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Ieri ho lavorato sulla schiena e petto: rullo sulle chiappe, scendere e risalire finché sentivo il dolore attenuarsi. Poi messo dritto, ho fatto destra e sinistra dalla spina dorsale in poi...un sollievo straordinario ai lombari, anche se oggi mi facevano male non mi "tiravano" come le altre volte.
Sul petto ho fatto dal solco centrale verso fuori, prima destro e poi sinistro e poi diagonalmente dalla parte alta dello streno verso fuori. Quando trovavo il punto dolorante ho fatto un leggera pressione in più e vi ho "rullato" sopra...ieri sera mi sono messo a letto con le poppe rilassate, oggi non sentivo doms!
Nooo, ma che dici? Ma dai non è possibile....
Grande "Claudiano" !!! A che punto sei con questo programma?
BRAVO x i pettorali ti consiglio di acquistare una pallina grossa circa quanto quella da tennis(anche leggermente più piccola)in gomma dura in un negozio di animali e trattare i trigger ponendoti in piedi di fronte al muro
a proposito non ricordo se ho inviato anche a te l'e-book sul massaggio miofasciale...se lo vuoi ti invio una e-mail
Grazie venerdì concludo le 4 settimane della fase di accumulo,e da lunedì prossimo inizio la fase d'intensificazione sempre del korte
mavors potresti illuminarmi 1 po' su questo metodo anti-dolori o darmi link di dove tu ne parli o comunque è 1 po' spiegato?
intanto ti posto al volo questo
Self-Myofascial Release Techniques
Micheal Clark, MS, PT, PES, CSCS
Alan Russell, ATC, NASM-PES, CSCS
Would you believe that your client’s function could be improved for less than $20?
Sound too good to be true? By performing Self-Myofascial Releasetechniques on a simple piece of foam, your clients can improve flexibility, function, performance, and reduce injuries. In a nutshell, your clients use their own body weight to roll on the round foam roll, massaging away restrictions to normal soft-tissue extensibility. And your clients can perform this program at home, maximizing their recovery time.
For the health and fitness professional to understand how this “magical” foam roll does all that, a basic understanding of the kinetic chain must be acknowledged. The kinetic chain is made up of the soft tissue system (muscle, tendon, ligament, and fascia), neural system (nerves and CNS), and articular system (joints)6. The kinetic chain works as an integrated functional unit. All components of the kinetic chain exist interdependently. If one segment is not functioning efficiently, then the other components must compensate, leading to tissue overload, fatigue, faulty movement patterns, and finally initiates the Cumulative Injury Cycle3,5,10,12. For example, muscle tightness restricts the range of motion that a joint may be moved. Because of muscle restriction (tightness, soft tissue adhesions, and neural-hyperactivity), joint motion is altered, thus changing normal neural feedback to the CNS (central nervous system). Ultimately, neuromuscular efficiency is compromised , which leads to poor movement patterns, inducing premature fatigue and causing injury. The SMFR (Self-Myofascial Release) Program helps your clients improve muscular balance and performance.
Correct muscle imbalances
↑ Joint range of motion
↓ Muscle soreness & relieve joint stress
↓ Neuromuscular hypertonicity
↑ Extensibility of musculotendinous junction
↑ Neuromuscular efficiency
Maintain normal functional muscular length
A simple review of neuromuscular anatomy is required to apply the neurophysiological concepts. Two basic neural receptors are located in skeletal muscle tissue. These receptors are the muscle spindle and the golgi tendon organ. Muscle Spindles are located parallel to the muscle fibers. They record changes in fiber length, and rate of change to the CNS5,9. This triggers the myotatic stretch reflex, which reflexively shortens muscle tissue, alters the normal length-tension relationship, and often induces pain1,2,5. Golgi Tendon Organs (GTO) are located at the musculotendinous junction. They are sensitive to change in tension and rate of tension change2,5,7,8. Stimulation of the GTO’s past a certain threshold inhibits the muscle spindle activity, and decreases muscular tension. This phenomenon is referred to as autogenic inhibition2,4,7,11. It is said to be “autogenic” because the contracting agonist is inhibited by its’ own receptors. Reduction in soft-tissue tension decreases pain, restores normal muscle length-tension relationships, and improves function.
The health and fitness professional should be proficient in these techniques prior to client instruction.
Hold each position 1-2 minutes for each side (when applicable).
If pain is reported, stop rolling and REST on the painful areas for 30-45 seconds.
§Continuing to roll when pain is present activates the muscle spindles, causing increased tightness and pain.
§Resting 30-45 seconds on painful areas will stimulate the GTO and autogenically inhibit the muscle spindles; reducing muscular tension and will help regulate fascial receptors.
Maintain proper Draw-In Position, which provides stability to the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex during rolling.
Clients can perform SMFR Program 1-2 x daily.
SPECIFIC SELF-MYOFASCIAL RELEASE TECHNIQUES ILIOTIBIAL TRACT (IT Band) Position yourself side lying on foam roll. Bottom leg is raised slightly off floor. Maintain head in “neutral” with ears aligned with shoulders. Roll just below hip joint down the lateral thigh to the knee.
Begin positioned as shown with foot crossed to opposite knee. Roll on the posterior hip area. Increase the stretch by pulling the knee toward the opposite shoulder
Place hamstrings on the roll with hips unsupported. Feet are crossed to increase leverage. Roll from knee toward posterior hip while keeping quadriceps tightened.
Body is positioned prone with quadriceps on foam roll. It is very important to maintain proper Core control (abdominal Drawn-In position & tight gluteals) to prevent low back compensations. Roll from pelvic bone to knee, emphasizing the lateral thigh
TENSOR FASCIA LATAE (TFL) Position the body as described above. Foam roll is placed just lateral to the anterior pelvic bone (ASIS).
Extend the thigh and place foam roll in the groin region with body prone on the floor. Be cautious when rolling near the adductor complex origins at the pelvis.
Position yourself side lying with arm outstretched and foam roll placed in axillary area. Thumb is pointed up to pre-stretch the latissumus dorsi muscle. Movement during this technique is minimal.
RHOMBOIDS Cross arms to the opposite shoulder to clear the shoulder blades across the thoracic wall. While maintaining abdominal Draw-In position, raise hips until unsupported. Also stabilize the head in “neutral.” Roll mid-back area on the foam.
When choosing a foam roll, product density is very important. If the foam is too soft, less than adequate tissue massage is applied. On the other hand, if the foam is too hard, bruising and more advanced soft-tissue trauma may occur, leading to further restriction, initiation of the inflammatory process, decreased range of motion, pain, and decreased performance. The preferred density of foam is available through mail order. Contact MF Athletic Company (800) 556-7464, Cranston, Rhode Island, USA to order the 6” round / 36” long foam roll.
The SMFR Program can help your clients reach their health and fitness goals. Simply by using their own body weight on the rolls, they’ll be reducing pain and tension, and restoring normal muscle length and balance. Optimum muscle balance helps to provide optimum joint motion leading to optimum performance. Try it yourself, and help your clients reach their fitness goals. You will be AMAZED!
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Ok! Ho presente che palla prendere
Movimento circolare, quindi?
Io, su indicazione anche di mia sorellla futura medica, ho fatto le rullate nella direzione delle fibre muscolari, soffermandomi in quei punti che, come dici tu, sembra quasi si stacchino dall'osso!
Ok! Ho presente che palla prendere
Movimento circolare, quindi?
Io, su indicazione anche di mia sorellla futura medica, ho fatto le rullate nella direzione delle fibre muscolari, soffermandomi in quei punti che, come dici tu, sembra quasi si stacchino dall'osso!
Alla fine no, mi avevi detto che me lo avresti inviato appena lo ritrovavi
Mi hai mandato quello di Wendler che l'ho eletto a Bibbia!
L'indirizzo ce l'hai ancora, vero?
ok devi farlo in questo modo...il movimento circolare fallo quando massaggi il piriforme
controlla se ti è arrivata l'e-mail
Si grazie....e ti dirò di più, so n'imbecille io, perché me lo avevi mandato!
Ma lo aprii sull'outlook di studio e mi si bloccò!
Quindi avrei dovuto richiedertelo ma mi "affruntavu", non te l'ho più richiesto e poi mi è passato dalla mente!
Sai cosa ho pensato leggendolo? Di costruire lo stick!
Si potrebbero usare dei cilindretti di legno o delle palline da golf economiche, tipo quelle del decathlon.
Si grazie....e ti dirò di più, so n'imbecille io, perché me lo avevi mandato!
Ma lo aprii sull'outlook di studio e mi si bloccò!
Quindi avrei dovuto richiedertelo ma mi "affruntavu", non te l'ho più richiesto e poi mi è passato dalla mente!
Sai cosa ho pensato leggendolo? Di costruire lo stick!
Si potrebbero usare dei cilindretti di legno o delle palline da golf economiche, tipo quelle del decathlon.
....per la mia idea di fare lo stick sarebbero state ottime le pallette da squash, che sono fatte di una bella gomma. ma ho scoperto perché si chiama squash...perché dentro c'è UN LIQUIDO...quindi quando le buchi...SQUASH!
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