Originariamente Scritto da Hunterboy
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Originariamente Scritto da le diable
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Originariamente Scritto da Luigi 87
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Originariamente Scritto da Luigi 87
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Che dire, un grazie infinito a tutti per tutto!
Oggi intanto giornata molto attiva (stavo perdendo troppo tempo a casa senza far niente, finivo per leggere articoli di nutrizione ed incasinarmi la dieta. Per citare Berkhan:
If you're too fixated on the marshmallow, you'll eat it sooner or later. In this context it means you'll screw up your diet and/or training, burn out and lose all motivation. The more physical and mental energy you invest in your training and diet, the more likely you are to fail.
And that's why some of the busiest people are the most successful ones when it comes to reaching their physique goals. They have other things to think about.
And that's why some of the busiest people are the most successful ones when it comes to reaching their physique goals. They have other things to think about.