Domanda per max

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  • Gek
    Bodyweb Member
    • Jul 2000
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    • Bologna,Italia
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    Domanda per max

    mi sapresti dire che cos'è un ECA stack fatto da me o la Dym. Xtreme o la Xenadrine?
    E poi volevo sapere: avete detto che la creatina in polvere è migliore, ma quella in capsule dll'ultimate nutrition è sempre in polvere dentro le capsule di gelatina quindi non vedo la differenza.

    Grazie mille
    Ragazzi, questo si che è un forum utile!!!
  • Max
    Bodyweb Member
    • May 2000
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    Puoi leggerti questa "spataffiata" in inglese , e' molto interessante ed esaustiva.
    Comunque , un ECA stack fatto da te significa che ti comperi i 3 prodotti separati (efedrina , caffeina , aspirina) e li unisci come segue :
    - 25mgs efedrina
    - 200mgs caffeina
    - 325mgs asprina
    Se invece usi la Dym. o la Xenadrine o l'Hidroxycut sono dei termogenici gia' di per se completi , anche se non contengono aspirina ma il "willow bark extract" (personalmente penso che un ECA stack sia piu' completo con l'aspirina anche se in molti la pensano diversamente).
    Comunque per tua info ecco cosa contengono 2 caps di Dym. :
    Ingredients : (per 2 capsules)
    600 milligrams Ephedra Extract 8%
    300 milligrams L-Phenylalanine
    300 milligrams L-Tyrosine
    200 milligrams Caffeine
    100 Willow Bark Extract

    Up until last year, ephedrine was easily available over-the-counter until reports of
    death attributed to ephedrine started to pour into the FDA. It should be noted as an
    interesting side-note that the death toll of ephedrine started to rise as soon as ma
    huang, another botanical version of ephedrine, was placed in so-called "Herbal
    Extacy" preparations. Some autopsies have reported the equivalent dosage of ma
    huang to be in the high 500mg range for a number of teenagers. When one
    considers that the dosage for a 200 pound man is roughly 25mg, it appears that
    ephedrine acts just like any drug i.e. if you take too much, you will get injured.
    Toxicology reports even classify ephedrine in a safer bracket than aspirin and
    ibuprofen, yet the media hardly denounces these substances even though they are
    attributed to a proportionately larger death toll. It is the opinion of the author that the
    FDA wants to take ephedrine from the market because it is impossible for a
    pharmaceutical company to lay a patent on it, and therefore, stands to lose money
    from its sale. By seeking a restriction to ephedrine, which the I believe to be the
    safest, most effective, most economical fat-loss supplement in the world, the FDA
    is making a grave mistake and could be playing a powerful ally to the
    pharmaceuticals. It stands to reason that the pharmaceutical giants want to sell
    their own diet products instead of encouraging the use of an over-the-counter
    medicine. For more information, search Medline for toxicology reports on ephedrine
    compared to the more famous diet drugs such as dexfenfluramine, phentermine,
    etc. Compare sales figures, toxicology studies, and number of studies for each
    "medicine" and it is blatantly clear why ephedrine is one of the most hated drugs of
    the pharmaceutical world.

    Now that the politics of ephedrine have been addressed, it is more important to
    highlight the effects of ephedrine and it's derivatives so the capable consumer can
    make the decision for himself or herself. Please keep an open mind and make a
    decision only after doing your own research. It is almost a crime to believe in things
    that someone tells you just because you are too lazy to research the information

    Ephedrine is a beta-adrenergic agonist that effects the CNS (central nervous
    system) through the release of epinephrine and the attachment to the beta 1 and 2
    receptors (if we find a true beta-3, we will have cured obesity IMHO). It has long
    been regarded as a fairly potent thermogenic (fat burning) compound, but it was
    found to be extremely effective when combined with caffeine. Caffeine by itself is
    widely known as a thermogenic which directly effects lipolysis (the breakdown of
    fatty acid), but it doesn't even come close to ephedrine. When the two are taken
    haphazardly (taken together), their thermogenic qualities are additive: one plus one
    equals two; however, when they are taken in a specific ration of 1:10
    ephedrine/caffeine, the results are supra-additive. This ratio, 20 mg of ephedrine and
    200mg of caffeine, combine into a thermogenic cocktail equal to one plus one
    equals three. When aspirin is added, the stack becomes even more potent since
    the blood now mildly thins.

    Other than burning fat, the ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin stack has also been shown to
    have nutrient partitioning effects. In other words, it spares lean muscle while dieting,
    a problem that plagues most dieters that don't exercise regularly. In animals fed the
    stack in the ratios above, the same growth was obtained on a 20% lower energy
    intake but gained 10% more muscle and 30% less fat than the control animals. In
    humans, the ephedrine/caffeine stack (this study was done without aspirin) was
    found to be as effective as dexfenfluramine (a fat-loss drug mentioned above) over a
    15-week period.

    Scientists are not quite sure how or why the E/C/A stack works the way it does.
    Some theorize the stimulation of the beta-2 receptors and to a lesser degree the
    beta-3's. It would make sense since rat tests show the injection of epinephrine
    spares protein when under incredible stress. It should be stated clearly that
    ephedrine is a CNS and will give some users side-effects such as dizziness,
    headaches, jitters, and insomnia; however, many studies has shown the
    side-effects of ephedrine to only be experienced in a small slice of the participating
    subjects. Most if not all of the side-effects usually subside after a few days. Since
    some people will inevitably react harshly to the stack, there is something we can
    take to reduce the side-effects of ephedrine. The amino acid tyrosine is a primary
    constituent and building block for the production of epinephrine in the body. It has
    also been shown to increase the effects of ephedrine up to 50%. Therefore,
    logically, one could cut the ephedrine dosage in half and substitute l-tyrosine (the 'l'
    just stands for a synthetic version) and still get the same effects. Since tyrosine is
    a fairly safe amino, the effects of the E/C/A stack would be reduced for those
    susceptible to CNS stimulating agents.

    Bottom Line: Add the E/C/A stack to your regime in order to cut up.

    I recommend this stack for three reasons:

    1) it will increase thermogenesis and gives me the energy to complete a grueling
    workout on a low calorie diet.

    2) the stack is anti-catabolic and will reduce the amount of muscle lost when
    calories are significantly lowered below one's basal metabolic rate (BMR).

    3) This is the best supplement one can choose if on a limited budget.

    Take the stack for 3 weeks at a time weaning yourself on and off at the beginning
    and end of each cycle. Wait a month or two to let your receptors upregulate and
    continue the process until you reach your ideal condition.

    Both Herbal Genesis and Xenadrine contains the same ECA ratio the he is
    talking about!!!

