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  • Shawn
    Bodyweb Advanced
    • Aug 2000
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    BEH DOPO L allenamento vanno bene.....anche se so sicuro che tu non hai badato al dettaglio e te la sei sparata di puro istinto al momento della libidinosa voglia..vero?


    • Sauron
      Bodyweb Member
      • Oct 2000
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      • Minas Morgul, Mordor
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      Assolutamente rapito dalla voglia e a grande distanza dall' allenamento .

      When there's lightning - it always brings me down
      Cause it's free and I see that it's me
      Who's lost and never found
      I cry for magic - I feel it dancing in the light
      But it was cold - I lost my hold
      To the shadows of the night.

      There's no sign of the morning coming
      You've been left on your own
      Like a Rainbow in the Dark

      Do your demons - do they ever let you go
      When you've tried - do they hide - deep inside
      Is it someone that you know
      You're a picture - just an image caught in time
      We're a lie - you and I
      We're words without a rhyme.

      There's no sign of the morning coming
      You've been left on your own
      Like a Rainbow in the Dark

      When there's lightning - it always brings me down
      Cause it's free and I see that it's me
      Who's lost and never found
      Feel the magic - feel it dancing in the air
      But it's fear - and you'll hear
      It calling you beware.

      There's no sign of the morning coming
      There's no sight of the day
      You've been left on your own
      Like a Rainbow in the Dark

      Shawn, se un giorno ci dovessimo incontrare a casa mia, passiamo una giornata mangiando caramelle gelatinose e ascoltando heavy-metal a palla col mio mega impianto rubato alla discarica!

      (Grazie Nagione!)


      • Sauron
        Bodyweb Member
        • Oct 2000
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        x Body80
        Scherzi a parte, non sono mai andato alla fiera del fitness ma non mi interessa molto.
        Poi mi basta vedere ogni tanto Gigars per deprimermi sul mio stato di forma, non occorre dell' altro .

        (Grazie Nagione!)


        • Ayurvedi77
          Bodyweb Senior
          • Apr 2002
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          Seven deadly sins
          Seven ways to win
          Seven holy paths to hell
          And your trip begins

          Seven downward slopes
          Seven bloodied hopes
          Seven are your burning fires
          Seven your desires.....

          I am he, the bornless one
          The fallen angel, watching you
          Babylon, the scarlet whore
          I’ll infiltrate your gratitude
          Don’t you dare to save your son
          Kill him now, and save the young ones
          Be the mother of a birth strangled babe
          Be the devil’s own, Lucifer’s my name.

          Moonchild - hear the mandrake scream
          Open the seventh seal
          Moonchild - You’ll be mine soon child
          Moonchild - take my hand tonight

          I count the heads of those unborn
          The accursed ones, I’ll find them all
          If you die by your own hand
          As a suicide, you shall be damned
          And if you try to save your soul,
          I will torment you - you shall not grow old
          With every second and passing breath
          You’ll be so alone, your soul will bleed to death

          The twins they are exhausted, seven is the night
          Gemini is rising as the red lips kiss to bite
          Seven angels, seven demons battle for his soul
          When Gabriel lies sleeping, this child was born to die.

          One more, one more lives
          One baby cries, one mother grieves
          For all the sins you will commit
          You’ll beg forgiveness, and none I’ll give
          A web of fear shall be your coat
          To clothe you in the night
          A lucky escape for now, young man
          But I’ll see you damned in endless night.

          apt-get remove brain
          apt-get install windows-Vista


          • Sauron
            Bodyweb Member
            • Oct 2000
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            • Minas Morgul, Mordor
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            I have sailed to many lands now I make my final journey
            On the bow I stand, west is where I go
            Through the night I plough still my heart, calculate and pray
            As the compass swings my will is strong I will not be led astray
            Mysteries of time clouds that hide the sun
            But I know, I know

            I see the ghost of navigators but they are lost
            As they sail into the sunset they'll count the cost
            As their skeletons accusing emerge from the sea
            The sirens of the rocks, they beckon me

            Take my heart and set it free
            Carried forward by the waves
            Nowhere left to run, Navigator's son

            Chasing rainbows all my days
            Where I go I do not know
            I only know the place I've been
            Dreams they come and go, ever shall be so
            Nothing's real until you see

            I steer between the crashing rocks, the sirens call my name
            Lash my hands onto the helm, blood surging with the strain
            I will not fail now as sunrise comes the darkness left behind
            For eternity I follow on there is no other way
            Mysteries of time clouds that hide the sun
            But I know, I know

            Last edited by Sauron; 26-05-2002, 13:57:38.

            (Grazie Nagione!)


            • Ayurvedi77
              Bodyweb Senior
              • Apr 2002
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              Hear the rime of the Ancient Mariner
              See his eye as he stops one of three
              Mesmerises one of the wedding guests
              Stay here and listen to the nightmares
              of the sea.

              And the music plays on, as the bride passes by
              Caught by his spell and
              the Mariner tells his tale.

              Driven south to the land of snow and ice
              To a place where nobody’s been
              Through the snow fog flies on the albatross
              Hailed in God’s name,
              hoping good luck it brings.

              And the ship sails on, back to the north
              Through the fog and ice and the albatross follows on

              The mariner kills the bird of good omen
              His shipmates cry against what he’s done
              But when the fog clears, they justify him
              And make themselves a part of the crime.

              Sailing on and on and North across the sea
              Sailing on and on and North `til all is calm.

              The albatross begins with its vengeance
              A terrible curse a thirst has begun
              His shipmates blame bad luck on the Mariner
              About his neck, the dead bird is hung.

              And the curse goes on and on and on at sea,
              And the thirst goes on and on for them and me.

              “Day after day, day after day,
              we stuck nor breath nor motion
              As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
              Water, water everywhere and
              all the boards did shrink
              Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink.”
              SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE (1798-1834)

              There, calls the Mariner,
              there comes a ship over the line
              But how can she sail with no wind
              in her sails and no tide.

              See .....onward she comes
              Onward she nears, out of the sun
              See.... She has no crew
              She has no life, wait but there’s two

              Death and she life in Death,
              they throw their dice for the crew
              She wins the Mariner and he belongs to her now.
              Then... crew one by one
              They drop down dead, two hundred men
              She...She, Life in Death.
              She lets him live, her chosen one.

              “One after one by the star dogged moon,
              too quick for groan or sigh
              each turned his face with a ghastly pang,
              and cursed me with his eye
              four times fifty living men
              (and I heard nor sigh nor groan),
              with heavy thump, a lifeless lump,
              they dropped down one by one.”
              SAMUEL TAYLOR COLRIDGE (1798- 1834)

              The curse it lives on in their eyes
              The Mariner he wished he’d die
              Along with the sea creatures
              But they lived on, so did he.

              And by the light of the moon
              He prays for their beauty not doom
              With heart he blesses them
              God’s creatures all of them too

              Then the spell starts to break
              The albatross falls from his neck
              Sinks down like lead into the sea
              Then down in falls comes the rain.

              Hear the groans of the long dead seamen
              See them stir and they start to rise
              Bodies lifted by good spirits
              None of them speak
              and they’re lifeless in their eyes.

              And revenge is still sought, penance starts again
              Cast into a trance and the nightmare carries on.

              Now the curse is finally lifted
              And the Mariner sights his home
              Spirits go from the long dead bodies
              Form their own light and
              the Mariner’s left alone.

              And then a boat came sailing towards him
              It was a joy he could not believe
              The pilots boat, his son and the hermit.
              Penance of life will fall onto Him.

              And the ship sinks like lead into the sea
              And the hermit shrieves the Mariner of his sins.

              The Mariner’s bound to tell of his story
              To tell his tale wherever he goes
              To teach God’s word by his own example
              That we must love all things that God made.

              And the wedding guest’s a sad and wiser man
              And the tale goes on and on and on.

              Sauron che ne pensi di Brave New World ?
              Io credo che non sia niente male, certo è inimmaginabile tornare agli sfarzi del passato, però mi è parso un bellissimo album ...

              apt-get remove brain
              apt-get install windows-Vista


              • Steel77
                • Feb 2002
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                grandi iron a me l'ultimo album è piaciuto tantissimo.BRUCE è BRUCE


                • Gigars
                  Bodyweb Advanced
                  • Sep 2001
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                  X Sauron:

                  Secondo me sei in forma eccellente, anzi, secondo tutti oramai.
                  Per quanto riguarda la questione "trapezio" penso che potresti PROVARE le tirate al PETTO, ovvero un upright row PARZIALE che faccia finire il movimento con gli OMERI PARALLELI al suolo ed ALLINEATI, (possibilmante alla stessa altezza ).

                  SO che il movimento ti causa fastidi alle spalle ma ritengo che con un raggio ridotto potresti farlo in tutta sicurezza.

                  Secondo me il lento dietro (ma anche quello avanti e anche lo strict press) stimola il trapezio (tutto) così come la panca stimola i pettorali. Penso quindi che le due alternative migliori siano queste, TENENDO COMUNQUE PRESENTE che devi poter eseguire il movimento in progressione e in sicurezza.

                  Francamente in cinque mesi mi sembri molto migliorato e non vedo perchè tu non possa progredire ultriormente.


                  • Deep
                    Bodyweb Advanced
                    • Aug 2001
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                    Parlando di tirate "al mento" il muscolo targhet è la parte laterale del deltoide, mentre, tra i muscoli sinergici, vengono considerati anche i trapezi bassi e medi; come stabilizzatore, usando il bilanciere, lavora anche la parte alta del trapezio.

                    Le tirate al petto sono da considerarsi una parzializzazione delle più famose tirate al mento.

                    Per mia esperienza personale credo che tale parzializzazione non permetta di effettuare un serio lavoro per il trapezio.
                    Originale inviato da Cris_RM:
                    Amico mio il rispetto non si esige ma si guadagna sul campo, è vero sono stato ironico e volutamente irrispettoso...


                    • Niko
                      Bodyweb Advanced
                      • Jul 2000
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                      Scusami, ma ho visto il post solo ora.

                      Non posso che farti i complimenti per la schiena, è molto migliorata rispetto allo scorso anno. Più che altro si vedono dei dettagli che prima non c'erano (nonostante la fot non perfetta).

                      Per i trpezi io quest'anno ho eseguito le scrollate con manubri e mi sono trovato bene. Personalmente per sentire lavorare bene i trapezi dovevo usare un carico minore rispetto al massimo sollevabile. Infatti come dici tu, io potevo usare tranquillamente dei manubri da 40 kg, però con 37 la sensazione sui trapezi era migliore probabilmente per la maggiore ampiezza del movimento.

                      Scusa se non mi sono fatto sentire, dovevamo vederci più o meno in questo periodo, ma ho avuto dei problemi familiari (mio padre ha avuto un grave incidente stradale) e quindi non ho molto tempo libero. Infatti non posto più molto sul forum e ho trascurato dieta e allenamento per oltre 2 settimane.

                      Comunque ora mi sto rimettendo in riga e sono ancora abbastanza tirato.

                      Mi faccio sentire presto (entro il mese) così ti vengo a trovare.

                      Ciao e complimenti ancora.
                      Eh eh da quello che vedo (ho quasi paura di vedere il tuo addome )quest'anno se facciamo le foto sarò io a sembrare "lardoso."

