Possono essere utile in un Meso di Forza e in quello di Massa?Dove comprarle(a buon prezzo) su Internet?
Bande Elastiche
Originariamente Scritto da AmicosPossono essere utile in un Meso di Forza e in quello di Massa?Dove comprarle(a buon prezzo) su Internet?
le bande elastiche trovano utilizzo nel powerlifting per l'allenamento della
forza esplosiva.
Se intendi utilizzarle per il miglioramento del max di squat, devi usarle in un contesto di box squat (a varie altezze).
In rete trovi le migliori sul sito xxx ma costano una cifra
considerevole. Se ne trovano anche altre a buon mercato in italia
ma non sono la stessa cosa.
Il loro utilizzo ideale è nel contesto di un allenamento coniugato, dove
alterni sessione di DE (dinamic effort) a sessioni di ME (maximal effort)
nella stessa settimana, ma qui parliamo nello specifico di powerlifting....
Originariamente Scritto da PowerEnricodipende come è impostato il tuo allenamento.
le bande elastiche trovano utilizzo nel powerlifting per l'allenamento della
forza esplosiva.
Se intendi utilizzarle per il miglioramento del max di squat, devi usarle in un contesto di box squat (a varie altezze).
In rete trovi le migliori sul sito xxx ma costano una cifra
considerevole. Se ne trovano anche altre a buon mercato in italia
ma non sono la stessa cosa.
Il loro utilizzo ideale è nel contesto di un allenamento coniugato, dove
alterni sessione di DE (dinamic effort) a sessioni di ME (maximal effort)
nella stessa settimana, ma qui parliamo nello specifico di powerlifting....
ma non sono la stessa cosa. ...
SU QUALI SITI?Grazie.Last edited by Drugo84; 14-12-2004, 20:37:01.
Ho ragione io? tempesta internet con queste domande
E poi ogni anno chiede il programma per allenarsi a calcio, di 6 settimane
Ed ogni anno chiede
Ehi, ma posso allenare con la densità gli sprint..
Altre cose
copia le domande da altri ragazzi (in inglese) e le riporta via via su internet sperando che qualcuno risponda
Lo capisci subito!
perché se è lui a farla, è mal posta
Se invece è di un ragazzo è complessa
E la cosa curiosa è che una volta riferì una domanda, ponendosi in prima persona come se avesse avuto lui quella esperienza!
Guarda una domanda che ha fatto nel forum di CF
Is correct to make the Sprint Training in Football or Soccer after 6 or 12 hours after the Endurance training in how much sprints in Soccer it is released also after 80-90 minutes that are begun partita(Bosco PhD)?O the that are mistaken?
Dai che ne scrivo altre
knowing Pendlays Hormonal flucuation model?
e ancora
Tubulence Training
Knowing this method for Lose Fat and Gain Muscle in only 3 Turbulence Training Sessions per Week,
by Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, M.Sc?
What are,in your opinion, better strategy for fat-loss?
What do you guys recommend one should eat or drink prior to hitting the gym(1-2 hour before to workout). Especially someone who is on a low carb diet and needs that energy prior to the workout.
Auto-Regulation training
How much to lift, how many times and how often. It seems as though everyone has a different opinions on these topics. It does seem however that the successful trainers( those that reach a high percentage of their genetic potential) have found the right combination of stimulation and recuperation for themselves.
Example---C. Thibaudeau has suggested the following
"I have a formula that I use to see if my athletes are training too much, not enough volume, not enough intensity, etc. IER = (HR2 - HR3) / (HR2 - HR1) x 100 Where: HR1 = Heart rate before the training session HR2 = Heart rate immediately after training (30-60 seconds after last set of last exercise, before cool down) HR3 = Heart rate 5 minutes after training
This will give you a ratio in percentage. Also using the morning heart rate (resting heart rate) the day after the session we have the following info: IER = 50-60% resting heart rate + 5 to +7 beats per minute = optimal training load, no overtraining risk.
IER = 50-60% resting heart rate - 3 to -5 beats per minute = optimal workload, but training time too long (low density).
IER = 50-60% and resting heart rate + 10 to +15 beats per minute = optimal training volume, but intensity too high. IER = +60% resting heart rate no changes = insufficient workload.
IER = +60% resting heart rate is lower than usual = you can increase average training intensity
IER = +60% and resting heart rate + 5 to +10 beats per minute = increase training time (longer rest intervals) IER = -50% and resting heart rate without changes = Excessive workload which could lead to overtraining.
IER = -50% and resting heart rate is elevated = the athlete is in the middle of an overtraining state due to excessive intensity
IER = -50% and resting heart rate decreases = the athlete is in the middle of an overtraining state due to excessive volume." --------------------------
Is correct...your body starts to adapt generally at around 6 workouts. For me i do a very high volume period (borderline over training) then switch to a powerlifting scheme for a couple weeks, it works great.
I always see periodization of strength training but you never see the
integration of all the components (sprint/speed, endurance, plyometrics,
strength training etc) as part of a periodized program. And even
now for strength training people talk about not working just one
component at a time, like hypertrophy to strength then power.
My question is how would I integrate all the components throughout
the year. Would I focus on speed work during a power weightlifting
cycle. Would I do taper off plyometrics during a hypertrophy
cycle. If anyone has any ideas then I appreciate it.
Questo ed altre mille domande senza che mai, dico mai, riporti le proprie conoscenze, le proprie esperienze
Oh, figurati che (penso anche qua) chiese come utilizzare la pedana Nemes e che nella sua palestra ne avevano due
Oh, ti dico solo che la domanda era ben posta
Poi (qui) chiede quanto cosa
ma figlio mio, se il proprietario della tua palestra (seeeee) ne ha due, chiedilo a lui!Valerio
eccovi la fonte
Eccovi cosa ha riportato sul forum di CF
Five Hypertrophy Training Principles You Must Understand
1) Train More Often
First and foremost, you must drop the notion that a muscle group can only be trained once a week. Strongmen from the past didn't train that way and you shouldn't either. The more frequent the growth-stimulating sessions you can have, the better.
2) Forget about Time Under Tension
One of the things that really makes me nauseous is the assumption that hypertrophy-inducing sets must last from 40 to 70 seconds (or is it 20 to 90 seconds, or 43.5 to 68.7 seconds?) So that must mean the classic 5 x 5 method doesn't build any muscle since those sets don't last at least 40 seconds. Or maybe I'm just a dumb hillbilly and everyone who uses the 5 x 5 method is actually using a tempo where each rep takes eight seconds? (I don't think so!)
3) There's a Daily Limit to Muscle Stimulation
I can't believe I'm actually going to do this, but I must quote a bodybuilding catch-phrase from the 1980's: stimulate, don't annihilate! There's an absolute limit to the amount of hypertrophy-inducing stimuli you can apply on any given day. That's why those "one day cures" are a huge, stinkin' pile of B.S. I feel sorry for those who actually wasted an entire day attempting such a program.
4) Don't Train to Failure
You must keep the nervous system from becoming overly fatigued if you want to train frequently. Therefore, leave the grunting and screaming to the frat boys who have 13" guns and spend their entire day doing concentration curls and wasting Daddy's money.
5) Train Through Soreness
Initially, you'll probably have constant soreness on this program. That's okay! The soreness will subside once recovery increases and proper adaptation has taken place. Soreness is your body's way of saying, "I need more carbs and protein." So feed your muscles constantly!Valerio
beh, una domanda di questi gg
Footwork and explosion is very VERY important for Football.. I come to you with this, o sensai's of the pump: What are some of the best drills that i could do to help to improve my footwork, and short explosion so as to help me the most on the field?
Is true that you only need weight room work to improve agility/footwork?Valerio
Originariamente Scritto da vabo74ancora? ancora
Originariamente Scritto da vabo74registrati...ok ok ^_^' ma nn mi picchiare