Gh-lactic Acid Training

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  • Fatboy
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    Gh-lactic Acid Training

    Vi posto questo allenamento per perdere grasso che ho trovato in rete.
    L'autore afferma che è molto meglio dell'aerobica, per perdere grasso e per mettere su massa magra.
    La durata è di 6 settimane massimo poi bisogna interrompere. I cicli sono di 3 settimane.

    vi posto il ciclo

    (Day 1 and 2 are to be repeated twice per week)
    Day 1
    A1)* Chin-ups, supinated (palms facing you)
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up (pull yourself up over a period of 3 seconds), 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds (after one set, move directly to the next exercise below)
    A2) Squat
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A3) Push-up
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A4) Deadlifts
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 120 seconds
    * The A1-A4 designations mean you do one set of each exercise with no rest in between. After the last exercise, in this case deadlifts, you’ll rest for the prescribed amount of time and then repeat the whole circuit two more times. After that, you’ll probably puke, and then you can move to the "B" exercises.
    B1) Hanging leg raises
    Sets: 2
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: Hold 3 seconds at the top
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    B2) Decline reverse crunch
    Sets: 2
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds down, one second up
    Rest Interval: 60 seconds
    The decline reverse crunch is performed on a slant board or a Swiss ball where you raise your legs up towards your face.

    Day 2
    A1) Push press
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds down, explode up
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    The push press is a shoulder press that utilizes the entire body. Start by standing, with a shoulder-width grip and the barbell resting on anterior delts. Squat one-fourth of the way down to initiate the momentum. Next, press the bar straight over the head to a soft lockout while exploding up on to the toes. Finish by lowering the weight to your shoulders.
    A2) Walking lunge with dumbbells
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A walking lunge looks like a regular lunge except instead of stepping back to the starting position, you step forward with the back leg. You’ll end up walking across the floor 20 to 30 feet.
    A3) Dip
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A4) Bent over barbell row
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 120 seconds
    B) Twisting crunches on Swiss ball or hanging leg raises with twist
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: Hold 3 seconds at the top
    Rest Interval: 60 seconds

    Same as above. Increase sets to four in the "A" series and three in the "B" series.

    Day one and two are again to be repeated twice per week. As an alternate schedule, the lactic acid interval training can be performed on the morning of your off days before your first meal.

    Day 1 — AM (morning workout)
    A1) Chin ups, supinated
    Sets: 4
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A2) Squat
    Sets: 4
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A3) Push-up
    Sets: 4
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A4) Deadlifts
    Sets: 4
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 90 seconds
    B1) Hanging leg raises
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: Hold 3 seconds at the top
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    B2) Decline reverse crunch
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds down, one second up
    Rest Interval: 30 seconds

    Day 1 — PM
    Perform six "sets" of rope jumping for 60 seconds each set. Rest 180 seconds between sets.

    Day 2 — AM
    A1) Push press
    Sets: 4
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds down, explode up
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A2) Walking dumbbell lunge
    Sets: 4
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up,1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A3) Dips
    Sets: 4
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A4) Bent over barbell row
    Sets: 4
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 90 seconds
    B) Twisting crunches on Swiss Ball or hanging leg raises with twist
    Sets: 4
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: Hold 3 seconds at the top
    Rest Interval: 30 seconds

    Day 2 - PM
    Perform six "sets" on the rowing ergometer (or jump rope again) for 60 seconds each set. Rest for 180 seconds between each set.

    Isn't it funny..?
    You hear a phone ringing, and it could be anybody..
    but a ringing phone has to be answered..
    doesn't it?
  • valerio90
    Bodyweb Member
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    Re: Gh-lactic Acid Training

    Originally posted by Fatboy
    Vi posto questo allenamento per perdere grasso che ho trovato in rete.
    L'autore afferma che è molto meglio dell'aerobica, per perdere grasso e per mettere su massa magra.
    La durata è di 6 settimane massimo poi bisogna interrompere. I cicli sono di 3 settimane.

    vi posto il ciclo

    (Day 1 and 2 are to be repeated twice per week)
    Day 1
    A1)* Chin-ups, supinated (palms facing you)
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up (pull yourself up over a period of 3 seconds), 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds (after one set, move directly to the next exercise below)
    A2) Squat
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A3) Push-up
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A4) Deadlifts
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 120 seconds
    * The A1-A4 designations mean you do one set of each exercise with no rest in between. After the last exercise, in this case deadlifts, you’ll rest for the prescribed amount of time and then repeat the whole circuit two more times. After that, you’ll probably puke, and then you can move to the "B" exercises.
    B1) Hanging leg raises
    Sets: 2
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: Hold 3 seconds at the top
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    B2) Decline reverse crunch
    Sets: 2
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds down, one second up
    Rest Interval: 60 seconds
    The decline reverse crunch is performed on a slant board or a Swiss ball where you raise your legs up towards your face.

    Day 2
    A1) Push press
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds down, explode up
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    The push press is a shoulder press that utilizes the entire body. Start by standing, with a shoulder-width grip and the barbell resting on anterior delts. Squat one-fourth of the way down to initiate the momentum. Next, press the bar straight over the head to a soft lockout while exploding up on to the toes. Finish by lowering the weight to your shoulders.
    A2) Walking lunge with dumbbells
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A walking lunge looks like a regular lunge except instead of stepping back to the starting position, you step forward with the back leg. You’ll end up walking across the floor 20 to 30 feet.
    A3) Dip
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A4) Bent over barbell row
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 120 seconds
    B) Twisting crunches on Swiss ball or hanging leg raises with twist
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: Hold 3 seconds at the top
    Rest Interval: 60 seconds

    Same as above. Increase sets to four in the "A" series and three in the "B" series.

    Day one and two are again to be repeated twice per week. As an alternate schedule, the lactic acid interval training can be performed on the morning of your off days before your first meal.

    Day 1 — AM (morning workout)
    A1) Chin ups, supinated
    Sets: 4
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A2) Squat
    Sets: 4
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A3) Push-up
    Sets: 4
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A4) Deadlifts
    Sets: 4
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 90 seconds
    B1) Hanging leg raises
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: Hold 3 seconds at the top
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    B2) Decline reverse crunch
    Sets: 3
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds down, one second up
    Rest Interval: 30 seconds

    Day 1 — PM
    Perform six "sets" of rope jumping for 60 seconds each set. Rest 180 seconds between sets.

    Day 2 — AM
    A1) Push press
    Sets: 4
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds down, explode up
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A2) Walking dumbbell lunge
    Sets: 4
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up,1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A3) Dips
    Sets: 4
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 0 seconds
    A4) Bent over barbell row
    Sets: 4
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
    Rest Interval: 90 seconds
    B) Twisting crunches on Swiss Ball or hanging leg raises with twist
    Sets: 4
    Reps: 10
    Rep Speed: Hold 3 seconds at the top
    Rest Interval: 30 seconds

    Day 2 - PM
    Perform six "sets" on the rowing ergometer (or jump rope again) for 60 seconds each set. Rest for 180 seconds between each set.
    Questa proposta se non sbaglio si trova su www.t-mag e l'autore è Don Alessi. In pratica lo stesso criterio di Poliquin quando parla del suo allenamento tedesco per la composizione corporea. Sinceramente? Per un essere normale è troppo! Questi allenano superatleti (come David Boston) per intenderci che fanno solo scatti e che si ritroverebbero danneggiati nei confronti della corsa lenta. Ma ce lo vedete un uomo di 100 kg a correre per 40' per perdere qualche chiletto? Mah... da questo punto di vista non hanno torto. Io modificherei questa scheda in base a certe cosine.
    I giorno: pesi leggeri per un certo mantenimento della forza (pochi per le gambe) (volume non eccessivo e intensità sul 90- 95% rispetto ai record precedenti)
    II giorno: HIIT;
    III giorno: riposo;
    IV giorno: pesi modalità seconda giornata Don ALessi;
    V giorno: corsa lenta 30'.

    Dato che faccio così posso dire che è soppotabilissimo come programma. Dieta chetogenica ciclica (la stessa consigliata da Poliquin), 20 g di carbo dopo i primi due allenamenti e 30 dopo gli ultimi due. Faccio questo programma per due settimane. La terza mi predispongo per il mantenimento del peso corporeo, niente aerobica e lavori maggiori di richiamo della forza. Solo due sedute di allenamento con i pesi.
    Dalla quarta riprendo il ciclo di definizione.
    Un saluto,


    • Fatboy
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      ... complimenti...

      non ho capito cosa c'entrano i 40 minuti di corsa.. ma era proprio Don Alessi..


      Isn't it funny..?
      You hear a phone ringing, and it could be anybody..
      but a ringing phone has to be answered..
      doesn't it?


      • valerio90
        Bodyweb Member
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        Originally posted by Fatboy
        ... complimenti...

        non ho capito cosa c'entrano i 40 minuti di corsa.. ma era proprio Don Alessi..

        Beh,non ho avuto un abbaglio. Allora si tratta veramente del Meltdown training. Guarda, forse sarà che sono uno scarsone. Però immagina di fare i primi due allenamenti proposti (sia da lui o da Poliquin), riesci a ripeterli dopo un giorno di riposo? Inoltre, se si fà l'HIIT per dimagrire, non vorrei che all'altro allenamento (dopo 3 gg) ti pigli un bello stiramento. Purtroppo la corsa lenta 30- 40' non è consigliata proprio ai BBers (sono più grossi del normali) però una sola volta la settimana (e per due consecutive nella fase di definizione) non dovrebbe dare problemi. Anzi dovrebbe portare ad un certo benessere. Senza però esagerare. Purtrooppo, se uno non avesse vita sociale e un lavoro per campare, e se avesse solo voglia di sport potrebbe predisporre microcicli non classici (tipo di durata 13- 15 gg) per adattarli alle proprie esigenze fisiologiche. Ma scusatemi, pizza e gelato il sabato sera e schifezze varie la domenica a mezzogiorno non me li togli nessuno!
        Un saluto,


        • bear
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          Perche' non riesco ad imbroccare mi domando io....

          "Per Noi i Guerrieri non sono quello che voi intendete.Il Guerriero non e' chi combatte perche' nessuno ha il diritto di prendersi la vita di un altro.Il Guerriero per Noi e' chi sacrifica se stesso per il bene degli altri.E' suo compito occuparsi degli anziani degli indifesi e di chi non puo' provvedere a se stesso ." Toro Seduto

          "Oh Grande Spirito concedimi la serenita' per accettare le cose che non posso cambiare,il coraggio di cambiare le cose che posso cambiare e la saggezza di capirne la differenza" Preghiera Cherokee


          • flexer77
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            Re: Re: Gh-lactic Acid Training

            [QUOTE]Originally posted by valerio90

            Questa proposta se non sbaglio si trova su www.t-mag e l'autore è Don Alessi. In pratica lo stesso criterio di Poliquin quando parla del suo allenamento tedesco per la composizione corporea. Sinceramente? Per un essere normale è troppo!

            è esattamente quello che ho pensato io.


            • Fatboy
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              Re: Re: Re: Gh-lactic Acid Training

              Originally posted by flexer77
              è esattamente quello che ho pensato io.
              tu non sei un essere normle Flexer..

              hai le tette....

              Isn't it funny..?
              You hear a phone ringing, and it could be anybody..
              but a ringing phone has to be answered..
              doesn't it?


              • flexer77
                Bodyweb Senior
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                Re: Re: Re: Re: Gh-lactic Acid Training

                Originally posted by Fatboy

                tu non sei un essere normle Flexer..

                hai le tette....
                non l' ho capita.

