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  • dr.j
    dr.j Member
    • Nov 2003
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    Io sto vedendo sempre più conferme positive sulla leucina, tanto che nei miei protocolli di integrazione fa parte del "blend".
    Sul ptere diabetogeno? mah, si sta indagando sul suo aspetto positivo direi.....
    Dietary Leucine May Fight Pre-Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome: Study Shows Improvements in Animals With Amino Acid in Diet

    ScienceDaily (July 6, 2011) — A study led by researchers at the Joslin Diabetes Center suggests that adding the amino acid leucine to their diets may help those with pre-diabetes or metabolic syndrome.

    In an animal study, published in the journal PLoS ONE, mice who had been on a high-fat diet and who also received twice the usual intake of leucine, an amino acid found in protein, showed reductions in their prediabetic conditions with lower blood sugars and less fat in their livers, two of the collection of medical problems associated with insulin resistance that make up what is known as metabolic syndrome.
    "The impact on the animals on the high-fat diet, even though it didn't change how fat they got, was that their bodies were able to handle glucose better," said C. Ronald Kahn, M.D., Head of the Joslin Section on Integrative Physiology and Metabolism and the Mary K. Iacocca Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Kahn led the team of researchers from Joslin and Metabolon Inc. of Durham, N.C.
    "Their glucose tolerance tests improved," he said. "Their bodies responded to insulin better than they would have before they got the leucine. It improved their ability to metabolize sugar and fats. It markedly improved their pre-diabetic condition. Their metabolic syndrome also improved."
    Mice who were fed a normal diet and given leucine showed no significant effects from taking the dietary supplement.
    Kahn said the study sought to see what effect just a small change in their environment -- in this case in just one small component of the diet -- might have on animals with prediabetes or metabolic syndrome.
    "We found that adding just this one amino acid to the diet changed the metabolism in a lot of different pathways," he said. "It had effects that improved insulin sensitivity, improved their ability to metabolize sugar and fats and their overall metabolism improved."
    Kahn said the study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, shows that even small changes in how we interact with our environment can make a big difference. Such changes can be positive or negative. In this case, they were positive.
    He said it is too soon to recommend that those with prediabetes or metabolic syndrome add leucine to their diets, but said the next step should be a study in humans.
    Leucine is one of 22 amino acids that serve as building blocks of proteins. It was chosen to be tested because in vitro studies had previously shown that it has effects on insulin signaling, Kahn said. Leucine is found in all protein food sources. It is often taken in supplements by those involved in body building in order to increase muscle mass.
    In addition to Kahn, others from Joslin listed as co-authors of the study were Yazmin Macotela, Brice Emanuelli, Anneli M. Bang, Daniel O. Espinosa and Jeremie Boucher. Kirk Beebe and Walter Gall of Metabolon were also listed as co-authors.

    ---------- Post added at 18:27:46 ---------- Previous post was at 18:24:30 ----------

    Parliamo sempre di indagini piuttosto preliminari, ma assolutamente meritevoli di approfondimento:

    Background Leucine may function as a signaling molecule to regulate metabolism. We have previously shown that dietary leucine supplementation significantly improves glucose and energy metabolism in diet-induced obese mice, suggesting that leucine supplementation could potentially be a useful adjuvant therapy for obesity and type 2 diabetes. Since the underlying cause for obesity and type 2 diabetes is multifold, we further investigated metabolic effects of leucine supplementation in obese/diabetes mouse models with different etiologies, and explored the underlying molecular mechanisms. Methods Leucine supplementation was carried out in NONcNZO10/LtJ (RCS10) - a polygenic model predisposed to beta cell failure and type 2 diabetes, and in B6.Cg-Ay/J (A y ) - a monogenic model for impaired central melanocortin receptor signaling, obesity, and severe insulin resistance. Mice in the treatment group received the drinking water containing 1.5% leucine for up to 8 months; control mice received the tap water. Body weight, body composition, blood HbA1c levels, and plasma glucose and insulin levels were monitored throughout and/or at the end of the study period. Indirect calorimetry, skeletal muscle gene expression, and adipose tissue inflammation were also assessed in A y mice. Results Leucine supplementation significantly reduced HbA1c levels throughout the study period in both RCS10 and A y mice. However, the treatment had no long term effect on body weight or adiposity. The improvement in glycemic control was associated with an increased insulin response to food challenge in RCS10 mice and decreased plasma insulin levels in A y mice. In leucine-treated A y mice, energy expenditure was increased by ~10% (p < 0.05) in both dark and light cycles while the physical activity level was unchanged. The expression levels of UCP3, CrAT, PPAR-alpha, and NRF-1, which are known to regulate mitochondrial oxidative function, were significantly increased in the soleus muscle of leucine-treated Ay mice whereas the expression levels of MCP-1 and TNF-alpha and macrophage infiltration in adipose tissue were significantly reduced. Conclusions Chronic leucine supplementation significantly improves glycemic control in multiple mouse models of obesity and diabetes with distinct etiologies. The metabolic benefits of leucine supplementation are likely mediated via multiple mechanisms in different tissues, but are not necessarily dependent of weight reduction.


    • brosgym
      Bodyweb Advanced
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      Sto leggendo un libro su diabete di tipo II ed esercizio fisico, l'autore, tra l'altro fa riferimento a quasto articolo:

      A phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt/mTOR pathway mediates and PTEN antagonizes tumor necrosis factor inhibition of insulin signaling through insulin receptor substrate-1.

      Ozes ON, Akca H, Mayo LD, Gustin JA, Maehama T, Dixon JE, Donner DB.
      Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Indiana University School of Medicine and the Walther Oncology Center, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA.


      Tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) by the insulin receptor permits this docking protein to interact with signaling proteins that promote insulin action. Serine phosphorylation uncouples IRS-1 from the insulin receptor, thereby inhibiting its tyrosine phosphorylation and insulin signaling. For this reason, there is great interest in identifying serine/threonine kinases for which IRS-1 is a substrate. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibited insulin-promoted tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-1 and activated the Akt/protein kinase B serine-threonine kinase, a downstream target for phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase). The effect of TNF on insulin-promoted tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-1 was blocked by inhibition of PI 3-kinase and the PTEN tumor suppressor, which dephosphorylates the lipids that mediate PI 3-kinase functions, whereas constitutively active Akt impaired insulin-promoted IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation. Conversely, TNF inhibition of IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation was blocked by kinase dead Akt. Inhibition of IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation by TNF was blocked by rapamycin, an inhibitor of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a downstream target of Akt. mTOR induced the serine phosphorylation of IRS-1 (Ser-636/639), and such phosphorylation was inhibited by rapamycin. These results suggest that TNF impairs insulin signaling through IRS-1 by activation of a PI 3-kinase/Akt/mTOR pathway, which is antagonized by PTEN

      Vedo anche io che ci sono molti studi pro, è ormai assodato che mTOR attivi la sintesi proteica però.....
      Ingegnere biochimico
      Tecnologo alimentare
      Nutrizionista sportivo
      Zone Consultant
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      Membro ACSM, SiNSEB, ISSN, SINU
      Consulente sviluppo e caratterizzazione integratori
      Docente di nutrizione ed integrazione nello sport presso SaNIS, ACS, 4MOVE ed EdiErmes
      Consulente FIT, FIGC e WKF
      Nutrizionista Benetton Treviso Rugby


      • oneW78
        Bodyweb Advanced
        • Dec 2005
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        Originariamente Scritto da dr.j Visualizza Messaggio
        potremmo parlare eventualmente di quello che può essere un effetto pro-ossidante, cmq luigi è necessario avere sotto gli occhi lo studio, altrimenti onestamente non ho mai sentito nulla del genere.

        Bros....allora finalmente ti sei convertito/convinto alla vitamina d eh??? Cavoli negli ultimi anni stanno dilagando studi su studi
        quali sono gli effetti positivi recentementi scoperti di questa vitamina????....suppongo che gia' ne abbiate parlato ma non riesco a trovare la pagine dove avete avviato il discorso......perdonate l'intrusione,,,,
        ...THE TEAM.....


        • dr.j
          dr.j Member
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          La stanno studiando riguardo a molte patologie che sarebbero influenzate dalla sua mancanza/insufficiente apporto. Dal comune raffreddore al cancro......dal 2008 sono venute fuori un mare di evidenze e studi, che la estendono come applicazione, limitata prima solo al discorso osseo. La troviamo come agente favorente una cardioprotezione, favorente l'attività vascolare, positiva sulla sensibilità insulinica, ottima difesa contro malanni stagionali prettamente correlati alle vie respiratorie.....il suo potenziale è veramente vastissimo....le RDA pediatriche hanno elevato il valore ma è ancora troppo basso in teoria per beneficiare delle sue azioni positive al meglio, gli adulti......studi alla mano, generalmente ne hanno spesso una gran mancanza.......ed anche se le BIG PHARMA non le prestano particolarmente attenzione......(quello sarebbe un altro discorso).....io la ritengo un ottimo elemento favorevole alla nostra salute, meglio di tanti altri che hanno solo più mktg.....


          • mr oat
            ¤Water Coconut Moderator¤
            • Sep 2008
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            Ma parliamo di vit d oppure piu specificatamente di vit d3?
            Personal Trainer - Istruttore Body Building e Fitness

            Instagram: 85dagochri


            • Luigi 87
              Bodyweb Advanced
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              American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 87, No. 1, 142-149, January 2008
              © 2008 American Society for Nutrition

              Oral administration of vitamin C decreases muscle mitochondrial biogenesis and hampers training-induced adaptations in endurance performance1,2,3

              Mari-Carmen Gomez-Cabrera, Elena Domenech, Marco Romagnoli, Alessandro Arduini, Consuelo Borras, Federico V Pallardo, Juan Sastre and Jose Viña

              1 From the Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain (M-CG-C, ED, AA, FVP, JS, and JV); the Catholic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain (CB); and the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain (MR)
              2 Supported by grants no. SAF 2004-03755 (to JV) and GV06/289 (to M-CG-C) and by la Red Temática de investigación cooperativa en envejecimiento y fragilidad (RETICEF) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII2006-RED13-027).
              3 Reprints not available. Address correspondence to J Vina, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Blasco Ibañez, 15, Valencia, Spain 46010. E-mail: jose.vina@uv.es.

              Background: Exercise practitioners often take vitamin C supplements because intense muscular contractile activity can result in oxidative stress, as indicated by altered muscle and blood glutathione concentrations and increases in protein, DNA, and lipid peroxidation. There is, however, considerable debate regarding the beneficial health effects of vitamin C supplementation.
              Objective: This study was designed to study the effect of vitamin C on training efficiency in rats and in humans.
              Design: The human study was double-blind and randomized. Fourteen men (27–36 y old) were trained for 8 wk. Five of the men were supplemented daily with an oral dose of 1 g vitamin C. In the animal study, 24 male Wistar rats were exercised under 2 different protocols for 3 and 6 wk. Twelve of the rats were treated with a daily dose of vitamin C (0.24 mg/cm2 body surface area).
              Results: The administration of vitamin C significantly (P = 0.014) hampered endurance capacity. The adverse effects of vitamin C may result from its capacity to reduce the exercise-induced expression of key transcription factors involved in mitochondrial biogenesis. These factors are peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor co-activator 1, nuclear respiratory factor 1, and mitochondrial transcription factor A. Vitamin C also prevented the exercise-induced expression of cytochrome C (a marker of mitochondrial content) and of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase.
              Conclusion: Vitamin C supplementation decreases training efficiency because it prevents some cellular adaptations to exercise.

              Key Words: Free radicals • O2max • antioxidant enzymes • antioxidant supplements • exercise • exhaustion • vitamins • gene expression • hormesis • reactive oxygen species
              Personal Trainer/Istruttore Fitness & Body Building FIPE/FIPCF

              diario: ???? Road to the Evolution ????


              • oneW78
                Bodyweb Advanced
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                Originariamente Scritto da mr oat Visualizza Messaggio
                Ma parliamo di vit d oppure piu specificatamente di vit d3?
                gentile come sempre ... ;-) ....mi potresti dire il nome di un integratore a base di vit D ??....gli studi che hai letto come suggerirebbero la sua assunzione???..........
                ...THE TEAM.....


                • criss
                  MARVEL HERO
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                  prendi semplicemente la vitamina d3, si trova in rete
                  sigpic...Risin' up, back on the street
                  Did my time, took my chances
                  Went the distance now I'm back on my feet
                  Just a man and his will to survive......


                  • naturalmentebig
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                    Originariamente Scritto da oneW78 Visualizza Messaggio
                    gentile come sempre ... ;-) ....mi potresti dire il nome di un integratore a base di vit D ??....gli studi che hai letto come suggerirebbero la sua assunzione???..........
                    d base in gocce. 2000 unità al giorno possibilmente con un pasto contenente grassi.


                    • lucav79
                      Bodyweb Advanced
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                      io prima verificherei eventuali carenze mediante esami ematici...poi prenderei un po di sole...

                      spunto di riflessione:
                      Last edited by lucav79; 07-10-2011, 10:31:10.


                      • dr.j
                        dr.j Member
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                        Originariamente Scritto da oneW78 Visualizza Messaggio
                        gentile come sempre ... ;-) ....mi potresti dire il nome di un integratore a base di vit D ??....gli studi che hai letto come suggerirebbero la sua assunzione???..........
                        Sia le formulazioni pediatriche che quelle per adulti le trovi in gocce o in perle. Integratori ne trovi parecchi...


                        • brosgym
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                          Originariamente Scritto da naturalmentebig Visualizza Messaggio
                          d base in gocce. 2000 unità al giorno possibilmente con un pasto contenente grassi.

                          Originariamente Scritto da lucav79 Visualizza Messaggio
                          io prima verificherei eventuali carenze mediante esami ematici...poi prenderei un po di sole...

                          spunto di riflessione:
                          Facile a dirsi.....specie d'inverno.....

                          Originariamente Scritto da dr.j Visualizza Messaggio
                          Sia le formulazioni pediatriche che quelle per adulti le trovi in gocce o in perle. Integratori ne trovi parecchi...
                          Si ad esempio la Natrol ne ha uno con omega3 e D3 (1000UI) in perle
                          Ingegnere biochimico
                          Tecnologo alimentare
                          Nutrizionista sportivo
                          Zone Consultant
                          Personal trainer
                          Membro ACSM, SiNSEB, ISSN, SINU
                          Consulente sviluppo e caratterizzazione integratori
                          Docente di nutrizione ed integrazione nello sport presso SaNIS, ACS, 4MOVE ed EdiErmes
                          Consulente FIT, FIGC e WKF
                          Nutrizionista Benetton Treviso Rugby


                          • The Undertaker
                            PRO WNBF
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                            Ho letto di qualsiasi utilizzo del suddetto integratore.

                            Pre-post wo e pre nanna.
                            Io pre-nanna l'ho utilizzato ma notvo che non riuscivo a riposare bene, mi svegliavo ripetutamente nel sonno ed ho interrotto.
                            Poi cercando in rete mi sono imbattuto in questo studio.

                            Strength athletes who take 3 g of the supplement GABA [structural formula shown below] quadruple their growth hormone production during and after a training session. Sports scientists at Shenandoah University discovered this when they did an experiment with 11 men (average age 23), all of whom were regular weight trainers.

                            GABA – gamma-aminobutyric acid in full – is a neurotransmitter found primarily in the brain. The body makes the compound from glutamate.

                            GABA plays a role in relaxation; sedatives and sleeping pills like benzodiazepines and barbiturates work via the same receptor as GABA does. GABA is available on the market as a supplement, but you have to take huge amounts to notice any effect, as the brain cannot absorb it easily from the blood.
                            GABA stimulates the brain’s production of growth hormone. Strength training does the same. The researchers wondered what happens if you do both: would the production of growth hormone increase even more?

                            The researchers got their subjects to train their main muscle groups, doing chest presses, lat pull downs, flies, seated rows, shoulder presses, biceps curls, triceps extensions, leg-presses, leg-curls, leg-extensions and calf-raises. The subjects trained using 70 percent of the weight at which they could just manage 1 rep, doing 1 set of each exercise and resting for 1 minute between sets. The training session lasted 15 minutes.

                            On one occasion the subjects took 4 caps of GNC’s GABA-750 [each cap contained 750 mg GABA], and on the other they took caps containing no active ingredient. The researchers repeated the procedure while the subjects rested. Even when the men were not training the GABA supplement raised their GH level.

                            The figure below shows levels of immuno-reactive GH. This is the fraction of growth hormone that is biologically active.
                            The researchers monitored the subjects’ blood for 90 minutes. The figure below shows the total amount of active GH the subjects made during the period.

                            GABA increased the total amount of growth hormone the subjects made as a result of training by 480 percent. Whether strength athletes would lose fat or build up more muscle quicker in the long term as a result of this effect, the researchers do not yet know.

                            Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2008 Jan; 40(1): 104-10.

                            ---------- Post added at 17:09:03 ---------- Previous post was at 16:53:44 ----------

                            Growth hormone isoform responses to GABA ingestion at rest and after exercise.

                            Powers ME, Yarrow JF, McCoy SC, Borst SE.

                            Division of Athletic Training, Shenendoah University, Winchester, VA 22601, USA. mpowers@su.edu


                            Oral administration of the amino acid/inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) reportedly elevates resting serum growth hormone (GH) concentrations.

                            To test the hypothesis that GABA ingestion stimulates immunoreactive GH (irGH) and immunofunctional GH (ifGH) release at rest and that GABA augments the resistance exercise-induced irGH/ifGH responses.

                            Eleven resistance-trained men (18-30 yr) participated in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. During each experimental bout, participants ingested either 3 g of GABA or sucrose placebo (P), followed either by resting or resistance exercise sessions. Fasting venous blood samples were acquired immediately before and at 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 min after GABA or P ingestion and were assayed for irGH and ifGH.

                            At rest, GABA ingestion elevated both irGH and ifGH compared with placebo. Specifically, peak concentrations of both hormones were elevated by about 400%, and the area under the curve (AUC) was elevated by about 375% (P < 0.05). Resistance exercise (EX-P) elevated time-point (15-60 min) irGH and ifGH concentrations compared with rest (P < 0.05). The combination of GABA and resistance exercise (EX-GABA) also elevated the peak, AUC, and the 15- to 60-min time-point irGH and ifGH responses compared with resting conditions (P < 0.05). Additionally, 200% greater irGH (P < 0.01) and 175% greater ifGH (P < 0.05) concentrations were observed in the EX-GABA than in the EX-P condition, 30 min after ingestion. GABA ingestion did not alter the irGH to ifGH ratio, and, under all conditions, ifGH represented approximately 50% of irGH.

                            Our data indicate that ingested GABA elevates resting and postexercise irGH and ifGH concentrations. The extent to which irGH/ifGH secretion contributes to skeletal muscle hypertrophy is unknown, although augmenting the postexercise irGH/ifGH response may improve resistance training-induced muscular adaptations.

                            [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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                            • ilcalmo
                              .... il tollerante ....
                              • Oct 2007
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                              .......amici buona sera!!!!!!!!! in albergo ora dopo una giornata carica di adrenalina...emozioni...palpitazioni...gioie...

                              ...che dire la nostra portacolori Anna Maria Giordani ha conquistato un bellissimo 2°posto all'Arnold classic europe...dietro una ottima e pluricampionesa come Raquel detentrice del titolo assoluto in america all'Arnold classic amatori e campionessa mondiale...

                              tutto è andato come doveva...dopo tanti sacrifici queste soddisfazioni ripagano e molto anche!! Anna come detentrice del titolo in America è stata sotto pressione, nn voleva deludere ed ha dato il 1000% ....

                              ...complimenti da tutti anche dagli avversari....

                              grande piccola continui a stupire....


                              ora nanna devo rilassarmi che domani i nostri portacolori dovranno ancora battagliare!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              Last edited by ilcalmo; 08-10-2011, 21:46:44.
                              sigpic.....il nuovo sport dell'estate...."il lancio del bambinoooo"......



                              • Gore
                                • Apr 2007
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                                e tu erri vai a letto ora
                                GORE - REBUILD THE BODY
                                (non so il front , ma il back pare migliorato )

                                Originalmente inviato da leonardoS
                                maledetto mongue, io sono 177cm quindi basso e pelato e grasso, il top secondo i canoni monguiani. Ma siccome lui è un secco sansa palle e sansa tesserino ifbb e scurnacchiat me ne fotto

