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  • dr.j
    dr.j Member
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    Appena rientrato da corsi di aggiornamento di dieci ore al giorno....al di là del posto in cui li ho fatti (magnifico) son riuscito ad andare in tilt......ma doveroso fare anche questi......

    Ricordo che questo mese Alex è in copertina su cf.......era ora.......per un campione cel genere........ed il numero in questione, contiene una bella intervistina di Anna fatta da Dave........piccole soddisfazioni, ma che fanno davvero bene a loro e ovviamente onorano anche il sottoscritto.....

    ---------- Post added at 08:21:36 ---------- Previous post was at 08:21:01 ----------

    Appena rientrato da corsi di aggiornamento di dieci ore al giorno....al di là del posto in cui li ho fatti (magnifico) son riuscito ad andare in tilt......ma doveroso fare anche questi......

    Ricordo che questo mese Alex è in copertina su cf.......era ora.......per un campione cel genere........ed il numero in questione, contiene una bella intervistina di Anna fatta da Dave........piccole soddisfazioni, ma che fanno davvero bene a loro e ovviamente onorano anche il sottoscritto.....


    • Luigi 87
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      Buon fine estate a tutti...

      Cosa ne pensate dell' "ANABOLIC BURST CYCLING" ?

      Ovvero 14 giorni di dieta leggermente ipocalorica, iperproteica, a basso tenore di carboidrati, alto tenore di mono e poliinsaturi per aumentare la sensibilità insulinica, seguita da altri 14 giorni di dieta abbondantemente ipercalorica e iperglucidica?

      Insomma, giocare con ormoni quali Leptina, testo, insulina, tiroidei e ritenzione d'azoto ciclizzando "al meglio" i macronutrienti e le calorie.
      Personal Trainer/Istruttore Fitness & Body Building FIPE/FIPCF

      diario: ???? Road to the Evolution ????


      • dr.j
        dr.j Member
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        Velocissimo aggiornamento di alcuni degli atleti in corsa......stamattina check up per Annina ed Enzino......
        Anna si è presentata in una condizione diversa da 5 settimane fa, dopo una discussione riguardo ai canoni dei giudici che caratterizzeranno i prossimi appuntamenti, si è pensato di cambiare strategia.....per cui oggi era già in una fase di transizione "differente" rispetto a quello che si era pianificato ad inizio lavori......la condizione è buona, unico neo, siamo un po' sciupati dal caldo infernale e dagli orari estivi delle palestre che la hanno costretta a stravolgere i suoi allenamenti.......ora siamo ripartiti.......mi aspetto grandi cambiamenti nelle prossime due settimane....cmq per il primo appuntamento 5 weeks out......
        * allenamento delle gambe molto simpatico l'ho prosciugata all'ultima goccia di sudore.......
        Enzino!!! notevolmente migliorato......sotto tutti gli aspetti, volumi e qualità......siamo in netto anticipo, per cui potremmo anticipare i programmi già impegnativi, ma più che altro come test.....può dar del filo da torcere.......sono molto soddisfatto.......anche del fatto che ha sopportato un allenamento FST7 advanced veramente tosto.....
        Bravo Enzo......peccato l'assente Alex Z........avrebbe condiviso una bella sessione........


        • simgy
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          Originariamente Scritto da dr.j Visualizza Messaggio
          Velocissimo aggiornamento di alcuni degli atleti in corsa......stamattina check up per Annina ed Enzino......
          Anna si è presentata in una condizione diversa da 5 settimane fa, dopo una discussione riguardo ai canoni dei giudici che caratterizzeranno i prossimi appuntamenti, si è pensato di cambiare strategia.....per cui oggi era già in una fase di transizione "differente" rispetto a quello che si era pianificato ad inizio lavori......la condizione è buona, unico neo, siamo un po' sciupati dal caldo infernale e dagli orari estivi delle palestre che la hanno costretta a stravolgere i suoi allenamenti.......ora siamo ripartiti.......mi aspetto grandi cambiamenti nelle prossime due settimane....cmq per il primo appuntamento 5 weeks out......
          * allenamento delle gambe molto simpatico l'ho prosciugata all'ultima goccia di sudore.......
          Enzino!!! notevolmente migliorato......sotto tutti gli aspetti, volumi e qualità......siamo in netto anticipo, per cui potremmo anticipare i programmi già impegnativi, ma più che altro come test.....può dar del filo da torcere.......sono molto soddisfatto.......anche del fatto che ha sopportato un allenamento FST7 advanced veramente tosto.....
          Bravo Enzo......peccato l'assente Alex Z........avrebbe condiviso una bella sessione........
          ehe ehe Mister..........mi ci va uno sconto nel prossimo c.up visto il ritardo dell'Enzino e il mio proseguire nel wo..........!!!!!
          sigpicAnna Maria Giordani


          • dr.j
            dr.j Member
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            Eh eh.....altro che sconto.....la prossima volta sarai in vicina alla prima battaglia......altro che sconti!!!!
            X 2 serie in più......guarda che quegli affondi erano una passeggiata


            • Gore
              • Apr 2007
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              Visto Gabri.... ti avevo detto che per Enzino..... trovare la condizione non sarebbe stato un problema (per il maledetto..... )

              Ciao Annina.... cercherò io di convincere il Doc e trattarti "bene e con riguardo" .....
              ovviamente "bene e con riguardo" riferito al tuo risultato non alla tua persona

              ciao a tutti , mi è dispiaciuto mancare ieri
              GORE - REBUILD THE BODY
              (non so il front , ma il back pare migliorato )

              Originalmente inviato da leonardoS
              maledetto mongue, io sono 177cm quindi basso e pelato e grasso, il top secondo i canoni monguiani. Ma siccome lui è un secco sansa palle e sansa tesserino ifbb e scurnacchiat me ne fotto


              • dr.j
                dr.j Member
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                Il lavoro di Enzo è particolareggiato, come deve essere su tutti i veterani......dove il piccolo miglioramento è cmq sostanziale......si è giocato sull'aumento radicale dell'intensità di allenamento, giocando sulla linea, e fornirgli tutti i macros di cui ha bisogno......la risposta in queste tre settimane è stata "esplosiva".
                Sì Moreno, rispetto al suo passato patirà di meno e (spero) avrà di più......
                Anna......da oggi.......non si fan prigionieri


                • ilcalmo
                  .... il tollerante ....
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                  ....x chi nn ha comprato C.F.

                  ....e bravo il nostro campione!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  sigpic.....il nuovo sport dell'estate...."il lancio del bambinoooo"......



                  • simgy
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                    uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu mi piace!!!!
                    sigpicAnna Maria Giordani


                    • MeshuggaH
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                      Originariamente Scritto da ilcalmo Visualizza Messaggio

                      ....x chi nn ha comprato C.F.

                      ....e bravo il nostro campione!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      Bellissima copertina, vista ieri in palestra!! complimenti!
                      Ho letto anche l'intervista di Davide ad Anna, bellissima e bellissime foto! Un'altra piccola soddisfazione dopo una stagione di grandi successi

                      Come mi avevano anticipato Marco e altri ragazzi, a fine rivista nei reportage delle gare svolte in primavera, ci siamo anche Gabriele GS ed io, per me una piccola grande soddisfazione, poichè solo adesso mi affaccio in questo mondo
                      (K)No(w) PAIN, (K)No(w) GAIN.
                      Intensity Intensity! Intensity!


                      • Dannytech
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                        bellissima la copertina, un gran bel riconoscimento per un campione come Alex... grande!!!!
                        (¯-·._.· Let's go Hardcore - Diario di Dannytech ·._.·´¯)


                        • dr.j
                          dr.j Member
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                          Originariamente Scritto da meshuggah Visualizza Messaggio
                          bellissima copertina, vista ieri in palestra!! Complimenti!
                          Ho letto anche l'intervista di davide ad anna, bellissima e bellissime foto! Un'altra piccola soddisfazione dopo una stagione di grandi successi

                          come mi avevano anticipato marco e altri ragazzi, a fine rivista nei reportage delle gare svolte in primavera, ci siamo anche gabriele gs ed io, per me una piccola grande soddisfazione, poichè solo adesso mi affaccio in questo mondo
                          verissimo, ci sono altri atleti con cui ho collaborato quest'anno, tra i quali il valorosissimo gabe, che ha vinto soprattutto contro sè stesso.

                          Complimenti alfredo!sì ho visto anche te


                          • GS1
                            Bodyweb Advanced
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                            Devo ancora ritirare il numero.. qui da me bisogna ordinarlo, caz vivo lontano dqlla civiltà..! ahahhha

                            complimenti ad alex per la copertina ed a Anna per l'articolo.

                            periodo di alta intensità.. sto tirando giù le pareti una ad una in palestra, pochi set morte fisica e velebrale. Sono quei set o quel set che all'ultima ripetizione di bon, out.
                            Il wo di gambe non vi dico...hhah
                            "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - H C


                            • twins
                              Bodyweb Senior
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                              Originariamente Scritto da GS1 Visualizza Messaggio

                              periodo di alta intensità.. sto tirando giù le pareti una ad una in palestra, pochi set morte fisica e velebrale. Sono quei set o quel set che all'ultima ripetizione di bon, out.
                              Il wo di gambe non vi dico...hhah
                              campione...mi fai una rabbia che già sai! ma sai che ti voglio anche bene :-)


                              • dr.j
                                dr.j Member
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                                La ricerca in materia "vitamina D" va avanti.....pensiamo a che impatto ha sull'organismo......e di studi ne stanno saltando fuori veramente tanti

                                Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Aug 10. [Epub ahead of print]
                                Vitamin D deficiency and age at menarche: a prospective study.

                                Villamor E, Marin C, Mora-Plazas M, Baylin A.

                                Departments of Environmental Health Sciences and Epidemiology, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI.



                                Early menarche is a risk factor for cardiometabolic disease and cancer. Latitude, which influences sun exposure, is inversely related to age at menarche. This association might be related to vitamin D, but to our knowledge it has not been investigated in prospective epidemiologic studies.

                                We studied the association between vitamin D status and the occurrence of menarche in a prospective study in girls from Bogota, Colombia.

                                We measured plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations in a random sample of 242 girls (mean ± SD age: 8.8 ± 1.6 y) and followed them for a median of 30 mo. Girls were asked periodically about the occurrence and date of menarche. Baseline 25(OH)D concentrations were categorized as <50 nmol/L (deficient), ≥50 and <75 nmol/L, or ≥75 nmol/L (sufficient). The incidence of menarche was compared between groups by using time-to-event analyses.

                                A total of 57% of girls in the vitamin D-deficient group reached menarche during follow-up compared with 23% of girls in the vitamin D-sufficient group (P-trend = 0.0004). The estimated mean (±SE) ages at menarche in the same groups were 11.8 ± 0.2 y and 12.6 ± 0.2 y, respectively (P = 0.0009). After adjustment for baseline age and BMI-for-age z score in a Cox proportional hazards model, the probability of menarche was twice as high in vitamin D-deficient girls than in girls who were vitamin D-sufficient (HR: 2.05; 95% CI: 1.03, 4.07; P = 0.04). Similar results were obtained in girls aged ≥9 y at baseline (HR: 2.39; 95% CI: 1.14, 5.00; P = 0.02).

                                Vitamin D deficiency is associated with earlier menarche.

                                [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

                                ---------- Post added at 17:57:26 ---------- Previous post was at 17:44:48 ----------

                                Why is Wheat Gluten Disorder on the Rise?

                                A study using frozen blood samples taken from Air Force recruits 50 years ago has found that intolerance of wheat gluten, a debilitating digestive condition, is four times more common today than it was in the 1950’s.
                                The findings contradict the conventional wisdom that the sharp increase in diagnoses of wheat gluten intolerance has come about because of greater awareness and detection. It now seems likely that dramatic changes in the American diet have played a role.
                                The disease occurs in people whose bodies cannot digest gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. The undigested protein triggers the immune system to attack the lining of the small intestine, causing diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain.
                                The researchers who conducted the study also found that the recruits who had the undiagnosed digestive disorder, called celiac disease, had a four-fold increase in their risk of death.

                                According to statistics from the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center, an average of one out of every 133 otherwise healthy people in the United States suffers from the digestive disease known as celiac disease (CD).
                                Previous studies have found that this number may be as high as 1 in 33 in at-risk populations.
                                Unfortunately, despite its rapidly increasing prevalence, it still takes an average of four years to reach a diagnosis if you’re symptomatic. This delay in proper diagnosis can dramatically increase your risk of developing other diseases such as autoimmune disorders, neurological problems, osteoporosis, and even cancer.
                                For example, if you’re diagnosed with celiac disease after the age of 20, your chances of developing an autoimmune condition skyrocket from the average 3.5 percent to 34 percent.
                                Additionally, according to this latest study, undiagnosed CD was associated with a nearly four-fold increased risk of premature death.
                                What Causes Celiac Disease?
                                Celiac disease, also more casually referred to as wheat- or gluten intolerance, occurs when your body cannot digest gluten, a protein most commonly found in wheat, rye and barley. However, it’s very important to realize that these are not the only culprits that can cause severe problems. Other grains such as oats and spelt also contain gluten, and gluten can be found in countless processed foods without being labeled as such.

                                "Gluten" comes from the Latin word for glue, and its adhesive properties hold bread and cake together. But those same properties interfere with the breakdown and absorption of nutrients, including the nutrients from other foods in the same meal.
                                The result is a glued-together constipating lump in your gut rather than a nutritious, easily digested meal.
                                The undigested gluten then triggers your immune system to attack the lining of your small intestine, which can cause symptoms like diarrhea or constipation, nausea, and abdominal pain.
                                In more recent years it’s been shown that the condition can also cause a much wider array of symptoms that are not gastrointestinal in nature, further complicating proper diagnosis.
                                Over time, your small intestine becomes increasingly damaged and less able to absorb nutrients such as iron and calcium. This in turn can lead to anemia, osteoporosis and other health problems.
                                The rapid increase in celiac disease and milder forms of gluten intolerance is no surprise considering the modern Western diet, which consists in large part of grain carbohydrates.
                                Additionally, modern wheat is very different from the wheat your ancestors ate. The proportion of gluten protein in wheat has increased enormously as a result of hybridization.
                                Until the 19th century, wheat was also usually mixed with other grains, beans and nuts; pure wheat flour has been milled into refined white flour only during the last 200 years.
                                The resulting high-gluten, refined grain diet most of you have eaten since infancy was simply not part of the diet of previous generations.
                                The Many Symptoms of Gluten-Intolerance
                                In addition to nausea, diarrhea, constipation and abdominal pain, celiac disease may manifest clinically with an array of non-gastrointestinal symptoms, such as:
                                Osteoporosis or osteopenia
                                Tooth enamel defects
                                Vitamin K deficiency
                                Central and peripheral nervous system disease
                                Dementia, and impairments in mental functioning that could cause or aggravate autism, Asperger’s syndrome, ADD or schizophrenia
                                Dermatitis Herpetiformis (DH), a skin condition that causes intense itching and blistering
                                Anemia of various types
                                Infertility, and earlier menopause
                                Organ disorders
                                Weight loss or gain
                                How to Treat Gluten Intolerance and Celiac Disease
                                The treatment for celiac disease or gluten intolerance is a gluten-free diet, which means abstaining from grains and any food that contains gluten. A blood test can verify whether or not you actually have the condition.
                                Typically, avoiding gluten for a week or two is enough to see significant improvement.
                                However, in my experience, about 75-80 percent of ALL people benefit from avoiding grains, even whole sprouted grains, whether you have a gluten intolerance or not. This is because, typically, grains rapidly break down to sugar, which causes rises in insulin that exacerbate health problems such as:
                                • Overweight
                                • High cholesterol
                                • High blood pressure
                                • Type 2 diabetes
                                • Cancer

                                The only consistent exceptions would be those whose nutritional type is a carb type and you don’t suffer symptoms of intolerance. However, it’s still important to realize that there is a major difference between vegetable carbs and grain carbs, even though they’re both referenced as "carbs." Unlike vegetables, grains convert to sugar, which is not something anyone needs in their diet in high amounts.
                                The rising prevalence of celiac disease is clear evidence that we’re simply not designed to consume such vast amounts of starch- and sugar-rich foods so many now indulge in.
                                In short, most people are consuming far too much bread, cereal, pasta, corn (a grain, not a vegetable), rice, potatoes and Little Debbie snack cakes, with very grave health consequences.
                                Yes, this even includes organic stone ground whole grains. Obviously these are healthier for you for a large number of reasons, but ultimately they cause the same problems through two mechanisms. Reaction to the protein gliadin in the wheat, and adverse impact on insulin metabolism.
                                The fact is that two-thirds of the U.S. population is overweight or obese, and one in four Americans is diabetic or pre-diabetic. These are clear signs that our diets have strayed too far from the norm of what your body actually needs.
                                Fortunately there are communities in the US where overweight people are the minority. I spent ten days in Aspen, Colorado in early July and my guess is that less than 5 percent of the population is overweight. Of course many European communities have levels this low, but it is very uncommon in the US.
                                Hidden Sources of Gluten
                                In order to combat gluten intolerance, it’s not enough to simply avoid grains. You must also pay attention to the quality of all the other foods you eat.
                                Remember, 90 percent of the money Americans spend on food is for processed foods. When you choose foods like this, not only are you bound to experience physical complications in one way or another, but if you have celiac disease it’s even more imperative you avoid processed foods due to hidden gluten.

                                Unfortunately, food manufacturers are not required by law to identify all possible sources of gluten on their product labels, so reading the label may not be enough.

                                Gluten may still be hiding in processed foods like ready-made soups, soy sauce, candies, cold cuts, and various low- and no-fat products, just to name a few, under labels such as:
                                • Malts
                                • Starches
                                • Hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP)
                                • Texturized vegetable protein (TVP)
                                • Natural flavoring

                                Celiac.com has a long list of label ingredients that typically contain hidden gluten.
                                For helpful tips and guidelines on how to approach food companies for more detailed information about their ingredients, see The Gluten Solution site. They also offer more detailed information about the current state of gluten-free labeling legislation.
                                That said, your best bet is to stick to a diet of fresh, whole foods (preferably organic whenever possible). Not only will you keep your celiac disease under control, but you will also experience numerous other benefits such as increased energy, enhanced mood, and a lower risk of chronic illness.
                                If you want more information about celiac disease, the following web sites are good places to start:

                                Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune July 1, 2009
                                Source: Gastroenterology July 2009; 137(1):88-93

                                ---------- Post added at 18:00:14 ---------- Previous post was at 17:57:26 ----------

                                Problema che non deve essere visto solo in un contesto prettamente PATOLOGICO........attenzione......

