Ragazzi sul sito di Vince Gironda,ho trovato tutte questi tipi di allenamento che consigliava,diceva di provarli tutti e vedere quali rispondevano meglio al proprio fisico...che ne pensate?alcune proposte sono interessanti,altre nn le capisco ma varrebbe la pena provarle...Ah,avete visto che l'8x8 nn è citato?
Suggested routines:
Suggested routines:
- 3 sets of 8 reps.
- 6 sets of 6 reps.
- 5 sets of 5 reps.
- 10-8-6-15.
- Compound routines.
- Super sets.
- Push-day and pull-day techniques.
- Circuit- or station-type routine.
- 10 sets for 10 reps.
- Non-specific bulking routine.
- Chest and back day, arms and delt day, legs third day.
- Up and down the rack (shock principle).
- Specialization principle day. (Everyday).
- 3 days on and 3 days off routine (including supplements).
- 21 days and 7 rest experiment.
- Ascending principle and descending principle.
- 72-hour-rest routine (2 times per week workout).
- 3 ½ minutes between sets technique.
- Reps and burns workout.
- 1+ ½ workout.
- 1 set to failure + 15 minutes rest.
- 1 set every hour (all day)
- 1 muscle a day (overload principle)