- Takeshi Saitama routine -

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  • ThiBezerra
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    - Takeshi Saitama routine -

    - Jikoshoukai -
    (Self presentation)

    - Intro:

    Hello there, I hope you all are doing awesome and I'm here to share my training and diet routine, my goal is to evolve performance (strength, speed ...), aesthetic and learn english (I'm reproducing all that I learned playing Final fantasy VII)
    But first off all, let me introduce myself

    Watashi no namae wa Takeshi Saitama desu
    (My name is Takeshi Saitama)

    I'm 90s generation (30 years old)
    I Grew up playing video games, watching animes and eating a lot, what let me similar to Haru (Beverly Hills Ninja)
    My first attemp on fitness goals was going from 241,5 to 151,8 (at 16 years old)
    Now in the actual scenario, lockdown with all gyms closed I became increasingly anxious.
    To achieve a better mood, I've gathered what I had, some things like light dumbbells, straight bar, punching bag and started training at home.
    It's not much, but I think I was lucked to have all this at home.

    Plus for Italia:
    Per quasi tutti qui, sono conosciuto come Thi Bezerra, 6 anni fa che ho scritto una thread con il nome di "La giornata bodybuilder", oggi torno a scrivere e comè un'auto-presentazione, voglio prima di tutto scusarmi con chi mi ha accompagnato in passato, chiedo scusa per lungo tempo senza scrivere oppure dare notizia. A quel tempo volevo rafforzare le mie radici brasiliane, ma questa volta preferisco rafforzare le mie radici asiatiche (giappone), quindi chiedo che mi chiamiate Takeshi Saitama.
    Se ti piace vedere cose su fitness con un tono speciale di humore, credo che questo dairio è per te.

    - Training:

    Day on (3x on a week)
    Weight training (Upper body - High reps with low loads)
    *Trying to build rear delts and latissimus dorsi

    1) Pronated grip pull ups + DeclinePush ups
    2) Supinated grip pull ups + Closed grip push ups
    3) Bent over lateral raise + Skull crusher (dumbbells) + fore arms
    4) Front delts + Pull Over (dumbbells) + fore arms
    5) Lateral raise + Unilateral biceps curl + ABS
    6) Upright rows + Straight bar biceps curl + ABS

    Day off (3x on a week)
    1 hour running
    1 hour boxing (30min shadow boxing + 30min punching bag)
    *Depending on what time is it, I do only shadow boxing (1 hour)

    - Diet:

    3000~3200 kcal
    ~160g protein
    Carbs and fat dont have a fixed value, the rule is to not surpass 3200 kcal

    - Goals:

    Not surpass 184 (maintain under 179,4 maybe it's a cool weight to perform)
    Be more aesthetic, faster and strong (like Frank Medrano)

    - Results:

    In 2 months doing that routine I came from 207 to 184, I improved in aesthetic, but most of the benefits was in performance, feeling lighter , more endurance, faster to run and punch the bag.

    - Closure:

    Well then, I'm begining here and I hope you all share your knoledges of training/diet/english with me, all suggestions/corrections are welcome.

    Plus for Italia:
    La maggior parte di questo diario sarà scritto in inglese, però mi sforzerò sempre che possibilie con mio meglio per parlare con tutti voi in italiano.
    Me scusi per possibile errori di italiano.

    See you all next time, and I'm just another asian trying to be like water my friend...
    Last edited by ThiBezerra; 23-04-2021, 05:58:08. Motivo: Kanji text
  • ThiBezerra
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    - Takeshi Saitama Routine -

    - Silly competition -

    - Intro:

    A few days ago, I was doing my "day off" training, running on the streets of my city, nothing different at all, sprinting always as possible, often I do around 10 medium-high intensity sprints of 30 seconds.
    It was already night, movement in the city was normal, the climate too and of course also my performance, untill I turned the corner, in this part of my training the challenge began ... but first of all, how are you? Are things going all right? I hope you are doing awesome.

    Watashi no namae wa Takeshi Saitama desu
    (My name is Takeshi Saitama)

    Continuing the narrative, turning the corner I saw passing in front of me another runner, and some things caught my attention, he had athlete's physique and was running in a high pass.
    At the first point this situation challenged me, and I thought in increasse the speed to overcome him as a parameter to know that I'am in a good performance level.
    On the other hand, what a silly thing? Why do I have to compete with everybody?
    This is like when you go to the gym, see somebody lifting more weights than you, and of course you add more loads just to prove yourself that you are stronger than him (c'mon who never thought like that?)
    But I said to me, NO! Just do what you came to do and go home.
    I continued my training having in mind to don't do a silly competition, however in the way the things are moving forward, I noticed that we are tracking the same rote, and again ...

    Io: Occhia laggiu, di sicuro è uno atleta, già habiamo uno rivale, perchè no sfidare se?
    Io: No.
    Io: Ma lui corre ad alto livelo, vincere un avversario cosi sarà perffeto no?
    Me: Sì, però no e lasciami in piace.
    Io: ...
    Io: ...
    Io: Cosa?
    Io: Io so
    Io: Che cosa sai?
    Io: Tu sei sempre allenando e allenando, già pensato di provare il tuo actuale livello di abilità?
    Se vincere a questo avversario, anche in una piccola competizione, una persona che di sicuro è uno atleta, questo sarà tutto e tu sarà il vincitore, vuole essere il campione non è?

    Io: ... Sì!!!

    And was in that context of internal conflict (silly thoughts) that I sprinted again in order to overtake my opponent, but he was a tough guy, and his constant rhythm was very fast, with this first try I cannot overtake him, but now the distance between us was short.
    My strategy was, don't let the distance widen maintaining the same rhythm as him, and soon as possible another sprint to defeat him.
    Maintain his rhythm was very painfull, fatigue wouldn't go away, I even thought that I cannot overtake him, but sometime later, I was recovered and sprinted again, this time just 30 seconds weren't enough, was necessary 50 seconds to overtake.
    Now few steps ahead of my rival, I couldn't let him pass me, so victory would be mine only if I stay ahead long as possible.
    I held in 1st until I have to turn the corner to go home and our routes changed.
    Yes, we compete, under my own rules and I won, but he don't know lol.

    Excited from the competition, I added more 15 sprints of 12 seconds (focus on ATP CP energy system) just to make sure if we cross paths again, I will be prepared to another challenged (under my rules of course).
    Boxing training I increase the volume of 1 hour to 1hour and 30 minutes.

    - Training:

    1h and 30 minutes (10 sprints of 30 sec, 15 sprints of 12 seconds)

    1h and 30 minutes of shadow boxing

    - Diet:

    The same 3200 kcal (160g of ptn here)
    Approximately 4 liters of water.

    - Results:

    As a premium of all this silly competition, I gained a lot of pain in the hamstrings, already 2 trainings that I cutted off the running part, even walk is painfull

    - Closure:

    Se mi chiede se io sò una persona competitiva ... Sì, Io sono e per tutti voi che hai dedicato il tuo proprio tempo leggendo mio diario Kokoro yori kansha moushiagemasu (dal fondo di mio cuore, grazie mille)
    See you all next time, and I'm just another asian trying to be like water my friend...


    • LoreFéanor
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      Hey man
      How old ar u ?


      • Ozn
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        Originariamente Scritto da LoreFéanor Visualizza Messaggio
        Hey man
        How old ar u ?
        He wrote desopra, 30 anni old
        Originariamente Scritto da centos
        mangio e bevo e faccio schifo

        Per ricorsi amministrativi e legali



        • NaturalHardCore
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          Welcome back Takeshi
          Ciao Manuel, bodyweb non sarà mai più la stessa!


          • ThiBezerra
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            Originariamente Scritto da LoreFéanor Visualizza Messaggio
            Hey man
            How old ar u ?
            Ciao amico mio, come stai?
            ho 30 anni, e tu?

            Originariamente Scritto da Ozn Visualizza Messaggio
            He wrote desopra, 30 anni old

            Originariamente Scritto da NaturalHardCore Visualizza Messaggio
            Welcome back Takeshi
            Thanks for the hospitality my friend

            Per tutti voi:
            Sentitevi libere per parlare o chiedere quello che vuoi, sono tutti benvenuti.


            • robybaggio10
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              Usi ancora i Tapperware?

              Inviato dal mio MotoE2(4G-LTE) utilizzando Tapatalk
              I SUOI goals:
              -Serie A: 189
              -Serie B: 6
              -Super League: 5
              -Coppa Italia: 13
              -Chinese FA Cup: 1
              -Coppa UEFA: 5
              -Champions League: 13
              -Nazionale Under 21: 19
              -Nazionale: 19
              TOTALE: 270


              • ThiBezerra
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                Originariamente Scritto da robybaggio10 Visualizza Messaggio
                Usi ancora i Tapperware?

                Inviato dal mio MotoE2(4G-LTE) utilizzando Tapatalk
                Ove necessario amico mio, questo tipo de interrogazione mi mette in buonissimo umore


                • ThiBezerra
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                  - Takeshi Saitama Routine -

                  - Omae wa mou shindeiru -

                  - Intro:

                  Is with good news that I came today, my city are moving from Purple phase to Orange phase, this means gyms will open soon (04/24 - Saturday)
                  I'm glad with the re-opening of the gyms, but I'm glad too for handle myself with what I had.
                  My plan is, first come back to the gym, do squats, dead lifts and bench press again, and second but not to soon, before I have to get organized, I'm beginner programmer, manage work and training is hard sometimes, but my idea is to go to some good Boxing gym.

                  Watashi no namae wa Takeshi Saitama desu
                  (My name is Takeshi Saitama)

                  Talking about sports, is anybody there eagerly waiting for the Olympic games in Tokyo?
                  What is your favorite olympic sport?
                  I heard that "Animes" will be the icons for this Olympics lol (Makunouchi Ippo for boxing, of course)
                  I will share a secret with you all, when I was a teenager my dream was to be in the olympic games, but now at advanced age for competitions, my dream is to watch the olympic games in person.

                  - Training:

                  For today I done some adjustments to my home weight training, lets check it out

                  1) Bent over lateral raise + Skull crusher (dumbbells) + fore arms
                  2) Bent over lateral raise + Decline push ups + Fore arms
                  3) Dumbbells front raise + Dumbbells Pull over + ABS
                  4) Lateral raises + Prone grip bent over rows + ABS
                  5) Supinated grip bent over rows + concentration curls
                  6) Upright rows + Unilateral curls

                  - Diet:

                  Kcal: 3021
                  Ptn: 194g (Often I eat less, average 160g)
                  Cho: 403g
                  Fat: 72g
                  Fiber: 50g
                  Water: 5 liters

                  - Results:

                  I Think I'm recovered from hamstring fatigue and pain, if yes, I root to cross paths with my runner rival.

                  - Closure:

                  Hey, for all 80/90s generation, I want to show you all my new tattoo (I earned in a Sonic easter egg).

                  It's Tails

                  But this give me an idea of an otaku tattoo, what do you think?

                  See you all next time, and I'm just another asian trying to be like water my friend...
                  Last edited by ThiBezerra; 24-04-2021, 11:27:45. Motivo: errore in kanji titolo


                  • Ozn
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                    Kenshiro wa dame desu
                    Last edited by Ozn; 24-04-2021, 12:14:03.
                    Originariamente Scritto da centos
                    mangio e bevo e faccio schifo

                    Per ricorsi amministrativi e legali



                    • ThiBezerra
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                      Originariamente Scritto da Ozn Visualizza Messaggio
                      Kenshiro wa dame desu
                      Thanks for the Kenshiro advice


                      • NaturalHardCore
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                        Great, we stay tuned
                        Ciao Manuel, bodyweb non sarà mai più la stessa!


                        • ThiBezerra
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                          Originariamente Scritto da NaturalHardCore Visualizza Messaggio
                          Great, we stay tuned
                          Thanks for the words my bro! Read this motivates me.


                          • ThiBezerra
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                            - Takeshi Saitama Routine -

                            - Ichinichi bun no shokuji -
                            (Full day of eating)

                            - Intro:

                            Watashi no namae wa Takeshi Saitama desu
                            (My name is Takeshi Saitama)

                            With this post I want to show how is one day of my diet plan, recalling that not always I do exactly the same thing all days, but always less than 3200 kcal, protein the rule is not less than 1,5 grams per kilogram (120g), carbs and fat the amount what fit in the rule of maximum of 3200 kcal per day.


                            - Diet:

                            Meal 01:
                            2 units - Low fat yogurt
                            2 units - Yogurt

                            Meal 02:
                            (often the post workout)
                            200g - Rice
                            200g - Raw chicken breast (After weighing I cook, of course)
                            200g - bean
                            10g - Olive oil
                            200g - Grape fruit juice
                            Free - Vegetables (Broccoli + Carrot)

                            Meal 03:
                            500ml - Milk
                            30g - Sustagen kids
                            30g - Sugar
                            30g - Cocoa powder
                            115g - Banana
                            30g - Chestnuts
                            5g - Cinnamon powder

                            Meal 04:
                            100g - Dried meat
                            130g - tapioca
                            50g - Mozzarela
                            300ml - Milk

                            - Closure:

                            That was my full day of eating, would you change/suggest anything? Feel free to comment.
                            See you all next time, and I'm just another asian trying to be like water my friend...


                            • ThiBezerra
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                              - Takeshi Saitama Routine -

                              - Coconut water -

                              - Intro:

                              Today is the reopening of the gyms in my city, I'm excited to return training at the gym, for this come back I have in mind to test Power Building training structure. What do you think?
                              Let's check this out.

                              Watashi no namae wa Takeshi Saitama desu
                              (My name is Takeshi Saitama)

                              First of all, I dont know if this type of training is referred as Power (power lifting) Building (body building) in everywhere, but from what I understand consist in:

                              (feel free to share your knowledge if I'm with a controversial reasoning)

                              Main lift:
                              Focus on power lifting, develop strength by work on ATP-CP energetic system.

                              How to do that:
                              Low reps with high loads or loads greater than 70% of a RM and rests greater then 3 minutes.
                              Often the exercises are Squat, Dead lift, and Bench press. (I've seen people using Bench over row and shoulder press in the main lift, sounds interesting and I will put on practice)

                              In power lifting, acessory training has the goal to develop the muscles who support the main lift, but in Power Building, the acessory training is focused in develop weak parts of the body, in order to correct proportion working in a more aesthetic line of the body. In other words, is focused on Body building.

                              How to do that:
                              Exercises or the focus is directed to the parts of the body what you want to develop.
                              example: If you dont have a good lateral shoulder, here in acessory training you work on them.
                              It's not required to work with only low reps, but with any form that is good to hipertofy.
                              Particularly I will use this range of reps >= 5 && <= 12

                              - Training:

                              Power Building - A:

                              1) (ML) Bench press + (Acc) Leg extension + (Acc) Rear delts

                              (Reps x one sided weight of the bar.)
                              (Warm up) 10~15 x 20kg | (Warm up) 10~15 x 25kg | 8 x 30kg
                              5 x 33kg | 5 x 35kg | 4 x 36kg
                              3 x 37kg | 3 x 38kg
                              (To be honest, I'm saddened here)

                              2) (ML) Squat + (Acc) Lateral raises + (Acc) Skull crusher

                              (Warm up) 10~15 x 25kg | (Warm up) 10~15 x 30kg
                              8 x 35kg | 5 x 40kg | 5 x 45kg
                              5 x 50kg | 5x 53kg
                              (Saddened again)

                              Hey hey, do you know that I'ts so hard to try squat heavy, right?
                              But in this case, always being sad with my current performance, one thing made me happy for a moment.
                              At the reception of the gym, were handing out coconut water, so let's do a break for drink some coconut water!

                              After coconut water!

                              3) (ML) Shoulder press machine + (Acc) ABS + (Acc) Fore arms

                              (I think every single unity has 5kg)
                              (Warm up) 10~15 x 7u | 8 x 8u
                              5 x 9u | 5 x 10u | 4 x 11u

                              4) (Acc) Pull over + (Acc) Arnold press + (Acc) Triceps pushdowns

                              - Diet:

                              Thinking in move up the calories a bit.
                              Current kcal: 3200.

                              - Goals:

                              Develop strength for two reasons, because it's cool do strength trainings and to land powerfull punches in front of the punching bag (? Three! Two! One! Kill shot!)

                              - Closure:

                              Hey, let me know your numbers on main lifts, feel free to share!
                              See you all next time, and I'm just another asian trying to be like water my friend...

