benissimo ...sono curioso di sapere il peso domani
Non so se mi peso domani...devo svegliarmi presto e non so dove dormo."You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
Joel Marion
"It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"
"Huge By choice, not by chance."
Ultimo allenamento della settimana: dorso & delts + cardio...faccio ora il pasto pre wo + 3 assunzione aqualyze"You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
Joel Marion
"It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"
"Huge By choice, not by chance."
Allenamento cardizza alla svelta perchè tra poco chiudono. Rematore supino scapolato 8-8-10-12@81-81-81-76 kg r1'
Da settimana prossima si allenta la tensione!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk"You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
Joel Marion
"It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"
"Huge By choice, not by chance."
Si...cattiveria in corpo evidentemente.son troppo stressato...altro che attaccarsi la pelle:non ho il coraggio di alzare la maglia. 4 CPS cmq...ultima una mezz'ora fa
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk"You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
Joel Marion
"It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"
"Huge By choice, not by chance."
78,8 stamattina: un po' di acqua da stress e poco sonno,ma condizione cmq buona e pelle abb attaccata.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk"You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
Joel Marion
"It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"
"Huge By choice, not by chance."
Ti mando una mail adesso con il mio indirizzo."You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
Joel Marion
"It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"
"Huge By choice, not by chance."
Nonostante la nottata con livelli di stress emotivi altissimi e conseguente cortisolo/ritenzione, sto aqualyze qualcosa fa: la pelle si è un pò attaccata e quindi viene promosso per il tocco finale, ma la BF deve essere DAVVERO bassa per notare qualcosa...non aspettatevi miracoli: è la ciliegina. Diciamo che in un contesto di gara natural me lo tengo buono.
Oggi fame nervosa insopportabile...non riesco a tenere e ho pensato più volte di chiudere con un giorno di anticipo...per ora sono in check, ma mi sa che un caffè me lo faccio."You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
Joel Marion
"It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"
"Huge By choice, not by chance."
Siamo alla worst condition psicologica Luca...altro che peak. Ti mando qualcosa ora..."You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
Joel Marion
"It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"
"Huge By choice, not by chance."
Mamma mia io non posso vedere su FB in un giorno in cui mi mangerei anche i mattoni torte con gelatina, menù del Mc, biscotti, spiedi....e PorcaT...
Oggi 85 di chos niente cardio: non avevo il cuore di farne francamente...sto troppo giù.
Computo totale settimanale di cardio: 185'. Settimana prossima ne farò ancora meno e poi stoppo TOTALMENTE per una settimana pesi e cardio."You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
Joel Marion
"It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"
"Huge By choice, not by chance."