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  • ennio78
    • Jul 2003
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    Originariamente Scritto da Matteo_Cresti Visualizza Messaggio
    Allora...Ennio...io non lo scarico mai...ma lo alzo...prima della gara
    lo alzo di un cucchiaino circa ai 4 pasti principali...
    Considera che 8 gr di sale da cucina corrispondono a circa 3 gr di sodio...

    Ti posso dire che sul mio corpo l'anno scorso ho fatto così...
    Acqua e drenanti sempre alti...specialmente da quando inizio ad essere basso con i chos...
    Carb Cicling...a grandi sbalzi di kcal... x metabolismo... ( eccetto periodi di 0 carb per SGRASSATURA VERA, ma NON fatta prima della gara, ma bensì da 2 mesi prima, adesso NON fatico!!!)

    settimana pre...
    primi 2 gg liquidi alti carbo bassi sodio invariato
    dal 3 inizio pian piano a ridurre... sodio aumentato... ( acquisto di volumi ) carbo in salita
    stacco venerdì tardo pom...
    bevo quantitativo per far girare la ricarica...sale molto...carbo a seconda...

    Questo è quello che feci lo scorso anno...che fanno in molti...che su molti funziona...
    Niente potassio / sodio son cazzate che molte volte fanno perdere la condizione...

    Quest'anno dato che le gare saranno troppo ravvicinate..non farò acchezzi vari...solo cose sicure....per non rovinarmi...la forma...

    Credo fortemente che la condizione la devi avere prima della gara...non si può sperare di entrarci nell'ultima settimana...è UTOPIA!!!

    Un salutone...
    prima di tutto GRAZIE! Ovvio che la condizione la si raggiunge con altri metodi...non con il sale! qui era per parlare della "Ciliegina sulla torta!"

    GRAZIE ancora


    • The Undertaker
      PRO WNBF
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      Si non mi riferivo a te Ennio, ma a tanti che si "autoconvincono" che la top condition si raggiunga con la bacchetta magica...

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      • Dannytech
        Bodyweb Advanced
        • Sep 2007
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        Ciao ragazzi, è da un pò che sul forum ci sto a cambiali per motivi di scarso tempo.

        Giusto poco fa mi è capitato sott'occhio questo articolo, lo condivido con voi, magari ne esce fuori qualche spunto di discussione.

        Eatingwell: 5 Myths About Vitamines

        By Brierley Wright, M.S., R.D., Nutrition Editor,EatingWell MagazineA recent government study said more than half of all Americans take dietary supplements, which in my opinion is surprisingly high, considering these pills and powders aren’t regulated like drugs but like foods.The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 defined “dietary supplement” to include vitamins, minerals, botanicals and other ingredients, and ruled that supplements would be regulated like foods. This exempted companies from having to prove the safety or efficacy of their products -- entirely reasonable, given that the nutrients come from natural foods, say advocates. The law also permitted supplement makers to use several kinds of marketing claims (some that don’t require FDA approval), including structure/function statements, which describe how a nutrient is intended to affect the body.
        Related: 4 Nutrients You Might Not Be Getting Enough Of
        Allowing such claims -- without requiring proof of strong science to back them -- is why there’s so little conclusive science on supplements, say the law’s critics. “The marketing has been quite effective without studies,” says Irwin Rosenberg, M.D., senior scientist and interim director of the Neuroscience and Aging Laboratory at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University. Even some in the supplement industry warn that lax marketing can be misleading. “There are a few real egregious folks who go over the line with loose structure/function claims,” says Andrew Shao, Ph.D., Vice President, Global Product Science & Safety at Herbalife. “Unfortunately consumers get the message, ‘all supplement makers are out to dupe me.’” What do the claims really mean? The answers may surprise you. Here are 5 myths about vitamins busted, originally reported on in EatingWell Magazine by Nicci Micco.

        Myth 1: All “Multivitamins” Are the Same
        The Truth: There’s no legal definition for “multivitamin.” Manufacturers apply the term to any product supplying two or more vitamins (minerals, phytochemicals and herbs too). In a 2006 study of 26,735 people out of the University of Hawaii in Honolulu, the “multivitamins” subjects reported using included 1,246 different formulas. Nearly 70 percent were “one-a-day” types; 16 percent, B-complex blends; and 14 percent, “antioxidant” mixes. Products in the same group (e.g., B-complex) varied wildly; many provided megadoses of some nutrients.
        Are you a vegetarian? Here’s how to get the nutrients you need.

        The Bottom Line:
        Read labels to find a “multi” that doesn’t exceed 100 percent of the Daily Value (DV) for any nutrients.

        Myth 2: What’s Listed on the Label Is What’s Really in the Product
        The Truth: Supplement manufacturers must list each ingredient (and its quantity) in a product, but they don’t have to prove the accuracy of these lists. Limited in resources, the FDA doesn’t check that what’s inside a product jibes with what’s on its label, either. Often labels don’t match contents: 30 percent of “multivitamins” tested by ConsumerLab.com, an independent nutrition product testing service and consumer watchdog group, were “off” for at least one ingredient, says Tod Cooperman, M.D., the group’s president. Some delivered doses well below those listed on the label; one was tainted with potentially dangerous levels of lead.Manufacturers can pay to have products tested by ConsumerLab.com or a similar independent company, U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP), usp.org, to verify that the formula: 1) is what it’s supposed to be, 2) doesn’t contain contaminants, and 3) dissolves properly in the body. (Note: Such certification doesn’t guarantee safety or effectiveness, just that a product is what the label says.) “Passing” products earn the right to bear a special seal. The absence of a seal doesn’t necessarily signal a bad product: Big companies often do their own quality-assurance testing.

        The Bottom Line:
        Buy products with a certified seal -- such as the USP seal or certification from ConsumerLab.com -- or an established brand.

        Myth 3: Calcium Is Calcium
        The Truth: Vitamins and minerals occur in different forms -- all of which may not function equally. A 2005 study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association showed that an orange juice fortified with calcium citrate malate was absorbed 48 percent better than one fortified with the same amount of calcium in a different form. Manufacturers don’t have to prove that nutrients they add to foods are actually absorbed.

        Bottom line:
        A dietitian can help you pick products likely to be well absorbed.

        Myth 4: Structure/Function Claims Are Backed By Solid Science
        The Truth: Structure/function claims (e.g., "Zinc helps maintain immunity,") describe what an ingredient is intended to do in the body. Often, the research behind the claim has no scientific consensus. (Look closely: Packages with structure/function claims must also bear the disclaimer, “This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”) “Claim-featured” nutrients sometimes are included purely for marketing.Example: Research on phytochemicals (such as lycopene) is still new, and their potential benefits are poorly understood. Yet “manufacturers will throw in just a tiny bit,” says Cooperman. “If consumers have heard of an ingredient, they assume it has some value.” “Premium” ingredients can mean the difference between charging $50, versus $8, for a bottle of multivitamins.

        The Bottom Line:
        Watch out for “buzz word” nutrients and claims that appear too good to be true.
        Don’t Miss: 9 Foods That Help You Get a Better Night's Sleep

        Myth 5: “Studies Have Shown…” Means That Clinical Research Conclusively Showed Whatever Statement Follows
        The Truth: Most studies that “show” a vitamin/mineral supplement provides a health benefit are observational ones, which survey people about various behaviors (e.g., diet, exercise, supplement use), then use statistical analyses to identify links with disease. When an observational research finds, “People who took a multivitamin, daily, for ‘X’ number of years have an ‘X’ percent lower chance of developing colon cancer than those who didn’t,” one can’t assume that the multivitamin (not a combination of factors) was fully responsible. Surveys show that supplement users tend to practice other healthy habits, too -- eating lots of vegetables, shunning cigarettes and exercising regularly -- so it’s hard to tease out a single protective factor.This is why diet/disease links found in observational studies must be confirmed in controlled randomized clinical trials. In these “gold-standard” investigations, researchers deliver specific nutrient doses to one group and placebo “sugar supplements” to another (neither the subjects nor the investigators know who’s getting what) to test whether a supplement is really responsible for observed benefits.

        The Bottom Line:
        Supplement makers don’t have to say how scientifically conclusive their studies are.

        Fonte: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/eating...health-fitness
        Last edited by Dannytech; 22-04-2012, 22:40:16.
        (¯-·._.· Let's go Hardcore - Diario di Dannytech ·._.·´¯)


        • The Undertaker
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          • Jan 2009
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          Mi dispiace davvero vedere un thred come questo fermo...mi dispiace moltissimo non vedere più INTERESSANTI ARTICOLI del nostro Doc...il quale torno a ringraziare ancora una volta...perchè è merito di questo thread e di persone come Marco ( Menph) e il Doc se sono arrivato ad essere quello che sono (nel mio piccolo), ad imparare tanto e ad aver voglia di mettermi in gioco.
          Proprio adesso rileggevo le vecchie discussioni salvate nel mio PREZIOSISSIMO HD e devo dire che di cose a GRATIS il Doc ce ne ha detto moltissime...spero solo che questo thread riprenda a essere quello che era...qua DOC siamo tutti con te...l'invia di questo mondo tutti la conosciamo...ma io seguo la filosofia di FREGARMENE...avete ottenuto tanti successi...e tanti ne otterrete...spero solo di rileggere un tuo post...
          Io sono a 4 weeks dalle selezioni FIBBN, mi vedo bene...sono soddisfatto di quello che ho fatto e sto facendo...
          Io son qua...spero davvero di potervi rileggere...

          un abbraccio Matteo

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          • The Undertaker
            PRO WNBF
            • Jan 2009
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            mRNA expression signatures of human skeletal muscle atrophy identify a natural compound that increases muscle mass.

            Kunkel SD, Suneja M, Ebert SM, Bongers KS, Fox DK, Malmberg SE, Alipour F, Shields RK, Adams CM.

            Department of Internal Medicine, Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA.


            Skeletal muscle atrophy is a common and debilitating condition that lacks a pharmacologic therapy. To develop a potential therapy, we identified 63 mRNAs that were regulated by fasting in both human and mouse muscle, and 29 mRNAs that were regulated by both fasting and spinal cord injury in human muscle. We used these two unbiased mRNA expression signatures of muscle atrophy to query the Connectivity Map, which singled out ursolic acid as a compound whose signature was opposite to those of atrophy-inducing stresses. A natural compound enriched in apples, ursolic acid reduced muscle atrophy and stimulated muscle hypertrophy in mice. It did so by enhancing skeletal muscle insulin/IGF-I signaling and inhibiting atrophy-associated skeletal muscle mRNA expression. Importantly, ursolic acid's effects on muscle were accompanied by reductions in adiposity, fasting blood glucose, and plasma cholesterol and triglycerides. These findings identify a potential therapy for muscle atrophy and perhaps other metabolic diseases.
            Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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            [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

            [Available on 2012/6/8]

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            ---------- Post added at 16:31:21 ---------- Previous post was at 16:02:01 ----------

            Given the current lack of therapies for skeletal muscle atrophy, we speculate that ursolic acid might be investigated as a potential therapy for illness- and age-related muscle atrophy. It may be useful as a monotherapy or in combination with other strategies that have been considered, such as myostatin inhibition. Given its capacity to reduce adiposity, fasting blood glucose, and plasma lipid levels, ursolic acid might also be investigated as a potential therapy for obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes.


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            • menphisdaemon
              • Mar 2008
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              Grande Matteo...postalo anche sulla mia nota con gli altri studi sulla mia pagina please
              "You eat, sleep, and drink hypertrophy. You live for the pump. You're a bodybuilder."
              Joel Marion

              "It's a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and the beauty of which his body is capable"


              "Huge By choice, not by chance."


              • The Undertaker
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                ok lo posto stasera quando torno...che non ho accesso a fb...comunque nel weekend sentiamoci...che ho letto molto...
                rimandami il tuo cell...che l'ho perso maledizione

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                • BALOS
                  • Feb 2008
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                  Mi permetto di tenere in vita il + interessante log di BW.
                  Volevo riportare la mia personale esperienza delle ultime 7 settimane (questa è l'ottava) in completo "old style":
                  Una programmazione alla Yates in mono 4 split ad alta intensità con piramidale in andata e ritorno (avvicinamento pesante ad una/due serie allenante e ritorno con un rest inferiore) , con pochi es tradizionali.
                  Stacco inserito 2 volte (non lo facevo "pesante" da parecchio tempo).
                  Integrazione: nulla (non che prima abusassi, solo pro e vitamine. Ora causa rigore economico manco quelle)
                  Alimentazione: causa problemi di stomaco (ancora sotto esame, probabile gastrite + intolleranze) albumi, carni bianche, tonno, riso, marmellata, bresa, insalata, mandorle, semi di zucca e poco altro (quasi nulli i latticini).
                  Conclusioni: nonostante la pochezza della mia homegym, della mia alimentazione/integrazione, i problemi di stomaco e un periodo di forte stress..... ho ottenuto significativi e visibili progressi in termini di qualità.
                  Sono convinto che la strada maestra non è mai unica, ma le tecniche basiche se fatte bene hanno parecchie potenzialità.


                  • Theycallmechobo
                    Il Pontificatore misericordioso
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                    Puo' essere che il miglioramento sia derivato dal "cambiare" e non dal metodo in se'..


                    • BALOS
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                      non è esattamente la prima volta che cambio metodo, ma non ho mai notato simili risultati in così poche settimane


                      • Sly83
                        CAVETTERIA INCLUSIVA
                        • May 2003
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                        hai trovato una direzione che hic et nunc ti farà ancora progredire. Io invece ho scoperto che mi serve il very high volume...dopo anni passati a fare pochi esercizi e solo medio-pesanti. Sono fasi della vita :-D

                        Originariamente Scritto da Giampo93
                        Finché c'è emivita c'è Speran*a


                        • BALOS
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                          come ho già scritto nessuna strada maestra unica ne x me,ne tanto meno x nessun altro.
                          il mio era un discorso legato non tanto ad un tipo di protocollo preciso, quanto a sottolineare che spesso ci lancia alla ricerca di soluzioni sempre nuove quando poi le basi (sia come tecniche che come alimentazione) sono tali per motivi precisi.

                          ---------- Post added at 06:48:25 ---------- Previous post was at 06:47:33 ----------

                          come ho già scritto nessuna strada maestra unica ne x me,ne tanto meno x nessun altro.
                          il mio era un discorso legato non tanto ad un tipo di protocollo preciso, quanto a sottolineare che spesso ci lancia alla ricerca di soluzioni sempre nuove quando poi le basi (sia come tecniche che come alimentazione) sono tali per motivi precisi.


                          • naturalmentebig
                            Bodyweb Advanced
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                            matteo rentrato per un pelo in open sotto gli 80.
                            Dai Matteo!!! Duro ed incazzato!


                            • naturalmentebig
                              Bodyweb Advanced
                              • Feb 2007
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                              matteo rentrato per un pelo in open sotto gli 80.
                              Dai Matteo!!! Duro ed incazzato!


                              • MeshuggaH
                                Bodyweb Senior
                                • Dec 2009
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                                (K)No(w) PAIN, (K)No(w) GAIN.
                                Intensity Intensity! Intensity!

