Originariamente Scritto da ettorefff
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* Protects and Enhances Mitochondrial Function (16)
* Enhances Immune Function and IGF-1 levels (17)
* Protects against the loss and reduction in axonal transport of substance P (18)
* Reduces HPA axis hyperactivity (19)
* Increases hippocampal synaptic contact zones (20)
* Protects against stress-induced neuroendocrine changes (21)
* Enhances long-term memory (22)
* Increases learning capacity (23)
* Prevents age-related memory deterioration (24)
* Helps maintain a normal number of both axosomatic synapses and giant bouton vesicles (25)
* Increases membrane fluidity and counters the increase in membrane viscosity seen both in aging and in neuronal lipid peroxidation (26)
* Protects cell membranes from physical stress (27)
* Reduces lipofuscin accumulation in neurons (28)
* Helps neurons remain energetic by using alternate energy sources such as lipids and ketones (29)
* Increases the efficiency of neuronal transmission (30)
* Protects against ischemia/reperfusion induced cellular damage (31) and lowers lactic acid levels and speeds recovery from ischemic events (32)
* Protects neuronal RNA from damage (33)
* Helps maintain cholinergic transmission between neurons (34)
* Protects against DNA breakage (36)