav.20 gr
        perfetto...le uniche due correzioni riguardano i cho postwo, e i legumi a pranzo + ke altro per questioni di soddisfacimento (200g di patate = 1patate, 240g di legumi = 1piatto...kcal e macro nn tanto diverse, giusto qlc gr di prot in +)...
        Vincenzo T | Ouksider | Founder


        • Simona... e basta!
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          Originariamente Scritto da spot86 Visualizza Messaggio
          perfetto...le uniche due correzioni riguardano i cho postwo, e i legumi a pranzo + ke altro per questioni di soddisfacimento (200g di patate = 1patate, 240g di legumi = 1piatto...kcal e macro nn tanto diverse, giusto qlc gr di prot in +)...
          Non li voleva manco i giorni di rest

          Ci sarà da divertirsi adesso



          • Tutino
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            Dai non ci sarà da sono un tipo che sa adattarsi....poi noi come az prodiciamo anche legumi lessi in scatole (piselli, fagioli borlotti, fagioli canellini e ceci)
            Le miei domande sono solo per avere delle alternative tutto qui.
            Ora che faccio nel giorno di WO elimino patate e inserisco legumi (solo in alternativa patate o cous cous integrale o Riso integrale?)

            IL PRENANNA....NADA?
            Last edited by Tutino; 15-04-2008, 15:15:25.


            • Tutino
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              • Simona... e basta!
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                Originariamente Scritto da Tutino Visualizza Messaggio
                Dai non ci sarà da sono un tipo che sa adattarsi....poi noi come az prodiciamo anche legumi lessi in scatole (piselli, fagioli borlotti, fagioli canellini e ceci)
                Le miei domande sono solo per avere delle alternative tutto qui.
                Ora che faccio nel giorno di WO elimino patate e inserisco legumi (solo in alternativa patate o cous cous integrale o Riso integrale?)

                IL PRENANNA....NADA?
                Prova con le patate, vedi come ti trovi, se ti bastano, le preferisco per il potassio

                Se vuoi il prenanna dobbiamo scalare altrove alimenti per farlo rientrare le computo complessivo dei macro e kcal... Dimmi tu, lo vuoi si o no?



                • Tutino
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                  io lo farei nel girono di WO...tu ke dici?


                  • Simona... e basta!
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                    Originariamente Scritto da Tutino Visualizza Messaggio
                    io lo farei nel girono di WO...tu ke dici?
                    Te le ho messe a colazione... Ma hai letto???



                    • Tutino
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                      Originariamente Scritto da Simona... e basta! Visualizza Messaggio
                      Te le ho messe a colazione... Ma hai letto???
                      Kokka, certo ke ho letto....però se faccio il prenanna ne consumo di più
                      Last edited by Tutino; 16-04-2008, 02:05:33.


                      • Simona... e basta!
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                        Originariamente Scritto da Tutino Visualizza Messaggio
                        Kokka, certo ke ho letto....però se faccio il prenna ne cosumo di più
                        Infatti hai le Pro e le Gallette di Riso post WO

                        KOKKO... Be Quiet



                        • spot86
                          Vincenzo Tortora
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                          per il prenanna...facciamo che se proprio hai fame lo fai: meglio iniziare a sentire il proprio corpo che addentrarsi in tabelle e calcoletti...
                          Vincenzo T | Ouksider | Founder


                          • Tutino
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                            Originariamente Scritto da spot86 Visualizza Messaggio
                            ma ha mai lavorato coi pesi? Se nn lo ha mai fatto la ricomposizione verrà da se pure a pane e, non diciamo scemenze, che poi magari vengo preso sul serio...

                   non ha mai fatto pesi...
                            pro 2-2.2 x kg LBM
                            kcal direi TDEE -10% rest, TDEE wo (viene mettendo chos postwo)
                            grassi resto da carbo concentrati nelle prime ore della giornate e nel postw..
                            2-3pasti liberi per portare la media kcal normo o poco sopra...
                            Ringrazio nuovamente Simona x la disponibilità! Grazie anke a Spot86
                            OK tutto kiaro!

                            Il prenanna lo faccio solo quando ho fame....

                            Um ultimo dubbio, nn ho capito cosa intendi kn 2-3 pasti liberi....


                            • Tutino
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                              Originariamente Scritto da Simona... e basta! Visualizza Messaggio
                              Infatti hai le Pro e le Gallette di Riso post WO

                              KOKKO... Be Quiet
                              Ma a te gli uomini piace menarli......


                              • spot86
                                Vincenzo Tortora
                                • Dec 2006
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                                Originariamente Scritto da Tutino Visualizza Messaggio
                                Um ultimo dubbio, nn ho capito cosa intendi kn 2-3 pasti liberi....
                                Chapter 9: Free meals
                                The first flexible dieting concept I want to describe is the free meal. Some people call this a cheat meal but others find the word ‘cheat’ has too many negative connotations and puts them back into a negative mindset. Reward meal is another typical description with a few diet approaches allowing a single ‘reward’ meal per day or so (for example The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet by the Hellers).
                                Just as it sounds, this is a single meal that breaks your diet. When I say break I mean that it doesn’t conform to the rest of the diet in either the amount or types of foods you get to eat. So someone on a low-carbohydrate diet might eat those high carb, high-starch foods (bread, pasta, and the like) that they’ve been craving. Someone on a low-fat diet might have those french fries or pizza or something greasy. Someone on a Zone type of diet would simply eat without worrying about achieving some specific ratio of nutrients. The main thing is that the free meal lets you address any cravings you might have by allowing you to have a little of those ‘forbidden’ foods. The main benefit of the free meal is simply psychological; a single meal isn’t really long enough to affect the various hormones (leptin, ghrelin, etc.) that are involved in the physiological response to dieting. Dieting nonstop for extended periods on end gets to be a real mental grind. Knowing that there is light at the end of the tunnel, that a couple of times per week you can eat more or less ‘freely’ goes a long way in keeping your sanity.
                                This tends to help with long-term adherence since you never suffer from the psychologically induced deprivation that you can’t EVER have a certain food. You know that you’re never more than a few days away from a free meal which makes those days of dieting far more tolerable. Also, if you have any sort of a social life (family or dating), a free meal gives you the ability to eat with everybody else without being a huge pain in the ass.

                                The first obligatory warning: how NOT to do a free meal
                                I’ve learned through experience that people tend to read very selectively, they’ll read until they see what they want to see and then stop (a friend calls this a cafeteria approach to reading). Which means that putting warnings at the end of the chapter, after I’ve told you the good stuff tends to cause
                                problems. Instead, you get the warnings before the information so you can’t claim that you just happened to stop reading and didn’t see what I’m about to say.
                                So, before you stop reading and go out and start gorging, let’s talk about what a free meal is and is not. A free meal is NOT a deliberate attempt to see how much food you can stuff down your gullet in a single meal although this is how it is all too commonly interpreted. The problem I all too often see is that people fall out of one psychological trap (that breaking the diet at all is a huge failure on their part) and into another (they try to see how much crap they can gorge themselves on during their breaks).
                                Both cause problems. So don’t decide that you’re going to try and put down the entire pizza (or two), or bankrupt the all you can eat buffet on your free meal; that’s a complete and utter abuse of what the free meal is supposed to accomplish.
                                Rather, go eat a ‘normal’ meal where you are not supremely obsessed with the content. Don’t get me wrong, striving to make healthier choices at this point is always a good thing but breaking your diet a little bit isn’t going to kill you. As I said above, if you want those greasy french fries, or that dessert after dinner, go for it. Just don’t order two entrees, three desserts, eat the entire loaf of bread with butter and half of your spouse’s dinner and then hit the ice cream place on the way home, call it a ‘meal’, and think I somehow gave you permission to do so.

                                Guidelines for the free meal
                                There aren’t any real guidelines for the free meal beyond what I wrote above: don’t use the concept as an excuse to eat yourself sick or eat three times what you’d normally eat. Just go eat a nondiet meal that lets you eat some of the off limits stuff and that’s it. I do, however, want to give you some
                                suggestions on the free meal.
                                Under most circumstances, I think a free meal is best eaten out of the house, at a restaurant. This is because you’re less likely to go nuts on your total food intake at a restaurant (unless you go to an all you can eat buffet type of place which I don’t suggest). You won’t order three desserts (unless you want funny looks from the wait staff and your friends) or eat three meals, which is a real possibility if you eat this meal at home. Also, the going out aspect of the meal gives it more of a reward type of flavor, a special treat for your dieting efforts.
                                I also think it’s best to make the free meal a dinner meal. The reason for this suggestion has to do with getting back into the swing of the diet. If you make your free meal lunch or breakfast, it can be psychologically difficult to go back to your diet for the rest of the day. If you make dinner your free meal, by the time you wake up in the morning, you should be ready to get back into your normal dieting rhythm. If you’re on an exercise program, especially if you’re doing weight training, it would be ideal to put the free meal on a day when you exercised.
                                As above, it would probably be ideal if you at least kept up some of the parameters of your normal diet and make relatively healthy choices. Just go ahead and have some of the forbidden stuff too. So try to make sure and get a source of protein and a salad at least, something healthy. To that
                                you can add some of the forbidden stuff. The low-carber might add a baked potato or some bread (or dessert), the low-fat dieter might add fries or something greasy, as I mentioned above.
                                Some previous approaches to the free meal concept (for example Protein Power by the Eades) have further limited the free meal to one hour in duration. This may be helpful if it keeps you from turning what should be one meal into a several hour graze (and then rationalizing that it was only
                                one ‘meal’). At the same time, don’t fall into the trap of seeing how much food you can eat in an hour if you do this. I’ve known of folks who literally start a stopwatch and see how much they can cram down their throat in an exact one hour span (these same types of people often take it further during structured refeeds, described in the next chapter). Then they wonder why they aren’t losing fat and bitch at me because they can’t follow directions.
                                I want to give you one final warning: do not be surprised if your bodyweight spikes a little bit the next morning, especially if you eat a lot of carbohydrates at your free meal (this is more true for folks on low-carbohydrate diets). Avoiding the scale the morning after a free meal may be a good idea, especially if you are the type of person who gets overly concerned about short-term spikes in bodyweight.

                                Frequency and timing of free meals
                                With few exceptions, I feel that all dieters, regardless of what category they are in should incorporate, 1 or 2 free meals per week into their diet. This includes bodybuilders getting ready for a contest although they may find that structured refeeds (discussed next chapter) are a little more appropriate. A good friend, David Greenwalt (author of the excellent book The Leanness Lifestyle) has prepared for bodybuilding contests, reaching 4-5% bodyfat while including free meals into his diet.
                                I will say that if you’re just starting a new diet, I think it’s probably best to be relatively strict with it (allowing no free meals) for the first few weeks, mainly to give yourself time to get into the swing of the new eating habits. Taste buds take time to adjust and adding free meals in too early can be a way to
                                prevent you from getting away from the types of foods that made you fat in the first place. Quite in fact, people often find that several weeks of relatively strict dieting tend to eliminate the taste they had for certain types of foods (whatever isn’t allowed on the diet) and they tend to go less crazy during free meals. But this takes a few weeks at least to occur.
                                At that point, the free meals can be incorporated. Finally, you should generally space out your free meals on nonconsecutive days, rather than having them on two days in a row. So rather than having a free meal on Thursday and again on Friday, have one on Wednesday night and the other on Saturday (perhaps as part of some type of social event or special occasion). Oh yeah, don’t try to be cute and have a free meal on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and try to rationalize that you only had 2
                                each week. Space them out on nonconsecutive days, you are still on a diet.

                                Lyle McDonald - A guide to flexible dieting
                                Vincenzo T | Ouksider | Founder

